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Students enrolled in Poland: Funding programmes for mobility to France

The French Embassy in Poland and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs have, for many years, supported mobility in higher education by offering scholarships for talented international students. Here is a - non-exhaustive - list of possible funding.

Pologne Campus France ABG ENGL

The French Government Scholarships for studies in France provides funding for mobility to France at Master and PhD levels.

The French Government Scholarships Programme - Master 2

This scholarship is aimed at students from Poland wishing to continue their studies in France in a BAC+5 (Master 2) programme. Get more information

The French Government Scholarships Programme - PhD

This mobility grant is intended for doctoral students registered in Poland and wishing to complete their research work in France in the framework of a co-supervision or cotutelle thesis. Get more information

The Eiffel Scholarships Programme - Master and PhD


The Eiffel Scholarships Programme enables French higher education institutions to attract the best Master and PhD international students.


  • The Eiffel Scholarship Master finances a course of study lasting 12 to 36 months.
  • The Eiffel Scholarship PhD finances mobility for 12 months.


This programme is only open to candidates of foreign nationality. The call for applications from Campus France generally takes place around September, but the deadline for receipt of applications by institutions is determined internally by the university. Get more information


To find out more about scholarships, please consult the grant search engine Campus Bourses and the scholarships and funding programmes listed by Campus France Polska.