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Highlights from the cross-border career workshop "PhD, what comes next?" 2022

The 2022 online edition of the cross-border workshop took place from 29 November to 1 December 2022 and gathered participants from Luxembourg, Germany and France. Like the previous year, this year’s seminar was aimed at PhD candidates at the end of their PhD programs, and young researchers on a temporary contract from all fields who wish to pursue a career in the non-academic sector.


Institut Curie’s international PhD program EuReCa (Europe Research & Care)

Institut Curie is launching a fourth call for applications to recruit talented young researchers to build a community able to communicate, interact, build and share expertise to tackle the challenges of cancer. Application deadline: January 9,  2023.


Intercultural competence: a key skill for a researcher

In the labour market, soft skills have become increasingly important. The interpersonal nature of the work (whether we work remotely or in the office) is important. One of these soft skills is increasingly sought after by PhD holders who are, in essence, an international group of actors: intercultural competence.


Institut Curie’s international PhD program EuReCa (Europe Research & Care)

Institut Curie is launching a third call for applications to recruit talented young researchers to build a community able to communicate, interact, build and share expertise to tackle the challenges of cancer.

Application deadline: January 20,  2022.


19 fully funded PhD thesis for MSCA project PEARL in Lille: apply now!

PEARL is a doctoral programme held by the I-SITE ULNE. It is co-funded by the Marie curie COFUND actions within the framework of the European Commission’s H2020 programme. It funds the recruitment of 30 PhD students who will work on interdisciplinary research projects related to the scientific themes of I-SITE ULNE. The first wave of recruitment is open now, until April.


The COFUND EU-funded doctoral programme of Institut Curie EuReKa: 8 positions to fill!

EuReCa (Europe Research & Care) is Institut Curie’s international PhD programme which provides PhD candidates with an excellent interdisciplinary, inter-sectorial, and international training. Application deadline: 9 January 2020.


UpToParis, the international PhD programme by ESPCI: apply now!

The ESPCI proposes a brand new international doctoral programme, UPtoPARIS, cofunded by the European Union and offering an interdisciplinary doctoral training between physics, chemistry and biology. The second call is now open: apply before September 17th.