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International Students: Funding programmes for mobility to Poland

In October 2017, the Polish Government established the National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA to support academic mobility and Poland's development in higher education and research. Supporting academic mobility stands among NAWA’s most important objectives. NAWA is a major player in mobility, alongside the other main operators NCN, NCBiR and FNP who also run their own programmes. NAWA's role is similar to that of the operator Campus France. Here is a non-exhaustive list of possible funding.

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Poland My First Choice

The Poland My First Choice Scholarship Program aims to encourage talented young people from several foreign countries - including France - to study at the best Polish universities. This program offers the possibility of completing second-cycle studies at public and private universities in all fields of study. Get more information


The Banach Scholarship Programme

The objective of the Programme is to promote socio-economic progress of developing countries by raising the level of knowledge and education of their citizens in the form of scholarships for second-degree studies in Polish or in English at Polish universities supervised by the Minister of Education and Science in the field of engineering and technical sciences, agricultural sciences, exact sciences, and life sciences. Get more information


The Iwanowska programme

The objective of the Programme is to promote international mobility of doctoral students by enabling them to acquire scientific experience in foreign research and academic centres, establish international scientific cooperation and implement a part of their doctoral degree programme in foreign units. Get more information


Exchange programme for students and scientists as part of bilateral cooperation

NAWA implements programmes of academic exchange as part of bilateral agreements and bilateral cooperation with, inter alia, the following countries: Armenia, Belarus, Belgium Wallonia, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Israel, Japan, Yemen, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Mexico, Mongolia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, Hungary, Vietnam, Italy. Get more information

The Polonista Programme

The aim of the programme is to promote Polish language in the world by enabling foreigners interested in Polish language and Polish culture to study or carry out research projects in Poland. The program is addressed to students of Polish philology, Polish studies or Polish programs implemented among others as part of Slavic studies (in the field of Polish language, Polish culture and knowledge about Poland) as well as to scientists from foreign universities and scientific institutions. Get more information


To find out more about scholarships, please consult the grant search engine Campus Bourses, the scholarships and funding programmes listed by Campus France Polska and NAWA website.