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PhD: choosing France for your research

You have decided to go abroad for your research project but you don’t know yet which country will host you. Why not France? Rank 4 in hosting international PhD candidates before the USA and Germany, France offers many opportunities for international PhDs in academia and in industry. Discover them by participating in the webinar organised together by ABG and the French diplomacy network in Northern America on the 19th of May, at 6 pm (CET).


PhD: choosing France for your research

You have decided to go abroad for your research project but you don’t know yet which country will host you. Why not France? Rank 4 in hosting international PhD candidates before the USA and Germany, France offers many opportunities for international PhDs in academia and in industry. Watch the full session of the webinar organised together by ABG and jobs.ac.uk and get an access to additional information to make your stay in France easier!


Find a job in humanities and social sciences outside the academic world: luck or strategy?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Studies in political sciences between France and Germany, PhD in Sweden with stays in the U.S. and Poland, then return to the native country, Germany.
Career path of Barbara Kunz, political scientist and currently project leader at the Geshagen Foundation (Berlin), which objective is to contribute to the debate on the political, economic and social future of Europe, its internal cohesion and its role in the world.

An international research experience within an European network

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

After a joint PhD between France and Italy, a stay in Greece, in the United States and in the UK, Eric Buchlin is currently a researcher at the Institute of Space Astrophysics, a CNRS laboratory and the University Paris-Sud, Orsay.

Is mobility the key to success?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Research Associate at the Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France), Spiros Kitsinelis worked in England, Japan, Netherlands and Greece.

Memory Lane!

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Since August 2006, Virgile Javerliac has been working in Sunnyvale California in a French company that develops MRAM.


Evelyne Jardin

Dominique Blanchard went on a postdoc in a biotech company. In the course of seven years, he worked in three companies in the San Francisco Bay area.

In a competitive cluster

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Rosalie Maurisse lived in San Francisco for three years. Frenetically.

Back to the company world

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Cyril Berthet worked in an NIH lab near Washington for five years. In January 2007, he settled down in Dijon.

How to choose the right postdoc?

Christine Toutain, Stéphanie Kervestin, Cyril Berthet and Latif Rachdi.

Advice from Christine Toutain, Stéphanie Kervestin, Cyril Berthet and Latif Rachdi.

A few years later?

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Why go abroad? What will a stay in the United States do for you? Should you return to France or not? For what kind of job? Eight biology PhDs, all members of Biodocs International, who left in the 2000 for the United States, tell their story.