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Bolashak: Kazakhstani international program "500 Internships For Researchers"

The Kazakhstani international program - Bolashak - aims to fund international internships for Kazakhstani researchers wishing to carry out a research internship abroad. This is an opportunity for French research institutions to welcome researchers from Kazakhstan. The deadline for applications is October 13, 2023.


France-Berkeley Fund 2024-2025

FBF supports scientific and scholarly exchanges and collaboration between the University of California at Berkeley and French research and higher education institutions in all disciplines.The application deadline is January 31, 2024.


MOPGA 2023: French visiting fellowship program for young researchers

The main objective of the MOPGA visiting fellowship program is to strengthen scientific contributions to climate change issues raised by the COPs. The program is intended to welcome 40 young researchers wishing to carry out their research in France. The deadline for applications is January 16, 2023.


French-Slovak program for scientific stays in France

The Franch-Slovak program for scientific stays in France aims to facilitate the transfer of skills or access to specific equipment, in order to support cooperation between two counties in areas identified as priorities. The deadline for applications is November 20, 2022.


Atlas, short–term postdoctoral mobility

Atlas program aims to develop scientific exchanges between France and other countries and to finance research work: field surveys, work in libraries and archives. Applicants in social sciences & humanities  must be attached to a private or public higher education /research institution and be a PhD holder. The deadline for applications is March 18, 2024.



Eiffel excellence scholarships

The main objective of the Eiffel Excellence scholarship programme is to train in French higher education institutions the future foreign decision makers of the private and public sectors. Three scientific fields have priority : sciences, economics and management, law and politics. The deadline for applications is January 10, 2024.


Alliance: French-British program to support researchers' mobility

The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - Alliance 2023 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and the UK laboratories, involving a significant participation of young researchers (PhD and post-doctoral fellows). The deadline for applications is September 30, 2022.


Procore: French-Hong Kong program to support researchers' mobility

The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - Procore 2023 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and Hong-Kongese  laboratories, involving a significant participation of young researchers (PhD and post-doctoral fellows). The program supports two types of cooperation: research projects and workshops. The deadline for applications is July 25, 2022


Cooperation program with the United States: Fulbright-Tocqueville Distinguished Chair Award

Fulbright-Tocqueville Distinguished Chair Award aims to reinforce collaborative research between the United States and France by giving a French university the opportunity to invite an American professor/researcher and give him/her the opportunity to meet French colleagues, to organize and participate in conferences, and to interact with French graduate and PhD candidates in their discipline. Application deadline: September 16, 2024.


Launch your startup with the « French Tech Ticket »

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

With a promising first season for which 23 startups were selected among 722 projects submitted from around the world, the French Tech Ticket is back in 2017, with 41 partner incubators (versus 10 in 2016) all over France.

Interested in an international mobility experience?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Launched in April 2016 on the same model as the Courier international, Courrier Expat is intended not only to French expatriates, but also to potential expatriates, providing information in business, education and health fields, drawn from the international press about professional and personal environment of French nationals abroad.

The Curie database

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A database of the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs gathering information on higher education and research systems in Europe, USA, Africa and Asia

Welcoming foreign researchers in Rennes (Brittany)

Fabrice Martin, Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The International Mobility Centre of Rennes offers personalized services to foreign researchers and their families in order to prepare and facilitate their stay in the region.

A student in the city

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A practical guide published by the City of Paris

Overview of the Franco-British universitary cooperation

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A document published in March 2009 by the Department of Science and Technology of the French Embassy in the United Kingdom

EU French presidency: Valérie Pécresse?s three priorities

Translated by Cynthia Schoch

With the opening of the French presidency of the European Union, Valérie Pécresse presented her three priorities: mobility, coordination of European research and space research.

A quality charter for hosting foreign students

Translation by Cynthia Schoch

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has defined goals to improve the hosting of its foreign grant recipients in 74 points.

Guide to financial support for mobility France-UK

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A guide for Master and PhD students, Post-doctoral research and Confirmed researchers wishing to go to UK in order to take an academic course or to do research.

ScienceCareers explains France to foreign researchers

Fabrice Martin

According to ScienceCareers, the careers component of Science magazine, France is still a prized destination for researchers from all over the world. Required that you are aware of its academic system's mysteries and of its administration's traps.

Guide To Postdoc Abroad

René-Luc Bénichou

The French Biologist Network publishes the first 'Guide To Postdoc Abroad In The Life Sciences' with the support of ABG.