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Available LCA Positions at LIRIDE (U. Sherbrooke, Canada)

ABG-124744 Sujet de Thèse
21/06/2024 Financement public/privé
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LIRIDE, U. Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke - Canada
Available LCA Positions at LIRIDE (U. Sherbrooke, Canada)
  • Sciences de l’ingénieur
  • Ecologie, environnement
  • Génie civil, BTP

Description du sujet

AOUT OUR AVAILABLE POSITIONS : You are passionate, talented, and motivated candidate with a thirst for knowledge and a good LCA background? We want to know you. We have multiple academic positions dealing with life cycle assessment, in collaboration with a variety of industrial partners from multiple sectors across Canada :

Postdoctoral fellow

PhD position

Master position


DAILY WORK : In close collaboration with the partner, the work will be carried out within an interdisciplinary team of LIRIDE composed of highly qualified personnel at the master's and doctoral levels, in postdoctoral fellowship and working as research professionals. In addition, an integral part of your work is to publish your results in peer-reviewed journals and present them at international conferences.


FURTHER INFORMATION : Please visit our website www.liride.info to know more about us and the recruitment page https://www.liride.info/en/recrutement to apply for one of our available positions.

Nature du financement

Financement public/privé

Précisions sur le financement

Funding assured for the entire duration of the project

Présentation établissement et labo d'accueil

LIRIDE, U. Sherbrooke

The Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on Sustainable Engineering and Ecodesign (LIRIDE) research focus on life cycle assessment and Industrial Ecology. Internationally recognized for its work and its previous years of applied scientific research, the LIRIDE research group supports the industry, SME, governments, and organizations in their path towards a truly sustainable development supported by life cycle assessment and industrial ecology. At U. Sherbrooke (Canada), LIRIDE offers a friendly and professional working environment, and is inviting applications for positions further described below.

Etablissement délivrant le doctorat

U. Sherbrooke

Profil du candidat

Your qualifications should include the required level university degree in civil, building, mechanical, environmental engineering or similar studies with excellent grades.

A strong interest in modelling would be an important advantage. Your admission will be subject to the standard rules of the U. Sherbrooke (funding assured for the entire duration of the project). The project will start as soon as possible or upon mutual agreement.

You are expected to contribute to teaching and research activities of the laboratory up to a maximum of 20% of your working time.

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