Où docteurs et entreprises se rencontrent

All you need to know before going abroad!

Do you need practical information and tips to prepare your mobility as a PhD in Europe? If you do, this is the place to be! You will find here 6 videos summarizing the main topics of our event “Researchers without borders - #EU4PHD”: recruitment process in academia and in industry, (post)doctoral funding schemes, public-private partnerships in research and their impact on career development, EU-incentives to make a mobility in Europe easier. And a bonus video for organizations interested in working with us for a new edition of this event!


About “Researchers without borders - #EU4PHD”

Topics’ highlights in videos

Event’s summary in video


About “Researchers without borders - #EU4PHD”

On 11 and 12 December 2017, ABG, the French-German University and the French-Italian University organized an information day dedicated to researchers’ mobility and career development. This event was supported by the European Commission.

In two days, the main challenges of mobility for researchers were addressed: how to find opportunities and how to apply in Europe, in academia and beyond? How do I get my postdoc funded? How can my spouse be supported in his/her job search? …

Participants got practical answers to these questions and tips from 53 professionals and experts (recruiters from academia and industry, Science and Technology Advisor of French Embassies, career advisors…) to prepare their mobility and/or a smooth transition out of academia.

All the content and presentations of the event are available here!


Topics’ highlights in videos

You participated in the event and you wish a reminder of what you learned? You were not there but still want to benefit from our speakers’ advice? Here are some highlights with the interviews of our speakers!

Recruitment process in industry

What do you need to know before sending your application to recruiters in companies? 2 recruiters from 2 large companies in Europe, Dr Luca Arista from Novartis and Marianne Birkeland Kjaer from Novo Nordisk, give you practical tips to improve your application.


Recruitment process in academia

What do you need to know before sending your application to a research institute in Europe? Virginie de Landsheer, HR manager at Luxembourg Insitute of Health, explains how they recruit and select their (post)doctoral researchers.


Public-private partnerships

Companies and public laboratories are more and more collaborating for their research projects. Which impact do such projects have on the career development of PhDs? Dr Benoit Duez, from GoodYear, and Dr Sylvie Fromentin, from Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, present their partnership and explain how this project is part of their talent management process for PhDs.


EU-incentives to make your mobility in Europe easier

Preparing your mobility in Europe is much more than just applying for a position, especially if you're going abroad with your family. Discover in this video the main EU-incentives to make your mobility easier: Euraxess, Dual Career Services, Resaver (pension fund).


Funding your postdoc: Marie-Curie-Sklodowska Actions

You're thinking about doing your postdoc in Europe? Why not applying for a MSCA funding? Jean-Marie Pincemin, NCP MSCA in France, gives you practical tips to improve your proposal.


Funding your mobility during your PhD: EIT InnoEnergy

You're doing a PhD in the field of energy and you're interested in going mobile in Europe? Then be part of this programme that is focussed on innovation and enables beneficiaries to be connected with industrial and academic partners in Europe! Dr Isabelle Schuster gives you practical tips on how to improve your application.


Event's summary in video

Ready to collaborate with us to organize an event on mobility and career development? Have a look at our summary which explains why and how we organized this event!



Dr Melike Riollet – International cooperation & EU-projects


Tel. : (+33) (0)1 42 74 88 98
