Enhancing the Security of RISC-V Microarchitectures Against Laser Fault Injection: Fault Modeling and Countermeasure Development at the RTL Level
ABG-128087 | Sujet de Thèse | |
23/01/2025 | Contrat doctoral |
- Informatique
- Electronique
Description du sujet
Designing secure embedded systems is a critical challenge due to their inherently complex threelayer
architecture: hardware, microarchitecture, and software. Cyber threats often exploit
vulnerabilities introduced during the design phase, which remain undetected due to a lack of design
tools that integrate a realistic attacker model with a holistic approach. Current tools and methods
lack a deep understanding of the global system, particularly the interactions between its layers and
with its environment (including attacker actions).
The TWINSEC project, which frames this PhD research, brings together several French
laboratories specializing in microarchitecture security. It focuses on a key type of attack: fault
injection using lasers. Existing modeling tools are not yet capable of effectively predicting a
embedded systems' resistance to such attacks, as their generality leads to excessive simulation
complexity. TWINSEC proposes a more realistic attacker model to identify microarchitecturespecific
vulnerabilities. This approach enables designers to develop countermeasures, integrate
them into systems, and verify their effectiveness in significantly reducing—or ideally
preventing—the attacker’s ability to exploit vulnerabilities.
Previous work [1] carried out in the LCIS and TIMA laboratories under the ANR project LIESSE
provided efficient CAD tools to help circuit designers evaluate countermeasures against laser
attacks early in the design process. A high-level RTL model of laser-induced faults was developed
to emulate such attacks. This model was used to evaluate secure cryptographic implementations
and validated against circuit layouts, quantifying its accuracy in predicting localized faults.
Ultimately, it supported the development of an RTL countermeasure for AES designs to protect
against laser attacks.
The objective of this PhD is to extend this work by using RTL fault models related to laser effects
to assess the security of RISC-V microarchitectures (e.g., OpenTitan, CV32, CVA6) and their
recent countermeasures (e.g., Mafia, AKHACIA). The aim is to improve existing countermeasures
or develop new ones that incorporate both hardware and software protections for embedded code,
such as secure boot mechanisms while maintaining reasonable costs, as demonstrated in recent
work [2].
Initially, the previously developed fault models, which were characterized by generic hardware
components (registers, glue logic), will be refined to account for the effects of laser fault injection
on RISC-V microarchitectures and their typical hardware protections.
This PhD will be supervised by two laboratories: LCIS (in Valence) and TIMA (in Grenoble).
Both labs specialize in hardware fault simulation at the RTL level and the development of fault
injection tools, ensuring a robust foundation for this research.
Nature du financement
Précisions sur le financement
Présentation établissement et labo d'accueil
The LCIS is a public research laboratory and a hosting team of the Université Grenoble Alpes, associated with Grenoble-INP on the UGA Valence campus.
LCIS brings together over 60 researchers in computer science, electronics, and automation, focusing on embedded and connected systems.
The research topics include the safety and security of embedded and distributed systems, the modeling, analysis, and supervision of complex open systems, and wireless radiofrequency communication systems.
The laboratory works on various application domains: the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, connected natural or artificial environments, RFID, and more.
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Intitulé du doctorat
Pays d'obtention du doctorat
Etablissement délivrant le doctorat
Ecole doctorale
Profil du candidat
PhD Student Profile (any of the following):
Master in Embedded Systems
Master in Computer Science
Master in Microelectronics
Master in Cybersecurity
Computer Architecture
Prototyping and Simulation of Digital Systems
Compiler Design
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