Thesis topic Biochemistry

Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute Thesis
Manchester, United Kingdom
Blood transfusions, bone marrow stem cell transplants, and immunotherapies are fundamental procedures in the treatment of malignant and non-malignant disorders. Among these, cell-based cancer immunotherapy has revolutionised the treatment of haematolo ...
Biology - Biochemistry
hematopoiesis, development, oncology
Ref. ABG-129319
Thesis topic
Public/private mixed funding
Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule Thesis
, Ile-de-France , France
Flippases (or P4-ATPases) are eukaryotic membrane proteins capable of transporting phospholipids from the exoplasmic leaflet to the cytosolic leaflet of membranes using energy from ATP hydrolysis. This lipid transfer is crucial for maintaining ...
Biochemistry - Psychology, neurosciences
CryoEM, flippase, Alzheimer, liver disease
Ref. ABG-129262
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
IGDR, CNRS / Université de Rennes / Inserm Thesis
, Bretagne , France
The IGDR (Institute of Genetics & Development of Rennes) is seeking 4 to 8 motivated PhD students, starting October, 2025.
PhD students will conduct their research within one of the 16 teams of the IGDR. Cutting-edge training will be offered on t ...
Biology - Biochemistry - Health, human and veterinary medicine
Molecular Biology, Cellular Biology, Developmental Biology, Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Microbiology, Structural Biology, AdvancedMicroscopic Imaging, Epigenetics, Biological Chemistry, Cancer Biology, Biophysics
Ref. ABG-129277
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
INSERM U1212-CNRS UMR 5320 Thesis
, Nouvelle Aquitaine , France
Specific mRNA splicing correction using small molecules is an emerging field of drug discovery which has already provided innovative therapeutic applications in the context of inherited diseases. In the context of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (Naryshkin NA ...
Biochemistry - Biotechnology - Chemistry
RNA splicing correction, small molecule, RNA therapeutics
Ref. ABG-129163
Thesis topic
Other public funding
Université Laval Thesis
, Canada
Slaughterhouse blood is rich in proteins which can be upgraded to generate high added value co-products. After blood separation, it is possible to obtain hemoglobin, a protein which, when hydrolyzed, allows the bioproduction of antimicrobial and antio ...
Agronomy, agri food - Biochemistry - Process engineering
Enzymatic hydrolysis, cruor, peptide fraction, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity, technical-economic analysis, ecoefficiency
Ref. ABG-128983
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
Université Laval Thesis
, Canada
Le sang d’abattoir est riche en protéines qui peuvent être valorisées pour générer des co-produits à haute valeur ajoutée. Après la séparation du sang, il est possible d’obtenir ...
Agronomy, agri food - Biochemistry - Process engineering
Hydrolyse enzymatique, cruor, activité antimicrobienne et antioxydante, fractions peptidiques, analyse technico-économique, éco-efficience
Ref. ABG-128982
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
Institut des Sciences Analytiques Thesis
LYON , Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes , France
For decades, the classical structure-function paradigm of structural biology has enabled fundamental advances in our understanding of how proteins perform their function and interact with a range of partners. Yet, pioneering studies on ...
Computer science - Biochemistry - Physics
programming, molecular dynamics, structural biology
Ref. ABG-128978
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
Institut des Sciences Analytiques Thesis
LYON , Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes , France
Like werewolves and vampires, bacteria have a weakness: silver. The antimicrobial properties of this precious metal have extensively been used for thousands of years. Despite this long-standing history and its demonstrated activity against Gram-negati ...
Biochemistry - Chemistry
biochemistry, NMR, proteins, structural biology
Ref. ABG-128977
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
Université d'Evry; Université Paris-Saclay Thesis
Evry , Ile-de-France , France
TDP-43 est une protéine nucléaire, retrouvée sous forme d’inclusions cytoplasmiques dans les neurones des patients atteints par deux maladies neurodégénératives majeures SLA ou DLFT qui n’ont &agra ...
biochimie, RMN, SAXS, protéines, ARN, biologie cellulaire
Ref. ABG-128809
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Thesis
Gif-sur-Yvette , Ile-de-France , France
Les protéines de la famille NEET (CISD1 à 3 chez l’humain) sont des protéines à centre [2Fe-2S]. Elles interviendraient en tant que régulateurs rédox dans la cellule. CISD3 serait localisée da ...
Biology - Biochemistry
NEET, protéine Fe-S, cancer du sein, cible thérapeutique
Ref. ABG-128681
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
CEA Paris-Saclay Laboratoire de biocatalyse biorédédiation et métabolisme synthétique Thesis
La biocatalyse, c’est-à-dire l’utilisation d’enzymes en chimie de synthèse, offre un large éventail de solutions « vertes » pour de nombreuses conversions. Les avantages des catalyseurs enzymatiques sont multiples : les enzymes élargissent les possibi ...
Biochimie / Sciences du vivant
Ref. ABG-128654
Thesis topic
Public/private mixed funding
CEA Evry Val d’Essonne Laboratoire de génomique et biochimie du métabolisme Thesis
Contexte :
La production biologique primaire dans les océans exerce un contrôle important sur le CO2 atmosphérique. Le phytoplancton transforme chaque jour 100 millions de tonnes de CO2 en des milliers de composés organiques différents (1). La majeure ...
Biochimie / Sciences du vivant / Chimie analytique / Physique de l’état condensé, chimie et nanosciences
Ref. ABG-128653
Thesis topic
Public/private mixed funding
Université d'Evry; Université Paris-Saclay Thesis
Evry , Ile-de-France , France
TDP-43 est une protéine nucléaire, retrouvée sous forme d’inclusions cytoplasmiques dans les neurones des patients atteints par deux maladies neurodégénératives majeures SLA ou DLFT qui n’ont &agra ...
biochimie, RMN, SAXS, protéines, ARN, biologie cellulaire
Ref. ABG-128387
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
CEA/IG/Genoscope Thesis
, Ile-de-France , France
L'ADN, composé des 4 bases A, C, G, T, est le support de l'information génétique, un code génétique considéré jusqu'à récemment comme le dogme universel dans tous les organisme ...
Biology - Biochemistry - Ecology, environment
Bactériophages, Génomes modifiés, ADN polymérases, Métabolisme des nucléotides
Ref. ABG-128318
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
La Rochelle Université Thesis
La Rochelle , Nouvelle Aquitaine , France
Title of the thesis project: Artificial intelligence-driven design and development of antimicrobial materials upon transductive/inductive graph neural network approaches for biomedical applications
Context and research project
The rise of antimi ...
Biochemistry - Mathematics
antimicrobial, biomaterials, microbial resistance, artificial intelligence, deep learning, graph neural networkshigh temperature corrosion, biomass and solar renewable plants
Ref. ABG-128003
Thesis topic
EU funding
Université de Montréal Thesis
Montréal, Canada
Subject of the thesis: Biochemical and Functional Characterization of ASXLs and interacting partners: implications for chromatin-associated processes, cell cycle control and tumor suppression.
Our research delves into the complex mechanisms of epig ...
Biochemistry - Biology
Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Chromatin, Transcription, Epigenetics, Ubiquitination, Molecular oncology, Deubiquitination
Ref. ABG-127779
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
Université de Montréal Thesis
Montréal, Canada
Subject of the thesis: Biochemical and Functional Characterization of Sarcoma Oncogenic Fusions and their interacting partners: implications for chromatin-associated processes and Cancer.
Our research embarks on a new program to characterize key sa ...
Biochemistry - Biology
Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Chromatin, Transcription, Epigenetics, Ubiquitination, Molecular oncology, Deubiquitination
Ref. ABG-127778
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
University of Wisconsin-Madison Thesis
, United States of America
As we age, the intrinsic ability of stem cells to self-renew and differentiate to maintain tissue integrity dramatically declines. Therefore, understanding the processes leading to stem cell dysfunction with age is essential for the future development ...
Biology - Biochemistry
HSC, MuSC, ferroptosis, iron, aging, epigenetics, histone
Ref. ABG-125344
Thesis topic
Public/private mixed funding
Les autres offres Thesis topic
Les autres offres Biochemistry
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