Highlights of the French-Italian day for early career researchers 2021
On October 28th, 2021 took place the first online edition of the Franco-Italian day for early career researchers (from all disciplines). This event was organized by ABG, in partnership with the University of Turin, and with the support of the Italo-French University, and offered a rare opportunity for students and researchers from both countries to meet and discuss with experts in the field of Franco-Italian mobility !
In this article, you can consult the program, watch the replay of all the sessions and find the presentation of each speaker.

Program and speakers biographies
Detail of the sessions [videos]
International job offers and mobility testimonies
More resources about researchers' mobility
This event is an informative introduction to the opportunities and ways in which to build your professional project in the Franco-Italian area. It is targeted at master's students, PhD candidates, and post-doctoral researchers whatever your field is.
It is also targeted at:
- career management officers;
- international relations managers in universities and research organizations;
- recruiters in the public and private sectors.
Program and speakers biographies
The program included...
- Presentation of different mobility schemes between the two countries & associated funding;
- Round table on recruitment processes in Italy and France with recruiters from the socio-economic sector;
- Testimonials of PhD holders who have experienced French-Italian mobility.
The program & short biographies of the speakers
Speakers' presentations
Presentation of Eva RATTI [Findyourdoc]
A glance on the selection process with a PhD diploma at hand
Detail of the sessions [videos]
Opening Presentation of the French-Italian university 's funding schemes
French-Italian mobility programs and funding schemes Good practices and opportunities for PhD holders
Panel discussion #1 Panel discussion #2
Recruitment processes outside academia Recruiters’ expectations, job search & mobility experience
International job offers and mobility testimonies
International job offers
How about taking action now? Perhaps you could start by assessing the job market and check out the opportunities in certain countries?
We provide a job board on our website www.abg.asso.fr. To access the international offers, you simply need to:
- activate the sorting criterion "international offers";
- or select a country from the drop-down menu on the left.
PhDs' mobility testimonies
You still need to hear / read more? Or simply to be more inspired? No problem, we offer a series of PhDs' testimonials [available in English and French] in the form of articles, or videos, in the section "the ABG perspective" of our website www.abg.asso.fr. It provides a variety of testimonies of PhDs from all disciplines, and all seniorities, who tell their stories of mobility... whether it is inter-sectoral or geographical.
We can also assist you with a precious tool : the country by country mobility guide gives very simple access (by means of an interactive map) to all the resources available, by country: grants, funding, testimonials, calls for applications, European projects, etc. Definitely a tool to keep in mind!
Our PhDs' testimonials ABG's country by country mobility guide
More resources about researchers' mobility
For (many) more resources regarding all the issues surrounding mobility, we encourage you to take a look at the videos we produced after our event :
Organized in 2017 by ABG, UFA-DFH, UFI-UIF, this event was a unique opportunity to meet representatives of companies, research institutes, mobility funding bodies, and career advisors from different European countries.
Through plenary sessions, workshops, individual advisory sessions and a fair, participants were able to deepen their knowledge of:
- European research landscapes;
- Doctoral and postdoctoral funding programs;
- Recruitment processes in both the academic and industrial sectors.
They were also offered advice and information on how to address mobility-related challenges such as:
- pensions;
- dual-career couples;
- return mobility.
Consult the videos of all the sessions, as well as the event's highlights and practical advice given by the speakers on following topics:
- recruitment process in industry and academia;
- doctoral and postdoctoral funding schemes (Marie-Curie-Sklodowska actions and EIT InnoEnergy);
- practical information for a mobility in Europe: Euraxess, dual career service, pension fund;
- public-private partnerships and their impact on PhD career development.
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ASNR - Autorité de sûreté nucléaire et de radioprotection - Siège
Aérocentre, Pôle d'excellence régional
ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab
Institut Sup'biotech de Paris
Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais - LNE
Nokia Bell Labs France
Groupe AFNOR - Association française de normalisation
EmploiCDIRef. ABG129192Association Bernard Gregory (ABG)Paris (3ème) - Ile-de-France - France
Business Developer (F/H)
IndifférentNiveau d'expérience indifférent -
EmploiCDIRef. ABG129119AguaroNantes - Pays de la Loire - France
Docteur·e Data Environnement
Ecologie, environnementJunior -
EmploiCDIRef. ABG128675Mini Green PowerHyères - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - France
Ingénieur (e) / Chercheur (se) R&D – Innovation en énergie décarbonée
Génie des procédésJunior