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Find (almost) all the answers to your questions about Brexit

The French government has launched a specific platform to answer the questions French and British citizens, researchers and companies may have on the challenges addressed by Brexit and its impact.


For French citizens

For British citizens

For researchers

For companies

For French citizens

You will find here information on the following topics:

  • Residence permit
  • health
  • pension
  • employment
  • recognition of degrees
  • driving licence
  • taxes

Read FAQ


For British citizens

You will find here information on the following topics:

  • residence permit
  • health
  • pension
  • employment, licensed professions, civil servants

Read FAQ


For researchers

The questions related to research and innovation mainly concern the future of the funding of projects involving British partners and the future of mobile researchers.

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For companies

You will find here information on the following topics:

  • validity of contracts
  • intellectual property
  • Import/export
  • taxes
  • employment of British citizens
  • Impact on industrial sectors: agriculture, fishing, transport, automotive industry, chemical industry, health industry, aviation

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