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Scaling of EDUF for peptide separation of cruor hydrolysates, analysis of bioactivities and in-vivo study on growing piglets

ABG-128983 Sujet de Thèse
28/02/2025 Contrat doctoral
Université Laval
Québec - Canada
Scaling of EDUF for peptide separation of cruor hydrolysates, analysis of bioactivities and in-vivo study on growing piglets
  • Agronomie, agroalimentaire
  • Biochimie
  • Génie des procédés
Enzymatic hydrolysis, cruor, peptide fraction, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity, technical-economic analysis, ecoefficiency

Description du sujet

Slaughterhouse blood is rich in proteins which can be upgraded to generate high added value co-products. After blood separation, it is possible to obtain hemoglobin, a protein which, when hydrolyzed, allows the bioproduction of antimicrobial and antioxidant peptides, in particular. Thus, this project is part of a vast research project aiming a valuation of bio-food co-products and the development of eco-efficient processes (VITALE Consortium), through innovative and sustainable approaches based on electromembrane processes.

The objectives of this project are:
1) Produce cruor hydrolysates and characterize the peptide fractions obtained;
2) Determine the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of hydrolysates on different meat products;
3) Validate the impact of the most promising fractions on zootechnical performance and the microbiota of growing piglets;
4) Determine the technical-economic aspects (with the marketing team of the industrial partner) and the eco-efficiency scores of the products and technologies developed by comparing the costs with those of antibiotics and prebiotics/probiotics.

Prise de fonction :


Nature du financement

Contrat doctoral

Précisions sur le financement

Salary of 22 000$ /year (CAD) excluding social benefits and faculty grants (3300$ CAD/year).

Présentation établissement et labo d'accueil

Université Laval

Laboratory of food processing and electromembrane processes at the faculty of Agriculture and Food at Université Laval

Intitulé du doctorat

PhD in Food Sciences

Pays d'obtention du doctorat


Profil du candidat

- Obtention of an engineering master or M.Sc degree in Food Engineering, Agronomy or Food science;
- Great interest in a career in applied research and technology development;
- Good knowledge of enzymatic hydrolysis processes;
- Demonstrated written and spoken English skills;
- Speaking French is an advantage.

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