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Thesis topic Ecology, environment

ONERA Thesis
, Ile-de-France , France
Contexte Une étude récente [1] a montré que le CO2 rejeté dans l’atmosphère par l’aviation n’engendrerait qu’un tiers du forçage radiatif effectif global dû ...
Ecology, environment - Digital - Data science (storage, security, measurement, analysis)
Ref. ABG-127601
Thesis topic
Public/private mixed funding
Université de Toulouse Thesis
Auzeville-Tolosane , France
La croissance cellulaire est l'un des déterminants essentiels des programmes de développement des plantes. Les signaux physiques et chimiques, y compris les phytohormones, sont impliqués dans ces processus par le biais de divers modules de signalisati ...
Ecology, environment
Brassinostéroides, BRI1, Microtubules, MBAPs, Regulation réciproque
Brassinosteroids, BRI1 receptor, Microtubules, MBAPs, bidirectional regulation
Ref. ABG-127556
Thesis topic
Université Laval Thesis
Québec, Canada
Wastewater based epidemiology has become an effective public health tool worldwide. However, it has mainly been applied in large communities with advanced wastewater treatment systems. Little research exists for small Indigenous communities, notably t ...
Engineering sciences - Ecology, environment - Health, human and veterinary medicine
Wastewater, Public health, Arctic communities
Ref. ABG-127463
Thesis topic
Public/private mixed funding
Université Laval Thesis
Québec, Canada
La surveillance épidémiologique des eaux usées est devenue un outil efficace de santé publique à l'échelle mondiale. Cependant, elle a été principalement appliquée dans les grandes com ...
Engineering sciences - Ecology, environment - Health, human and veterinary medicine
Eaux usées, Arctique, Santé publique
Ref. ABG-127462
Thesis topic
Public/private mixed funding
École nationale des ponts et chaussées Thesis
Marne-la-Vallee , Ile-de-France , France
The cycles of clay shrink-swell (CSS) are linked to the cycles of soil moisture fluctuations, themselves governed by alternating precipitation and drought periods. In France, 54% of constructions are located in areas characterised by a medium to high ...
Civil engineering, construction and public works - Ecology, environment
Ref. ABG-126457
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
Laboratoire:UMR CNRS-6023, Laboratoire Microorganismes : Génome et Environnement (MEB) Thesis
Clermont-Ferrand , Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes , France
La méthanation biologique est une approche innovante dans le cadre de la transition énergétique, offrant une alternative renouvelable aux énergies fossiles. Ce bioprocédé repose principalement sur l'activi ...
Ecology, environment - Biotechnology - Energy
Microbiologie anaérobie, méthane, archées méthanogènes
Ref. ABG-125640
Thesis topic
Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
CEA Marcoule Thesis
, Occitanie , France
In France, vitrified waste from nuclear fuel processing is to be disposed deep underground in clay geological strata. In this confined, low-porosity environment, the chemical interaction between the glass, the corrosion products of the metal container ...
Ecology, environment - Digital
Verre, altération, modélisation, transport réactif, hytec, python, simulation
Ref. ABG-124834
Thesis topic
Public/private mixed funding