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3D Micro and nano-structured materials for photonics

ABG-125078 Emploi Niveau d'expérience indifférent
11/07/2024 CDD 12 Mois > 25 et < 35 K€ brut annuel
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Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux
Bordeaux - Nouvelle Aquitaine - France
  • Chimie
glass, photonic, photosensitive
Recherche et Développement


The Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry is a joint research unit (UMR5026) of the CNRS, the University of Bordeaux and Bordeaux INP. With its scientific expertise in solid state chemistry, materials science, and chemistry & processes, the ICMCB is involved in the development of new concepts in material chemistry and physics, to synthesize, shape, investigate and recycle emerging materials for energy, for environment and health and for electronics and photonics.

Poste et missions

The subject concerns the fabrication of micro-structured photonic materials. Glass turns out to be a material of choice thanks to its intrinsic transparency if one can locally control the optical properties in 3D (refractive index, absorption, emission) and this at different scales: on the micron scale corresponding to that of the wavelength, but also on few tens of nanometers. 2D/3D nano-structuring will allow developing artificial materials with new or enhanced properties necessary for integrated optics. It would open the way to “freeform” optical systems that will combine different functions in a single component. Recently, several research groups have demonstrated that Laser glass interaction using specially designed photosensitive materials is a promising approach for developing 3D structured optical components.

Different approaches for 3D printing of optical components have been developed, including: (i) Light Exposure-Based Additive Technologies: Light interacting with photosensitive materials can be exploited to produce patterns with micrometric or sub-micrometric resolution; (ii) 3D Printing by Extrusion: 3D printing by extrusion of materials allows consecutively depositing layer based objects; (iii) Solution-Based technology: Printing of 3D silica based objects with the use of silica nanoparticles dispersed in organic monomers or polymers was reported by stereolithography followed by high temperature treatment for the organic components removal. Despite the progress achieved, these methods failed to address critical issues: (i) keep optical properties of the materials, (ii) maintain the spatial resolution required for manufacturing optical components. Among the different approach 3D structuring by laser of photosensitive materials remains the best approach for insuring high optical quality of the resulting optical component.

The project proposed will focus on the development of adapted novel photosensitive oxide glass for fabricating 3D structured photonic component. The candidate will be part of a multidisciplinary consortium gathering physicists specialist in femtosecond laser interaction and chemists aiming to develop photosensitive materials and 3D structure. The post doctoral position will focus on the development of photosensitive materials and the characterization of photo-induced 3D structures written by Laser.

Mobilité géographique :

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Material chemistry,

Material science, 

PhD Level


Synthesis of photosensitive glass and characterization of 3D structured materials

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