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Patterning of back muscles

ABG-125142 Sujet de Thèse
15/07/2024 Financement public/privé
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Claude Bernard University Lyon 1
Lyon - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - France
Patterning of back muscles
  • Biologie
  • Biologie
muscle, chicken embryo, transcriptomics, high-end imaging, transgenic quails

Description du sujet

This project concerns the development of the long muscles of the back and neck, an entirely unexplored area. In the early embryo, all trunk muscles are segmented; this original organization is extensively modified during fetal life to form the muscles that are found in the adult. We have been interested to analyze this process, using the back muscles as a model. Initially segmented, back and neck muscles in the adult span many segments. We have fully characterized the progressive disappearance of segmentation, using the chicken embryo as a model, in vivo electroporation, and high-end imaging (such as SPIM microscopy). We now would to understand the molecular underpinning of this morphogenetic process (using scRNAseq and ATAC-seq approaches) and test the functions of genes identified during this phenomenon. An evo-devo aspect of this project is that the emergence of long back and neck muscles took place at the amphibian/reptile transition, an evolutionary process that would be interesting to understand. 

Prise de fonction :


Nature du financement

Financement public/privé

Précisions sur le financement

Présentation établissement et labo d'accueil

Claude Bernard University Lyon 1

Our group (https://inmg.fr/melis/fr/team_marcelle.php) is internationally recognized for its contributions to the understanding of the early aspects of myogenesis (https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=christophe+marcelle&oq=c). Our team is composed of about ten persons. MeLiS teams are interested in the molecular mechanisms operating in a variety of cellular environments, with a focus on neuronal and muscular cells. We investigate a range of biological processes and their alterations in human diseases affecting developing, adult and aging organisms. We use diversified experimental approaches taking advantage of a large panel of models, including: drosophila, C. elegans, zebrafish, chicken, mouse, and human. 

Intitulé du doctorat

Doctorat de Sciences

Pays d'obtention du doctorat


Etablissement délivrant le doctorat


Ecole doctorale

Biologie moléculaire, intégrative et cellulaire (BMIC)

Profil du candidat

What we expect:


Are you an ambitious, self-motivated, young scientist looking not only to push the boundaries of science, but also to leave a lasting trace with your discoveries, while interacting with colleagues from multiple disciplines and cultures? Are you able to go out of your comfort zone to find solutions to technical problems? Do you have an interactive personality and good command of English?


Then our team might be the place you want to be




Experience in molecular biology, and/or developmental biology and/or confocal imaging would be a plus. 

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