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MCAA 5th Annual Conference & General Assembly in Leuven

Join this event and take the opportunity to network with an active community of researchers brought together by past or present mobility experience under the European Commission’s Marie Curie Programme!



It’s the time of the year MCA Alumni meet up!


The organisation committee is pleased to inform you that the Marie Curie Alumni Association organises its 5th Annual Conference and General Assembly and invites you to join. The two-day event will take place at the University of Leuven, Belgium, on the 2nd and 3rd February 2018. The Annual Conference is open to the public, whereas the General Assembly is open only to MCAA Members.



Accomodation and travel


2nd February (open to all)

  • Plenary talk
  • Parallel sessions: innovation ; career choices and career development
  • Workshop sessions: careers in science communication ; writing a successful individual fellowship and ERC application ; future leadership programs in industries: fast track career paths for PhDs and postdocs ; writing your CV ; protecting intellectual property ; perspective of humanities and social sciences researchers ; mentoring session ; balancing professional and personal life in research career development
  • Open science
  • Poster session
  • Career fair
  • Dinner with Science Slam and MCAA Awards Ceremony


3rd February (for MCAA member only)

  • Administrative procedures
  • Election of MCAA board
  • Working groups: communication ; Career Development; Gender Equality for Mobile Researchers in Science; Bridging Science and Business; Events and Networking; Policy; Financial Affairs
  • Career fair

ABG will be there! We will be happy to meet you and discuss your next professional step in Europe: join us on our booth.



Please note that the registration facility for attending the MCAA General Assembly and Conference is now open here, provided you are logged in. You can easily become a member: join the association. MCAA membership is free of charge.

As Leuven is easy to get to, and as 2018 will be an election year for the renewal of the MCAA Board, we are expecting many members will want to attend, so please register early to make sure of your place.




Accommodation in Leuven is somewhat limited, so it is recommended that members should book accommodation as soon as possible. The organisation committee provides a list of possible accommodation, and we have negotiated some special offers reserved for MCAA members (yet again, only visible if you are logged in). Please find the relevant information in the event’s dedicated landing page.

As usual (but with revised rules to meet different needs), general assembly micro-grants are available to assist with travel and accommodation costs. MCAA members can apply here (again you need to be logged in to apply, and your member profile must be at least 90% completed).

Finally (for now), any member interested in presenting a poster during the General Assembly and Conference is invited to (log in and) complete the on-line form.


Curious to know what happened last year?
