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1837 articles found :

Apply to the Theses program - edition 2022 launched by ADEME, French Environment and Energy Management Agency


Are you passionate about ecological transition, and interested in doing your PhD at ADEME? Then the 2022 call for applications for its Theses program might be for you (students from humanities and social sciences are welcome) !

Check out the terms and conditions of eligibility, and apply before April 5, 2022 

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Webinaire d'information : Boostez votre activité en intégrant un chercheur réfugié hautement qualifié, subventionné par EURAXESS

Vous êtes une entreprise (de l'ETI au grand groupe en passant par la PME), une ONG, ou une organisation située dans un État membre de l'UE ou un pays associé ? Et vous souhaitez donner un souffle nouveau à votre activité en intégrand un chercheur hautement qualifié à vos effectifs ?

Participez à notre webinaire d’information afin de découvrir le programme EURAXESS de co-financement dédié à l'emploi des chercheurs réfugiés hauutement qualifiés pour des contrats allant jusqu'à 6 mois.

Rendez-vous le 25 mars 2025 en visioconférence, de 12h à 12h45. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes !

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Enter the innovation contest - i-Lab. Apply by 11 March 2025


The 27th i-Lab Innovation Contest, financed by the Future Investment Programme and run by Bpifrance, aims to identify projects to set up innovative technology companies and support the best of them with financial aid and tailored support. Apply now until midday on 11 March 2025.

(more information below in French)

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Collaborate with ABG for your European project


ABG has been increasingly active at the European level and is recognized as "Euraxess Career Development Center" since 2017. It is a partner in several European projects (COFUND, ITN/Doctoral Networks, Interreg, Erasmus, etc.). Discover our actions in favor of the recruitment and career development of researchers and associate ABG to your projects. The call for projects MSCA Cofund is open until June 24th, 2025 and Doctoral Networks will open on May 28th, 2025.

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ABG will be at the Labo 2025 Forum [Paris] from March 25 to 27, 2025. Register now!


ABG will be present at Forum Labo 2025. Join us in Paris (Porte de Versailles) from March 25 to 27, 2025, to meet us and the many other companies taking part.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Meet ABG at the MEDINTECHS 2025 forum, [Paris] on 10 & 11 March. Register now!


ABG will be present at the 2025 edition of the MedInTechs Forum. Come and meet us and many other companies on 10 and 11 March 2025 in Paris (Parc Floral).

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Lancement des Appels à projets Arthritis R&D 2025


Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer l'ouverture de nos 3 appels à projets 2025

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“Engineers, dare to pursue a doctorate!” a Redoc SPI webinar offered with the support of the ABG, as part of JNI 2025


ABG has joined forces with REDOC SPI (Réseau des écoles doctorales en sciences de l'ingénieur) and the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) to support the organization of a webinar entitled “Ingénieures et ingénieurs, osez le doctorat!” to be held on March 11, starting at 12:30 pm, as part of the Journées Nationales de l'Ingénieur 2025 #JNI 25. (more details below in French)

Register now!

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CIFRE at the City of Paris: doctoral students at the heart of municipal action [2025 edition].


Under the CIFRE (Conventions Industrielles de Formation par la Recherche - Industrial Agreements for Research Training) scheme, the City of Paris takes on doctoral students whose dissertations address priority issues for the municipality. A new call for applications has been launched at the start of 2025. (More details below in French).

Submit your application before noon on March 7, 2025!

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EURAXESS program: support for refugee and displaced researchers in Europe seeks host organizations.


If your company, SME or NGO is based in an EU member state or associated country, you can benefit from a co-funding for highly-qualified worker for 6 months under the Euraxess scheme. 

Discover the benefits and check your eligibility now...

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Nouveau programme de stage par EURAXESS : un soutien pour les chercheurs réfugiés et déplacés en Europe


Vous êtes chercheur.e exilé.e ou relocalisé.e en Europe et vous souhaitez effectuer un stage au sein d'une entreprise ? Alors, le nouveau dispositif d'Euraxess est probablement fait pour vous. 

Découvre ses avantages et vérifiez sans tarder votre éligibilité...

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Atlas, short–term postdoctoral mobility


Atlas program aims to develop scientific exchanges between France and other countries and to finance research work: field surveys, work in libraries and archives. Applicants in social sciences & humanities  must be attached to a private or public higher education /research institution and be a PhD holder. The deadline for applications is March 31, 2025.


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Dominika FORETEK joins ABG's International Cooperation Department


Dominika has joined us as International Cooperation and Training Officer. Read everything about her expperience, her background, her commitments and her objectives in this biographical article.

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The PALLADIO - 2025 Scholarships


The Palladio Foundation supports and encourages young talents (students, PhD candidates, post-doctoral researchers, French and foreign citizens) who will create real estate and the city of tomorrow as part of its 2025 scholarship campaign. Applications are open until March 17, 2025.

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Young Researcher Fellowships at CEFRES : France & Visegrad countries


A mobility support for young researchers in their second year of doctoral studies or more from France, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and whose research contributes to one of CEFRES’s research areas.


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France-Nokia Chaire d’Excellence - Call for applications 2025

Nokia Chair

The France-Nokia Chaire d’Excellence in Information and Communications Technologies offers an opportunity for a distinguished French scholar/researcher to engage in international research collaboration. Check out the terms and conditions of eligibility, and apply before April 17, 2025.

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Join ABG at the Paris Saclay Summit 2025, on 12 and 13 February, at the EDF Lab in Paris Saclay


Health, climate, energy, artificial intelligence, transport, space exploration, food, ecological transition... The Paris-Saclay Summit - Choose Science offers an insight into today's major challenges and issues, as well as reporting on the major upheavals in science. This year, the ABG is a partner of the event and will be putting on a number of events... check out the programme and register now!



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ABG joins COST Cross Cutting Activity Career development for young researchers


ABG was invited as a core member to a working group of the COST Cross-Cutting Activity on Career Development for Young Researchers, reflecting our commitment to advancing early-career researcher development on an international level. The inaugural event for this two-year program was held in Brussels, on December 3rd. Read further to learn more about COST actions, and this specific program.

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ABG contributes to COST Cross Cutting Activity Career development for young researchers



The ABG was invited as a core member to a working group in the COST Cross-Cutting Activity on Career Development for Young Researchers. The launch event for this two-year program was held on December 3rd in Brussels. Read further to learn more about COST and this specific program.

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French-Italian call for projects Vinci 2025


The French-Italian University (UFI) has launched the new Vinci Call for Proposals 2025. It is intended to support Franco-Italian university cooperation through mobility funding for master degree's students, PhD candidates, post-doctoral fellows and professors between France and Italy. Application deadline is February 12, 2025, 12:00 pm (noon).

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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 29 janvier 2025

Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MESR.

Elle se tiendra le 29 janvier 2025, de 14h00 à 17h00 en distanciel.

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Happy New Year 2025: a few words from ABG Chairman Jean-Luc BEYLAT


2025 is finally here... the ABG team wishes you all the best and success for your upcoming projects. Find out more about the ABG's perspectives for 2025 in a few words from our President, Jean-Luc BEYLAT.

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Barrande Fellowship Program 2025


Discover the exchange mobility program "Barrande" for Ph.D. candidates between the Czech Republic and France. This rogramme is designed to provide PhD candidates in the Czech Republic with opportunities to study in France and PhD candidates in France with opportunities to study in the Czech Republic. The application deadline is January 26, 2025.

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Fellowships for PhD candidates by the German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD


The DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service)  is offering PhD candidates and early-career researchers a funding program to help them to achieve or develop their research projects in a higher education institution or German research institute (public or recognized by the German State). The deadline for applications is February 17, 2025.

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France-Berkeley Fund 2025-2027


FBF supports scientific and scholarly exchanges and collaboration between the University of California at Berkeley and French research and higher education institutions in all disciplines.The application deadline is January 31, 2025.

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Highlights of the PhDTalent Career Fair 2024


The PhDTalent Career Fair took place on November 26, 2024. ABG was present and invites you to explore highlights through images from this significant event focused on employment and professional integration for PhD candidates at Centquatre in Paris!

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Register for the Lyon 2024 job fair - Digital edition on December 4 and 5, 2024


Les rendez-vous de l'emploi is a recruitment forum that brings together companies and PhD holders. The 2024 edition - digital, is organized on Wednesday and Thursday, December 4 and 5, 2024 by the University of Lyon and its partners.

Recruiters, post your offers and select candidates from a pool of more than 800 PhDs! PhDs, create your profile and make yourself visible now!

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Candidatez à l'appel à projets de recherche "Grande pauvreté - comment l'éviter, comment en sortir"


la Fondation Hospitalière pour la Recherche sur la Précarité et l’Exclusion sociale, soutenue par l'Agence Régionale de Santé Ile-de-France, émet un nouvel appel à projets de recherche sur la thématique générale du lien entre pauvreté et santé mentale. Le dépôt des candidatures (note d’intention dans un premier temps) sera possible du 12 novembre 2024 au 20 janvier 2025.

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Grands Prix de l'Académie des technologies - 2025


Vous êtes une startup créée depuis moins de 8 ans et estest porteuse d’innovation technologique dans le domaine de l’agriculture durable ? Candidatez, jusqu'au 17 février 2025, à la nouvelle édition des Grands Prix de l’Académie des technologies !

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Call for Applications - Research Grant 2024/2025 from the SILAB - Jean PAUFIQUE Foundation


The SILAB - Jean PAUFIQUE Foundation supports fundamental and applied research in the field of skin diseases. Each year, it enables a young doctoral or post-doctoral researcher to carry out their research project with a grant of €20,000 for a maximum duration of 3 years. The deadline for applications is December 1, 2024.

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Eiffel excellence scholarships


The main objective of the Eiffel Excellence scholarship programme is to train in French higher education institutions the future foreign decision makers of the private and public sectors. Three scientific fields have priority : sciences, economics and management, law and politics. The deadline for applications is January 8, 2025.

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Fulbright Grants: cooperation program with the United States 2025/26


The Franco-American Fulbright Commission has launched its annual call for applications within the framework of its programme intended for French candidates interested in mobility to the United States. The Fulbright Program offers grants to French students, PhD candidates, and researchers. The deadline varies depending on the type of program.

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Atlas, short–term postdoctoral mobility


Atlas program aims to develop scientific exchanges between France and other countries and to finance research work: field surveys, work in libraries and archives. Applicants in social sciences & humanities  must be attached to a private or public higher education /research institution and be a PhD holder. The deadline for applications is December 9, 2024.


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Gerda Henkel Foundation supports threatened and refugee scholars in the field of historical humanities


Gerda Henkel Funding Program designed for researchers at risk in the field of historical humanities. The funding can be granted for temporary research projects (max; 6 months), doctoral and research scholarships of up 2 years. Since 2023, the Foundation offers a geographically open scholarship program for threatened and refugee scholars. The application is open year-round.

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La Fondation Gerda Henkel soutient les chercheurs en danger et réfugiés dans le domaine des sciences humaines historiques


Programme de financement Gerda Henkel destiné aux chercheurs en péril dans le domaine des sciences humaines historiques. Le financement peut être accordé pour des projets de recherche temporaires (max. 6 mois), des doctorats et des bourses de recherche jusqu'à 2 ans. Depuis 2023, la Fondation propose un programme de bourses géographiquement ouvert aux chercheurs menacés et réfugiés. Les candidatures sont ouvertes toute l'année.

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ATTRACT, a Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) program for promising junior researchers


ATTRACT is a FNR's programme designed for outstanding researchers, not yet established in Luxembourg, to set up their own research team within one of the country’s research institutions. The deadline for pre-proposals is November 15, 2024.

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Hungarian Research Grant


The Research Grant Hungary is a funding scheme that provides support for up to five years to exceptional international researchers who are leaders in their fields. The aim is for these researchers to contribute to Hungary's growth as a regional hub for research, development, and innovation by carrying out promising research projects. The deadline for applications is September 30, 2024.

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French-Indonesian Science and Technology Cooperation Program: PHC Nusantara 2025


The Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) - Nusantara 2025 - aims to promote excellent scientific and technological exchanges between French and Indonesian laboratories by encouraging new collaborations and the participation of young researchers and PhD candidates in all scientific fields. The call for applications is now open and runs until October 27, 2024. Apply now.

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Apply for the Euraxess Online Seminar for Scientists in Exile's Professional Integration in Europe on May 19 to 22, 2025


ABG is organizing a new online seminar specifically designed for researchers in exile who are willing to pursue their career paths in the economic sector. As part of the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme within the framework of the ERA TALENT Project, the seminar will provide participants with tools and guidance to navigate the European labor market and start building a network outside academia. It will also help them develop their professional skills in a supportive and collaborative environment. Researchers, if you're ready to take the next step in your career, don't miss this opportunity—apply now! Call for applications is extended to January 15th.

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Focus on Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro: International Career Mobility to Italy


Discover Italy's economic landscape with Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro, a key partner in facilitating international mobility and helping professionals integrate into the local job market. Learn how APL can support researchers and professionals in launching successful careers in Piedmont.

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Meet ABG on October 24th from 10 am to 4:30 pm at the Welcome Desk Paris 2024 by CiUP


Are you a PhD candidate or a PhD holder? Are you wondering about a specific aspect of your career path or, more generally, about the next step in your career plan?

ABG, a longstanding partner of the CiUP and a guest of its Welcome Desk Paris, is offering you a meeting, on October 24th, 2024, from 10 am to 4:30 pm, at the CIUP. Register now!

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Register for the PhDTalent Career Fair 2024 on November 26, at Centquatre [Paris].


On November 26, 2024, the PhDTalent Career Fair will be held in Paris: a recruitment forum dedicated to PhD holders, co-organized by PhDTalent and different organizations in the Paris region. Nearly 5,000 visitors, 150 companies and thousands of PhD students are expected to attend this year's event. Take a look at the program and register now!

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The ABG invites you to the Forum Emploi Maths 2024 in Paris on October 7th. Register now


The 2024 edition of the Forum Emploi Maths will take place on October 7, 2024, at the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie (La Villette) in Paris. As every year, it offers the opportunity to connect math students and programs with the needs of companies. Register now!

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This autumn, meet ABG at the BIOTechno Forums - 2024


BIOTechno Forums are unique meeting days which bring together students, PhD candidates, young researchers and companies each year. The main objective is to facilitate the creation of a strong biotechnology network, thus strengthening the links between academia and the private sector.

This year, find ABG at the two proposed editions: the Biotechno Sud Forum scheduled for October 17, 2024 in Marseille and the Biotechno Paris Forum scheduled for November 25, 2024.

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The Horizon Chimie Forum 2024


The Horizon Chimie Forum 2024 invites you on October 7, 2024, at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris. As every year, the ABG will be there and hopes to see many of you. Discover the exhibitors and the program and register.

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Focus on CiTIUS: paving the way in artificial intelligence and intelligent technologies


Discover the research landscape of Spain with the Research Centre on Intelligent Technologies (CiTIUS) at the University of Santiago de Compostela. CiTIUS offers researchers from around the globe the opportunity to work at the forefront of technological innovation, transforming theoretical knowledge into groundbreaking applications. Explore their goals, perspectives, and professional opportunities.

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French – Italian Day for Early Career Researchers 2024


Under the scientific label of the Italo-French University and with the support of the French Embassy in Italy, ABG and the University of Turin are organizing the fourth ON-SITE edition of the French-Italian day for early-career researchers on October 10, 2024 in Turin, Italy. This event is an opportunity for students and researchers from both countries to get an insight on the job market and the skills necessary for a career transition and to network with recruiters and PhDs working in companies or who have launched an entrepreneurial activity. Registration is open!

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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 1er mars 2019


Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MESRI.

Elle se tiendra le 1er mars 2019, de 13h30 à 17h30 à l’ANRT (33 Rue Rennequin, 75017 Paris)

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9th edition of the French-German Day for Early Career Researchers


As major players in the European research landscape, Germany and France offer numerous opportunities to (future) young researchers. Association Bernard Gregory , the Franco-German University, Campus France in Berlin, the French Embassy and the Institut français in Germany are organising the 9th information day for young researchers on their career development (held in German & partically in English). This year, the event will be back to a on-site format on July 5, 2024, in Berlin.

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Retrouvez l'ABG à l'occasion de la 12e édition de l'Antibody Industrial Symposium 2024 #AIS2024) les 20 et 21 juin 2024 à Montpellier


L'ABG a le plaisir, pour le première fois, de rejoindre le rang des partenaires de l'Antibody Industrial Symposium #AIS2024. À l'occasion de cette édition 2024, organisée à Montpellier les 20 et 21 juin, nous donnons rendez-vous tout au long de ces deux journées, aux entreprises, ainsi qu'aux doctorants et docteurs sur notre stand, sans oublier lors de la table-ronde dédiée à la question du recrutement dans l'industrie biomédicale.

Inscrivez-vous dès à présent, nous vous attendons nombreux.ses...

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Inscrivez-vous au webinaire « Être enseignant-chercheur : une carrière inspirante à CESI ! », le 25 juin 2024 à 12h


Ce webinaire s’adresse à tous les étudiuants, doctorants et docteurs en quête d’un nouveau défi au sein du laboratoire d’une école d’ingénieurs telle que CESI. Venez découvrir les missions d’un enseignant-chercheurs et les pôssibilités / modalités d'accès aux stages !

Les inscriptions sont ouvertes...rendez-vous le 25 juin à 12h en distanciel sur Linkedin !

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L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation de la société Artimon

L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation (Artimon Perspectives) de la société Artimon, cabinet de conseil en management qui accompagne ses clients dans leurs projets de transformation (digital, organisation).

Découvrez dès à présent l'offre d'emploi et candidatez, et/ou inscrivez-vous au webinaire d'information proposé le 18 mai 2021 et qui donnera la parole à la Directrice Recherche et Innovation d'Artimon : Josephina Gimenez.

L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation de la société Artimon

L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation (Artimon Perspectives) de la société Artimon, cabinet de conseil en management qui accompagne ses clients dans leurs projets de transformation (digital, organisation).

Découvrez dès à présent l'offre d'emploi et candidatez, et/ou inscrivez-vous au webinaire d'information proposé le 18 mai 2021 et qui donnera la parole à la Directrice Recherche et Innovation d'Artimon : Josephina Gimenez.

Highlights of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) conference held in Mons, Belgium in 2024


The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) conference took place on April 18-19 in Mons, Belgium, hosted by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and supported by the European Commission. This year's theme centered around researchers' career pathways. ABG was among the invited panelists, and we bring you the key highlights from the event.

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Hélène GODIN, PhD in film studies, now serving as an educational engineer

Hélène GODIN testimony ABG

Hélène Godin holds a PhD in Performing Arts and Film Studies. Following her doctorate, she recently joined the Campus for Future Computer Science and Electronics Skills of Tomorrow in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, as an educational engineer. In this interview, discover her journey, how the doctorate has enriched it, as well as a series of advice aimed at Ph.D. candidates (especially in the humanities and social sciences).

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ABG at the international innovation exhibition: Curious 2024


Curious - Future Insight™ Conference brings together numerous scientists from all fields and accomplished innovators, enabling them to present their work and explore the future of science and technology!

ABG will be present at this major innovation event and invites you to visit its booth on July 10th and 11th, 2024, in Mainz, Germany.

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Rendez-vour pour la 7e édition du salon emploi/formation "Paris pour l'emploi des jeunes", le 21 février 10/18h,  à Paris Villette Event Center (19e)

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Appel à candidatures pour les allocations de thèse en histoire. Ministère des Armées, édition 2021


Le ministère des Armées attribue au titre de l’année 2021 jusqu’à six allocations de thèse en histoire militaire. Le montant de l’allocation est de 10 000 euros. Ces allocations sont ouvertes à tout candidat inscrit en thèse au moment du dépôt de dossier de candidature, à l'exception des doctorants bénéficiant d'un contrat doctoral.

Candidatez jusqu'au 14 janvier 2021.

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Nouveau programme de stage par EURAXESS : un soutien pour les chercheurs réfugiés et déplacés en Europe


Vous êtes chercheur.e exilé.e ou relocalisé.e en Europe et vous souhaitez effectuer un stage au sein d'une entreprise ? Alors, le nouveau dispositif d'Euraxess est probablement fait pour vous. 

Découvre ses avantages et vérifiez sans tarder votre éligibilité...

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The PALLADIO - 2022 Scholarships


The Palladio Foundation supports and encourages young talents (students, PhD candidates, post-doctoral researchers, French and foreign citizens) who will create real estate and the city of tomorrow as part of its 2021 scholarship campaign. Applications are open until March 18, 2022.

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Julie FLOCH joins ABG's Innovative Training and Support Department


We are pleased to welcome Julie FLOCH, as Training and Support officer. Read about her journey, her commitments and her goals in this biographical article.

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AMBASSADEUR Postdoctoral fundings 2023

The Directorate-General for international relations and strategy (DGRIS) launches its funding program 2023 for postdoctorates. Apply before April 21st.

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The PALLADIO - 2022 Scholarships


The Palladio Foundation supports and encourages young talents (students, PhD candidates, post-doctoral researchers, French and foreign citizens) who will create real estate and the city of tomorrow as part of its 2021 scholarship campaign. Applications are open until March 18, 2022.

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Sign up for the ABG webinar Consulting jobs on 10/06/21 at 11:30 am (in French)

ABG launches the 3rd session of its webinars "Focus Métiers - hors R&D" for PhD candidates and holders and companies. Join us on June 10, 2021 at 11:30 a.m. to listen to and discuss with our 5 speakers (PhDs and recruiters) who hold positions in consulting, within different types of organisations.

Check out the programme, the speakers and register now!


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ABG is taking part in the Forum Labo 2022 [Lyon] on 19th and 20th September 2022. Register now!


ABG will take part in the Forum Labo 2022 [Lyon]. Meet us on 19th and 20th September 2022 in Lyon (Centre des Congrès), as well as the numerous companies present.

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Apply to the Theses program - edition 2022 launched by ADEME, French Environment and Energy Management Agency


Are you passionate about ecological transition, and interested in doing your PhD at ADEME? Then the 2022 call for applications for its Theses program might be for you (students from humanities and social sciences are welcome) !

Check out the terms and conditions of eligibility, and apply before April 5, 2022 

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ABG's Doctoral supervision training, 23 & 24 April 2019 in Paris [in French] – register now!


Are you supervising doctoral candidates and interested in consolidating the principles and practices turning your management activity into something meaningful? ABG is organising a training course in Paris on 23 and 24 April 2019 from 9 am to 5:30 pm.

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L'ABG est au Forum Labo 2021 [Paris]. Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !


L'ABG sera présente lors de l'édition 2021 du Forum Labo. Rendez-vous du 5 au 7 ocobre 2021 à Paris (Porte de Versailles) et venez à notre rencontre ainsi qu'à celle de nombreuses entreprises.

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CIFRE à la Ville de Paris : des doctorant.e.s au cœur de l'action municipale

La Ville de Paris, dans le cadre du dispositif CIFRE (Conventions industrielles de formation par la recherche), accueille au sein de ses services des doctorant.e.s dont le sujet de thèse porte sur les questions prioritaires de la municipalité. Un appel à candidatures est lancé pour le recrutement d’une promotion de 10 doctorant.e.s en janvier 2021.

Déposez votre candidature avant le 10 mars 2020 !

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L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation de la société Artimon

L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation (Artimon Perspectives) de la société Artimon, cabinet de conseil en management qui accompagne ses clients dans leurs projets de transformation (digital, organisation).

Découvrez dès à présent l'offre d'emploi et candidatez, et/ou inscrivez-vous au webinaire d'information proposé le 18 mai 2021 et qui donnera la parole à la Directrice Recherche et Innovation d'Artimon : Josephina Gimenez.

Appel à projets : Science & Impact session de mars 2024


« Concrétisez votre projet de collaboration en sciences et technologies avec la France, l’Indonésie et le Timor Oriental à travers le programme Science et Impact. La première session de l’année 2024 est ouverte ! »

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Highlights from the cross-border career workshop "PhD, what comes next?" 2023


The online edition of the cross-border workshop in 2023 occurred on December 6 - 8, and gathered participants from Luxembourg, Germany, and France. Similar to the preceding year, the seminar targeted PhD candidates in the final stages of their Ph.D. programs and young researchers on temporary contracts across various fields, aspiring to forge careers outside of academia.

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Parole de docteur : le métier d'ingénieur validation, avec Marie Gérus-Durand, PhD en biologie moléculaire

À l'occasion d'un séminaire ABG, Marie Gérus-Durand, docteure en biologie moléculaire et actuellement ingénieure validation chez Cerba Research a répondu à quelques questions. L'objectif ? Présenter son parcours, ses compétences, sans oubleir l'activité de son entreprise, son processus de recrutement...


Découvrez sans tarder son témoignage.


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Hubert Curien Partnerships in North Africa


The "Hubert Curien Partnerships" (PHC) researcher mobility support programmes promote scientific cooperation through the mobility of scientists involved in a bilateral research project. Discover three active PHC partnerships in North Africa.

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Personalized services to help your company recruit PhDs

Optimize the performance of your recruitments with our tailor-made services. From pre-selection to approaching directly the candidates, the ABG team puts their know-how, experience and networks at your service!

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Annabel FALLET joins our Corporate Relations, Partnerships and Recruitment Department


Following the departure of Laurence FRITEAU, we are pleased to welcome Annabel FALLET as the new Corporate Relations, Partnerships, and Recruitment Officer. We extend a warm welcome to her and invite you to explore her background, commitments, and goals in this article.

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ABG - Ville de Paris Post-Doctoriales Seminar® will take place from November 16 to 18, 2021 in Paris. Register now!

Are you a PhD holder? Are you wondering about the next step in your career and considering it outside academia?
Don't miss the next session of the Post-Doctoriales®, organized by ABG with the support of the City of Paris, from November 16 to 18, 2021, in Paris.

Register now (limited number of places)!

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Rejoignez les cocktails InnoTech et venez à la rencontre des docteurs experts en financement de l'innovation de Deloitte Société d'Avocats, le 22/02 à 18h30 à Paris

Deloitte Société d’Avocats a le plaisir de vous convier le 22 février 2024 à La Défense, à partir de 18 h 30 à son premier afterwork dédié au public des docteurs (PhDs).  À travers la rencontre de plusieurs experts, cet événement vise à faire découvrir les métiers du financement de l'innovation au sein de Deloitte Société d'Avocats... le tout autour d'un verre, dans un cadre informel et convivial !

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Highlights of the French-Italian day for early career researchers 2023


On October 19th, 2023, the third edition of the French-Italian Day for early career researchers (from all disciplines) took place, marking the first edition on-site. The event was organized in Turin by the University of Turin and ABG, and with the support of the French Italian University. It provided a rare opportunity for students and researchers from both countries to meet and discuss with experts in the field of Franco-Italian mobility!

In this article, you can find the program, replay of all the sessions, and many resources designed to help you prepare your career evolution beyond academia.

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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 1er mars 2019


Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MESRI.

Elle se tiendra le 1er mars 2019, de 13h30 à 17h30 à l’ANRT (33 Rue Rennequin, 75017 Paris)

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Highlights of the French-Italian day for early career researchers


On October 11th, 2022 took place the second edition of the French-Italian day for early career researchers (from all disciplines) online. The event was organized by ABG, in partnership with the University of Turin, and with the support of the French Italian University. It provided a rare opportunity for students and researchers from both countries to meet and discuss with experts in the field of Franco-Italian mobility !

In this article, feel free to consult the program as well as the presentation of each speaker and watch the replay of all the sessions (presentation and panel discussions).

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Highlights of the PhDTalent Career Fair 2023


The PhDTalent Career Fair took place on November 23, 2023. ABG was present and invites you to explore highlights through images from this significant event focused on employment and professional integration for PhD candidates at Centquatre in Paris!

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Soutenance de thèse de Loïck DEGORRE, lundi 27/11


Loïck DEGORRE soutiendra sa thèse le lundi 27 novembre 2023:

"Analyse et commande des robots sous-marins autonomes à propulsion vectorielle reconfigurable. "

"Analysis and control of autonomous underwater vehicles with reconfigurable vectoring thrust  "

pour l'École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest (ENIB), à 9h dans l'amphi KÉRÉON (ENIB 2).

La soutenance se tiendra en Anglais. Lien zoom pour la diffusion en visio-conférence :

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Soutenance de thèse de Loïck DEGORRE, lundi 27/11


Loïck DEGORRE soutiendra sa thèse, le lundi 27 novembre 2023 à 9h (en anglais)

"Analyse et commande des robots sous-marins autonomes à propulsion vectorielle reconfigurable. "

"Analysis and control of autonomous underwater vehicles with reconfigurable vectoring thrust ."

à l'École NAtionale d'Ingénieurs de Brest (ENIB), dans l'amphi KÉRÉON (ENIB 2).

La soutenance se tiendra en Anglais. Lien zoom pour la diffusion en visio-conférence :

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Call for Applications - Research Grant 2023/2024 from the SILAB - Jean PAUFIQUE Foundation


The SILAB - Jean PAUFIQUE Foundation supports fundamental and applied research in the field of skin diseases. Each year, it enables a young doctoral or post-doctoral researcher to carry out their research project with a grant of €20,000 for a maximum duration of 3 years. The deadline for applications is November 15, 2023.

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Rencontres chercheur·euse·s et ingénieur·e·s 2023 : « IA vs Statistique »


Il reste des places pour les Rencontres chercheur·euse·s et ingénieur·e·s 2023 : « IA vs Statistique ».

Cette 5ème édition se tiendra le jeudi 16 novembre, à l'Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris 5ème).

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Pépite Start'up Île-de-France : appel à candidatures pour la 13e promotion


Vous êtes étudiant, doctorant, ou jeune docteur et vous avez un projet de start-up ? Le programme Pépite Start'up de la Région Île-de-France est fait pour vous ! Il propose un accompagnement de 6 mois à temps plein pour mener à bien votre projet de création d'entreprise. Candidatez jusqu'au 19 octobre 2023...

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France Excellence Fellowships: Scientific Stays in France


The France Excellence Scholarships - Scientific Stays in France is a scholarship program aimed at young researchers working in Slovakia to facilitate skill transfers or access to specific equipment, supporting Franco-Slovak collaborations. The deadline for applications is November 4, 2023.

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Sign up for the ABG webinar Consulting jobs on 10/06/21 at 11:30 am (in French)

ABG launches the 3rd session of its webinars "Focus Métiers - hors R&D" for PhD candidates and holders and companies. Join us on June 10, 2021 at 11:30 a.m. to listen to and discuss with our 5 speakers (PhDs and recruiters) who hold positions in consulting, within different types of organisations.

Check out the programme, the speakers and register now!


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SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (SPF)


The SNSF is launching a new call under the transitional measure SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships for researchers of all nationalities who were aiming to apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA PF). The deadline for applications is December 1, 2023.

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Australia-France Collaborative Research Program


Australia-France Collaborative Research Program is aimed to foster and reinforce social science collaboration between Australia and France through research activities on a topic of interest to both countries.The deadline for applications is November 1, 2024 (tbc).

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Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Program


The Government of Ireland offers post-doctoral fellowships to highly qualified researchers from all disciplines to continue their research at one of the Irish institutions. The deadline for applications is October 12, 2023.

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PERIDOT: French-Pakistani program to support researchers' mobility


The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - Peridot 2024 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and Pakistani laboratories, in particular by encouraging new cooperations, the participation of young researchers and PhD candidates. The deadline for applications is October 6, 2023.

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Les risques psychosociaux dans les entreprises du secteur privé en Europe


La prévention des risques psychosociaux dans les entreprises du secteur privé (12 pays concernés par l'enquête).

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Offre de stage - Assistant ingénierie pédagogique


Dans le cadre de la saison 8 du MOOC Doctorat et Poursuite de Carrière, l'association PhDOOC est à la recherche d'un.e stagiaire pour soutenir le MOOC Community Manager et l’équipe organisatrice. Il/Elle participera à l'amélioration de la communication et la collaboration avec et entre les participants du MOOC.

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ABG - Ville de Paris Post-Doctoriales Seminar® will take place from November 16 to 18, 2021 in Paris. Register now!

Are you a PhD holder? Are you wondering about the next step in your career and considering it outside academia?
Don't miss the next session of the Post-Doctoriales®, organized by ABG with the support of the City of Paris, from November 16 to 18, 2021, in Paris.

Register now (limited number of places)!

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Register for the PhDTalent Career Fair 2023 on November 23, at Centquatre [Paris].


On November 23, 2023, the PhDTalent Career Fair will be held in Paris: a recruitment forum dedicated to PhD holders, co-organized by PhDTalent and different organizations in the Paris region. Nearly 5,000 visitors, 150 companies and thousands of PhD students are expected to attend this year's event. Take a look at the program and register now!

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This autumn, meet ABG at the BIOTechno Forums - 2023


BIOTechno Forums are unique meeting days which bring together students, PhD candidates, young researchers and companies each year. The main objective is to facilitate the creation of a strong biotechnology network, thus strengthening the links between academia and the private sector.

This year, ABG will attend the Paris Biotechno Forum on September 29, 2023 at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris. Then, we will head to Marseille, on October 17, 2023, at the Marseille World Trade Center, in Strasbourg on October 23 and finally in Grenoble on November 13.

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Inscrivez-vous au Forum Emploi Maths 2018

L'édition 2017 du Forum Emploi Maths aura lieu le 13 décembre 2018 prochain à la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, à Paris. Il propose comme chaque année de connecter les étudiants et les formations en maths aux besoins des entreprises. Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !

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Le Forum Horizon Chimie 2019


The Horizon Chimie Forum will take place on 31 January 2019 at Maison de la Chimie, Paris. ABG will be happy to meet you there !

Apply for the new edition of “PhD, what comes next - 2023?”, the cross-border career workshop for PhD candidates and PhD holders on December 6 to 8, 2023 (online)


Together with its partners from Luxembourg and Germany and with the support of the French-German University, the Luxembourg National Research Funds (FNR), ABG is organising a new online edition of the cross-border seminar for PhD candidates and holders “PhD, what comes next?”. This seminar is aimed at PhD candidates and holders from France, Germany and Luxembourg interested in developing their career outside academia. On your marks? Get set? Apply now!

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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 1er mars 2019


Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MESRI.

Elle se tiendra le 1er mars 2019, de 13h30 à 17h30 à l’ANRT (33 Rue Rennequin, 75017 Paris)

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New: publish your news for free on the ABG website


ABG is introducing a new feature that is free of charge for all website users: the ability to submit your news independently! This facilitates communication with a wide range of companies, Master 2 students, PhD candidates and PhD holders in all disciplines and seniorities.

This article provides instructions on how to use this feature.

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Meet ABG on October 6th from 10 am to 4:30 pm at the Welcome Desk Paris 2023 by CiUP


Are you a PhD candidate or a PhD holder? Are you wondering about a specific aspect of your career path or, more generally, about the next step in your career plan?

ABG, a longstanding partner of the CiUP and a guest of its Welcome Desk Paris, is offering you a meeting, on October 6th, 2023, from 10 am to 4:30 pm, at the CIUP. Register now!

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Bolashak: Kazakhstani international program "500 Internships For Researchers"


The Kazakhstani international program - Bolashak - aims to fund international internships for Kazakhstani researchers wishing to carry out a research internship abroad. This is an opportunity for French research institutions to welcome researchers from Kazakhstan. The deadline for applications is October 13, 2023.

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French – Italian Day for Early Career Researchers 2023


Under the scientific label of the Italo-French University, ABG and the University of Turin are organizing the third ON-SITE edition of the French-Italian day for early-career researchers of all disciplines on October 19, 2023 in Turin, Italy. This event is an opportunity for students and researchers from both countries to get an insight on the job market and the skills necessary for a career transition and to network with recruiters and PhDs working in companies or who have launched an entrepreneurial activity. Registration is open!

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ABG Communication Kit

Your time is precious, which is why the ABG provides you with tools (brochures, infographics, logos, etc.) designed to facilitate your information, as well as your efforts to disseminate our information through your networks.

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First edition of the French-Quebec PhD Skills Days, on September 21 & 22: register now!


The Centre de recherche et d'intervention sur l'éducation et la vie au travail (CRIEVAT), in collaboration with ABG, Université Laval and the 2nd Lab are co-organizing the pilot edition (on-site and held in French) of the event dedicated to the career development of PhD holders, on September 21 and 22, 2023, at Université de Laval, Quebec.

Discover the full program and register now until June 30, 2023!

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Shaker 2023 by Genopole


The Shaker is the answer to the needs of students, PhDs candidates and holders, as well as young engineers who have developed an innovative concept in the field of biotechnology. Apply before June 30, 2023!

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Grands Prix de l'Académie des technologies - 2019

Vous êtes une startup créée depuis moins de 5 ans dans le secteur de la mobilité terrestre ? Candidatez, à partir du 15 avril et avant le 5 juillet 2019 minuit, à la nouvelle édition des Grands Prix de l’Académie des technologies !

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Grands Prix de l'Académie des technologies - 2019

Vous êtes une startup créée depuis moins de 5 ans dans le secteur de la mobilité terrestre ? Candidatez, à partir du 15 avril et avant le 5 juillet 2019 minuit, à la nouvelle édition des Grands Prix de l’Académie des technologies !

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The Military History Award call for application 2022


To encourage and promote research in the field of defense and military history, the French Scientific Council for Historical Research in Defense is awarding a "Military History Prize" for PhD theses, as well as for Master 2 theses. 

Apply until June 10, 2022.

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Call for projects of the Maison Universitaire Franco-Mexicaine 2023

Label UFI

The Maison Universitaire Franco-Mexicaine (MUFRAMEX) has launched a call for projects aimed at supporting researchers and PhD candidates working on topic related to Mexico. Application deadlines are between June and July 2023.

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ABG's Doctoral supervision training, 23 & 24 April 2019 in Paris [in French] – register now!


Are you supervising doctoral candidates and interested in consolidating the principles and practices turning your management activity into something meaningful? ABG is organising a training course in Paris on 23 and 24 April 2019 from 9 am to 5:30 pm.

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Sign up for the ABG webinar "Technical Sales Jobs" on 02/02/21 at 11:30 am

ABG is launching the first session of its webinars "Jobs beyond R&D" organised by its Corporate Relations, Partnerships and Recruitment division. Scheduled for February the 2nd 2021, at 11:30 am, this first session will be devoted to positions in sales.

Check out the programme, the speakers and register now!


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L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation de la société Artimon

L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation (Artimon Perspectives) de la société Artimon, cabinet de conseil en management qui accompagne ses clients dans leurs projets de transformation (digital, organisation).

Découvrez dès à présent l'offre d'emploi et candidatez, et/ou inscrivez-vous au webinaire d'information proposé le 18 mai 2021 et qui donnera la parole à la Directrice Recherche et Innovation d'Artimon : Josephina Gimenez.

The IESF 2019 survey open to doctoral students and doctors


IESF conducts annually a national survey that provides a comprehensive overview of the professional and socio-economic situation of engineers and scientists who have graduated in France. For the first time, with the support of ABG, this survey is open to doctors (PhDs) and doctoral students.

Answer it until March 31, 2019!

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Call for projects of the Maison Universitaire Franco-Mexicaine 2023

Label UFI

The Maison Universitaire Franco-Mexicaine (MUFRAMEX) has launched a call for projects aimed at supporting researchers and PhD candidates working on topic related to Mexico. Application deadlines are between June and July 2023.

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Our Members Have Talent: interview with Marie TARDITI, Corporate Relations and Professional Integration Officer at CY University.


For over 40 years, our membership community has supported us and contributed to the highlights of our association's life. We pay tribute to them through a new series of interviews entitled: Our Members Have Talent. Discover the second interview of this series, featuring Marie TARDITI, Corporate Relations and Professional Integration Officer at CY University.

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Apply to the Theses program - edition 2022 launched by ADEME, French Environment and Energy Management Agency


Are you passionate about ecological transition, and interested in doing your PhD at ADEME? Then the 2022 call for applications for its Theses program might be for you (students from humanities and social sciences are welcome) !

Check out the terms and conditions of eligibility, and apply before April 5, 2022 

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AMBASSADEUR Postdoctoral fundings 2023


The Directorate-General for international relations and strategy (DGRIS) launches its funding program 2023 for postdoctorates. Apply before April 21st.

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Call for projects by Defense Innovation Agency: Cifre-Defense 2022

cifre_Ministère des armées_ABG_2022

The French Ministry of the Armed Forces and the Defense Innovation Agency (DIA) are launching the DIA Cifre-Défense 2022 call for thesis projects. It covers military and dual (civilian and military) topics. EU, UK and Swiss citizens are eligible.

Check out the details of funded topics and apply by May 6, 2022.

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French-Italian University's call for projects 2023

Label UFI

The French-Italian University (UFI) has launched calls for projects to support researchers and PhD candidates through the funding of mobility between France and Italy. The deadline for applications is April 21, 2023 at 12:00 noon (CET).

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Call for projects by Defense Innovation Agency: Cifre-Defense 2023

cifre_Ministère des armées_ABG_2022

The French Ministry of the Armed Forces and the Defense Innovation Agency (DIA) are launching the DIA Cifre-Défense 2023 call for thesis projects. It covers military and dual (civilian and military) topics. EU, UK and Swiss citizens are eligible.

Check out the details of funded topics and apply by May 5, 2023.

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Call for projects PROTEA : Franco-South African mobility program


The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - PROTEA 2024 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and South African laboratories, by promoting new cooperation and the participation of young researchers and PhD candidates. The deadline for applications is May 31, 2023.


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Cèdre: French-Lebanese program to support researchers' mobility


The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - Cèdre 2024 - aims to develop, in a logic of incubator, scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and Lebanese laboratories, in particular by encouraging new cooperations, the participation of young researchers and PhD candidates as well as the creation of Franco-Lebanese research teams "without walls" with co-degree training mainly at the level of Doctorate. The deadline for applications is April 27, 2023.

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L'ABG est au Forum Labo 2021 [Paris]. Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !


L'ABG sera présente lors de l'édition 2021 du Forum Labo. Rendez-vous du 5 au 7 ocobre 2021 à Paris (Porte de Versailles) et venez à notre rencontre ainsi qu'à celle de nombreuses entreprises.

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Register for Hello Tomorrow Global summit 2023, the Deeptech event, and get an ABG discount


PhD candidates, early-career researchers who want to join the world of deeptech: the largest gathering of startups, investors, large corporations and international deeptech companies will be held in Paris. Take part in the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit on March 9 & 10, 2023 at the Centquatre!

Get discount tickets through the ABG! Details are in the article...

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DocPro: the skills database dedicated to PhD candidates and holders has a new look!

The DocPro skills reference tool, offered by France Universités, MEDEF and ABG, has had a makeover and is back in a simplified version, with a more pleasant design and improved ergonomics.

This is an opportunity to (re)discover this comprehensive tool, essential to the identification and enhancement of PhD skills.

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DocPro: the skills database dedicated to PhD candidates and holders has a new look!

The DocPro skills reference tool, offered by France Universités, MEDEF and ABG, has had a makeover and is back in a simplified version, with a more pleasant design and improved ergonomics.

This is an opportunity to (re)discover this comprehensive tool, essential to the identification and enhancement of PhD skills.

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Rendez-vour pour la 7e édition du salon emploi/formation "Paris pour l'emploi des jeunes", le 21 février 10/18h,  à Paris Villette Event Center (19e)

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Sign up for the ABG webinar Consulting jobs on 10/06/21 at 11:30 am (in French)

ABG launches the 3rd session of its webinars "Focus Métiers - hors R&D" for PhD candidates and holders and companies. Join us on June 10, 2021 at 11:30 a.m. to listen to and discuss with our 5 speakers (PhDs and recruiters) who hold positions in consulting, within different types of organisations.

Check out the programme, the speakers and register now!


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Call for applications: French-German Prize for scientific collaboration Forcheur Jean-Marie Lehn 2023

Prix franco-allemand

The French Embassy in Germany is granting an award for a French-German cooperation between two young scientists in the following fields: chemistry, health, pharmacology. The award is granted under the patronage of Pr Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, together with the French-German University as well as BASF France and Sanofi GermanyFor 2023, applications must be submitted by Monday, April 10, 2023.

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ABG recruitment services: feedback from our clients - Claire VERSCHELDE, co-founder of ICOSA


Recruitment of PhD holders can be an arduous task. ABG provides a comprehensive range of recruitment services. Who better to talk to you than the people who have used our services? Discover the return of Claire VERSCHELDE, co-founder of ICOSA...

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ABG recruitment services: feedback from our clients - Josefina GIMENEZ from Cabinet Artimon


Recruitment of PhD holders can be an arduous task. ABG provides a comprehensive range of recruitment services. Who better to talk to you than the people who have used our services? Discover the return of Joséfina GIMENEZ, Research and Innovation Director of Artimon...

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Call for projects by FRM - 2023


Within the framework of the "Espoirs de la recherche" programme, the Foundation for Medical Research FRM supports the best projects likely to generate significant impact in the health sector. A variety of funding schemes are available to teams, regardless of the theme and nature of their research work.

Read the details of the calls for projects in this article (there is a specific application deadline for each call).

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Contrats doctoraux handicap : campagne nationale 2022


La campagne « Doctorat Handicap » est un axe fort de la politique d'inclusion menée par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation, en partenariat avec les établissements d'enseignement supérieur. Elle a pour objectif de favoriser la poursuite d’études au niveau doctoral des étudiantes et étudiants en situation de handicap. Pour 2022, les candidatures sont à déposer du 30 mars au 11 mai 2022.

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Our members have talent: interview with Vanessa PROUX, Director of Sup'Biotech


For over 40 years, our membership community has supported us and contributed to the highlights of our association's life. We pay tribute to them through a new series of interviews entitled: Our members have talent. Discover the first interview of this series, carried out with Vanessa PROUX, Director of Sup'Biotech, the engineering school specialized in biotechnology.

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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 1er mars 2019


Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MESRI.

Elle se tiendra le 1er mars 2019, de 13h30 à 17h30 à l’ANRT (33 Rue Rennequin, 75017 Paris)

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[Video] The skills needed in a professional environment


On the occasion of the 2019 Professional Pitch Contest #CPP19, members of the jury constituted of executives and business leaders share their experience on the question of skills. You will find in this video their views on recruitment, professional development or doctoral training.

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Highlights from the cross-border career workshop "PhD, what comes next?" 2022


The 2022 online edition of the cross-border workshop took place from 29 November to 1 December 2022 and gathered participants from Luxembourg, Germany and France. Like the previous year, this year’s seminar was aimed at PhD candidates at the end of their PhD programs, and young researchers on a temporary contract from all fields who wish to pursue a career in the non-academic sector.

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Shaker 2023 by Genopole


The Shaker is the answer to the needs of students, PhDs candidates and holders, as well as young engineers who have developed an innovative concept in the field of biotechnology. Apply before February 5, 2023!

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NAPATA : the French-Sudanese program to support researchers' mobility


The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - NAPATA 2023 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between research institutions from the Sudan and France. Active participation and mobility of young researchers, especially PhdD candidates or postgraduate, is one of the very first criteria of selection. The deadline for applications is February 6, 2023.


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Call for projects MAIMONIDE : Franco-Israeli mobility program


The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - MAIMONIDE 2023 - aims to develop new cooperation between French and Israeli laboratories, by promoting the mobility of young researchers and PhD students. The deadline for applications is March 8, 2023.

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French-Italian call for projects Vinci 2024


The French-Italian University (UFI) has launched the new Vinci Call for Proposals 2024. It is intended to support Franco-Italian university cooperation through mobility funding for master degree's students, PhD candidates, post-doctoral fellows and professors between France and Italy. Application deadline is February 9, 2024, 12:00 pm (noon).

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MOPGA 2024: French visiting fellowship program for young researchers


The main objective of the MOPGA visiting fellowship program is to strengthen scientific contributions to climate change issues raised by the COPs. The program is intended to welcome 40 young researchers wishing to carry out their research in France. The deadline for applications is January 9, 2024.

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Consultez l'intégralité des REPLAYS des webinaires Focus Métiers - Hors R&D

Depuis février 2021, le pôle Relations Entreprises, Partenariats et Recrutement de l'ABG a lancé la série des webinaires Focus Métiers Hors R&D. Chaque épisode se focalise sur une famille de métiers accessibles au docteurs (PhDs) à travers des témoignages suivi d'échanges. 

Dans cet article, retrouvez les replays des épisodes 1 à 5

Felisa BERENGUER joins ABG's Innovative Training and Support Department


We are pleased to welcome Felisa BERENGUER, PhD, as Training and Support officer. Discover her journey, her commitments and her goals in this biography.

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La saison 3 du MOOC "Doctorat et poursuite de Carrière" par PhDOOC


L’association PhDOOC organise pour la 3 e année consécutive, le MOOC “Doctorat et Poursuite de Carrière” à destination des doctorants et des docteurs de toutes disciplines. Il s’agit d’une formation gratuite et en ligne qui débute le 7 novembre. Inscrivez-vous dès  à présent, les cours débutent le 7 novembre 2018 !


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Participate in the innovation contest - i-PhD. Apply until March 30, 2023


To meet the challenge of doubling the number of Deeptech start-ups in France, the Government,, in partnership with Bpifrance, has launched the i-PhD contest, as part of the Deeptech Plan. It aims to reward young researchers or PhD students with entrepreneurial projects involving disruptive technologies. Apply until March 30, 2023.

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Candidatez à l'appel à projets de recherche "Grande pauvreté - comment l'éviter, comment en sortir"


la Fondation Hospitalière pour la Recherche sur la Précarité et l’Exclusion sociale, soutenue par l'Agence Régionale de Santé Ile-de-France, émet un nouvel appel à projets de recherche sur la thématique générale de la grande pauvreté. Le dépôt des candidatures (note d’intention dans un premier temps) sera possible du 29 novembre 2022 au 9 janvier 2023, puis du 3 février au 6 mars 2023.

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ABG recruits for Weblib start-up


As part of our recruitment support services, the ABG is looking for a PhD in R&D Informatics - System and Network - for the start-up Weblib.

Weblib explains their field of research and their motivation to recruit a new collaborator.

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ABG is recruiting for the QiOVA company


As part of our recruitment support services, ABG is looking for a Junior R&D Project Manager for the QiOVA company, specialized in lasers.

Through this news, learn more about QiOVA and the expectations of their future collaborator.

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Fellowships for PhD candidates by the German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD


The DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service)  is offering PhD candidates and early-career researchers a funding program to help them to achieve or develop their research projects in a higher education institution or German research institute (public or recognized by the German State). The deadline for applications is January 31, 2023.

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France-Berkeley Fund 2024-2025


FBF supports scientific and scholarly exchanges and collaboration between the University of California at Berkeley and French research and higher education institutions in all disciplines.The application deadline is January 31, 2024.

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Chateaubriand Fellowships


The Chateaubriand Fellowship in Humanities and Social Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Health for doctoral students aims to initiate or reinforce collaborations, partnerships or joint projects between French and American research teams. The application deadline is January 13, 2023.

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Claire-Deschênes Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition 2021


The Faculty of Engineering at Université de Sherbrooke is launching a competition for female doctoral candidates and young doctoral graduates. The goal of the Claire-Deschênes Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition is to promote postdoctoral training for women who will also be offered a professorship position in engineering at Université de Sherbrooke. The eight fellowships will be awarded in two rounds of four fellowships (40 000$/year, up to 2 years).

Application deadline: February 1, 2021.

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Servier invites you to its Servier Career Fair on December 9


As part of the growth of its R&D teams on the Paris-Saclay Campus, Servier is pleased to invite you to its Career Fair on the premises of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Paris-Saclay on Friday, December 9, 2022. Whether you are a young graduate, a PhD candidate / holder, a post-doctoral researcher or senior researcher, an alumni of French or international universities, come and discuss with our teams and discover the numerous job offers already online!

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MOPGA 2023: French visiting fellowship program for young researchers


The main objective of the MOPGA visiting fellowship program is to strengthen scientific contributions to climate change issues raised by the COPs. The program is intended to welcome 40 young researchers wishing to carry out their research in France. The deadline for applications is January 16, 2023.

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Institut Curie’s international PhD program EuReCa (Europe Research & Care)


Institut Curie is launching a fourth call for applications to recruit talented young researchers to build a community able to communicate, interact, build and share expertise to tackle the challenges of cancer. Application deadline: January 9,  2023.

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Highlights of the French-Italian day for early career researchers


On October 11th, 2022 took place the second edition of the French-Italian day for early career researchers (from all disciplines) online. The event was organized by ABG, in partnership with the University of Turin, and with the support of the French Italian University. It provided a rare opportunity for students and researchers from both countries to meet and discuss with experts in the field of Franco-Italian mobility !

In this article, feel free to consult the program as well as the presentation of each speaker and watch the replay of all the sessions (presentation and panel discussions).

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France-Nokia Chaire d’Excellence - Call for applications 2024

Nokia Chair

The France-Nokia Chaire d’Excellence in Information and Communications Technologies offers an opportunity for a distinguished French scholar/researcher to engage in international research collaboration. Check out the terms and conditions of eligibility, and apply before April 20, 2024.

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Servier vous donne rendez-vous le 9/12 pour son Servier Career Fair

Le premier Servier Career Fair

Au programme de la journée

Inscription et Informations pratiques 

Le Servier Career Fair : 1ère édition

Organisée en partenariat avec la Faculté de Pharmacie, la Graduate School Health & Drug Sciences et l’Objet Interdisciplinaire HEALTHI de l’Université Paris-Saclay, cette première édition du Pharmaceutical Career Fair aura pour vocation de :

  • présenter les activités de R&D du Groupe Servier
  • mettre en avant les opportunités de carrière du Groupe Servier.

Que vous soyez jeunes diplômés, doctorants, post-doctorants, alumni des grandes écoles et des universités françaises ou internationales, ou encore des professionnels expérimentés, le Servier Career Fair est fait pour vous ! Venez à la rencontre des équipes de Servier afin d'échanger, développer votre réseau et découvrez de nombreuses offres d’emploi déjà en ligne !


Pensé comme un lieu unique alliant innovation et savoir-faire, l’institut de R&D Servier Paris-Saclay ouvrira ses portes au premier semestre 2023 et accueillera également un incubateur pour faire avancer le progrès thérapeutique au bénéfice des patients. 


Rejoindre Servier, c’est intégré un groupe centré sur le patient. Avec 21 800 collaborateurs à travers le monde, la diversité est une force qui enrichit le Groupe.

Au programme de cette journée :

De nombreuses animations 

-  des conférences

-  des présentations des métiers de la R&D

-  des entretiens de recrutement sur le mode Speed meetings

-  des ateliers CV et lettre de motivation

-  des présentation de l’Institut de R&D Servier Paris-Saclay


Des offres d'emploi

Des speed meetings

Comment fonctionnent-ils ?

  • Après vous êtes enregistré sur ce website, vous trouverez le jour J le stand correspondant à vos envies pour 5 minutes de pitch !
  • Parlez-nous de vous, de vos compétences, de vos appétences et de votre personnalité.
  • Après les 5 premières minutes, vous pouvez obtenir un « extra-time » de 5 minutes supplémentaires ou bien un entretien ultérieur plus complet.

Réservez un créneau

Inscription et Informations pratiques 


Inscrivez-vous en ligne

Date et horaires

Le 9 décembre 2022, de 9h30 à 17h (attention : le retrait des badges est possible à partir de 9h00).


Faculté de Pharmacie 
Université Paris-Saclay​ Bâtiment Henri Moissan

17 avenue des Sciences​ 
91400 ORSAY​

Coordonnées GPS: 48.71177, 2.17382


Davantage d'informations sur le site du Servier Career Fair 

Les partenaires 

Intercultural competence: a key skill for a researcher


In the labour market, soft skills have become increasingly important. The interpersonal nature of the work (whether we work remotely or in the office) is important. One of these soft skills is increasingly sought after by PhD holders who are, in essence, an international group of actors: intercultural competence.

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French-Slovak program for scientific stays in France


The Franch-Slovak program for scientific stays in France aims to facilitate the transfer of skills or access to specific equipment, in order to support cooperation between two counties in areas identified as priorities. The deadline for applications is November 20, 2022.

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Atlas, short–term postdoctoral mobility


Atlas program aims to develop scientific exchanges between France and other countries and to finance research work: field surveys, work in libraries and archives. Applicants in social sciences & humanities  must be attached to a private or public higher education /research institution and be a PhD holder. The deadline for applications is March 18, 2024.


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Eiffel excellence scholarships


The main objective of the Eiffel Excellence scholarship programme is to train in French higher education institutions the future foreign decision makers of the private and public sectors. Three scientific fields have priority : sciences, economics and management, law and politics. The deadline for applications is January 10, 2024.

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ApogeeBio Postdoctoral fellowships


Genopole and its partners launch the 3rd and last ApogeeBio call for proposals to fund postdoctoral fellowships. In this call, a total of 12 will be funded for a duration of 24 months and a monthly salary up to 3000 euros net. Association Bernard Gregory will support selected young researchers in their career development. The deadline for applications is February 28, 2024.

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Stefanik, French-Slovak program to support researchers' mobility


The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - Štefánik 2023 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and Slovak laboratories, involving a significant participation of young researchers (PhD and post-doctoral fellows). The deadline for applications is December 5, 2022.

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Highlights of the PhDTalent Career Fair 2022


The PhDTalent Career Fair was held on October 21st, 2022 at the Centquatre in Paris. ABG was there, and we will now walk you through the highlights of this must-have event dedicated to PhD students and their employment.

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The winner list of ABG Professional Pitch Contest 2022


The ABG Professional Pitch Contest finale #CPP22 was held at the PhDTalent Career Fair 2022. The contest saw 11 PhD candidates and PhD holders competing for the best pitch in only 2 minutes, with a jury of 6 executives and business leaders.

Discover the list of winners of this edition, as well as the videos of the winners' pitches! 

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Inscrivez-vous au Forum Emploi Maths 2018


L'édition 2017 du Forum Emploi Maths aura lieu le 13 décembre 2018 prochain à la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, à Paris. Il propose comme chaque année de connecter les étudiants et les formations en maths aux besoins des entreprises. Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !

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Slovak Government National Scholarship Program


Slovak Government National Scholarship Program is a scholarship for the support of mobility of students, PhD candidates, university teachers, researchers and artists at higher education institutions and research organisations. It supports two-way mobility - international scholarship holders to Slovakia, as well as Slovak scholarship holders abroad. The deadline for applications is October 31, 2023.

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ATTRACT, a Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) program for promising junior researchers


ATTRACT is a FNR's programme designed for outstanding researchers, not yet established in Luxembourg, to set up their own research team within one of the country’s research institutions. The deadline for pre-proposals is November 15, 2023.

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PEARL, a Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) program for internationally recognized researchers


PEARL is a FNR's Programme enabling Luxembourg national research institutions to draw and to recruit established and internationally recognised researchers from abroad in order to accelerate the development and strengthening of Luxembourg’s national research priorities. The deadline for pre-proposals is October 24, 2022.

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ABG's Doctoral supervision training, 23 & 24 April 2019 in Paris [in French] – register now!


Are you supervising doctoral candidates and interested in consolidating the principles and practices turning your management activity into something meaningful? ABG is organising a training course in Paris on 23 and 24 April 2019 from 9 am to 5:30 pm.

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SAAFE: French-Australian grants for research internships in nuclear science and engineering


The SAAFE program supports Early Career Researchers at PhD and postdoctoral levels to travel from Australia to France – and from France to Australia – to initiate sustainable research networks and linkages. Application deadline: September 30, 2022.

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A Franco-Australian program to support mobility of high calibre researchers, from the public and private sectors. Application deadline: November 20, 2023.

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Register for the Lyon 2022 job fair - Digital edition on November 28, 2022


Les rendez-vous de l'emploi is a recruitment forum that brings together companies and PhD holders. The 2022 edition - digital, is organized on Wednesday, November 28, 2022 by the University of Lyon and its partners.

Recruiters, post your offers and select candidates from a pool of more than 800 PhDs! PhDs, create your profile and make yourself visible now!

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Le Forum Horizon Chimie 2019


The Horizon Chimie Forum will take place on 31 January 2019 at Maison de la Chimie, Paris. ABG will be happy to meet you there !

Sign up for the ABG flash interviews offered on October 13th from 2pm to 5 pm at the Welcome Desk Paris 2022 by CiUP


Are you a PhD candidate or a PhD holder? Are you wondering about a specific aspect of your career path or, more generally, about the next step in your career plan?

ABG, a longstanding partner of the CiUP and a guest of its Welcome Desk Paris, is offering you flash interviews (30 min), on October 13th, 2022, from 2pm to 5 pm, at the CIUP. Register now!

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ABG's Doctoral supervision training, 23 & 24 April 2019 in Paris [in French] – register now!


Are you supervising doctoral candidates and interested in consolidating the principles and practices turning your management activity into something meaningful? ABG is organising a training course in Paris on 23 and 24 April 2019 from 9 am to 5:30 pm.

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ABG's Doctoral supervision training, 23 & 24 April 2019 in Paris [in French] – register now!


Are you supervising doctoral candidates and interested in consolidating the principles and practices turning your management activity into something meaningful? ABG is organising a training course in Paris on 23 and 24 April 2019 from 9 am to 5:30 pm.

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France-Canada Research Fund


The FCRF aims to encourage and develop Franco-Canadian scientific exchanges, to select projects of excellence, and to encourage the involvement of young researchers in the selected research teams. The FCRF is open to all fields of research. The deadline for applications is November 17, 2023.

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France-Stanford Programs


The France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies has for goal to bridge the disciplines of humanities, social sciences, sciences, engineering, business and law, addressing historical and contemporary issues of significance for France and the United States from a broad range of perspectives.

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Fulbright Grants: cooperation program with the United States


The Franco-American Fulbright Commission has launched its annual call for applications within the framework of its programme intended for French candidates interested in mobility to the United States. The Fulbright Program offers grants to French students, PhD candidates, and researchers.

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The American Association of University Women (AAUW) International Fellowships


AAUW international fellowships aims to support women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the United States, who are not U.S. citizens, and who intend to return to their home country to pursue a professional career. The deadline for applications is November 15, 2024.

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Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme


The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme aims to attract the best and brightest minds from around the world to pursue their PhD program at one of Hong Kong's universities. The deadline for applications is December 1, 2024.

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Maupertuis: French-Finnish program to support researchers' mobility


Maupertuis program aims to initiate and strengthen bilateral cooperation in natural science, humanities and social sciences as well as innovation and higher education in the fields of interest for both France and Finland. The deadline for applications is September 15, 2024.

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Mitacs – Globalink Research Internship (GRI) in Canada


A mobility support between France and Canada intended for undergraduate students. Successful candidates will complete a twelve-week internship at a participating Canadian university. Application deadline: September 22, 2022.

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The Crossborder Career Workshop “PhD, what comes next?” 2021: highlights


This new online edition of the crossborder workshop was held from 8th to 10th December 2021 and brought together participants from Luxembourg, Germany, and France. Like the previous year, this year’s seminar was aimed at PhD candidates at the end of their doctoral program and young researchers on a temporary contract from all fields who wish to pursue their career in the non-academic sector.

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Alliance: French-British program to support researchers' mobility


The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - Alliance 2023 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and the UK laboratories, involving a significant participation of young researchers (PhD and post-doctoral fellows). The deadline for applications is September 30, 2022.

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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 1er mars 2019


Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MESRI.

Elle se tiendra le 1er mars 2019, de 13h30 à 17h30 à l’ANRT (33 Rue Rennequin, 75017 Paris)

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ABG is taking part in the Forum Labo 2022 [Lyon] on 19th and 20th September 2022. Register now!


ABG will take part in the Forum Labo 2022 [Lyon]. Meet us on 19th and 20th September 2022 in Lyon (Centre des Congrès), as well as the numerous companies present.

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This autumn, meet ABG at the BIOTechno Forums - 2022


BIOTechno Forums are unique meeting days which bring together students, PhD candidates, young researchers and companies each year. The main objective is to facilitate the creation of a strong biotechnology network, thus strengthening the links between academia and the private sector.

This year, ABG will attend the Paris Biotechno Forum on September 29, 2022 at the Campus des Cordeliers. Then, we will head to Marseille for the launch of the first Biotechno Sud forum, on October 20, 2022, at the Marseille World Trade Center!

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Sign up for the ABG webinar Consulting jobs on 10/06/21 at 11:30 am (in French)

ABG launches the 3rd session of its webinars "Focus Métiers - hors R&D" for PhD candidates and holders and companies. Join us on June 10, 2021 at 11:30 a.m. to listen to and discuss with our 5 speakers (PhDs and recruiters) who hold positions in consulting, within different types of organisations.

Check out the programme, the speakers and register now!


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ABG joins the partners of the BiotechnoSUD Forum... Interview with the organizing team!


The latest addition to the Biotechno forum family, the BiotechnoSUD forum, is launching its first event on October, 20th 2022 in Marseille. ABG, a long-standing partner of the Biotechno forums, is of course supporting this edition. Discover the objectives and specifics of this event in Marseille through these 3 questions we asked the team.

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ABG Pitch Contest 2022: the professional jury has been revealed


The Association Bernard Gregory professional pitch contest is back for its 2022 edition at the PhD Talent Career Fair. We are proud to announce the members of the professional jury...

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ABG - Ville de Paris Post-Doctoriales Seminar® will take place from November 16 to 18, 2021 in Paris. Register now!

Are you a PhD holder? Are you wondering about the next step in your career and considering it outside academia?
Don't miss the next session of the Post-Doctoriales®, organized by ABG with the support of the City of Paris, from November 16 to 18, 2021, in Paris.

Register now (limited number of places)!

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Aurora: French-Norwegian program to support researchers' mobility


The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - Aurora 2023 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and Norwegian laboratories, by encouraging the participation of young researchers (PhD candidates and post-doctoral fellows), and the development of cooperation in Europe. The deadline for applications is September 21, 2023.

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Sakura: Franco-Japanese program to support researchers' mobility


The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - Sakura 2024 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and New Zealand laboratories, by encouraging the participation of young researchers (PhD candidates and post-doctoral fellows). The deadline for applications is September 5, 2023.

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[Video] The skills needed in a professional environment


On the occasion of the 2019 Professional Pitch Contest #CPP19, members of the jury constituted of executives and business leaders share their experience on the question of skills. You will find in this video their views on recruitment, professional development or doctoral training.

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[Video] The skills needed in a professional environment


On the occasion of the 2019 Professional Pitch Contest #CPP19, members of the jury constituted of executives and business leaders share their experience on the question of skills. You will find in this video their views on recruitment, professional development or doctoral training.

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7th edition of the Franco-German Day for Early Career Researchers


As major players in the European research landscape, Germany and France offer numerous opportunities to (future) young researchers. Association Bernard Gregory , the Franco-German University, Campus France in Berlin, the French Embassy and the Institut français in Germany are organising the 7th information day for young researchers on their career development (held in French and German). This year, the event will be back to a on-site format on July 7, 2022, in Berlin.

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Sign up for the ABG webinar Consulting jobs on 10/06/21 at 11:30 am (in French)

ABG launches the 3rd session of its webinars "Focus Métiers - hors R&D" for PhD candidates and holders and companies. Join us on June 10, 2021 at 11:30 a.m. to listen to and discuss with our 5 speakers (PhDs and recruiters) who hold positions in consulting, within different types of organisations.

Check out the programme, the speakers and register now!


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Dumont d'Urville: Franco-New Zealand program to support researchers' mobility


The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - Dumont d'Urville 2023 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and New Zealand laboratories, by encouraging the participation of young researchers (PhD candidates and post-doctoral fellows). The deadline for applications is July 21, 2022.

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Procore: French-Hong Kong program to support researchers' mobility

The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - Procore 2024 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and Hong-Kongese  laboratories, involving a significant participation of young researchers (PhD and post-doctoral fellows). The program supports two types of cooperation: research projects and workshops. The deadline for applications is June 21, 2023.

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Procore: French-Hong Kong program to support researchers' mobility


The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - Procore 2023 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and Hong-Kongese  laboratories, involving a significant participation of young researchers (PhD and post-doctoral fellows). The program supports two types of cooperation: research projects and workshops. The deadline for applications is July 25, 2022

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France-Taiwan Scientific Prize


The Académie des sciences (France) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan award a France-Taiwan Scientific Prize every year to a team of French and Taiwanese researchers for their contribution and achievements to scientific research of interest to both regions. Application deadline is June 19, 2024.

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Cooperation program with the United States: Fulbright-Tocqueville Distinguished Chair Award


Fulbright-Tocqueville Distinguished Chair Award aims to reinforce collaborative research between the United States and France by giving a French university the opportunity to invite an American professor/researcher and give him/her the opportunity to meet French colleagues, to organize and participate in conferences, and to interact with French graduate and PhD candidates in their discipline. Application deadline: September 16, 2024.

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Retour sur les Postdoctoriales ABG-CNRS Langedoc-Roussillon

Du 14 au 16 novembre 2018, s'est tenue à Montpellier, une session des Postdoctoriales®. Ce séminaire, conçu et mis en oeuvre par l'ABG, à la demande de la délégation régionale CNRS Occitanie Est et de l'Université de Montpellier, est dédié aux chercheurs en CDD du secteur publique ou en recherche d’emploi de toutes disciplines.
Retour sur ces 3 journées riches et intenses !


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Retour sur les Postdoctoriales ABG-CNRS Langedoc-Roussillon

Du 14 au 16 novembre 2018, s'est tenue à Montpellier, une session des Postdoctoriales®. Ce séminaire, conçu et mis en oeuvre par l'ABG, à la demande de la délégation régionale CNRS Occitanie Est et de l'Université de Montpellier, est dédié aux chercheurs en CDD du secteur publique ou en recherche d’emploi de toutes disciplines.
Retour sur ces 3 journées riches et intenses !


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On your mark... ready... pitch! Launch of the annual Professional Pitch Contest by ABG


Association Bernard Gregory (ABG) is launching the call for applications for the 2022 professional pitch contest. Send us your video pitches now and get a place in the finals, on October 21, 2022, during the PhDTalent Career Fair, at CENTQUATRE in Paris.

The principle? Candidates have 120 seconds to convince the jury and the audience by presenting their research experience and their professional project in a clear, concise and convincing manner.

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Post your offers

When you post your offers on the ABG website, you reach a target audience consisting mainly of professionals holding doctorates, but also doctoral candidates and students enrolled in Master’s or engineering degree programs. They represent every discipline, excluding medicine and pharmacology. Do you wish to post one or more job offers, thesis proposals or internship offers? Manage offers, options and applications via the website.

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Post your offers

When you post your offers on the ABG website, you reach a target audience consisting mainly of professionals holding doctorates, but also doctoral candidates and students enrolled in Master’s or engineering degree programs. They represent every discipline, excluding medicine and pharmacology. Do you wish to post one or more job offers, thesis proposals or internship offers? Manage offers, options and applications via the website.

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Rendez-vour pour la 7e édition du salon emploi/formation "Paris pour l'emploi des jeunes", le 21 février 10/18h,  à Paris Villette Event Center (19e)

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The Cross-border Postdoctoriales are back!


For the 4th year in a row, ABG and its partners organize a new edition of Cross-border Postdoctoriales. This career workshop is dedicated to postdocs and unemployed doctorate holders. On your marks? Ready? Apply!

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Polonium : Franco-Polish program to support researchers' mobility


The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - Polonium 2023 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges between Polish and French research laboratories, by encouraging new cooperation, the involvement of young researchers and PhD candidates, and by opening up prospects for the development of projects towards European projects. The deadline for applications is June 30, 2022.

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ECOS - South Argentina Program


ECOS-South program aims to foster new co-operation between researchers and to develop joint research projects for a period of 3 years, between French and Argentinian teams. Application deadline: May 15, 2022.

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L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation de la société Artimon

L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation (Artimon Perspectives) de la société Artimon, cabinet de conseil en management qui accompagne ses clients dans leurs projets de transformation (digital, organisation).

Découvrez dès à présent l'offre d'emploi et candidatez, et/ou inscrivez-vous au webinaire d'information proposé le 18 mai 2021 et qui donnera la parole à la Directrice Recherche et Innovation d'Artimon : Josephina Gimenez.

The Military History Award call for application 2022


To encourage and promote research in the field of defense and military history, the French Scientific Council for Historical Research in Defense is awarding a "Military History Prize" for PhD theses, as well as for Master 2 theses. 

Apply until June 10, 2022.

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Highlights on the Apérodoc "PhDs - entrepreneurs" in bio-health by ABG and LallianSe

retour AD_SG_ABG_2022

As part of the After Doc' SHS, and of the After Doc' in Management Sciences, ABG and LallianSe organized their first Apérodoc "PhDs - entrepreneurs" in bio-health, on April 7, 2022, in Paris.

It allowed participants, PhD candidates, PhD holders and professionals to discover the careers of 4 PhD holders who have created or joined a startup, but also to exchange with them during a cocktail reception.

Discover key moments in images and podcasts (in French).

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Van Gogh : the Franco-Dutch programme to support researchers' mobility


The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - Van Gogh 2023 - aims to foster new co-operations between young researchers and to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between research institutions from Netherlands and France. Active participation and mobility of young researchers, especially Phd students or postgraduate, is one of the very first criteria of selection.. The deadline for applications is June 17, 2022.


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The Cross-border Postdoctoriales are back!


For the 4th year in a row, ABG and its partners organize a new edition of Cross-border Postdoctoriales. This career workshop is dedicated to postdocs and unemployed doctorate holders. On your marks? Ready? Apply!

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Call for projects by Defense Innovation Agency: Cifre-Defense 2022

cifre_Ministère des armées_ABG_2022

The French Ministry of the Armed Forces and the Defense Innovation Agency (DIA) are launching the DIA Cifre-Défense 2022 call for thesis projects. It covers military and dual (civilian and military) topics. EU, UK and Swiss citizens are eligible.

Check out the details of funded topics and apply by May 6, 2022.

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Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA)


SINGA is a scholarship for international students with excellent academic results, and a keen interest in doctoral (PhD) research in science and engineering at the University of Singapore. The deadline for applications is December 1, 2023.


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Retour sur les Postdoctoriales ABG-CNRS Langedoc-Roussillon

Du 14 au 16 novembre 2018, s'est tenue à Montpellier, une session des Postdoctoriales®. Ce séminaire, conçu et mis en oeuvre par l'ABG, à la demande de la délégation régionale CNRS Occitanie Est et de l'Université de Montpellier, est dédié aux chercheurs en CDD du secteur publique ou en recherche d’emploi de toutes disciplines.
Retour sur ces 3 journées riches et intenses !


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Grands Prix de l'Académie des technologies - 2019

Vous êtes une startup créée depuis moins de 5 ans dans le secteur de la mobilité terrestre ? Candidatez, à partir du 15 avril et avant le 5 juillet 2019 minuit, à la nouvelle édition des Grands Prix de l’Académie des technologies !

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Galilée : Franco-Italian mobility program


The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - GALILEE 2024 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and South African laboratories, involving a significant participation of young researchers (PhD and post-doctoral fellows). The deadline for applications is May 19, 2023.


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Call for applications: French-German Prize for scientific collaboration Forcheur Jean-Marie Lehn 2022

Prix franco-allemand

The Department for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in Germany is granting an award for a French-German cooperation between two young scientists in the following fields: chemistry, health, pharmacology. The award is granted under the patronage of Pr Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, together with the French-German University as well as BASF France and Sanofi Germany.

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Bonne continuation à notre collègue Christine Bachelin !

Le 28 février dernier, Christine Bachelin passait sa dernière journée au sein de notre équipe, pour entreprendre un nouveau projet personnel et professionnel autour de la restauration et de la transformation de meubles. Pour lui rendre hommage, nous vous proposons un retour sur ses différentes contribution au fil des années...


Et bon vent à toi Christine !

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Sign up for the ABG webinar "Technical Sales Jobs" on 02/02/21 at 11:30 am

ABG is launching the first session of its webinars "Jobs beyond R&D" organised by its Corporate Relations, Partnerships and Recruitment division. Scheduled for February the 2nd 2021, at 11:30 am, this first session will be devoted to positions in sales.

Check out the programme, the speakers and register now!


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ABG and the PAUSE Program: The story of a collaboration


Since 2017, the PAUSE Program has made it possible to host and integrate in France foreign scientists who can no longer carry out their activities freely in their country of origin, where they are exposed to major risks due to the content of their research, their activism, or their belonging to a minority. Since 2019, ABG has been a partner of PAUSE and helping the laureates, who are highly qualified international PhDs and researchers, pursue their career.

In this interview, Laura Lohéac, Executive Director of the PAUSE program, and Vincent Mignotte, Executive Director of ABG, look back together at their collaboration and its future.

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PAUSE program and the mentoring provided by ABG: crossed testimonies


Discover the testimonies of Thao LANG, one of our experienced trainers supporting the PAUSE laureates, and Souad ODEH, one of the program laureates, published in the 2020 activity report of the PAUSE program.

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Procope: mobility to France for PhD candidates, post-docs and young researchers


The Franco-German mobility program aims to enhance scientific and technological exchanges and to promote new cooperation between research laboratories in the two countries. It supports the mobility to France of PhD candidates, postdoctoral fellows and young researchers from a laboratory or research institute in Germany. Application deadline: March 28, 2022.

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SPECIAL CALL - PAUSE Program: Emergency Assistance to Ukrainian Researchers


In response to the current crisis, the PAUSE program is opening a special call for emergency assistance to Ukrainian researchers in danger, through an emergency fund granted by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. Discover all the modalities and practical information in this ABG article.

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Floriane LACOUR joins our Corporate Relations, Partnerships and Recruitment Department


Following the departure of Christine Bachelin, we have the pleasure of welcoming Floriane Lacour as Corporate Relations, Partnerships and Recruitment Officer. We welcome her and invite you to discover her career path, her commitments and her goals in this article.

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Rendez-vour pour la 7e édition du salon emploi/formation "Paris pour l'emploi des jeunes", le 21 février 10/18h,  à Paris Villette Event Center (19e)

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French-Italian University's call for projects 2024

Label UFI

The first call for projects, 'Scientific Label 2023', supports Franco-Italian initiatives of high cultural and scientific interest that will run from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. Apply online by Apr 5, 2024.

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Funding from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation

Fondation Fritz Thyssen

The Fritz Thyssen Foundation funds postdoctoral fellowships and scientific projects that allow early-career researchers to implement their projects. Application deadlines vary depending on the nature of the grant.

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Répondez au 3e volet de l'enquête "regards croisés sur la formation doctorale" du Réseau National des Collèges Doctoraux (RNCD)


Le Réseau National des Collèges Doctoraux (RNCD) lance le 3e volet de son enquête nationale. Son objectif est de mieux connaître le paysage de l’emploi des docteurs, de toutes disciplines, au sein des entreprises privées (TPE, PME, Grands groupes) ainsi que les stratégies de ces entreprises en matière de recrutement des doctorants et des docteurs.

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Focus on South Africa

South Africa

Discover the context and perspectives of South African higher education and academic and scientific cooperation with France. The article also provides an introduction to the different French and South African technology and innovation portals. The aim is to connect French and South African scientists, entrepreneurs and innovators in order to co-develop a product, service, or technology, with mutual economic interests in mind.

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La fabrique des politiques environnementales à l’échelle locale : les chercheurs mènent l’enquête


La Direction de l’Attractivité et de l’Emploi et la Direction de la Transition écologique et du Climat vous invitent, en présence de Marie-Christine Lemardeley, Adjointe à la Maire chargée de l’enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de la vie étudiante, à une rencontre sur les politiques urbaines de gestion des matières.

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Call for projects by Defense Innovation Agency: Cifre-Defense 2022

cifre_Ministère des armées_ABG_2022

The French Ministry of the Armed Forces and the Defense Innovation Agency (DIA) are launching the DIA Cifre-Défense 2022 call for thesis projects. It covers military and dual (civilian and military) topics. EU, UK and Swiss citizens are eligible.

Check out the details of funded topics and apply by May 6, 2022.

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Appel à candidatures pour les allocations de thèse en histoire du ministère des Armées

Allocation_ministère des armées_ABG_2022

Le ministère des Armées attribue au titre de l’année 2022 jusqu’à trois allocations de thèse en histoire militaire. Ces allocations, d'un montant de 10 000 € chacune, sont ouvertes à tout candidat inscrit en thèse au moment du dépôt de dossier de candidature, à l'exception des doctorants bénéficiant d'un contrat doctoral. 

Candidatez dès maintenant !

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Canon Europe Research Grant

Canon Europe Research Grant

The Canon Europe Research Grant enables young, highly qualified European or Japanese researchers who hold a doctorate, or at least a master’s degree, to pursue research in Japan for the first ones and in Europe for the second ones.

Submit your application before September 15, 2024.

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The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Independent administrative institution, the JSPS aims at contributing to the advancement of Science in all fields of the Natural and Social Sciences and the Humanities.
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GILIBERT 2023-2024, the Franco-Lithuanian program

campus france gilibert

Gilibert is the Franco-Lithuanian Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC). It is implemented in Lithuania by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports and the National Research Council of Lithuania and in France by the Ministries of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI).

The deadline for applications is April 29, 2022.

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Germaine de Staël: The Franco-Swiss program to support researchers' mobility 2023


The objective is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence and to encourage new co-operations between research laboratories in both countries. Active participation of early career researchers, especially PhD students and postdocs, is one of the very first criteria of selection.

Deadline for application: June 1, 2022.

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La Gazette du LABORATOIRE, des supports dédiés au monde du laboratoire et des sciences

Créée par un scientifique pour les scientifiques, La Gazette du LABORATOIRE accompagne depuis 1995, la vie des laboratoires francophones de Recherche, Développement, Analyse et Contrôle. Basée depuis toujours en France, tous nos services sont réalisés en France.

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Tips and best practices to make your CV visible and effective to recruiters

Using CV libraries can be a very useful tool in a job search... But for that, you need to do it correctly! Nowadays, many sites offer this service to candidates: recruitment agencies, job sites (ABG, Indeed, etc.), temporary employment agencies, and many others... The CVs deposited in the CV libraries are then classified by sector of activity: agri-food, materials, chemistry, communication, electronics, consulting, telecoms... But how can you stand out from the hundreds of CVs competing with yours? Here are some tips and best practices to help you stand out!

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The ABG CV Library has a new look, upload (or update) your CV!


The ABG CV Library has a new look and features. It now offers you a simplified user experience! This change is an opportunity :

  • for us to remind you of the importance of this tool and to guide you in its use;
  • for you to take advantage of our advice to update your CV and to post it!
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The IESF 2019 survey open to doctoral students and doctors

IESF conducts annually a national survey that provides a comprehensive overview of the professional and socio-economic situation of engineers and scientists who have graduated in France. For the first time, with the support of ABG, this survey is open to doctors (PhDs) and doctoral students.

Answer it until March 31, 2019!

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Young Researcher Fellowships at CEFRES : France & Visegrad countries


A mobility support for young researchers in their second year of doctoral studies or more from France, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and whose research contributes to one of CEFRES’s research areas.


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Multi-distribution: Expand the distribution of your job offers via ABG


The number of candidates for a job offer (job, thesis or internship) is highly dependent on the job offer’s visibility. By choosing to use our ABG job board, you increase your chances of attracting talent by spreading your offers across multiple partner websites!

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ABG supports you in your recruitments with tailor-made services


Optimize the performance of your recruitments thanks to our personalized services. From pre-selection to approaching directly the candidates, the ABG team puts their know-how, experience and networks at your service!

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Contrats doctoraux handicap : campagne nationale 2022


La campagne « Doctorat Handicap » est un axe fort de la politique d'inclusion menée par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation, en partenariat avec les établissements d'enseignement supérieur. Elle a pour objectif de favoriser la poursuite d’études au niveau doctoral des étudiantes et étudiants en situation de handicap. Pour 2022, les candidatures sont à déposer du 30 mars au 11 mai 2022.

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Interested in the adventure of launching a Deeptech startup, with the SATT Pulsalys 2021's special startup young researchers programme


Are you a young doctor, post-doc or doctoral student at the end of your thesis?  You think that your research results have the potential to become a future product/service, meeting a need in society? You are thinking about a start-up project, and consider bringing it to market?

The Young Researchers Special Startup programme may be the springboard that will help you realise your DeepTech ambition.

Apply until 15 October 2021.

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Appel à candidatures pour les allocations de thèse en histoire. Ministère des Armées, édition 2021


Le ministère des Armées attribue au titre de l’année 2021 jusqu’à six allocations de thèse en histoire militaire. Le montant de l’allocation est de 10 000 euros. Ces allocations sont ouvertes à tout candidat inscrit en thèse au moment du dépôt de dossier de candidature, à l'exception des doctorants bénéficiant d'un contrat doctoral.

Candidatez jusqu'au 14 janvier 2021.

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Apply to the Theses program - edition 2022 launched by ADEME, French Environment and Energy Management Agency


Are you passionate about ecological transition, and interested in doing your PhD at ADEME? Then the 2022 call for applications for its Theses program might be for you (students from humanities and social sciences are welcome) !

Check out the terms and conditions of eligibility, and apply before April 5, 2022 

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La saison 3 du MOOC "Doctorat et poursuite de Carrière" par PhDOOC


L’association PhDOOC organise pour la 3 e année consécutive, le MOOC “Doctorat et Poursuite de Carrière” à destination des doctorants et des docteurs de toutes disciplines. Il s’agit d’une formation gratuite et en ligne qui débute le 7 novembre. Inscrivez-vous dès  à présent, les cours débutent le 7 novembre 2018 !


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Retour sur le webinaire ABG spécial 40 ans : "Comment les docteurs peuvent-ils remettre du sens dans le débat public ?"

Visuel_retour_webnaire_40 ans

Notre webinaire anniversaire s'est tenu jeudi 2 décembre en visioconférence. Nous avons passé un excellent moment et avons pris plaisir à écouter les intervenants : Jean-Luc Beylat, Gilles Babinet, Tania Louis et Marjorie Meunier, que nous  remercions chaleureusement, tant pour la qualité de leurs interventions, que pour leur hauteur de vue lors des échanges.

Sans plus tarder, le REPLAY du webinaire et quelques bonus...

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Highlight of the Post-Doctoriales Seminar, organized by ABG with the support of the City of Paris


From November 16 to 18, 2021, a session of the Post-Doctoriales® was held in Paris. This seminar is dedicated to researchers on fixed-term contracts in the public sector, or searching for opportunities, regardless of their field of expertise. 

It is designed to help these young researchers initiate a personal reflection, aiming at valorizing their skills in a stimulating and realistic professional project. It also offers them the opportunity to meet professionals working outside the academic sector.

Check out the highlights of those three intense days.

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Institut Curie’s international PhD program EuReCa (Europe Research & Care)


Institut Curie is launching a third call for applications to recruit talented young researchers to build a community able to communicate, interact, build and share expertise to tackle the challenges of cancer.

Application deadline: January 20,  2022.

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Highlights of the French-Italian day for early career researchers 2021


On October 28th, 2021 took palce the first online edition of the Franco-Italian day for early career researchers (from all disciplines). This event was organized by ABG, In partnership with the University of Turin, and with the support of the Italo-French University, and offered a rare opportunity for students and researchers from both countries to meet and talk with experts in the field of Franco-Italian mobility !

In this article, you can consult the porgram, watch the replay of all the sessions and get the presentation of each and every speaker.

Call for projects by FRM - 2022


Within the framework of the "Espoirs de la recherche" programme, the Foundation for Medical Research FRM supports the best projects likely to generate significant impact in the health sector. A variety of funding schemes are available to teams, regardless of the theme and nature of their research work.

Read the details of the calls for projects in this article (there is a specific application deadline for each call).

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Appel à projets : Concours d'innovation - i-Nov. Candidatez jusqu'au 8 octobre 2019


L’appel à projets « Concours d’innovation - i-Nov » est un dispositif qui a pour vocation de sélectionner des projets d’innovation au potentiel particulièrement fort pour l’économie française. Il est ouvert aux startups, ainsi qu'aux PME.

Candidatez jusqu'au 8 octobre 2019.

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Appel à projets : Concours d'innovation - i-Nov. Candidatez jusqu'au 8 octobre 2019


L’appel à projets « Concours d’innovation - i-Nov » est un dispositif qui a pour vocation de sélectionner des projets d’innovation au potentiel particulièrement fort pour l’économie française. Il est ouvert aux startups, ainsi qu'aux PME.

Candidatez jusqu'au 8 octobre 2019.

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Prix 2018 des jeunes chercheurs de la SFP

La Société Française de Physique a le plaisir d'annoncer l'ouverture de ses candidatures pour ses prix Jeunes Chercheurs/euses 2018 ! Deux prix de thèse généralistes (prix Saint-Gobain et Daniel Guinier) et un spécialisé en physique des Plasmas (prix René Pellat).

Date limite de candidature : 15 février 2019

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Barrande Fellowship Program 2024


Discover the exchange mobility program "Barrande" for Ph.D. candidates between the Czech Republic and France. This rogramme is designed to provide PhD candidates in the Czech Republic with opportunities to study in France and PhD candidates in France with opportunities to study in the Czech Republic. The application deadline is January 28, 2024.

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Science and Technology Watch Australia

The “Bulletin de veille Science et Technologie” (Science and Technology Watch) from the French Embassy in Australia.

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PhDs' voices Mathilde MAILLARD: activities and commitments during the PhD


In this third and final part of our interview with doctoral student Mathilde Maillard, we discuss the activities and commitments she has carried out alongside her doctoral experience, the benefits she has gained from it, before offering you her tips and advice.

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Inscrivez-vous à la présentation en visioconférence du site et des outils ABG, ainsi que de Docpro, le 9/12 à 17h30


L'ABG : Association Bernard Gregory (soutenue par le MESRI, et spécialiste de l'insertion professionnelle des PhDs depuis plus de 40 ans) organise avec l'association de doctorants de l'EDSTS une session de présentation [en visioconférence] des différents services et outils proposés par l'ABG, ainsi que du référentiel de compétences Docpro.

Inscrivez-vous dès à présent et rendez-vous le 9/12 sur Zoom, de 17h30 à 19h.

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International Researchers: Funding programmes for mobility to France and Poland

campus france nawa

The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA, the French Embassy in Poland, the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation have supported for many years mobility in research by offering scholarships for talented international researchers.

Here is a - non-exhaustive - list of possible funding.

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participez au webinaire ABG spécial 40 ans : "Quel rôle pour les docteurs pour remettre du sens ?", le 02/12/21, à 11h

Science et société : quel rôle pour les docteurs pour remettre du sens ? C'est le titre du webinaire proposé par l'ABG pour ses 40 ans et organisé par Campus Matin le jeudi 2 décembre 2021 de 11h à 12h30. Ce webinaire anniversaire a pour objectif d’illustrer la place de la science et le rôle des docteurs dans la société.

Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant !

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Euraxess France National Days 2021

Euraxess France

Euraxess France National Days took place on October 11 and 12 in Strasbourg. More than 40 Euraxess centers met to advance the practices of welcoming and supporting the mobility of foreign researchers in France.

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Inscrivez-vous aux Rendez-vous de l'emploi 2019

L'édition 2019 des Rendez-vous de l’emploi organisée par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation et avec la participation de l'ABG, aura lieu le 18 avril 2019, à Paris.


Recruteurs et candidats (de Bac + 3 à Bac + 5), inscrivez-vous gratuitement dès à présent !

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Highlights of the PhDTalent Career Fair 2019


The PhDTalent Career Fair was held on October 18th, 2019 at the Centquatre in Paris. ABG was there, and walks you through the highlights of this must-attend event dedicated to PhDs and to their employment.


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The winner list of ABG Professional Pitch Contest 2021


The ABG Professional Pitch Contest finale #CPP21 was held at the PhDTalent Career Fair 2021. The contest saw 10 PhD candidates and PhD holders competing for the best pitch in only 2 minutes, with a jury of 4 executives and business leaders.

Discover the list of winners of this edition, as well as the videos of the winners' pitches! 

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The corporate page: a tool for better visibility amongst ABG’s target audience


Your organization is a member of the ABG subscribers, or you are considering becoming a member... We offer you a dedicated and permanent communication solution. Take advantage of your corporate page!

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French – Italian Day for Early Career Researchers 2022


ABG and the University of Turin are organizing the new online edition of the French-Italian day for early-career researchers of all disciplines on October 11, 2022. This event is an opportunity for students and researchers from both countries to get an insight on the job market and the skills necessary for a career transition and to network with recruiters and PhDs working in companies. Registration is open!

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"Vernadsky" PhD scholarships 2022

bourses Vernadski

Within the framework of the "Vernadsky" program to support the mobility of young researchers, the French Embassy in the Russian Federation is awarding PhD scholarships for the year 2022 for a cotutelle thesis. 

Application deadline: December 17, 2021.

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La journée du doctorat 2021 sera accueillie par l'Université Paris Saclay le 20/10. Inscrivez-vous avant le 14/10

journée du doctorat 2021

Cette année, la journée nationale du doctorat sera accueillie le 20 octobre 2021 par l’Université Paris-Saclay dans un format hybride (présentiel et distanciel). Inscrivez-vous avant le 14 octobre 2021, 13h. 

La présentation du pass sanitaire est obligatoire pour accéder à l'événement en présentiel.

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Doctorants à vous de révolutionner le monde de demain avec "La Deeptech voit BIG" un événement bpifrance, le 6 octobre 2021

Evénement BIG bpifrance

Étudiants, doctorants, chercheurs, startupeurs, entrepreneurs, bpifrance vous donne rendez-vous le 06 Octobre 2021 à l’Accor Arena et en Live streaming, pour son événement "La deeptech voit BIG" ! Venez découvrir le champ des possibles que l’innovation offre et inspirez-vous de celles et ceux qui oeuvrent déjà au changement  !

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Retour sur le webinaire "Les métiers technico-commerciaux" 1er épisode de la série des Focus Métiers Hors R&D

Le 2 février 2021 avait lieu le webinaire "Les métiers technico-commerciaux", premier épisde de la série "Focus métiers - hors R&D" organisé par le pôle Relations Entreprises, Partenariats et Recrutement et l'ABG. 

Retrouvez le replay de la session, ainsi qu'une série de bonus !

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Panel d'offres d'emploi : spéciale SHS


En ce moment sur notre job board, de nombreuses offres d'emploi dédiées au public des docteurs en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS).

Découvrez-les toutes dans cet article... mais surtout si l'une (ou plusieurs) d'entre elles vous conviennent, candidatez !

PhDs' voices: doctoral mobility to the UK following Brexit


Mathilde Maillard takes a look back at her experience of mobility to the United Kingdom, during her third year of doctoral studies. A stay of 4 months during which she was hosted by the laboratory CASC (Centre for Advanced Structural Ceramics) of Imperial College London.

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Inscrivez-vous au Forum Emploi Maths 2018


L'édition 2017 du Forum Emploi Maths aura lieu le 13 décembre 2018 prochain à la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, à Paris. Il propose comme chaque année de connecter les étudiants et les formations en maths aux besoins des entreprises. Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !

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L'ABG est au Forum Labo 2021 [Paris]. Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !


L'ABG sera présente lors de l'édition 2021 du Forum Labo. Rendez-vous du 5 au 7 ocobre 2021 à Paris (Porte de Versailles) et venez à notre rencontre ainsi qu'à celle de nombreuses entreprises.

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Le Forum Horizon Chimie 2019


The Horizon Chimie Forum will take place on 31 January 2019 at Maison de la Chimie, Paris. ABG will be happy to meet you there !

Interested in the adventure of launching a Deeptech startup, with the SATT Pulsalys 2021's special startup young researchers programme

Are you a young doctor, post-doc or doctoral student at the end of your thesis?  You think that your research results have the potential to become a future product/service, meeting a need in society? You are thinking about a start-up project, and consider bringing it to market?

The Young Researchers Special Startup programme may be the springboard that will help you realise your DeepTech ambition.

Apply until 15 October 2021.

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ABG - Ville de Paris Post-Doctoriales Seminar® will take place from November 16 to 18, 2021 in Paris. Register now!

Are you a PhD holder? Are you wondering about the next step in your career and considering it outside academia?
Don't miss the next session of the Post-Doctoriales®, organized by ABG with the support of the City of Paris, from November 16 to 18, 2021, in Paris.

Register now (limited number of places)!

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PhD's voices : Mathilde Maillard, PhD candidate in materials science and entrepreneur


This summer we interviewed Mathilde Maillard, a PhD candidate in materials science and an entrepreneur from Lyon. We discussed her background, her recent mobility experience in London, as well as her (many) commitments outside of her PhD program! In this first article, she shares with us her background and her perception of the PhD experience!

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Webinar on business creation: "focus on business cooperatives CAE and SCOP", 21/09 at 11am


Are you itching to start a business? Are you wondering about the cooperative model? This mode of governance, centered on people, can also concern entrepreneurial researchers! This is why the ABG and Apécita (association for the employment of managers, engineers and technicians in agriculture) organise a free information webinar on 21/09/21, from 11am to 12.30pm.

Take the dive and come and meet the experts!

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Collaborate with ABG for your European project


ABG has been increasingly active at the European level and is recognized as "Euraxess Career Development Center" since 2017. It is a partner in several European projects (COFUND, ITN/Doctoral Networks, Interreg, Erasmus, etc.). Discover our actions in favor of the recruitment and career development of researchers and associate ABG to your projects. The call for projects MSCA Cofund and Doctoral Networks are respectively open until September 26th and November 27th, 2024.

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Candidatez aux Missions doctorales complémentaires de diffusion scientifique 2021 - 2022 d'Universcience


Une expérience de médiation scientifique vous tente ? Vous avez jusqu'au 15 septembre 2021 pour candidater aux missions doctorales de diffusion scientifique d'Universcience (fusion de la Cité des sciences et de l’industrie et du Palais de la Découverte). Toutes les disciplines sont les bienvenues (SHS included !). Découvrez les modalités de candidatures et lançez-vous !

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The WINNINGNormandy Fellowship Program


The WINNINGNormandy – the program WelcomINg and TraiNING international high-level post-docs in Normandy aims to promote attractive research careers in the Normandy Region in France by funding individual-driven research training and career opportunities for Experienced Researchers. The program is co-funded by the European MSCA-COFUND program and the regional council of Normandy. Application deadline for the 2nd and final call is October 14th, 2022.

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ABG - Ville de Paris Post-Doctoriales Seminar® will take place from November 16 to 18, 2021 in Paris. Register now!

Are you a PhD holder? Are you wondering about the next step in your career and considering it outside academia?
Don't miss the next session of the Post-Doctoriales®, organized by ABG with the support of the City of Paris, from November 16 to 18, 2021, in Paris.

Register now (limited number of places)!

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Apply for innovAtive European POstdoctoral fellowship programme of GEnopolE BIOcluster ApogeeBio


Genopole and its partners launch an ambitious funding programme that aims to foster the international attractiveness and visibility of Genopole biocluster through competitive international calls. Association Bernard Gregory will support selected young researchers in their career development. 

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Apply for the new edition of “PhD, what comes next - 2022?”, the cross-border career workshop for PhD candidates! November 29 - December 1, 2022 (online)


Together with its partners from Luxembourg and Germany and with the support of the French-German University, the Luxembourg National Research Funds (FNR), ABG is organising a new online edition of the cross-border seminar for doctoral candidates “PhD, what comes next?”. This seminar is aimed at all doctoral candidates from France, Germany and Luxembourg. On your marks? Get set? Apply now!

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Appel à candidatures 2021 du prix de thèse de la Chaire "Défense & Aérospatial"


Dans le cadre de ses missions de recherche et de soutien aux étudiants, la chaire « Défense & Aérospatial » lance un prix qui vise à récompenser des travaux de thèses à vocation stratégique et prospective. 

L'appel à candidatures est ouvert jusqu'au 15 juillet 2021 !

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PhD testimonial: Alexandra Delvallée, from intern to research engineer at the LNE (French National Laboratory of Metrology and Testing).


Today, Alexandra Delvallée is a research engineer at the LNE (Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'essais). She has climbed the career ladder since her Master 2 research internship. She shares with us her career path, as well as insights on research in metrology and its expectations.

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Célébrez les 40 ans de l'ABG en partageant vos histoires EN VIDÉO !

Depuis 40 ans maintenant,nous oeuvrons à vos côtés à la promotion du doctorat. Aujourd'hui, à l’occasion de notre 40e anniversaire,nous avons le plaisir de vous donner la parole. Racontez nous vos histoires à traver une courte "vidéo selfie" !

À vous de jouer... ACTION !

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ABG Pitch Contest 2021: the professional jury has been revealed

The Association Bernard Gregory professional pitch contest is back for its 2021 edition at the PhD Talent Career Fair. We are proud to announce the members of the professional jury...

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Sandra Giron joins ABG's Innovative Training and Coaching department


We are pleased to welcome Ms Sandra Giron to our ranks as Training and Coaching officer.

Get to know more about her background, her commitments and her objectives in this biography.

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Inscrivez-vous aux Rencontres Physique - Entreprise - Recherche [RPER] 2021

Rencontres RPER 2021 SFP

Organisées par la Société Française de Physique en partenariat avec l'European Physical Society et l'ESPCI - Paris - PSL, les prochaines Rencontres Physique - Entreprise - Recherche se tiendront le 17 septembre 2021 à Sorbonne Université à Paris.

Découvrez le programme et inscrivez-vous dès maintenant.

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Retour sur le webinaire "Les métiers technico-commerciaux" 1er épisode de la série des Focus Métiers Hors R&D

Retour sur le webinaire technico-commerciaux métiers

Le 2 février 2021 avait lieu le webinaire "Les métiers technico-commerciaux", premier épisde de la série "Focus métiers - hors R&D" organisé par le pôle Relations Entreprises, Partenariats et Recrutement et l'ABG. 

Retrouvez le replay de la session, ainsi qu'une série de bonus !

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On your mark... ready... pitch! Launch of the annual Professional Pitch Contest by ABG

Association Bernard Gregory (ABG) is launching the call for applications for the 2021 professional pitch contest. Send us your video pitches now and get a place in the finals, on October 15, 2021, during the PhDTalent Career Fair, at CENTQUATRE in Paris.

The principle? Candidates have 120 seconds to convince the jury and the audience by presenting their research experience and their professional project in a clear, concise and convincing manner.

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International Students: Funding programmes for mobility to Poland

Pologne Campus France ABG ENGL

In October 2017, the Polish Government established the National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA to support academic mobility and Poland's development in higher education and research. Supporting academic mobility stands among NAWA’s most important objectives. NAWA is a major player in mobility, alongside the other main operators NCN, NCBiR and FNP who also run their own programmes. NAWA's role is similar to that of the operator Campus France. Here is a non-exhaustive list of possible funding.

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Sign up for the ABG webinar Consulting jobs on 10/06/21 at 11:30 am (in French)

ABG launches the 3rd session of its webinars "Focus Métiers - hors R&D" for PhD candidates and holders and companies. Join us on June 10, 2021 at 11:30 a.m. to listen to and discuss with our 5 speakers (PhDs and recruiters) who hold positions in consulting, within different types of organisations.

Check out the programme, the speakers and register now!


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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 1er mars 2019


Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MESRI.

Elle se tiendra le 1er mars 2019, de 13h30 à 17h30 à l’ANRT (33 Rue Rennequin, 75017 Paris)

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Students enrolled in Poland: Funding programmes for mobility to France

Pologne Campus France ABG ENGL

The French Embassy in Poland and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs have, for many years, supported mobility in higher education by offering scholarships for talented international students. Here is a - non-exhaustive - list of possible funding.

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Appel à candidatures 2019 du Prix d'histoire militaire


Afin d'encourager et de promouvoir la recherche dans le domaine de la défense et de l’histoire militaire, le conseil scientifique de la recherche historique de la défense attribue un "Prix d'histoire militaire" pour les thèses de doctorat, ainsi que pour les mémoires de Master 2

Candidatez jusqu'au 7 juin 2019.

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Rendez-vour pour la 7e édition du salon emploi/formation "Paris pour l'emploi des jeunes", le 21 février 10/18h,  à Paris Villette Event Center (19e)

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Rendez-vour pour la 7e édition du salon emploi/formation "Paris pour l'emploi des jeunes", le 21 février 10/18h,  à Paris Villette Event Center (19e)

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L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation de la société Artimon

L’ABG recrute un(e) chercheur(se) Junior en Sciences Humaines et Sociales pour le Studio de Recherche et Innovation (Artimon Perspectives) de la société Artimon, cabinet de conseil en management qui accompagne ses clients dans leurs projets de transformation (digital, organisation).

Découvrez dès à présent l'offre d'emploi et candidatez, et/ou inscrivez-vous au webinaire d'information proposé le 18 mai 2021 et qui donnera la parole à la Directrice Recherche et Innovation d'Artimon : Josephina Gimenez.

The workshop-contest "Pitch your professional brand" for ESPCI’s UPtoPARIS program


ABG organized from March 17th to 18th, 2021 its first pitch contest in English for a COFUND program of ESPCI Paris. The online event brought together 9 fellows with a jury of 4 company executives.   

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Retour sur le webinaire "Les métiers technico-commerciaux" 1er épisode de la série des Focus Métiers Hors R&D

Retour sur le webinaire technico-commerciaux métiers

Le 2 février 2021 avait lieu le webinaire "Les métiers technico-commerciaux", premier épisde de la série "Focus métiers - hors R&D" organisé par le pôle Relations Entreprises, Partenariats et Recrutement et l'ABG. 

Retrouvez le replay de la session, ainsi qu'une série de bonus !

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Participez à la 2ème édition du CHALLENGE LAB'START-UP de FORUM LABO PARIS 2021


Vous connaissez une start'up à la tête d'un projet innovant  et qui apporte des réponses aux enjeux du laboratoire d'aujourd'hui (ou de demain) ? Le Challenge Lab'startup de FORUM LABO Paris 2021 est fait pour vous ! Participez et remportez un stand sur l'Espace LAB'START-UP !

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Grands Prix de l'Académie des technologies - 2019

Vous êtes une startup créée depuis moins de 5 ans dans le secteur de la mobilité terrestre ? Candidatez, à partir du 15 avril et avant le 5 juillet 2019 minuit, à la nouvelle édition des Grands Prix de l’Académie des technologies !

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Sign up for the ABG webinar "Technical Sales Jobs" on 02/02/21 at 11:30 am

ABG is launching the first session of its webinars "Jobs beyond R&D" organised by its Corporate Relations, Partnerships and Recruitment division. Scheduled for February the 2nd 2021, at 11:30 am, this first session will be devoted to positions in sales.

Check out the programme, the speakers and register now!


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The IESF 2019 survey open to doctoral students and doctors


IESF conducts annually a national survey that provides a comprehensive overview of the professional and socio-economic situation of engineers and scientists who have graduated in France. For the first time, with the support of ABG, this survey is open to doctors (PhDs) and doctoral students.

Answer it until March 31, 2019!

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Itane Lacrampe Camus, PhD in Social Geography, and entrepreneur


During the finale of the professional pitch contest 2020 we met Itane Lacrampe Camus and discoverded her background. She is a fresh PhD graduate in social geography, and also half of the entrepreneurial tandem at the helm of the NARRAU project. Read her testimony and check out her advice...

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Inscrivez-vous au WEB ATELIER AvanThèse[S'engager en Doctorat ou pas ?] proposé par l'ABG lors du Forum de l’orientation post Bac + 3 de l'Université de Paris


Dans le cadre de son forum de l’orientation post Bac + 3, l'Université de Paris propose du 15 au 26 mars des sessions d’information en ligne. L'ABG y sera présente et proposera deux ateliers AvanThèse® afin d'accompagner les étudiants qui s'interrogent quant à la poursuite en doctorat les jeudi 18 mars [13h30-16h30] et le jeudi 25 mars [9h30-12h30].

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Incendie OVH : l'ABG reste joignable

**** INCENDIE OVH Strasbourg ****

Il est temporairement impossible :

  • de contacter nos adresses email @abg.asso.fr

    Leur rétablissement est en cours, toutefois nous sommes joignables et à l'écoute au +33 (0)1 427 427 01 ou à l'adresse abg.temporaire@gmail.com ;
  • d'accéder au référentiel de compétences DocPro [http://www.mydocpro.org] (géré par nos soins).

Toutes nos excuses pour la gêne occasionnée et #Stay_tuned pour plus d'information très rapidement !

The Research Council of Norway Industrial Ph.D. scheme


An opportunity offered throughout the year to Norwegian companies and to PhD students - Norwegians as well as foreigners.

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Panel d'offres d'emploi : spéciale SHS


En ce moment sur notre job board, de nombreuses offres d'emploi dédiées au public des docteurs en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS).

Découvrez-les toutes dans cet article... mais surtout si l'une (ou plusieurs) d'entre elles vous conviennent, candidatez !

Participez à l'appel à candidatures 2021 du PhD Transfer Program de la SATT Paris-Saclay


Doctorants et Jeunes Docteurs du Cluster Paris-Saclay, vous réfléchissez à votre avenir et vous souhaitez continuer à travailler votre sujet de thèse ? Candidatez au PhD Transfer Program de la SATT Paris-Saclay et valorisez vos résultats de thèse !

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ABG's Doctoral supervision training, 23 & 24 April 2019 in Paris [in French] – register now!


Are you supervising doctoral candidates and interested in consolidating the principles and practices turning your management activity into something meaningful? ABG is organising a training course in Paris on 23 and 24 April 2019 from 9 am to 5:30 pm.

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Laure ROUPIOZ: International mobility, a scientific and human adventure


Before her position at ONERA, Laure Roupioz has come a long way…

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Solène Baffi and her experience of international mobility

Solène Baffi is a PhD in geography, specializing in transportation and mobility issues. She talks about her experience in South Africa and the impact international mobility has had on her career.

[you want to know more about her career path]

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Solène Baffi, from a PhD in geography to the NGO Codatu

Passionate about mobility and international development, Solène Baffi, holder of a PhD in Geography, is currently working for the NGO Codatu. She shares her experience and advice.

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Call for projects Tournesol 2024: Franco-Belgian program for international mobility


Tournesol 2024’s objective is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between research laboratories and public institutions in the Wallonia-Brussels region and France. The deadline for applications is March 30, 2023.


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Call for projects on medical research by Fondation de France

The calls for projects 2019 by Fondation de France dedicated to medical research are available. Browse the database. 

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Call for projects on medical research by Fondation de France


The calls for projects 2019 by Fondation de France dedicated to medical research are available. Browse the database. 

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L’ENA ouvre un concours externe spécial à destination des titulaires d’un doctorat

concours ena PhD

En 2019, ce concours ouvrira dans la spécialité sciences de la matière et de l’ingénieur et, en 2020, dans la spécialité sciences humaines et sociales. Trois places devraient être ouvertes en 2019, s'ajoutant aux places des autres concours (externe, interne et troisième concours).

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Les Bourses PALLADIO 2019

la Fondation Palladio accompagne et encourage les jeunes talents qui feront l'immobilier et la Ville de demain, et lance sa campagne de bourses 2019. Vous pouvez candidater jusqu'au 15 mars 2019.

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Les Bourses PALLADIO 2019


la Fondation Palladio accompagne et encourage les jeunes talents qui feront l'immobilier et la Ville de demain, et lance sa campagne de bourses 2019. Vous pouvez candidater jusqu'au 15 mars 2019.

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Appel à candidatures pour les allocations de thèse en histoire. Ministère des Armées, édition 2021


Le ministère des Armées attribue au titre de l’année 2021 jusqu’à six allocations de thèse en histoire militaire. Le montant de l’allocation est de 10 000 euros. Ces allocations sont ouvertes à tout candidat inscrit en thèse au moment du dépôt de dossier de candidature, à l'exception des doctorants bénéficiant d'un contrat doctoral.

Candidatez jusqu'au 14 janvier 2021.

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Lancez-vous dans l'aventure d'une startup Deeptech, avec le programme jeunes chercheurs spécial startup de la SATT Pulsalys 2020


Vous êtes jeune docteur(e), post-doc ou doctorant(e) en fin de thèse ?  Vous pensez que vos résultats de recherche ont du potentiel pour devenir un futur produit  / service, répondant à un besoin de la société ? Vous songez à un projet de startup pour le concrétiser et l’amener jusqu’au marché ?

Le programme Jeunes Chercheurs Spécial Startup est peut-être le tremplin qui vous aidera à concrétiser votre ambition DeepTech.

Candidatez jusqu'au 15 octobre 2020.


Candidatez, soumettez votre projet, et projetez-vous dans une future création d’entreprise !

Pour tous les candidat(e)s : notre BootCamp spécial Jeunes Chercheurs vous fera découvrir toutes les facettes de la création de startup Deep Tech

Pour les projets sélectionnés : notre investissement vous permettra de prototyper le futur produit / service à partir de vos résultats

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Les Bourses PALLADIO 2019


la Fondation Palladio accompagne et encourage les jeunes talents qui feront l'immobilier et la Ville de demain, et lance sa campagne de bourses 2019. Vous pouvez candidater jusqu'au 15 mars 2019.

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The PALLADIO - 2022 Scholarships


The Palladio Foundation supports and encourages young talents (students, PhD candidates, post-doctoral researchers, French and foreign citizens) who will create real estate and the city of tomorrow as part of its 2021 scholarship campaign. Applications are open until March 18, 2022.

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Call for projects by FRM - 2021


Within the framework of the "Espoirs de la recherche" programme, the Foundation for Medical Research FRM supports the best projects likely to generate significant impact in the health sector. A variety of funding schemes are available to teams, regardless of the theme and nature of their research work.

Read the details of the calls for projects in this article (there is a specific application deadline for each call).

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Retour sur le webinaire "Les métiers technico-commerciaux" 1er épisode de la série des Focus Métiers Hors R&D

Retour sur le webinaire technico-commerciaux métiers

Le 2 février 2021 avait lieu le webinaire "Les métiers technico-commerciaux", premier épisde de la série "Focus métiers - hors R&D" organisé par le pôle Relations Entreprises, Partenariats et Recrutement et l'ABG. 

Retrouvez le replay de la session, ainsi qu'une série de bonus !

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FNEGE presents its PhD programme through APEL (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning), in partnership with Paris-Est Crétil University.


FNEGE offers, in partnership with Paris-Est Créteil University , a doctoral programme in Management sciences through APEL. This program aims to enable those who have acquired significant experience in scientific research, in the course of their professional practice, to reflect on their skills and enhance them by obtaining a doctorate.

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Call for proposals at the Franco-German University 2021


The Franco-German University is offering a program to support the organization of Franco-German scientific events, lasting between 2 days and 4 weeks, such as research workshops or summer schools.

Proposals can be submitted to three campaigns on the following dates: March 15, 2021, June 15, 2021, and October 15, 2021.

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ABG membership

By becoming a member of ABG:

  • you take part in the activities of the association
  • increase your visibility
  • enhance the legitimacy of its action
  • take advantage of promotional offers.

Information and contact:
+33 (0)6 74 28 56 32

Download the membership form for 2025

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International students interested in the fields of energy and the environment : apply to EDENE, the new doctoral programme at Pau University


The EDENE doctoral programme, winner of the Horizon 2020 Marie Curie COFUND calls for projects, offers to train 30 international doctoral students in the fields of energy and the environment, and more specifically in the disciplines the University of Pau is most renowned for (science and technology and social sciences & humanities)

Consult the details of the call and apply until March 31, 2021.

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Apply to the Theses program - edition 2021 launched by ADEME, French Environment and Energy Management Agency


Are you passionate about ecological transition, and interested in doing your PhD at ADEME? Then the 2021 call for applications for its Theses program might be for you (students from humanities and social sciences are welcome) !

Check out the terms and conditions of eligibility, and apply before March 31, 2021 

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How about working on your job research by playing?

You a doctoral candidate or a PhD ? You are looking for a job, or will be soon and you are in need for effective communication tools ? What if the best way to learn was by playing ? ABG organizes a training session (by videoconference) on january the 29th, from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. Register now!


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Sign up for the ABG webinar "Technical Sales Jobs" on 02/02/21 at 11:30 am

ABG is launching the first session of its webinars "Jobs beyond R&D" organised by its Corporate Relations, Partnerships and Recruitment division. Scheduled for February the 2nd 2021, at 11:30 am, this first session will be devoted to positions in sales.

Check out the programme, the speakers and register now!


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Future of People @Work : le nouveau programme de recherche en Sciences Humaines et Sociales


Altran, leader mondial des services d’ingénierie et de R&D lance le programme Future of People @Work. Il prévoit le recrutement de plusieurs docteurs, issus des disciplines des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (SHS), au cours du premier semestre de 2021, afin d’imaginer l’entreprise de demain.

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Audrey Dominguez : Cifre PhD & Communication Officer

Audrey Dominguez testimony ABG

Audrey Dominguez holds a Cifre PhD in French literature and French language, specializing in the sciences of imaginaire. Thanks to a Cifre agreement (Industrial Agreement for Training through Research), she had the opportunity to work on her thesis and aquire her PhD while working in the company « Au temps des Fées », in Grenoble. Read more about her career path, her views on the dctorate and the assets it comes with, as well as some advice...

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The winner list of ABG Professional Pitch Contest 2020

The ABG Professional Pitch Contest finale #CPP20 was held at the PhDTalent Career Fair 2020 and was 100% digital. The contest saw 10 PhD candidates and PhD holders competing for the best pitch in only 2 minutes, with a jury of 7 executives and business leaders.

Discover the list of winners of this edition, as well as the replay of the finale ! 

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The Crossborder Career Workshop “PhD, what comes next?” 2020: highlights

The crossborder workshop took place from 18th to 20th November 2020 and brought together participants from Luxembourg, Germany, and France. This year’s event was designed for PhD candidates at the end of their doctoral program and young researchers on a temporary contract from all fields who wish to pursue their career in the non-academic sector.

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Crossborder Postdoctoriales 2018: highlights!


The 4th  edition of Crossborder Postdoctoriales took place in Luxembourg city from 4 to 7 December 2018. This event is designed for researchers from all fields employed on temporary contract in the public sector or seeking employment. Here are the highlights!

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Crossborder Postdoctoriales 2018: highlights!


The 4th  edition of Crossborder Postdoctoriales took place in Luxembourg city from 4 to 7 December 2018. This event is designed for researchers from all fields employed on temporary contract in the public sector or seeking employment. Here are the highlights!

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Attend the final of ABG’s Professional Pitch Contest by videoconference on November 19th , at 2pm


In compliance with health regulations, the ABG invites you to the PhDTalent Career Fair 100% Virtual, for the finals of Its 2020 Professional Pitch Competition.
With its 10 finalists and its jury of executives and business leaders, attend the finals by videoconference from wherever you are !

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Panel d'offres d'emploi : spéciale SHS

En ce moment sur notre job board, de nombreuses offres d'emploi dédiées au public des docteurs en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS).

Découvrez-les toutes dans cet article... mais surtout si l'une (ou plusieurs) d'entre elles vous conviennent, candidatez !

Panel d'offres d'emploi : spéciale SHS


En ce moment sur notre job board, de nombreuses offres d'emploi dédiées au public des docteurs en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS).

Découvrez-les toutes dans cet article... mais surtout si l'une (ou plusieurs) d'entre elles vous conviennent, candidatez !

Meet UK universities online at Study UK Europe: Gateway to the UK

Salon British council ABG 2020

The British Council’s first ever Europe-wide virtual higher education fair for students considering studying in the UK at either undergraduate or postgraduate level will take place from 19 October-13 November.

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Lancez-vous dans l'aventure d'une startup Deeptech, avec le programme jeunes chercheurs spécial startup de la SATT Pulsalys


Vous êtes jeune docteur(e), post-doc ou doctorant(e) en fin de thèse ?  Vous pensez que vos résultats de recherche ont du potentiel pour devenir un futur produit  / service, répondant à un besoin de la société ? Vous songez à un projet de startup pour le concrétiser et l’amener jusqu’au marché ?

Le programme Jeunes Chercheurs Spécial Startup est peut-être le tremplin qui vous aidera à concrétiser votre ambition DeepTech.

Candidatez jusqu'au 15 octobre 2020.


Candidatez, soumettez votre projet, et projetez-vous dans une future création d’entreprise !

Pour tous les candidat(e)s : notre BootCamp spécial Jeunes Chercheurs vous fera découvrir toutes les facettes de la création de startup Deep Tech

Pour les projets sélectionnés : notre investissement vous permettra de prototyper le futur produit / service à partir de vos résultats

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Prix de la Gendarmerie nationale


In 2021, the Gendarmerie Nationale organizes the "National Gendarmerie Awards - Research and Strategic Thinking" in order to reward and support members of the Institution (active or reserve) or civil society, whose research or publication work and actions concern issues of national security and defense. 
Deadline for application: January 29, 2021

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Appel à candidature "Ostrogradski"


Dans le cadre de son programme Ostrogradski d’aide à la mobilité des jeunes chercheurs, l’Ambassade de France en Fédération de Russie attribue pour l’année 2019 des bourses à des étudiants inscrits en doctorat en Russie et invités par une équipe de recherche française

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Alejandra MEDINA: from a PhD in Finance to the OECD


During the last Post-Doctoriales seminar organized by ABG and the City of Paris, Alejandra MEDINA told us about her experience. From her PhD in Finance to the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), she looks back at her career and gives some advice for those interested in working for intergovernmental and international organizations.

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Highlight of the Post-Doctoriales Seminar, organized by ABG with the support of the City of Paris


From September 7 to 9, 2020, a session of the Post-Doctoriales® was held in Paris. This seminar is dedicated to researchers on fixed-term contracts in the public sector, or searching for opportunities, regardless of their field of expertise. 

It is designed to help these young researchers initiate a personal reflection, aiming at valorizing their skills in a stimulating and realistic professional project. It also offers them the opportunity to meet professionals working outside the academic sector.

Check out the highlights of those three intense days.

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Kristina Berkut joins the ABG as Training & International Project Manager


Kristina Berkut has joined ABG team. She will be holding the position of Training and International Cooperation Project Manager.

Read more about her career path, her commitments and her objectives through this biographical article.

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Laurence Friteau joins ABG as head of the Corporate Relations, Partnerships and Recruitment department


Our team is happy to welcome Mrs Laurence Friteau as head of the Corporate Relations, Partnerships, and Recruitment department. Laurence replaces Michèle Ansola, well known to our clients, who has widely contributed to the development of ABG, and has recently retired.

Get to know more about her career path, her commitments and her projects through this biographical article.

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Concours de pitch ABG 2018 : la composition du jury professionnel

Avec la rentrée, le concours de pitch professionnel de l'Association Bernard Gregory approche à grands pas. Vous avez jusqu'au 18 septembre minuit pour nous faire parvenir vos vidéos. L'enjeu ? 10 places de finalistes qui présenteront leur pitch sur le PhD Talent Career Fair, le 5 octobre 2018, à Paris mais surtout, face à notre jury de cadres et dirigeants d'entreprises.

Webinars on Higher Education and Research Opportunities in the European Union: Aug. 7 and 14


If you're interested in going to Europe for your doctoral project, don't miss the 2 info sessions on opportunities in France (Aug.7) and Germany (Aug. 14), organised by Afrisnet and Euraxess North America.

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Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

The answers to all your questions... or almost!

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Inspireurope Stakeholder forum on research, innovation and research at risk: the highlights


On June 8, an online event was organized to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the Higher Education and Research institutions to welcome refugee scientists. If you couldn’t attend the event, all the sessions are now available online.

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Comscicon : le workshop de communication scientifique à destination des doctorants et doctorantes arrive en France le 4 septembre. Inscrivez-vous jusqu'au 24 juillet


Le workshop international de communication scientifique, ComSciCon, fait son entrée sur le sol français le 4 septembre 2020 sur le campus de l’Université Paris-Saclay à la Maison d’Initiation et de Sensibilisation aux Sciences (MISS). Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu'au 24 juillet 2020 (nombre de places limité) !

Find all the content (in English) of the Franco-German webinar on the mobility and career development of PhDs!


Association Bernard Gregory, in partnership with the Franco-German University, Institut Français in Germany and the French Embassy in Berlin, organized on July 9, 2020 an information day for young researchers about mobility and career development. If you were unable to attend or if you wish to see it again, it's this way!

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NEW: “PhD, what comes next?”, the crossborder career workshop for PhD candidates - November 18-20 2020


Together with its German and Luxembourg partners, ABG is organising the first edition of the cross-border seminar for doctoral students “PhD, what comes next?”. This seminar is aimed at all doctoral candidates from France, Germany and Luxembourg, as well as those who wish to come and work in one of the three countries after their doctorate. On your marks? Are you ready? Register now!

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PhDs, what do you get out of lockdown?

That's it, we're starting to see the end of the tunnel of this strange period. Many people think that it will have a profound impact on the way we work and consume, but also on our social and family relationships... And probably much more!

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On your mark... ready... pitch! Launch of the annual Professional Pitch Contest by ABG

Association Bernard Gregory (ABG), in partnership with PhDTalent, CASDEN Banque Populaire and ANDès, invites you on October 18, 2019 to the PhDTalent Career Fair for the 6th edition of its professional pitch contest.

Meet us at CENTQUATRE in Paris, on the occasion of this event, entirely dedicated to doctoral candidates & doctorate holders.

The principle? Candidates have 120 seconds to convince the jury and the audience by presenting their research experience and their professional project in a clear, concise and convincing manner.

Do you want to participate? Send us your video pitch now!

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Individual Fellowships 2020 - Webinars dedicated to writing tips


Would you like to apply for MSCA-IF funding and would you like to benefit from feedback to help you write your project properly? Register for one of the 2 workshops organised by the MSCA NCP on June 16 and 25.

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GENOPOLE Postdoctoral Research Fellowships 2020


Genopole-Evry has launched a new call for proposals for a postdoctoral fellowship which enables a France-educated1 researcher currently performing research abroad to return to France. The fellowship is intended to fund a research project in Genopole-based research laboratories or biotech companies. Application deadline: June 30.

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Watch online our webinars on PhD career development and intersectoral mobility


As part of its missions around the geographical and intersectoral mobility of PhDs, ABG has organized during the lockdown a series of webinars, now accessible by replay on its YouTube channel.

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Forums BIOTechno editions 2020


TheForums BIOTechno are unique meeting days that bring together students, doctoral students, young researchers and companies every year.  The main objective is to facilitate the creation of a strong network in the biotechnology sector and thus consolidate the bridges between the academic and private sectors.

This year, the Grand-Est edition will tale place from June 2nd to 12th as an e-forum and the Paris edition is postponed to October 5th 2020.

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Forums BIOTechno éditions 2019


Les Forums BIOTechno sont des journées de rencontre uniques réunissant chaque année étudiants, doctorants, jeunes chercheurs et entreprises.  L'objectif principal est de faciliter la création d'un réseau fort dans le secteur des biotechnologies et ainsi consolider les passerelles entre le secteur académique et le secteur privé.

En juin, retrouvez les éditions Grenoble le 11 et Paris le 14.

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Selection of job ads in the fields of biotech/medtech


Discover in this panel the numerous job ads for a wide variety of professions, from Biotechs and Medtechs, and addressed to the public of PhDs. Currently on our job site...

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The videoconference job interview: the Devil is in the details!



The Covid-19 pandemic will not necessarily create a new world. However, it will most certainly provoke systemic changes in work organisation and managerial practices. One immediately thinks of the attitude of managers towards the telework of their employees, or the relevance of the open space, but recruitment practices will also change.

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Appel à candidatures 2019 du Prix d'histoire militaire

Afin d'encourager et de promouvoir la recherche dans le domaine de la défense et de l’histoire militaire, le conseil scientifique de la recherche historique de la défense attribue un "Prix d'histoire militaire" pour les thèses de doctorat, ainsi que pour les mémoires de Master 2

Candidatez jusqu'au 7 juin 2019.

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Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum: an online event on research, innovation and scholars at risk (June 8, 2020)


The event aims to facilitate exchange between key actors in research and innovation in Europe, including individual researchers, higher education networks, research funding agencies, EU and other policy makers in Europe.

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Thematic webconferences in English for PhD candidates and postdocs by ABG


Join us for 2 sessions in English to discuss your career development plans and to increase your efficiency in networking outside academia: 22 April and 24 April. NEW SESSION: May 7

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They participated in EU-projects and share their experience

Here is some feedback on European participations and the choice of partner to work with ABG.

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Funding excellent researchers for companies thanks to MSCA-IF European projects: feedback from Elvesys


Guilhem Velvé Casquillas holds a PhD in physics and is the founder (among others) of Elvesys Microfluidics Innovation Center, a company specialized in microfluidics. He agreed to answer our questions to share his experience of European projects, in particular the individual grants of the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA-IF).

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Going for a postdoc in North America: relive the webinar!

ABG hosted a webinar on April 17, 2020, dedicated to postdoctoral mobility in North America. Find the advice of our speakers on how to best prepare for this mobility.

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Going for a postdoc in North America: relive the webinar!

ABG hosted a webinar on April 17, 2020, dedicated to postdoctoral mobility in North America. Find the advice of our speakers on how to best prepare for this mobility.

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Business Webinar on Funding and Recruiting International Researchers (MSCA-IF)


Discover the MSCA-IF funding scheme and the services to help recruit and welcome international researchers during the webinar organized by ABG and France Innovation on May 15th at 11am.

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Thematic webconferences in English for PhD candidates and postdocs by ABG


Join us for 2 sessions in English to discuss your career development plans and to increase your efficiency in networking outside academia: 22 April and 24 April. NEW SESSION: May 7

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Quand confinement rime avec... divertissement

En plus d'encourager le travail à distance et de multiplier les moyens de communication, le confinement laisse également dans son sillage d'initiatives numériques dont le seul but est de... nous distraire. Nous en listons quelques-unes, par thématiques, dans cet article !

Des idées pour le compléter ? Envoyez vos suggestions et liens à webmaster@abg.asso.fr

[WEBINAR] 6th edition of the Franco-German Young Researchers' Day


As major players in the European research landscape, Germany and France offer numerous opportunities to (future) young researchers. The Association Bernard Gregory , the Franco-German University, the French Embassy and the Institut français in Germany are organising for the 6th consecutive year an information day for young researchers on their career development. This event will take place online on 9th of July 2020, in English.

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Les Post-Doctoriales® vous donnent rendez-vous du 1er au 3 juillet 2020, inscrivez-vous dès à présent !

Vous êtes docteur et vous vivez ou travaillez à Paris ? Vous vous interrogez sur la prochaine étape de carrière et l’envisagez en dehors du secteur académique ?
Ne manquez pas la prochaine session des Post-Doctoriales® du 1erau 3 juillet 2020, à Paris.

Inscrivez-vous sans tarder (nombre de places limité) !

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Les Post-Doctoriales® vous donnent rendez-vous du 1er au 3 juillet 2020, inscrivez-vous dès à présent !

Vous êtes docteur et vous vivez ou travaillez à Paris ? Vous vous interrogez sur la prochaine étape de carrière et l’envisagez en dehors du secteur académique ?
Ne manquez pas la prochaine session des Post-Doctoriales® du 1erau 3 juillet 2020, à Paris.

Inscrivez-vous sans tarder (nombre de places limité) !

Exchanges on best practice for PhD supervisors and research team managers

In order to help doctoral student supervisors and team leaders to maintain the cohesion of their teams during containment, ABG offers them to share experience, questions and exchanges during 5 video conferences in April. Register now [attention, limited number of places].

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Thematic webconferences for your career development


Join ABG every Friday of the confinement, from 11 am to 12.30 pm for its webconferences: times of exchanges, reflections and advices related to PhD career development.

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Rituals, how the Little Prince helps us to live well in confinement


For doctoral candidates, researchers, supervisors, team leaders and managers: the value of rituals to unite teams.

Over the last few days, our organization and our pace of life have been disrupted, we have lost some of our points of reference. Having quickly adapted to the new requirements, the challenge is to hold out over the long term.

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Entreprises, Universités et organismes de recherche... l'ABG s''adapte à vos besoins en période de confinement

En cette période exceptionnelle, vous avez probablement pris les mesures qui s’imposaient pour préserver la santé de tous et votre activité.
Il en va de même pour l’ABG... Ces circonstances nous offrent une opportunité de réinventer nos modes de travail, et d'adapter notre offre de services à vos besoins, ainsi qu'à l'actualité.

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Conseils emploi en période de confinement

En cette période un peu particulière et pour mettre à profit le confinement que nous vivons… Nous vous avons préparé un petit pense bête de tout ce que vous pouvez faire quand vous avez du temps (ou un peu plus que d’habitude !).

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Practice-led research: how to bring together artistic practices and science, the example of CY University


The Ecole Universitaire de Recherche (EUR) Humanities, Creation and Heritage offers practitioners in the fields of creation and heritage (architecture, heritage, arts, literary creation, landscape) the opportunity to complete a PhD allowing them to put their own creative process at the heart of their research. Deadline for application: April 30, noon.

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Selection of job ads in the fields of biotech/medtech


Discover in this panel the numerous job ads for a wide variety of professions, from Biotechs and Medtechs, and addressed to the public of PhDs. Currently on our job site...

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Coronavirus and containment: impact on visa procedure for international researchers


Because of the current situation, the French Home Office has published a press release on the visa procedure for international researchers whose visa is no longer valid from March 16.

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Appel à projets "Jeune docteur" de la SATT Paris Saclay. Candidatez jusqu'au 3 avril 2020

Vous êtes doctorant en 3ème année, ou docteur diplômé depuis moins de 18 mois issu du Cluster Paris-Saclay, et vous enisagez un transfert technologique vers un partenaire industriel ou la création de start-up ? L'appel à projets "Jeune docteur" de la SATT Paris Saclay est fait pour vous. 

Candidatez jusau'au 3 avril 2020 !


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Appel à projets : Concours d'innovation - i-Nov. Candidatez jusqu'au 8 octobre 2019


L’appel à projets « Concours d’innovation - i-Nov » est un dispositif qui a pour vocation de sélectionner des projets d’innovation au potentiel particulièrement fort pour l’économie française. Il est ouvert aux startups, ainsi qu'aux PME.

Candidatez jusqu'au 8 octobre 2019.

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After Doc' Social Sciences & Humanities #2

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After the success of its 1st edition, a new After Doc' was organized in Paris on February 12, 2019.

It allowed almost 50 participants, PhD candidates and holders, to discover the careers of four speakers - who hold a PhD in social sciences and humanities  or hire and work with them in the private sector - and to exchange with them during an informal networking session.

Here are some highlights from this event.

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The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchanges (NAWA) has launched its ULAM programme to attract international researchers in Poland. Application until April 15.


The objective of The Ulam Programme is to help foreign researchers to develop their careers by intensifying international mobility and to allow them to establish scientific cooperation with excellent host institutions in Poland. It funds a research stay from 6 to 24 months.

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PhD Program "NUMERICS" by CEA : 2019 call for application open


3 CEA laboratories located in France are seeking bright, highly motivated PhD candidates willing to contribute to the progress of these research with an important contribution of numerical simulation, scientific computing and artificial intelligence.

Deadline for applications: 30 April 2019

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£10 million funding to spark innovation and new careers in the biomedical sector


UKRI has launched a new programme that aims to spark innovation and help people move between different research careers. 3 calls are open for UK-based researchers and hosting companies.

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PhD: choosing France for your research


You have decided to go abroad for your research project but you don’t know yet which country will host you. Why not France? Rank 4 in hosting international PhD candidates before the USA and Germany, France offers many opportunities for international PhDs in academia and in industry. Discover them by participating in the webinar organised together by ABG and the French diplomacy network in Northern America on the 19th of May, at 6 pm (CET).

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Chairs of excellence Blaise Pascal funded by Région Ile-de-France

Through this funding scheme, which helps attract world-renowned international researchers, the Paris region supports research and enhances its international visibility and the attractiveness of its campuses. Application deadline: 29 April 2020.

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19 fully funded PhD thesis for MSCA project PEARL in Lille: apply now!


PEARL is a doctoral programme held by the I-SITE ULNE. It is co-funded by the Marie curie COFUND actions within the framework of the European Commission’s H2020 programme. It funds the recruitment of 30 PhD students who will work on interdisciplinary research projects related to the scientific themes of I-SITE ULNE. The first wave of recruitment is open now, until April.

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CIFRE à la Ville de Paris : des doctorant.e.s au cœur de l'action municipale

La Ville de Paris, dans le cadre du dispositif CIFRE (Conventions industrielles de formation par la recherche), accueille au sein de ses services des doctorant.e.s dont le sujet de thèse porte sur les questions prioritaires de la municipalité. Un appel à candidatures est lancé pour le recrutement d’une promotion de 10 doctorant.e.s en janvier 2021.

Déposez votre candidature avant le 10 mars 2020 !

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The IESF 2019 survey open to doctoral students and doctors


IESF conducts annually a national survey that provides a comprehensive overview of the professional and socio-economic situation of engineers and scientists who have graduated in France. For the first time, with the support of ABG, this survey is open to doctors (PhDs) and doctoral students.

Answer it until March 31, 2019!

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Panel d'offres d'emploi : spéciale SHS


En ce moment sur notre job board, de nombreuses offres d'emploi dédiées au public des docteurs en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS).

Découvrez-les toutes dans cet article... mais surtout si l'une (ou plusieurs) d'entre elles vous conviennent, candidatez !

Call for projects on medical research by Fondation de France


The calls for projects 2019 by Fondation de France dedicated to medical research are available. Browse the database. 

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[Vidéos] Retour sur les 24h de l'aéronautique édition 2019 by Aerocentre


Notre adhérent le pôle de compétitivité Aerocentre a soufflé sa 10e bougie à l'occasion de ses 6e rencontres aeronautiques de la région centre-Val de Loire le 24 novembre 2019. Retour sur ces 2 jours avec 2 vidéos retrospectives !

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Le Forum CIFRE 2019


Rendez-vous lundi 18 mars 2019 à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris pour le 15ème Forum Cifre.

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The Human genomics symposium by France Génomique : Feb 10 - 11 - 12. Register now!


The first International Symposium on Human Genomics will be held in Paris on 10-11 and 12 February 2020. Online registrations are free and open until Feb the 5th

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After Doc Management Sciences 21/11/19

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After the After Doc' Social Sciences & Humanities series, ABG and its partners FNEGE and CGE, organized the first After Doc' in Management Sciences, in Paris on 21 November 2019.

It enabled participants, doctoral students and professionals to discover the career paths of 4 PhDs in Management Sciences, working in the private sector, but also to exchange with them during the network evening.

A successful networking event that we summarize below in tweets, pictures and interviews...

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L'After Doc' SHS revient pour sa 3e édition, accueillie par l'agence InProcess... Inscrivez-vous !

Après deux éditions couronnées de succès, l'ABG et ses partenaires les Cartésiens et Humanitudes organisent un nouvel After Doc' dédié aux sciences humaines et sociales !

Inscrivez-vous dès à présent et retrouvez-nous dans les (superbes) locaux de l'agence InProcess, le 5 mars 2020, de 18h à 21h30.

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Claire-Deschênes Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition 2021


The Faculty of Engineering at Université de Sherbrooke is launching a competition for female doctoral candidates and young doctoral graduates. The goal of the Claire-Deschênes Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition is to promote postdoctoral training for women who will also be offered a professorship position in engineering at Université de Sherbrooke. The eight fellowships will be awarded in two rounds of four fellowships (40 000$/year, up to 2 years).

Application deadline: February 1, 2021.

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Les bourses françaises L’Oréal-UNESCO Pour les Femmes et la Science 2019

bourse Loreal Unesco 2019

Candidatez aux bourses françaises L’Oréal-UNESCO pour les Femmes et la Science 2019. Vous avez jusqu'à dimanche 14 avril 2019.

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Event: career development for expatriates' spouses


Absolutely French is a service dedicated to the integration of expatriate spouses in France. Because their personal and professional satisfaction is key for a successful mobility, a specific event for expatriates' spouses will be held in Paris on the 17th of March.

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[Video] The skills needed in a professional environment


On the occasion of the 2019 Professional Pitch Contest #CPP19, members of the jury constituted of executives and business leaders share their experience on the question of skills. You will find in this video their views on recruitment, professional development or doctoral training.

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The ABG team sends you its best wishes for 2020


On the occasion of this new year, the ABG team offers you its best wishes, as well as a few words of Vincent Mignotte, executive director of the association.

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La saison 3 du MOOC "Doctorat et poursuite de Carrière" par PhDOOC


L’association PhDOOC organise pour la 3 e année consécutive, le MOOC “Doctorat et Poursuite de Carrière” à destination des doctorants et des docteurs de toutes disciplines. Il s’agit d’une formation gratuite et en ligne qui débute le 7 novembre. Inscrivez-vous dès  à présent, les cours débutent le 7 novembre 2018 !


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Rendez-vour pour la 7e édition du salon emploi/formation "Paris pour l'emploi des jeunes", le 21 février 10/18h,  à Paris Villette Event Center (19e)

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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 1er mars 2019


Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MESRI.

Elle se tiendra le 1er mars 2019, de 13h30 à 17h30 à l’ANRT (33 Rue Rennequin, 75017 Paris)

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The COFUND EU-funded doctoral programme of Institut Curie EuReKa: 8 positions to fill!


EuReCa (Europe Research & Care) is Institut Curie’s international PhD programme which provides PhD candidates with an excellent interdisciplinary, inter-sectorial, and international training. Application deadline: 9 January 2020.

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Prix de thèse de Pôle emploi 2019


Pôle emploi reconduit son prix « jeune chercheur », qui récompense un docteur, dont les travaux de recherche permettant d’éclairer le fonctionnement du marché du travail, et qui a soutenu sa thèse en 2019. Candidatez jusqu'au lundi 13 janvier 2020.

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Les prix jeunes chercheurs 2019 de la Société française de physique (SFP)


Ouverture des appels à candidature pour les prix jeunes chercheurs/euses 2019 de la Société française de Physique (SFP), pour deux prix de thèse généralistes (prix Saint-Gobain et Daniel Guinier) et un prix spécialisé en physique des Plasmas (prix René Pellat). Candidatez jusqu'au 15 février 2020.

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Le Forum Horizon Chimie 2019


The Horizon Chimie Forum will take place on 31 January 2019 at Maison de la Chimie, Paris. ABG will be happy to meet you there !

Le 22e concours d'innovation i-Lab 2020


Le MESRI (ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation) lance, le 4 décembre 2019, la 22e édition du concours d'innovation i-Lab. Candidatez jusqu'au 12 février 2020. 

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A look back at the information session "Funding the salary of a researcher for 1 to 2 years"


The info session on European grants for research funding, organised by ABG, and Île-de-France Region, Choose Paris Region, was held on Tuesday 26 November 2019 at Île-de-France Regional Council and brought together more than thirty companies.

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Concours « Trophée Innovation et Handicap » 2020, 1ère édition


Le jeudi 12 mars 2020 se déroulera la 1ère édition du « Trophée Innovation et Handicap » organisé par Technicien de santé. Les candidats ont jusqu’au 30 décembre 2019, à 12h pour présenter leurs projets !

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Fully EU-funded PhD programme FLOAWER (ITN): apply now!


The FLOAting Wind Energy netwoRk (FLOAWER) is firstly dedicated to train researchers in multi engineering required fields for a better development of Floating Offshore Wind technologies under the constraint of Levelized Cost Of Energy minimization.

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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 1er mars 2019


Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MESRI.

Elle se tiendra le 1er mars 2019, de 13h30 à 17h30 à l’ANRT (33 Rue Rennequin, 75017 Paris)

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The winners of the 2019 ABG Professional Pitch Contest


The finals of the ABG Professional Pitch Contest #CPP19 was held during the PhDTalent Career Fair 2019. 9 PhD candidates and PhDs competed against each other in front of a jury of 5 company managers and executives.


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Le palmarès du Concours de Pitch professionnel de l'ABG 2018

Pour sa 5e édition, la finale du Concours de Pitch Professionel de l'ABG s'est tenue lors du PhDTalent Career Fair 2018. Une compétition qui a vu s'affronter 10 doctorants et docteurs, face à un jury de 5 cadres et dirigeants d'entreprises.


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Atelier chercheur : construire son projet professionnel et passer à l'action

Vous êtes en pleine réflexion sur la prochaine étape de votre carrière ? Vous vous interrogez sur ce qui est possible en dehors de la recherche académique ? Vous souhaitez savoir comment bâtir un projet motivant et cohérent ?

Oui, mais… vous n’avez pas le temps de vous poser, vous avez du mal à vous y mettre et finalement, vous n’avancez pas... Cet atelier est fait pour vous !

Rendez-vous le 4 décembre 2019, à Paris. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant...

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Recruiter's interview : Jean-Paul KOVALESKY, CEO of Vibratec


Vibratec carries out diagnoses, or provides conception services for manufacturers. This SME, which specialises in the dynamics of structures and acoustic and vibration phenomena, also has the particularity of employing doctors (PhDs). ABG had a discussion with its CEO, Jean-paul Kovalesky, and is now pleased to share it with you.

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Recruiter's interview : ABG meets Joël Richard [Head of pharmaceutical operations at Medincell


ABG met Joel RICHARD, head of technical and pharmaceutical operations at Medincell, and had a conversation about the relationship between PhDs and companies. They brushed up on several topics : their place in a company, their skills, companies expectations, collaboration with academic labs, and of course... advice !

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Highlights of the PhDTalent Career Fair 2019


The PhDTalent Career Fair was held on October 18th, 2019 at the Centquatre in Paris. ABG was there, and walks you through the highlights of this must-attend event dedicated to PhDs and to their employment.


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PhD story: Marjorie Meunier, from anthropologist to entrepreneur


As a daughter of fairground workers, amongst whom higher education graduates are not that common, Marjorie Meunier has led a very unusual career path. She evolved from a PhD in anthropology to business consulting. In this article, she shares with us her journey that led her to create her own company.

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Information session on Brexit


Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, together with the British Embassy in Paris and Préfecture de Police are organizing a specific info session on issues generated by Brexit. It takes place in Paris on October 15 at 7:30 pm. Register now!

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Appel à projets : Concours d'innovation - i-Nov. Candidatez jusqu'au 8 octobre 2019


L’appel à projets « Concours d’innovation - i-Nov » est un dispositif qui a pour vocation de sélectionner des projets d’innovation au potentiel particulièrement fort pour l’économie française. Il est ouvert aux startups, ainsi qu'aux PME.

Candidatez jusqu'au 8 octobre 2019.

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Appel à candidature "Ostrogradski"


Dans le cadre de son programme Ostrogradski d’aide à la mobilité des jeunes chercheurs, l’Ambassade de France en Fédération de Russie attribue pour l’année 2019 des bourses à des étudiants inscrits en doctorat en Russie et invités par une équipe de recherche française

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Journée ABG : Une série d'ateliers pour développer son réseau et optimiser sa recherche d’emploi


Le 13 novembre 2019, l'Universite Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC) organise pour ses doctorants, à la MSH de Dijon, une journée ABG. Au programme, quatre ateliers pour apprendre à développer son réseau et à optimiser sa recherche d’emploi. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu'au 1er novembre !

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Qu'est-ce que le CDI de Chantier ?


Le CDI de chantier est un type de contrat de travail à durée indéterminée (CDI) qui peut valablement être rompu lorsque s’achèvent le chantier ou l’opération pour lesquels le salarié a été recruté. L'ABG 

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Inscrivez-vous aux Rendez-vous de l'emploi 2019 - Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes


Vous êtes docteur(e) et vous cherchez un emploi ? Boostez votre carrière grâce aux Rendez-vous de l’Emploi 2019, édition Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, organisés par l'Université de Lyon, le 16 octobre 2019, à l'Hôtel de Région, à Lyon.

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Call for applications: doctoral stays in France for Russian citizens


The French Embassy in Russia has 2 specific programmes to foster collaboration between France and Russia, by granting PhD scholarships and mobility funding: Verdnaski and Ostrogradski. Application deadline for both programmes: December 13.

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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 1er mars 2019


Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MESRI.

Elle se tiendra le 1er mars 2019, de 13h30 à 17h30 à l’ANRT (33 Rue Rennequin, 75017 Paris)

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Get the salary of your researcher funded for a period of 1 up to 2 years

You are a company (of any size and sector), an association, a museum, an international organization, or a foundation. You have research activities and you plan to recruit a researcher for a project lasting 12 to 24 months.

Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions allow you to recruit international profiles and fully fund your researcher's salary, while having immediate cash flow.

Discover the funding scheme during this event and benefit from feedback to optimize your grant proposal.

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Your professional background: the story of which you are the hero


Author: Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

You may be familiar with these particular books in which the writer allows you to choose how the journey continues for the main character. Professional life is also a book full of adventures in which you are the hero.

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Appel à projets : Concours d'innovation - i-Nov. Candidatez jusqu'au 8 octobre 2019


L’appel à projets « Concours d’innovation - i-Nov » est un dispositif qui a pour vocation de sélectionner des projets d’innovation au potentiel particulièrement fort pour l’économie française. Il est ouvert aux startups, ainsi qu'aux PME.

Candidatez jusqu'au 8 octobre 2019.

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Challenge Out Of Labs 2018 : chercheurs, créateurs de startups, à vous de jouer !


La SATT Linksium lance le 6e Challenge Out of Labs. Il permet aux candidats de booster leurs chances de transformer une innovation en un projet viable. Candidatez jusqu'au 3 décmbre 2018 !

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Inscrivez-vous au Forum Emploi Maths 2018


L'édition 2017 du Forum Emploi Maths aura lieu le 13 décembre 2018 prochain à la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, à Paris. Il propose comme chaque année de connecter les étudiants et les formations en maths aux besoins des entreprises. Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !

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Lancement du hakaton ActinSpace


L'ABG et partenaire de la prochaine édition d'Actinspace #AIS2020, le hackathon spatial international de référence, créé par le CNES. La 4e édition de ce rendez-vous de l'aerospatial se tiendra les 24 et 25 avril 2020, en simultané dans toutes les villes du monde participantes.

Découvrez les infos sur cette initiative lancée lors du salon du bourget le 20 juillet 2019.

Welcome Desk Paris 2019: all the services gathered to facilitate the administrative procedures of international students and researchers (09.09 - 31.10)


The Welcome Desk Paris 2019 is organised by Cité internationale universitaire with the support of the City of Paris and the Region Ile de France to facilitate the arrival and integration of international students and researchers.

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The job of playground manager at the Grenoble business school


Playground manager in a business school: an original and unusual job description. Isabelle Patroix, PhD in litterature, holds this position at the Grenoble business school.
In this interview, she takes the time to answer our questions, to tell us - with enthusiasm! - about her job, her career and her background and to give some advice to PhD candidates and Phds.  

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Panel d'offres d'emploi : spéciale SHS


En ce moment sur notre job board, de nombreuses offres d'emploi dédiées au public des docteurs en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS).

Découvrez-les toutes dans cet article... mais surtout si l'une (ou plusieurs) d'entre elles vous conviennent, candidatez !

Panel d'offres d'emploi : spéciale SHS


En ce moment sur notre job board, de nombreuses offres d'emploi dédiées au public des docteurs en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS).

Découvrez-les toutes dans cet article... mais surtout si l'une (ou plusieurs) d'entre elles vous conviennent, candidatez !

Venez recruter vos futur collaborateurs aux JobDays de l'UPEC les 15 octobre 2019

JobDays by UPEC 2019

Le 15 octobre 2018, ne manquez pas les JobDays by UPEC, l'événement de la rentrée pour préparer votre insertion professionnelle !
Ce nouveau forum emploi est ouvert à tou.te.s les étudiant.e.s, jeunes diplômé.e.s et adultes en reprise d'études d'Île-de-France.

Entreprises, inscrivez-vous jusqu'au 23 septembre 2019 !

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L'état de l'emploi scientifique en France-Édition 2018


L’État de l’emploi scientifique 2018 correspond à une publication statistique biennale. Il rassemble des études et statistiques permettant d'éclairer les différents domaines d'activité des personnels qui relèvent de l'emploi scientifique en France. Il couvre à la fois la recherche menée dans les organismes et les établissements d'enseignement supérieur et celle réalisée en entreprise.

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Postes à l’international pour des profils en SHS (réseau des UMIFRE)

Le réseau des UMIFRE (Unités Mixtes des Instituts Français de Recherche à l’Etranger) propose actuellement 9 postes pour des docteurs  en sciences humaines et sociales, ayant eu une expérience à l’international.

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Tecniospring Industry: a Catalan programme to foster collaboration between academia and industry. Application deadline: 30 September 2019.


Tecniospring INDUSTRY, ACCIÓ's international talent programme, boosts technology transfer processes by offering R&D companies and centres 2-year employment contracts to host a researcher (100% funding).

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Be Basque Talent Conference - Paris 2019


The Be Basque Talent Conference is a networking event in which close and cordial contacts between the participants and the representatives of the Basque companies guarantee the building up of professional relationships in an atmosphere of trust.

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New training program : from PhD to employment in 5 steps, with ABG


ABG is launching a new intensive 5-step training course. The objective? Think and plan your career path, clarify your desires, explore the field of possibilities, build a project and take action!

This route includes 5 half-days over a month starting Friday, September 20, 2019. Register now!

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EU-funded PhD programme QUSTEC on quantum science and technologies: apply before August 19 to get a fully funded PhD position in France, Germany or Switzerland!


QUSTEC is a doctoral training programme set up by the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) Eucor – The European Campus. The programme offers 39 early stage researcher (ESR) positions and outstanding training opportunities within the field of Quantum Science and Technology, in a highly international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral setting.

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After’Doc in Management Sciences


Following its success with the public in the human and social sciences, After Doc' returns on 21 November 2019, at 6pm at the Conan Doyle Circle in Paris!

This third edition, organized in partnership with CGE (French Conference of Grandes Écoles) and FNEGE (French Foundation for Education in Management Sciences), will be held for the public of the Management Sciences!

Conduct your investigation with PhDs in Management Sciences who will be there to testify, and unveil the mystery of what happens after a doctorate!

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Medical writing according to Elodie PAUWELS, PhD in genetics


Medical writer is a communication profession, accessible to people with a solid scientific background. It is therefore a "natural" option for PhDs interested in a career far from the bench, but not so far from research.

Met during a Career Afterwork, organized by the MAASCC (the career development center for scientists at Pasteur Institute), Elodie Pauwels, PhD in genetics, agreed to answer our questions. With her 5 years experience as medical writer, she shares with us her background, her experience and sheds light on this profession in this ABG interview.

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Checklist for Preparing a Job Fair and Networking Efficiently

You are about to attend to a career fair or a networking event. You will meet professionals who may help you for your career development plan. Are you ready to meet and exchange with them, to develop efficiently your network? If not, have a look at our check-list!

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PhDs, companies, entrepreneurs: join TERRINet, a research network in robotics!


TERRINet is a network of research facilities in roboics, funded by the European Commission. The main objective is to maintain the European leadership in robotics by giving academic and industrial researchers an access to platforms and by delivering specific training to develop a new generation of researchers. Next call opens on July 1.

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Concours de pitch ABG 2018 : la composition du jury professionnel

Avec la rentrée, le concours de pitch professionnel de l'Association Bernard Gregory approche à grands pas. Vous avez jusqu'au 18 septembre minuit pour nous faire parvenir vos vidéos. L'enjeu ? 10 places de finalistes qui présenteront leur pitch sur le PhD Talent Career Fair, le 5 octobre 2018, à Paris mais surtout, face à notre jury de cadres et dirigeants d'entreprises.

Why not do your postdoc in a company? Fund your project with Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions!


Did you know that the Marie Sklodowska Curie "Postdoctoral Fellowships " funding scheme allows you to carry out a research stay of 12 to 24 months in a non-academic structure? Discover the scheme and apply before September 11, 2024!

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On your mark... ready... pitch! Launch of the annual Professional Pitch Contest by ABG

Association Bernard Gregory (ABG), in partnership with PhDTalent, CASDEN Banque Populaire and ANDès, invites you on October 18, 2019 to the PhDTalent Career Fair for the 6th edition of its professional pitch contest.

Meet us at CENTQUATRE in Paris, on the occasion of this event, entirely dedicated to doctoral candidates & doctorate holders.

The principle? Candidates have 120 seconds to convince the jury and the audience by presenting their research experience and their professional project in a clear, concise and convincing manner.

Do you want to participate? Send us your video pitch now!

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Retrouvez l'ABG au salon "J'entreprends en Val-de-marne"


 Vous avez une idée, un projet de création d’entreprise, d’association ? Vous êtes créateur ou repreneur d’activité ? Le salon "Entreprendre en Val-de-Marne" vous donne rendez-vous le 18 juin à la Maison de l'Innovation et de l'Entrepreunariat Etudiant de l'UPEC, de 10 h à 17h. 

Événement gratuit, inscrivez-vous dès à présent !

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International postdoctoral research grants in Latvia


The Republic of Latvia’s State Education Development Agency (SEDA) launches a new call for applications to fund postdoctoral researchers in all fields. Hosting institutions can be public laboratories or companies of all size. Application deadline is set to 15 July 2019.

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Welcome Desk Pro – Let’s meet at CiuP on the 12th of June, from 4 to 7 pm


You are about to finish your Master’s degree or your PhD? You are currently working as a postdoctoral researcher and you don’t know yet what your next professional step will be? Then come and visit the Welcome Desk Pro in Paris to discuss with experts on career development and recruitment!

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L’Oréal welcomes you on the 24th of June!


Discover the world of L'Oréal with ABG and develop your network through a privileged exchange with the company's researchers. For happy few only: don't miss this opportunity and register now!

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Speed-Dating Business d'Aerocentre, le 11 juillet 2019


Dans le cadre des 6e rencontres aeronautiques de la région Centre-Val de Loire, AEROCENTRE organise un speed dating business au Centre de Congrès de Vierzon le jeudi 11 juillet 2019.

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Régis Quélavoine, Director of Operations at European Patent Office, second largest European institution and major employer of PhDs

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Régis Quélavoine, PhD in computer science and Director of Operations in Mobility and Mechatronics at the European Patent Office (EPO) answered our questions during the 2018 edition of the Crossborder Postdoctoriales organized in Luxembourg last December. In this interview, he presented the job opportunities at the EPO and gave advice for PhDs wishing to pursue a career outside public research.

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Forums BIOTechno éditions 2019


Les Forums BIOTechno sont des journées de rencontre uniques réunissant chaque année étudiants, doctorants, jeunes chercheurs et entreprises.  L'objectif principal est de faciliter la création d'un réseau fort dans le secteur des biotechnologies et ainsi consolider les passerelles entre le secteur académique et le secteur privé.

En juin, retrouvez les éditions Grenoble le 11 et Paris le 14.

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Le Forum Aquidoc 2019 : 13e édition le 23 mai 2019


Le Forum AquiDoc vous donne rendez-vous le 23 mai 2019 sur le campus de Talence de l'Université de Bordeaux, pour sa 13ème édition ! Doctorants et entreprises : inscrivez-vous vite à cette Journée entièrement gratuite dédiée à l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes chercheurs hors secteur académique.

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Inscrivez-vous au séminaire AvanThèse® du 12 juillet 2019

Vous êtes étudiants de master, élève ingénieur ou professionnel en évolution de carrière ? Vous envisagez de préparer un doctorat ? Ce séminaire AvanThèse® est fait pour vous ! Inscrivez-vous dès à présent.
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MCAA France Chapter 2019 Career Symposium

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The MCAA France Chapter 2019 Career Symposium will take place this year at Institut Curie, on May 20th. Organised by the Marie Curie Alumni Association in collaboration with Institut Curie's Training Unit, this conference aims to gather young researchers and actors of the world of policy, economy, start-up and industry.

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ITN-project Lowcomote: 15 PhD fellows wanted!


ITN-project Lowcomote is recruiting 15 PhD fellows in the field of model-driven engineering, cloud computing, machine learning. Apply before May 15!

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Workshop "How to design your career plan" in English on the 12th of June 2019


"How to design a career plan?" ABG - expert in PhD career evolution - offers you an opportunity to work on this issue during a thematic workshop (in English). A 4 hours workshop to think, and start elaborating a professional project of your own, in accordance with the market needs and your personal aspirations.

Registrations are open ! 

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Loi de programmation pluriannuelle : participez à 4 sondages thématiques


Suite à l'annonce le 1er février par le Premier Ministre d'une loi de programmation pluriannuelle de la recherche, un collectif de 23 sociétés savantes a lancé une consultation en deux étapes sur les attentes majeures de la communauté scientifique vis à vis de cette loi.

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From research in the public sector to consultancy in the private sector, there is only one step


Interview by Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

Resigning from a permanent position in a research institute to land in a company: you consider that as a crazy move? Not at all, as explains Sébastien Rochette, PhD : "leaving academia is not a failure". As long as it is what you really want.

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Appel à candidatures 2019 du Prix d'histoire militaire


Afin d'encourager et de promouvoir la recherche dans le domaine de la défense et de l’histoire militaire, le conseil scientifique de la recherche historique de la défense attribue un "Prix d'histoire militaire" pour les thèses de doctorat, ainsi que pour les mémoires de Master 2

Candidatez jusqu'au 7 juin 2019.

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Grands Prix de l'Académie des technologies - 2019


Vous êtes une startup créée depuis moins de 5 ans dans le secteur de la mobilité terrestre ? Candidatez, à partir du 15 avril et avant le 5 juillet 2019 minuit, à la nouvelle édition des Grands Prix de l’Académie des technologies !

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Recruitment Fair "Rendez-vous de l'Emploi 2019": the highlights


The 2019 edition of the recruitment fair "Rendez-vous de l'Emploi" took place on 18 April 2019 in Paris, at the premises of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. A look back at this highlight of employment for young graduates, from Master's to PhD.

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Genopole Summer School: bioinformatics and biostatistical tools in medical genomics (Paris, June 24-28)


Genopole and its partners organize for the 3rd consecutive year a summer school in bioinformatics and biostatistics for medical genomics. Meet national and international experts to develop your network! Apply before May 31.

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6th French-German Researchers' Day


As major players in the European research landscape, France and Germany offer many opportunities for researchers.

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They trusted us

Testimonials from our clients and users

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Networking or Not Working, it's up to you!

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Hervé Bommelaer is an outplacement consultant at Enjeux Dirigeants. For many years, he has been assisting senior executives in their professional repositioning.


He is the author of seven books on networking, including “Trouver le bon job grâce au Réseau (Finding the right job through networking)” and “Recherche d’emploi - conseils des pros (Job Search – Advice from Professionals)” (Eyrolles).

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Call for projects by FRM - 2019

Within the framework of the "Espoirs de la recherche" programme, the Foundation for Medical Research FRM supports the best projects likely to generate significant impact in the health sector. A variety of funding schemes is available to teams, regardless of the theme and nature of their research work.

Read the details of the calls for projects in this article (specific application deadline for each call).

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Apply to the InnoEnergy PhD School programme !


Your PhD project  is related to the field of Energy? Or connected with an industrial issue or company? You are interested in developing a product or service related to your research? Or interested in creating your own business?

If so, you need to apply to the 2019 InnoEnergy PhD School programme. Deadline May, 12th. 

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ABG needs you!


ABG is still growing on the European scene and participates in a trinational contest organised by the Bosch Foundation. ABG, together with FGU and UIF, has submitted a project dedicated to the career development of doctorate holders. Support our project by voting for it before April 15!

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Appel à projets "TILT" 2019 par le CETIM et le Réseau des SATT


Le Cetim et le Réseau SATT initient la 2ème édition de l’appel à projets TILT qui a pour but de transférer des résultats de recherche vers des entreprises dans l’optique de développer de nouveaux produits ou procédés utiles pour améliorer leur compétitivité et pérenniser leur activité sur le territoire.

Candidatez avant le 17 mai 2019 !

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Le réseau des écoles françaises à l'étranger lance un appel à candidatures pour 5 contrats doctoraux 2019-2022

Le ministère de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l’innovation (MESRI) flèche chaque année cinq contrats doctoraux en partenariat entre une École Doctorale et l’une des cinq Écoles françaises à l’étranger (EFE).

Candidatez jusqu'au 30 avril 2019 !

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Jean-Luc Beylat elected President of Association Bernard Gregory (ABG)

The Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly of the Bernard Gregory Association, meeting on Thursday 4 April 2019, validated the appointment of Jean-Luc Beylat as President of the Association. This appointment follows the unanimous vote of the Board on March 14, 2019.

He succeeds Pierre BEUZIT, President of ABG since May 2011.

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Challenge Out Of Labs 2019 : chercheurs, créateurs de startups, à vous de jouer !

La SATT Linksium lance le 7e Challenge Out of Labs. Il permet aux candidats de booster leurs chances de transformer une innovation en un projet viable.

Candidatez jusqu'au 6 mai 2019 !

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Institut Servier mobility grants : call for applications 2019


The Institut Servier mobility grant campaign for 2019 is open. They target French and foreign doctoral and post-doctoral students and constitute an aid to incoming and outgoing mobility for one year of research.

Applications are open until May 31, 2019 for the 1st session, and October 31, 2019 for the second. 

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The InnovDoc initiative by the University of Grenoble Alpes: from a PhD to working for a company


Interview by Ouissame Benfaida (communication) and Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

InnovDoc is a company made up of a team of doctoral students from the Grenoble Alpes University Community willing to have a corporate experience near the end of their doctorate. The long term gaol : bringing companies and research closer together by missionning doctoral candidates as experts in companies.

Read more on this initiative, as well as of the InnovDoctors, who benefited from the iniitiative...

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Call for projects between France and Senegal

The French Embassy in Senegal and the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation in Senegal are launching a call for projects to seed or develop scientific cooperation between the two countries. It aims at fostering the mobility of researchers. Application deadline: 15 April 2019.

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Candidatez à "Paris Région PhD2" le programme doctoral pour la digitalisation des compétences de la Région Île-de-France

La Région Ile-de-France s’engage pour le développement du doctorat et de la formation par la recherche en cofinançant 100 contrats doctoraux d’ici 2022 en faveur de la digitalisation des compétences et de l’introduction des nouvelles technologies numériques dans les entreprises et les organisations publiques.

Découvrez l'appel à candidatures 2019, et candidatez jusqu'au 15 mai 2019.

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PhD Program "NUMERICS" by CEA : 2019 call for application open


3 CEA laboratories located in France are seeking bright, highly motivated PhD candidates willing to contribute to the progress of these research with an important contribution of numerical simulation, scientific computing and artificial intelligence.

Deadline for applications: 30 April 2019

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CIFRE Forum 2019: the highlights!


CIFRE Forum 2019 was held on the 18th of March at Cité Internationale Universitaire in Paris. ABG was here and edited this article to highlight some parts of this event gathering companies, students and professionals - all interested in the doctorate.


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Find (almost) all the answers to your questions about Brexit


The French government has launched a specific platform to answer the questions French and British citizens, researchers and companies may have on the challenges addressed by Brexit and its impact.

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Inscrivez-vous aux Rendez-vous de l'emploi 2019


L'édition 2019 des Rendez-vous de l’emploi organisée par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation et avec la participation de l'ABG, aura lieu le 18 avril 2019, à Paris.


Recruteurs et candidats (de Bac + 3 à Bac + 5), inscrivez-vous gratuitement dès à présent !

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Panel d'offres d'emploi : spéciale SHS


En ce moment sur notre job board, de nombreuses offres d'emploi dédiées au public des docteurs en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS).

Découvrez-les toutes dans cet article... mais surtout si l'une (ou plusieurs) d'entre elles vous conviennent, candidatez !

Candidatez aux programmes de financement doctoraux "Thématique" et "Innovation" édition 2019

La Direction générale des relations internationales et de la stratégie (DGRIS), lance les éditions 2019 des programmes de financement doctoraux : "Thématique" et "Innovation". Candidatez jusqu'au 6 mai 2019.

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Launch of the "1000 doctorants pour les territoires" platform, a tool for the development of doctoral projects in the territories


On 14 February 2019, the "1000 doctorants pour les territoires" programme has officially launched its web platform. The objective? To facilitate the networking of public and associative actors and future doctoral students Cifre....

Les Bourses PALLADIO 2019


la Fondation Palladio accompagne et encourage les jeunes talents qui feront l'immobilier et la Ville de demain, et lance sa campagne de bourses 2019. Vous pouvez candidater jusqu'au 15 mars 2019.

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Bpifrance creation: the new Bpifrance entity to facilitate entrepreneurship for all!


Since january the 1st 2019, Bpifrance has taken over all the missions of Agence France Entrepreneur (AFE), and those of Caisse des Dépôts (CDC) in support of business creation.

The entity resulting from this combination: Bpifrance Création, aims to facilitate entrepreneurship for all by removing barriers to information, financing and growth.

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After Doc' Social Sciences & Humanities #2

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After the success of its 1st edition, a new After Doc' was organized in Paris on February 12, 2019.

It allowed almost 50 participants, PhD candidates and holders, to discover the careers of four speakers - who hold a PhD in social sciences and humanities  or hire and work with them in the private sector - and to exchange with them during an informal networking session.

Here are some highlights from this event.

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PRIDE Annual Conference in Brussels on 28 and 29 March 2019

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ABG will be speaking on March the 29th at the 2nd annual conference of the PRIDE network (Association for Professionals in Doctoral Education) entitled "From PhD to Postdoc - the Role of Professionals in Doctoral Education". At the upcoming conference, we will share our nearly 40-year experience in the field of training, career development and recruitment of PhD candidates and PhDs in France and Europe.

Check the program and register now!

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How I defined my career plan step by step


Interview by Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

Defining your career plan is never easy. It takes time, requires a lot of introspection and network. Here is the testimonial of a doctorate holder who went through different steps and many questions before finding her way.


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The IESF 2019 survey open to doctoral students and doctors


IESF conducts annually a national survey that provides a comprehensive overview of the professional and socio-economic situation of engineers and scientists who have graduated in France. For the first time, with the support of ABG, this survey is open to doctors (PhDs) and doctoral students.

Answer it until March 31, 2019!

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ABG Newsletters

Each month, ABG provides you with an overview of its news, as well as that of its network, through 3 newsletters:

  • "Researchers newsletter" for PhD candidates, PhDs, engineering students and Master students (FR)
  • "International newsletter" for all audiences interested in news, funding, and especially international mobility, opportunities and job offers for an international audience (EN/FR)
  • "Employers newsletter" for companies and other organisms which recruit PhDs

Read our latest newsletters and... subscribe to the newsletter of your choice .

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CNRS News: A plan for doctoral students


Following the announcement of its President and CEO Antoine PETIT, the CNRS plans to recruit 200 doctoral candidates this year, and at least a hundred in 2020.

Discover the objectives and modalities of this strong measure.

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Women in Data Science Paris 2019


Total, in partnership with Stanford University is supporting and organizing the 2019 edition of the 2019 Women In Data Science Conference 2019, on Monday, March 4, 2019, at the Coupole Tower (La Défense, Paris).

Register now!

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Save the date February 28th 2019: PhD Job Day in Mons

Save the date companies

PhD Job Day 2019, organized by six partner universities (UNamur, UGent, KUL, UClouvain, UMons, ComUE Lille Nord-France) from the French-Walloon-Flanders transboundary region, will take place on February 28th in Mons. ABG will be happy to meet you there !

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Retour sur le Forum Horizon Chimie 2019


Le Forum Horizon Chimie 2019 s'est tenu le 31 janvier 2019 à la maison de la Chimie. L'ABG y était et vous propose un retour en images de ce rendez-vous annuel de la chimie.

UpToParis, the international PhD programme by ESPCI: 3rd call is now open!


The ESPCI proposes a brand new international doctoral programme, UPtoPARIS, cofunded by the European Union and offering an interdisciplinary doctoral training between physics, chemistry and biology. The third call is now open: apply before March 31.

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Call for projects on medical research by Fondation de France


The calls for projects 2019 by Fondation de France dedicated to medical research are available. Browse the database. 

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Rendez-vour pour la 7e édition du salon emploi/formation "Paris pour l'emploi des jeunes", le 21 février 10/18h,  à Paris Villette Event Center (19e)

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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 1er mars 2019


Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MESRI.

Elle se tiendra le 1er mars 2019, de 13h30 à 17h30 à l’ANRT (33 Rue Rennequin, 75017 Paris)

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Le Forum CIFRE 2019


Rendez-vous lundi 18 mars 2019 à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris pour le 15ème Forum Cifre.

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Prix 2018 des jeunes chercheurs de la SFP

La Société Française de Physique a le plaisir d'annoncer l'ouverture de ses candidatures pour ses prix Jeunes Chercheurs/euses 2018 ! Deux prix de thèse généralistes (prix Saint-Gobain et Daniel Guinier) et un spécialisé en physique des Plasmas (prix René Pellat).

Date limite de candidature : 15 février 2019

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Les bourses françaises L’Oréal-UNESCO Pour les Femmes et la Science 2019

bourse Loreal Unesco 2019

Candidatez aux bourses françaises L’Oréal-UNESCO pour les Femmes et la Science 2019. Vous avez jusqu'à dimanche 14 avril 2019.

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Bourse doctorale de l'Observatoire B2V des Mémoires - édition 2019


L’Observatoire B2V des Mémoires relance sa bourse doctorale à destination des jeunes chercheurs/ses en sciences humaines et sociales, et neurosciences. D'un montant de 35 000 € par an, sur une durée de 3 ans [soit une dotation globale de 105 000€ par lauréat].

Candidatez jusqu'au 13 mai 2019 à minuit.

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Recruitment of international talents: register for the Euraxess information Day on 25 March 2019


You are a company and you are considering recruiting an international doctoral candidateor doctorate holder, already living in France. If you are not yet familiar with the mechanisms that exist to facilitate your steps and those of the candidate, or if you are facing some obstacles at this level, participate in the next information day organised by the Euraxess network on this topic.

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Retour sur les Postdoctoriales ABG-CNRS Langedoc-Roussillon

Du 14 au 16 novembre 2018, s'est tenue à Montpellier, une session des Postdoctoriales®. Ce séminaire, conçu et mis en oeuvre par l'ABG, à la demande de la délégation régionale CNRS Occitanie Est et de l'Université de Montpellier, est dédié aux chercheurs en CDD du secteur publique ou en recherche d’emploi de toutes disciplines.
Retour sur ces 3 journées riches et intenses !


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PhD: choosing France for your research


You have decided to go abroad for your research project but you don’t know yet which country will host you. Why not France? Rank 4 in hosting international PhD candidates before the USA and Germany, France offers many opportunities for international PhDs in academia and in industry. Watch the full session of the webinar organised together by ABG and jobs.ac.uk and get an access to additional information to make your stay in France easier!

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Le Forum Horizon Chimie 2019

The Horizon Chimie 2019 Forum will take place on 31 January 2019 at Maison de la Chimie, Paris. ABG will be happy to meet you there !

Le Forum Horizon Chimie 2019


The Horizon Chimie Forum will take place on 31 January 2019 at Maison de la Chimie, Paris. ABG will be happy to meet you there !

Landing in Germany for my post-doc


Isabelle Arnoux is a neuroscientist. She left France for Germany to do her postdoc. She tells us about this experience and gives practical advice to prepare a mobility as a postdoc.


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The ABG team wishes you all the best for 2019!


A few words from Vincent MIGNOTTE, ABG's Executive Director, to express our best wishes for 2019.


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Newsletters ABG : the 10 most clicked articles


Here we are: 2019! Before starting this new dynamic year, let's have a look at the most clicked articles published in our newsletters of 2018.

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Le Forum des Télécommunications 2019


Ce forum de recrutement réunit chaque année plus de 4 000 diplômés et étudiants de Master, ingénieurs, doctorants et docteurs, ainsi que des entreprises de nombreux domaines.
Il a lieu cette année le 10 janvier 2019 à Paris Expo - Porte de Versailles [HALL 2.2] . L'entrée y sera libre, de 9h à 19h.

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AfterDoc for Humanities: registration is now open!


After its first success, AfterDoc for PhD in Humanities is back! Together with the associations les Cartésiens and Humanitudes , ABG is organising a second edition of this networking event! Registration is now open. Let's meet on the 12th of February at 6 pm in Paris.

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Crossborder Postdoctoriales 2018: highlights!


The 4th  edition of Crossborder Postdoctoriales took place in Luxembourg city from 4 to 7 December 2018. This event is designed for researchers from all fields employed on temporary contract in the public sector or seeking employment. Here are the highlights!

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Be the recruiter’s Christmas tree!


Author: Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

We are only a few days away from Christmas and your tree sits in your living room. Perhaps you had trouble deciding which tree would be best suited to your space. Indeed, choosing a tree is not an exact science and your family certainly does not have the same vision of the ideal tree as you do. Sometimes you choose a tree that doesn't look like the one you originally imagined.

All this can also happen during the recruitment process: it's time to turn yourself into the recruiter's Christmas tree!

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Participate in the Science Slam of DAAD


Are you a Master's student or doctoral candidate passionate about your field? You have a creative mind and are interested in explaining in 3 minutes your research project in a simple and attractive way, with some humor to a lay audience? Participate in the Science Slam organised by DAAD on the 23rd of January.

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Journée du Réseau ABG 2018 : les conseils emploi de Stéphane Demontoux


Le 4/10/18 se tenait à Paris, le séminaire des conseillers (ou la journée du réseau) ABG. Il /elle offre aux conseillers de l'ABG en université et en écoles, un espace de discussion et d'échanges sur leurs pratiques d'accompagenement des doctorants. Cette journée est aussi l'occasion pour l'ABG de les mettre au contact d'operationnels et de professionnels du recrutement évoluant en entreprise. 

M. Stéphane DEMONTOUX était l'un d'entre eux. Fort de son experience de Senior Human Resource Manager chez Renault, il a prodigué une série de conseils à l'attention des doctorants et docteurs en recherche d'emploi, dans son exposé intitulé " Les Docteurs : enjeux de recrutement "... en voici un résumé.

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Appel à projets 2019 : rejoignez le HUB, l'accélérateur de Bpifrance


Bpifrance Le Hub lance un appel à candidatures pour sélectionner 10 futures startups/scaleups en hyper-croissance dans le cadre de son programme d’accélération. Candidatez avant le 14 décembre 2018

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Territorial Observatory for the International Mobility of Students and Researchers has been launched.

Within the framework of the National Commission for Decentralised Cooperation (CNCD), the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, in partnership with Campus France, Régions de France (institution representing the French Regions) and France Urbaine (association of French metropoles, conurbations and major cities), launched on November 19th the Territorial Observatory for the International Mobility of Students and Researchers.

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Candidatez à l'appel à projets Emergence(s) 2019, de la Ville de Paris


Vous constituez une équipe de recherche sur une nouvelle thématique ? Vous développez une jeune équipe pluridisciplinaire ? Participez, jusqu’au 31 janvier 2019 à midi, à l’appel à projets Emergence(s).

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Participez au concours d'innovation Equi'Défi 2019

Concours innovation equidefi

Le Concours Equi'Défi, du pôle de compétitivité Hippolia a pour objet de détecter les projets innovants dans la filière équine ayant une vocation économique en vue d’une création d’entreprise. Au total, trois prix et un accompagnement sont à gagner.

Candidatez jusqu'au 31/12/18, à minuiit!

Développez votre startup avec le New Deal Biotech, du Biopôle Clermont Limagne

New des Biotechs AAC ABG

Le New Deal Biotech s’adresse aux bio-entrepreneurs qui développent un projet dans les biotechnologies. Il offre une dotation de 12 000 € ainsi qu’un hébergement en laboratoire et un accompagnement personnalisé pendant un an, à six porteurs de projet

Vous souhaitez en bénéficier ? Candidatez jusqu’au 10 janvier 2019 minuit !

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ABG's Doctoral supervision training, 23 & 24 April 2019 in Paris – register now!


Are you supervising doctoral candidates and interested in consolidating the principles and practices turning your management activity into something meaningful? ABG is organising a training course in Paris on 23 and 24 April 2019 from 9 am to 5:30 pm.

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Formez vous à l'entrepreneuriat lors des Doctor’Preneuriales de l'Université Paris Saclay


Doctorantes, Doctorants, venez réveiller l’entrepreneur(e) qui sommeille en vous en suivant un parcours de formation dédié, proposé par l'Université Paris Saclay : les Doc'Preunariales

Devenez doctorant / docteur ET entrepreneur !


Le Statut National Etudiant Entrepreneur (SNEE) permet aux étudiants et aux jeunes diplômés d’élaborer un projet entrepreneurial dans au sein du PEPITE PEIPS de l’Université Paris-Sacla et offre aux détenteurs du diplôme d'Etudiant Entrepreneur, un accompagnement garantissant un maximum de sécurité et de visibilité !

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L’ENA ouvre un concours externe spécial à destination des titulaires d’un doctorat

concours ena PhD

En 2019, ce concours ouvrira dans la spécialité sciences de la matière et de l’ingénieur et, en 2020, dans la spécialité sciences humaines et sociales. Trois places devraient être ouvertes en 2019, s'ajoutant aux places des autres concours (externe, interne et troisième concours).

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Joint Call for Proposals on Technology & Innovation cooperation projects between France and Germany


BPI and ZIM have launched their new joint call for applications to enhance the industrial collaboration in R&D between France and Germany. Apply before December 20!

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Medical writing according to Elodie PAUWELS, PhD in genetics


Medical writer is a communication profession, accessible to people with a solid scientific background. It is therefore a "natural" option for PhDs interested in a career far from the bench, but not so far from research.

Met during a Career Afterwork, organized by the MAASCC (the career development center for scientists at Pasteur Institute), Elodie Pauwels, PhD in genetics, agreed to answer our questions. With her 5 years experience as medical writer, she shares with us her background, her experience and sheds light on this profession in this ABG interview.

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The clients

They trusted us

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6e Rencontres Jeunes Physicien.ne.s (RJP) d'ïle-de-France le 23/11/18


La 6ème édition des Rencontres Jeunes Physicien.ne.s (RJP) d'Île de France aura lieu Collège de France le vendredi 23 novembre 2018. Ces rencontres ont pour objectif de réunir la communauté de jeunes chercheur.se.s en physique et de permettre aux doctorant.e.s de créer un réseau.

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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 7 décembre 2018

Atelier Avth_07_12_18

Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MENESR.

Elle se tiendra le 7 décembre 2018, de 13h30 à 17h30 à l’ANRT (33 Rue Rennequin, 75017 Paris)

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ABG Communication Kit

Your time is precious, which is why the ABG provides you with tools (brochures, infographics, logos, etc.) designed to facilitate your information, as well as your efforts to disseminate our information through your networks.

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PME / ETI et Organismes de recherche : candidatez à l'édition 2018 du LabCom

LAbCom 2018

Cet appel à projet de l'ANR, vise à consolider et à confirmer la dynamique de recherche partenariale développée entre les organismes de recherche et les PME/ETI financés à travers l’appel à propositions LabCom initial. Candidatez jusqu'au 19 novembre 2018 à 13h !

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Inscrivez-vous au Forum Emploi Maths 2018


L'édition 2017 du Forum Emploi Maths aura lieu le 13 décembre 2018 prochain à la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, à Paris. Il propose comme chaque année de connecter les étudiants et les formations en maths aux besoins des entreprises. Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !

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La saison 3 du MOOC "Doctorat et poursuite de Carrière" par PhDOOC


L’association PhDOOC organise pour la 3 e année consécutive, le MOOC “Doctorat et Poursuite de Carrière” à destination des doctorants et des docteurs de toutes disciplines. Il s’agit d’une formation gratuite et en ligne qui débute le 7 novembre. Inscrivez-vous dès  à présent, les cours débutent le 7 novembre 2018 !


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Candidatez au Montage de Réseaux Scientifiques Européens ou Internationaux (MRSEI)


Le MRSEI est un appel est dédié à améliorer le taux de réussite de la France aux appels H2020 et à renforcer son positionnement scientifique par la coordination de projets européens (Horizon 2020 principalement) et/ou internationaux. La date limite de candidature est fixéau au 13 novembre 2018.

Challenge Out Of Labs 2018 : chercheurs, créateurs de startups, à vous de jouer !


La SATT Linksium lance le 6e Challenge Out of Labs. Il permet aux candidats de booster leurs chances de transformer une innovation en un projet viable. Candidatez jusqu'au 3 décmbre 2018 !

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L'état de l'emploi scientifique en France-Édition 2018


L’État de l’emploi scientifique 2018 correspond à une publication statistique biennale. Il rassemble des études et statistiques permettant d'éclairer les différents domaines d'activité des personnels qui relèvent de l'emploi scientifique en France. Il couvre à la fois la recherche menée dans les organismes et les établissements d'enseignement supérieur et celle réalisée en entreprise.

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SAVE THE DATE : information day on the recruitment of international PhDs


You are a company and you are considering recruiting an international doctoral candidateor doctorate holder, already living in France. If you are not yet familiar with the mechanisms that exist to facilitate your steps and those of the candidate, or if you are facing some obstacles at this level, participate in the next information day organised by the Euraxess network on this topic.

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Le palmarès du Concours de Pitch professionnel de l'ABG 2018

Pour sa 5e édition, la finale du Concours de Pitch Professionel de l'ABG s'est tenue lors du PhDTalent Career Fair 2018. Une compétition qui a vu s'affronter 10 doctorants et docteurs, face à un jury de 5 cadres et dirigeants d'entreprises.


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Being a project manager at the National Geographical Institute of Bruxelles

Interview by Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

We met Dr Katharine Maussen when she was still doing her PhD at ULB, during a summer school in 2017. Just before being graduated with her PhD, she was recruited by the National Geographical Institute in Bruxelles. Let's have a look at her story!

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Everything you need to know to do your doctorate in Norway


The Norwegian Researchers' Association has just published a guide for future doctoral candidates in Norway.

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Do as Jonathan Livingston the Gull did, fly on your own


Author: Bérénice Kimpe

Have you ever read "Jonathan Livingstone the Gull", Richard Bach's tale about boldness and freedom? It is the story of a seagull that is convinced that it can do something other than what it is intended to do. It will never stop pushing its limits to continue to progress and above all find its way.

Beyond a simple summer reading, Jonathan’s story is a pretty tale about personal development, as you will see.

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Appel à candidature "Ostrogradski"


Dans le cadre de son programme Ostrogradski d’aide à la mobilité des jeunes chercheurs, l’Ambassade de France en Fédération de Russie attribue pour l’année 2019 des bourses à des étudiants inscrits en doctorat en Russie et invités par une équipe de recherche française

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Inscrivez-vous aux JpoDays de l'UPEC les 12 et 13 octobre 2018

JobDays by UPEC

Les 12 et 13 octobre 2018, ne manquez pas les JobDays by UPEC, l'événement de la rentrée pour préparer votre insertion professionnelle ! Ce nouveau forum emploi est ouvert à tou.te.s les étudiant.e.s, jeunes diplômé.e.s et adultes en reprise d'études d'Île-de-France.

Inscriptions dès le 17 septembre !

Welcome Desk Paris: all the services gathered to facilitate the administrative procedures of international students and researchers (10.09 - 23.11)


The Welcome Desk Paris 2018 is organised by Cité internationale universitaire with the support of the City of Paris and the Region Ile de France to facilitate the arrival and integration of international students and researchers.

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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 21 septembre 2018

Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MENESR.

Elle se tiendra le 1er décembre prochain, de 13h30 à 17h30 à l’ANRT (41, boulevard des Capucines 75002 Paris)

The FIER-DOC Program of the Network "n + i" in partnership with Arts et Métiers ParisTech, ANRT and Campus France


A better selection as well as a better preparation of the candidates for doctoral programs!

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Concours de pitch ABG 2018 : la composition du jury professionnel

Avec la rentrée, le concours de pitch professionnel de l'Association Bernard Gregory approche à grands pas. Vous avez jusqu'au 18 septembre minuit pour nous faire parvenir vos vidéos. L'enjeu ? 10 places de finalistes qui présenteront leur pitch sur le PhD Talent Career Fair, le 5 octobre 2018, à Paris mais surtout, face à notre jury de cadres et dirigeants d'entreprises.

Being a project manager at the National Geographical Institute of Bruxelles


We met Dr Katharine Maussen when she was still doing her PhD at ULB, during a summer school in 2017. Just before being graduated with her PhD, she was recruited by the National Geographical Institute in Bruxelles. Let's have a look at her story!

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Laying the foundations for a better European research world

Sara Fascione is among the winners of the UIF/UFI Vinci Programme 2016 and agreed to give an interview about her co-tutorship experience between Italy and France.

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Intelligence(s), doctorat, entrepise et société

Publié par l'ABG,  le magazine biannuel Intelligence(s) est paru de novembre 2010 à mai 2012. Retrouvez l'intégralité des archives au format PDF.

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Docteurs & Co, le magazine des jeunes docteurs qui choisissent l'entreprise

Publié par l'ABG,  le magazine trimestriel Docteurs&Co est paru de mars 2004 à juin 2010.

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Les articles de l'année 2017-2018

Quelques articles et rapports parus en 2017-2018

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Journée Après-Thèse : "Réussir mes entretiens et négocier ma rémunération""

Les Journées Après-Thèse sont de retour : l’ABG vous donne rendez-vous le 19/10/18 de 10h à 17h pour l'atelier :

Réussir mes entretiens et négocier ma rémunération

Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !

Journée Après-Thèse : "Les clés pour décrocher un entreitne d'embauche"

Les Journées Après-Thèse sont de retour : l’ABG vous donne rendez-vous le 12/10/18 de 10h à 17h pour l'atelier :

Les clés pour décrocher un entretien d'embauche

Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !

Journée Après-Thèse : "Mettre en valeur mon experience de recherche et mes compétences"

Les Journées Après-Thèse sont de retour : l’ABG vous donne rendez-vous le 14/09/18 de 10h à 17h pour l'atelier :
Mettre en valeur mon experience de recherche et mes compétences

Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !

Journée Après-Thèse : "Connaître l'entreprise et explorer le marché de l'emploi"

Les Journées Après-Thèse sont de retour : l’ABG vous donne rendez-vous le 21/09/18 de 10h à 17h pour l'atelier :
Connaître l'entreprise et explorer le marché de l'emploi

Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !

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UpToParis, the international PhD programme by ESPCI: apply now!


The ESPCI proposes a brand new international doctoral programme, UPtoPARIS, cofunded by the European Union and offering an interdisciplinary doctoral training between physics, chemistry and biology. The second call is now open: apply before September 17th.

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Journée Après-Thèse : "Un projet professionnel qui me ressemble"

Les Journées Après-Thèse sont de retour : l’ABG vous propose l'atelier Un projet professionnel qu me ressemble le 14/09/18, de 10hà 17h à l'ABG.

Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !

What’s next after your PhD: the thematic workshops by ABG are back!

ABG offers a series of thematic workshops, each lasting one day, to prepare your "after-thesis". Find the calendar of sessions and register now.

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Intégrez l'accélérateur PME industrielles de BpiFrance et la Région Île-de-France


PME franciliennes, vous voulez accélérer votre croissance ? Répondez avant le 28 septembre à cet appel à manifestation d'intérêt (AMI) pour intégrer la deuxième promotion de l'Accélérateur PME industrielles d'Ile-de-France

Les appels à projets de l’ADEME 2018 : Transition écologique et énergétique


Les entreprises qui innovent dans les thématiques de la transition écologique et énergétique peuvent déposer des dossiers pour faire financer leurs projets dans le cadre du Programme d’investissements d’avenir (PIA) opéré par l’ADEME.  

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La convention 2018 de l'Académie des Technologies


Pour la 2e année consécutive, l'Académie des Technologies organise sa convention annuelle.  Ce rendez-vous fixé au 12 septembre 2018, sera consacré au bâtiment durable, intelligent & bas carbone. Consultez le pré-programme inside et inscrivez-vous à partir du 3 septembre 2018.



Le Prix FIEEC, fondé par des industriels soucieux de voir les PME-ETI collaborer avec la recherche publique. Il vise la montée en gamme de ces entreprises, la croissance de leur chiffre d'affaires, ainsi que la sauvegarde et la croissance des emplois.


Candidatez avant le 14 septembre 2018 à 17h.


[VIDÉO] Hutchinson organise son premier PhD Day

Plus de 60 doctorants d’écoles et universités se sont retrouvés le 13 juin 2018 au 507 Fab House et au Centre de Recherche et d’Innovation (CRI), à l’occasion du premier PhD Day Hutchinson.

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Hands-on guide on how to pitch for a network interview


Pitches should not be improvised on the spot. The best pitchers may lead you to believe that the speaker is improvising. But in fact, that's not the case— Pitching allows you to get back to basics, avoiding the pitfall of over-exploitation (which often stifles comprehension).

Here's a method and a few tips to help you introduce yourself - and inspire others to find out more about you!

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On your mark... ready... pitch! Launch of the annual Professional Pitch Contest by ABG

Association Bernard Gregory (ABG), in partnership with PhDTalent, CASDEN Banque Populaire and ANDès, invites you on October 5, 2018 to the PhDTalent Career Fair for the 5th edition of its professional pitch contest.

Meet us at CENTQUATRE in Paris, on the occasion of this event, entirely dedicated to doctoral candidates & doctorate holders.

The principle? Candidates have 120 seconds to convince the jury and the audience by presenting their research experience and their professional project in a clear, concise and convincing manner.

Do you want to participate? Send us your video pitch now!

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Open Call ERC Advanced Grant 2018

Appel ERC Advanced Grant 2018

Are you an established, leading Principal Investigator, who wants long-term funding to pursue a ground-breaking, high-risk project? Apply for an ERC Advanced Grants! These funds make it possible to support scientists of excellence and recognized in their field of research.

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Inscrivez-vous au séminaire AvanThèse® du 13 juillet 2018

Vous êtes étudiants de master, élève ingénieur ou professionnel en évolution de carrière ? Vous envisagez de préparer un doctorat ? Cette journée AvanThèse® est faite pour vous ! Inscrivez-vous dès à présent.
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Entreprises & startups : Proposez vos innnovations pour le prix Pierre POTIER 2018


La Fondation internationale de la Maison de la Chimie et l’Union des Industries Chimiques reconduisent pour la 12ème fois le Prix scientifique et technologique Pierre Potier. Ouvert aux Entreprises (grands groupes, PME / ETI, Start-up...). Candidatez jusqu'au 15 juin 2018 !

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Participez à la consultation citoyenne sur le financement de la recherche dans l’enseignement supérieur, de l'Assemblée Nationale

La commission des finances de l’Assemblée nationale a lancé le 23 mai 2018 une consultation citoyenne sur le financement public de la recherche dans les universités. Prenez part à cette consultation et aidez à relever les défis du financement de la recherche et de son organisation budgétaire.

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EIT InnoEnergy's calling for european energy startups


Are you an innovative start-up in the sustainable energy sector, at early or acceleration stage ? Apply before 30th of june 2018 and join the European investor and accelerator InnoEnergy !

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Candidatez à l'appel à projets INNOV'UP Proto #Industrie 2018


a Région Île-de-France lance l’appel à projets Innov’up Proto, destiné à soutenir la réalisation de prototypes d’innovation et à les exposer dans le cadre des « Paris Region Smart Weeks » 2019. Candidatez et proposez votre prototype avant le 6 juillet 2018, dans la catégorie Intelligence Artificielle, ou Robotique.

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Le salon des entrepreneurs 2018 - Lyon Auvergne Rhône Alpes

Plus de 15 000 visiteurs attendus en 48h, 150 stands & animations, 100 conférences & ateliers, 8 temps forts d’actualité, 100 témoins inspirants…  Le salon des entrepreneurs Lyon Auverge Rhône Alpes 2018 se tiendra cette année les 13 et 14 juin au centre des congrès de Lyon. Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !gratuitement.

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What recruiters truly have in mind

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Portrait de Monsieur Bertin (1832)

Vincent MIGNOTTE - Executive Director

Recruitment processes can differ considerably from one company to another: resumes screened by people or by computers, interviews held one-on-one or with multiple applicants/multiple interviewers, “assessment center” formats or shortlisting by a head-hunter for presentation to the company…

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Appel à Communication de l'ADCIFRESHS : "ce que les évolutions des financements font à la recherche"

Le colloque de l’ADCIFRE SHS « Ce que les évolutions des financements font à la recherche » prévu les 25 et 26 octobre 2018 à Metz, vise à ouvrir le débat sur tous les modes de financement dans la recherche. Pour ce faire, nous invitons les financeurs, chercheurs confirmés et jeunes chercheurs, entreprises et collectivités, à proposer leurs communications orales et posters. Date limite d'envoi, le 22 juin.



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Le Forum Aquidoc 2018 : 12e édition


Le Forum AquiDoc vous donne rendez-vous le 7 juin 2018 sur le campus de Carreire de l'niversité de Bordeaux, pour sa 12ème édition ! Doctorants et entreprises : inscrivez-vous vite à cette Journée entièrement gratuite dédiée à l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes chercheurs hors secteur académique.

Appel à candidature : doctorat par le projet, de l’Ecole Universitaire de Recherche « Humanités, Création, Patrimoine »

L’école universitaire de recherche « Humanités, création et patrimoine » (Paris Seine Graduate School Humanities, Creation and Heritage – PSGS-HCH), portée par la Comue université Paris Seine, lance l'appel à candidatre pour intégrer son parcours doctoral de thèse par le projet. Candidatez jusqu'au 20 juin 2018 !

PhD career fair by Pôle Emploi and CNRS will be online this year!


Pôle emploi and CNRS organize together with the doctoral college of COMUE Grenoble Alpes, INRIA and the University of Lyon a specific event for the recruitment of PhDs: the online career fair for PhDs, from 4 to 22 June. Register now!

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All you need to know before going abroad!


Do you need practical information and tips to prepare your mobility as a PhD in Europe? If you do, this is the place to be! You will find here 6 videos summarizing the main topics of our event “Researchers without borders - #EU4PHD”: recruitment process in academia and in industry, (post)doctoral funding schemes, public-private partnerships in research and their impact on career development, EU-incentives to make a mobility in Europe easier. And a bonus video for organizations interested in working with us for a new edition of this event!

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The Cross-border Postdoctoriales are back!


For the 4th year in a row, ABG and its partners organize a new edition of Cross-border Postdoctoriales. This career workshop is dedicated to postdocs and unemployed doctorate holders. On your marks? Ready? Apply!

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Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant à l'atelier AvanThèse® du 13 juillet 2018

Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève ingénieur ou professionnel en évolution de carrière et le doctorat vous intéresse, vous questionne? La journée d'atelier AvanThèse®, proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory - ABG, est faite pour vous.
La prochaine session aura lieu le 29 septembre 2017, dans les locaux de l'ABG.
Inscrivez-vous dès à présent [6 places disponibles].
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[Closed] Call for CV - PhD DAY Hutchinson, June 13, 2018


In anticipation of its "PhD Day", which will take place at the HUTCHINSON Research & Innovation Centre in Montargis, on Wednesday the 13th June 2018, the ABG is launching a call for CVs targeting doctoral candidates from the 3rd year onwards, in several disciplines & technical areas.

Futur PhDs, apply for and participate in this day rich in exchanges with Hutchinson's engineers and PhDs.

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DeepTech Founders: the new entrepreneurship training program for researchers


Hello Tomorrow, in partnership with Bpifrance and under the joint patronage of the ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation and the Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances, is launching a unique deep tech entrepreneurship training programme for researchers from all disciplines. Application deadline: June 22, 2018 at noon.

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Forums BIOTechno éditions 2018

Les Forums BIOTechno sont des journées de rencontre uniques réunissant chaque année étudiants, doctorants, jeunes chercheurs et entreprises.  L'objectif principal est de faciliter la création d'un réseau fort dans le secteur des biotechnologies et ainsi consolider les passerelles entre le secteur académique et le secteur privé. En juin, retrouvez les éditions Grenoble le 5 et Paris le 11.

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ActInSpace : le hackathon organisé par le CNES et l’ESA #AIS2018


ActInSpace ? C’est le hackathon organisé par le CNES et l’ESA dans plus de 73 villes dans le monde. Rejoignez dès maintenant l’aventure à Paris les 25 et 26 mai à l'école 42.

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Le Prix Irène Joliot-Curie - Édition 2018


Le Prix Irène Joliot-Curie, décerné par le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation et Airbus avec le soutien de l’Académie des sciences et de l’Académie des technologies, lance son appel à candidatures 2018. Il vise à mettre en lumière la carrière de femmes scientifiques qui allient excellence et dynamisme. Candidatez jusqu'au 15 juin 2018.

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Bourse doctorale de l'Observatoire B2V des Mémoires - édition 2018

L’Observatoire B2V des Mémoires relance sa bourse doctorale à destination des jeunes chercheurs/ses en sciences humaines et sociales, et neurosciences. D'un montant de 35 000 € par an, sur une durée de 3 ans [soit une dotation globale de 105 000€ par lauréat]. Candidatez jusqu'au 14 mai 2018 à minuit.

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Grands Prix de l'Académie des technologies - 2018


L’Académie de technologies soutient les entreprises françaises innovantes et lance la csmpagne 2018 de ses Grands Prix. Cette année, ils seront remis
à des entreprises du secteur du bâtiment durable, intelligent et bas carbone. Candidatez avant le 6 juillet 2018.


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Candidatez au YESS AWARD 2018 [ Young Energy Storage Scientist ]


L'édition 2018 du YESS Award est lancée! Le YESS Award (Young Energy Storage Sceintist Award) est un concours annuelpourjeunes chercheurs travaillant de manière innovante dans le domaine du stockage électrochimique de l'énergie. Date limite de candidature : 19 juillet 2018.

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Challenge Out Of Labs 2018 : chercheurs, créateurs de startups, à vous de jouer !

Transférer une technologie d’un laboratoire vers l’industrie est toujours un défi : plus l’innovation est radicale, plus la rencontre avec le marché est périlleuse. Pour faciliter et accélérer ce transfert, Linksium organise la 5eme édition du Challenge Out Of Labs !

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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships: call is now open!


Looking for a research grant to do your postdoc abroad? Discover the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships. They are a great option if you want to give your career a boost. They offer exciting new learning opportunities and a chance to add some sparkle to your CV.

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Le Concours Startup Connexion 2018


Le concours Start-up Connexion s’adresse aux start-up innovantes de plus d’un an issues de la recherche académique et qui évoluent dans des secteurs à haute valeur ajoutée (énergies renouvelables, biotechnologies, chimie verte, nanotechnologies, technologies du numérique, SHS…).
Nouveauté 2018 : Grand Est accueille une édition régionale en juin, avant la finale nationale à Paris en novembre. Deadline : 23 avril 2018 !

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Le Concours Docteurs-Entrepreneurs by Challenges


Le Concours Docteurs-Entrepreneurs récompense les meilleures initiatives entrepreneuriales de doctorants en fin de thèse ou docteurs diplômés depuis moins de trois ans.
Date limite de dépôt des dossiers : 23 avril 2018 !

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5e prix pepite : tremplin pour l'entreprenariat étudiant


Le Prix PEPITE : Tremplin pour l’Entrepreneuriat Etudiant, initié par le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche et de l'Innovation, est un dispositif de soutien aux projets de création d’entreprise innovante.
Pour cette 5e édition, le Prix PEPITE s'adresse exclusivement aux étudiants qui bénéficient ou ont bénéficié du statut national d'Etudiant-Entrepreneur.
Clôture des candidatures >> 12 juin 2018.

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Rendez-vous le 17 mai pour le Forum Doctorants-entreprises De Sorbonne Unversités


La deuxième édition du Forum Doctorants-Entreprises, organisé par Sorbonne Université, sera consacrée cette année à la biologie. Il aura lieu le 17 mai sur le Campus des Cordeliers.

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Forum Doctorants - PME 2018 (Clermont Auvergne) 24/04/18

Pourquoi recruter un doctorant ? À l'occasion de la Clermont Innovation Week, le collège des écoles doctorales et la fondation de l’Université Clermont Auvergne organisent dans le cadre de la Clermont Innovation Week, le premier forum doctorants/PME pour valoriser l'apport des docteurs et doctorants dans les PME. RDV le 24 avril 2018 à Polytech Céseaux.

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5th edition of the Franco-German Young Researchers' Day

Journée franco-allemande des jeunes chercheurs

 As major players in the European research landscape, Germany and France offer numerous opportunities to (future) young researchers.

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AAC 2018 - Appel à chercheurs de la Bibliothèque nationale de France 2018


La BnF publie son appel à chercheurs 2018, afin de s'associer le concours de chercheurs pour l'année universitaire 2018-2019. Date limite des candidatures : 29 avril 2018.

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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 20 avril 2018 à l'ANRT


Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MENESR.

Elle se tiendra le 20 avril 2018, de 13h30 à 17h30, à l’ANRT (33 Rue Rennequin, 75017 Paris)

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Fully-funded PhD positions for self-developed research idea

The Hector Fellow Academy promotes outstanding young scientists from all over the world with fully-funded PhD positions. Master graduates can apply until April 30, 2018 with an innovative, self-developed scientific issue in the research field of one of the Hector Fellows.

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Next training session on energy economics by EIT InnoEnergy


EIT InnoEnergy is delivering a new session on energy economics: trends, market structures, finances and investments. The session is open to energy professionals, including PhDs. It takes place in Grenoble, 17-21 September.

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Once upon a time, there was a Franco-German branch office...


ABG started its collaboration with the Franco-German University (FGU) in March 2008, 10 years ago. On this special occasion, we asked former participants, colleagues and partners to tell us what this collaboration means for them. Let's discover the testimonials of those who made this adventure possible!

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FIER-DOC French Innovative Experience in Research - the "n+i" network programme

2017abg__FIER-DOC_visuel _article.png
The FIER-DOC French Innovative Experience in Research programme is aimed at candidates who are completing a Master (or who have already got one)  and who want to acquire knowledge and experience in the management of "research projects" and eventually to pursue on a doctoral thesis.


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Inscrivez-vous aux Rendez-vous de l'emploi 2018


L'édition 2018 des Rendez-vous de l’emploi  organisée par le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation organise et avec la participation de l'ABG, aura lieu le 12 avril 2018. Inscrivez-vous dès à présent !

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Join our CONTEST : 10th anniversary of the Franco-German branch ABG-UFA!


Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! This month, the ABG is celebrating its 10-year partnership with the Franco-German University and is launching a contest on Franco-German mobility. Tell us your story and try to win a year's subscription to Paris-Berlin magazine.

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Patrick Kim's international career path, R&D director at Benteler

Patrick Kim, PhD in materials science, reviews his academic and professional background, which has taken him to Europe (France, Switzerland, Germany), North America (USA) and Asia (Japan).

Five countries, five cultures: so many ways of seeing the world of education and work!

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Bourse de recherche de l'ARIMHE édition 2018


L'ARIMHE attribue annuellement une bourse de recherche destinée aux docteurs et post doctorants en sciences de geestion. Candidatez jusqu'au 23 mars 2018.

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Candidatez au Prix du 10ème séminaire « Eau & Santé » de SUEZ


La 10ème édition du séminaire annuel « Eau & Santé » se tiendra à Cannes du 25 au 27 juin 2018. À cette occasion, un prix SUEZ d’une valeur de 1 500€ sera remis. Candidatez jusqu'au 16 avril 2018.

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Candidatez aux programmes de financement doctoraux Innovation

La Direction générale des relations internationales et de la stratégie (DGRIS), lance les éditions 2018 des programmes de financement doctoraux : "Thématique" et "Innovation". Candidatez jusqu'au 6 mai 2018.

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ABG at the heart of a European network for HR questions related to HRS4R


As part of the Euraxess network, ABG hosted its first working group in Paris on February 22 and 23. Through its participation as coordinator or partner in European framework programmes (H2020-SWAFS, MSCA, COFUND), ABG is strengthening its position on the European scene.

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Le Portail"DocPro, un outil dynamique de valorisation des compétences" - Dr Vincent MIGNOTTE [Vidéo]

Le Collège doctoral de la Communauté Université Grenoble Alpes organisait jeudi 1er février, une conférence - débat intitulée "Doctorat, quelles compétences ?" à laquelle le Dr Vincent Mignotte participait. Retrouvez son intervention en vidéo.

Shaker 2018 by Genopole


Le Shaker est la réponse aux besoins des étudiants, doctorants, thésards, jeunes ingénieurs… qui ont développé un concept innovant dans le domaine des biotechnologies. Candidatez avant le 1er mars !

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Booster 2018 by Genopole


Votre société est innovante dans les domaines de la santé (thérapeutique, diagnostique, dispositif médical), de l’agri-agro, de l’éco-tech/environnement, de la bioindustrie ? Gagnez votre place au sein du Booster en soumettant votre candidature avant le 1er mars 2018.

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L'école de l'innovation thérapeutique, du 5 au 7 juillet 2018. Inscrivez-vous !

Du 5 au 7 juillet prochain, participez à l'école de l'innovation thépareutique organisée pour la 4ème fois par Ariis, Aviesan, l'Inserm, le Labex Lermit et le Leem.

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Assessment Center: Come and try an alternative recruitment method!


Imagine you are looking for a job and you find an ad that matches your profile. You send your résumé and you catch the attention of the recruiter. “Bingo! I’m getting a job interview!” Because for you, there is no other option than a job interview and you feel prepared for this exercise.


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Le FameLab France 2018 : Let's go!


FameLab France 2018, the world's largest science communication competition, will be lounched in France! You have until April 15,2018 to submit your presentation video. More information inside...

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Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 16 février 2018, à l'ANRT


Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MENESR.

Elle se tiendra le 16 février 22018, de 13h30 à 17h30, à l’ANRT (33 Rue Rennequin, 75017 Paris)

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Visite de Bertin Technologies par les doctorants sortants du parcours R&D Entreprise - CentraleSupélec

Vendredi 26 janvier 2018, L'ABG clôturait son parcours de formation R&D Entreprises - CentraleSupélec par une visite des installations du groupe Bertin Technologies à Montigny le Bretonneux.

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Les bourses françaises L’Oréal-UNESCO Pour les Femmes et la Science 2018

bourse Loreal Unesco 2018

Candidatez aux bourses françaises L’Oréal-UNESCO pour les Femmes et la Science 2018. Vous avez jusqu'à vendredi 04 avril 2018 à 23h59 !

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"Adopte un PhD - Innovation Santé" : le forum virtuel de recrutement par MEDICEN emploi


AdopteUnPhD - Innovation en Santé est LE forum virtuel de rencontre entre les entreprises de l’innovation en Santé et les PhDs. Rendez-vous du 7 au 17 février 2018.

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La campagne de financement post-doctoral AMBASSADEUR 2018


La Direction générale des relations internationales et de la stratégie (DGRIS), lance l'édition 2018 de son programme de financement post-doctoral : Ambassadeur. Candidatez jusqu'au 19 mars 2018.

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Intelligences Magazine

Intelligences magazine...

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Formation par la Recherche, la lettre de l'association Bernard Gregory

De mars 1982 à octobre 2003, l'Association Bernard Gregory a publié près de 80 numéros de sa lettre trimestrielle : Formation par la Recherche.

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Docteurs & Co, le magazine des jeunes docteurs qui choisissent l'entreprise

Publié par l'ABG,  le magazine trimestriel Docteurs&Co est paru de mars 2004 à juin 2010.

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A network of advisors

The ABG advisors network aim is to federate a community of professionals who are committed to supporting PhD students and postdocs in order to create a network between these actors to exchange information and good practices.

The advisors are charged by their own institutions (universities, doctoral schools, engineering schools, research institutes...) to ensure the support and the follow-up of the PhD students within the framework of their professional project and their career development.

Browse advisors directory

Pharmaceutical company employment survey


Find out more about recruitment and trends in the pharmaceutical industry by reading our article about the latest Pharmaceutical company employment survey in France by Leem from 12/31/2016

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Formation à l’encadrement des doctorants du 20/03 : Inscriptions ouvertes


l’Association Bernrad Gregory organise à Paris le 20 mars 2018 de 9h à 17h30, une formation à l’encadrement des doctorants. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes.

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ABG clients hire PhD-holders on a regular basis

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ABG partners uphold its actions.

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Le Forum CIFRE 2018


Rendez-vous jeudi 1er mars 2018 à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris pour le 14ème Forum Cifre.

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How to prepare and maintain your network: networking events (face-to-face or online)

Job advice

Networking is a powerful career booster. And one of the places to put it into practice for optimum outcomes is during networking events.

Here are a few tips on how to optimize your network approach before and after these events.

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Inscrivez-vous à l'After Doc' SHS by ABG & Humanitudes

Les associations Association Bernard Gregory et Humanitudes vous donnent rendez-vous pour un After Doc' dédié aux sciences humaines et sociales ou SHS ! Rendez-vous le 8 février 2018, à partir de 18h à la MIE-Labo 6.

Le Prix Paul CASEAU 2018


Chaque année, le prix Paul Caseau récompense trois jeunes chercheurs ou ingénieurs ayant soutenu leur thèse de doctorat en 2017 dans l'un des trois domaines suivant : électricité/électrotechnique, modélisation numérique et informatique.

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Use DocPro

Portail DocPro

DocPro gives you a clear, ordered overview of the skills you can offer an employer. DocPro is a tool for reflection, self-assessment and communication to help you prepare for professional mobility and showcase your skills. Create an account and build your personal profile!


Utilisez le portail DocPro

DocPro vous facilite l'accès aux compétences des docteurs (PhD)

Construisez le profil que vous recherchez

Trouvez des candidats


MCAA 5th Annual Conference & General Assembly in Leuven

logo MCAA

Join this event and take the opportunity to network with an active community of researchers brought together by past or present mobility experience under the European Commission’s Marie Curie Programme!


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Forum Emploi Maths 2017 #FEM17 Inscriptions ouvertes

L'édition 2017 du Forum Emploi Maths aura lieu le 13 décembre prochain à la Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, à Paris. Il propose comme chaque année de connecter les étudiants et les formations en maths aux besoins des entreprises.
Inscrivez-vous vite!

Focus on Crossborder Postdoctoriales 2017

Crossborder Postdoctoriales: the seminar was organised by ABG and its partners for postdoctoral researchers and unemployed doctorate holders. This session was held in Luxembourg from 6 to 6 November. Here are some highlights!



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Signature d'une convention entre l'Association Bernard Gregory (ABG) et IESF-IDF

Le 20 novembre 2017, l'ABG et l'IESF-IdF étaient réunis afin de signer une convention de partenariat, qui a pour objet de définir les modalités de la collaboration entre l’ABG et l’IESF-IdF. Elle encadre certaines pratiques et ouvre la voie au développement de projets communs à venir.

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Formation : comment Travailler avec ou dans les industries de santé ?

Organisée avec le soutien de l’AP HP, du pôle de Compétitivité MEDICEN et l’Institut PASTEUR, cette formation vise la valorisation de recherches dans le cadre d'un partenariat [Recherche - industrie biomédicale]. Quels sont les métiers proposés avec un Doctorat ou un  Master?

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#EU4PHD: focus on some partners

We invited some of our European partners to talk about researchers’ mobility and career development within their organization during #EU4PHD. We asked them to tell us why they decided to collaborate with a French association like ABG and what they expect from this event and onwards!

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Programme of “Researchers without borders”: be ready for your mobility!


Here are some highlights of our programme dedicated to your mobility in Europe. Be careful, only a few seats left!

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Recruitment process in Europe: a panel discussion by ABG for the University of Torino

Author: Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

For the second edition of its PhD Day organized by Lucia Salto, project manager for PhD career development at the University of Torino, ABG invited 6 speakers from  European companies to talk about the recruitment of PhDs in their organisations. The topics covered include the different steps from sourcing to recruiting, the do’s and don’ts in the application and interview, their expectations towards PhDs…

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l'Université Paris 8 et l'APEC présentent le forum "Job trail 2017"


L’Apec et l’université Paris 8 organisent la 2ème édition de Jobtrail, forum régional pour l’emploi des jeunes dédié aux étudiants et jeunes diplômés franciliens.

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« Researchers without borders » : let’s discover your opportunities in Europe (Paris, December 11 and 12)


Do you plan to go abroad during or after your PhD? With a postdoctoral fellowship or for a position in the industry? Are you looking for country-specific information on funding schemes, employers, recruitment process, professional codes? This event is made for you!

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ABG is happy to introduce you its new website : www.abg.asso.fr


After almost 2 years of  reflection and hard work, ABG is happy to introduce you its brand new website : www.abg.asso.fr

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ABG is happy to introduce you its new website : www.abg.asso.fr


After almost 2 years of hard work, ABG is happy to introduce you its brand new website : www.abg.asso.fr

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Job offers

At any given time, you will find hundreds of job offers for PhD-holders at every stage of their careers and in every field (excluding medicine and pharmacology) on the ABG website.

Search job offers

Post your offers

Anonymous offers, shortlisting questions, premium visibility, advertising space, cost-saving package deals: discover all the options to help you optimize your recruitment effort.

Post your offers

When you post your offers on the ABG website, you reach a target audience consisting mainly of professionals holding doctorates, but also doctoral candidates and students enrolled in Master’s or engineering degree programs. They represent every discipline, excluding medicine and pharmacology. Do you wish to post one or more job offers, thesis proposals or internship offers? Manage offers, options and applications via the website.

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Make your network happy, solicit it!

Sophie Pellegrin

Did you know that an experiment with very young children can encourage you to network?

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ABG’s international activities

ABG has been defining and deploying an internationalization strategy centered on our three fields of expertise (support, recruitment, and communication/information) with a focus on mobility (expatriation and return) opportunities.

Researchers without borders

Our event, supported by the European Commission, is aimed at guiding early-stage researchers in the implementation  of their mobility project, and promoting professional opportunities in the European Research Area. Venue: Paris, December 11 and 12, 2017

Franco-German ABG-FGU branch office

The Franco-German ABG-FGU branch office is a partnership between ABG and the Franco-German University. It affords a gateway to the research communities and job markets of both countries.

Jobs abroad

The professional future of PhD-holder and PhD candidates is to be envisionned internationnaly. We publish many positions to be filled abroad. Just choose a country and explore the local job market.

Researchers without borders #EU4PHD


Our event, supported by the European Commission, is aimed at guiding early-stage researchers in the implementation  of their mobility project, and promoting professional opportunities in the European Research Area. Venue: Paris, December 11 and 12, 2017

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ABG’s international activities

Because our partners operate in an international environment, ABG adapts to their context when addressing their needs for support and recruitment of PhD-holders. In recent years, ABG has been defining and deploying an internationalization strategy centered on our three fields of expertise (support, recruitment, and communication/information) with a focus on mobility (expatriation and return) opportunities.

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Country-by-country mobility guide

Mobility assistance programs, research and innovation networks, information, testimonials and considerations about PhD training, the Country-by-Country Mobility Guide gives an inventory of the vital resources in each country to help you prepare for your next career move abroad.

Our training catalogue

Consult our training offerings for students enrolled in a Master’s, engineering, or doctoral degree program or for PhD-holders.

Personalized services to help your company recruit PhDs

Optimize the performance of your recruitments with our tailor-made services. From pre-selection to approaching directly the candidates, the ABG team puts their know-how, experience and networks at your service!

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Events, calls for applications, international mobility opportunities, training…. Keep abreast of what’s happening through ABG.

You are an institute of higher education and research

ABG finds candidates for your thesis proposals, assists you in your career placement services for doctoral candidates and facilitates your searches for faculty and researchers.

You are a business

Companies everywhere hire PhD-holders in every field to manage complex projects. ABG is your source for job offers, a CV library, training, communication and advice: we can help you recruit and develop the talents your organization needs.

You have a PhD

ABG assists you in defining your career objectives and managing your professional development. Recruiters send us their job offers and search our CV library to find candidates like you.

Franco-German cooperation ABG-FGU

The cooperation between Association Bernard Gregory (ABG) and the Franco-German University (FGU) aims to help and support French and German PhD candidates and PhD holders before and after they start their working life, and also during their careers. 

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Researchers without borders #EU4PHD

Our event, supported by the European Commission, aims at guiding early-stage researchers in the implementation of their mobility project and at promoting professional opportunities in the European Research Area.

Paris, December 11 and 12, 2017

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In-house training sessions

Are you a business seeking to organize training sessions specially designed for your workforce?
Contact our Training Department by telephone (+33 6 30 94 31 52) or by email formation[at]abg.asso.fr.

Training calendar

Check out the dates and locations of upcoming training sessions and reserve your spot for our seminars, workshops and lectures.

Post your CV

Posting your CV to ABG’s CV library makes you visible to French and international recruiters seeking candidates with research training, from the Master’s to the PhD level  and beyond.

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ABG tower, this is PhD, Descent and landing instructions [PART 3]!


Author: Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

You’re a doctoral candidate and you’re thinking about going abroad? Roger that. But have you anticipated the different steps of your mobility? No? Then here are some practical advices to guide you like air traffic control with airplanes.

At the end of [PART 2], your mobility experience has reached its cruising pace, professionally and humanely ... Weeks, months, pass and the time to consider your return is finally drawing near. This symbolic flight begins thus preparing to land.

Here's a checklist of good practices for a smooth and efficient return.

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Accompagnement en ligne

Morbi rutrum dolor ut tempus dictum. Suspendisse consectetur odio non facilisis luctus. Nulla facilisi. Donec a leo in nisi accumsan interdum. Aliquam sit amet pretium eros. Nulla vulputate erat non commodo facilisis. Nunc id condimentum libero, faucibus efficitur odio. Proin nec libero mi.


Morbi rutrum dolor ut tempus dictum. Suspendisse consectetur odio non facilisis luctus. Nulla facilisi. Donec a leo in nisi accumsan interdum. Aliquam sit amet pretium eros. Nulla vulputate erat non commodo facilisis. Nunc id condimentum libero, faucibus efficitur odio. Proin nec libero mi.

Services de recrutement

Optimisez les performances de votre recrutement grâce à des prestations personnalisées et adaptées à vos besoins

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ABG tower, this is PhD, taxi clearance and take-off instructions, over! [PART 2]

B. Kimpe

Author: Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

You’re a doctoral candidate and you’re thinking about going abroad? Roger that. But have you anticipated the different steps of your mobility? No? Then here are some practical advices to guide you like air traffic control with airplanes.

After the questionning and shaping of yourself and your professional project in [PART 1], this week let's focus on preparations... What actions do you need to take so as to experiment mobility in the best
possible conditions ?

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Survey from the European Commission on researchers’ intersectoral mobility

O. Benfaida

Do you think the EU could do better to facilitate and enhance researchers’ intersectoral mobility? Make your opinion count and take part in the survey :
 « Fostering industrial talents through the intersectoral mobility of researchers »
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CV library

Recruiters look for PhD-holders in all fields and at every stage of their careers. Post your CV!

Country-by-Country Mobility Guide

Mobility assistance programs, research and innovation networks, information, testimonials and considerations about PhD training, the Country-by-Country Mobility Guide gives an inventory of the vital resources in each country to help you prepare for your next career move abroad.

Training news

Learn what upcoming training sessions and training programs ABG will be running, and how to register for them.


Training programs designed by ABG help you analyze your competencies and experience to determine how best to promote them on the job market.

Our catalogue


Do you want to set up a training program for your students, doctoral candidates, faculty or research staff? ABG is an active training design center, regularly developing new programs to help them define their career objectives, manage their careers and prepare them for supervisory responsibility. Numerous companies, universities and research entities have already entrusted us with this mission.

Consult our catalogue                                      Contact our Training Department

The ABG perspective

Offering testimonials, opinions, advice and statistics, ABG brings unique perspective and expertise concerning PhD-holders, their training and their careers, in France and around the world.


ABG has nearly 40 years’ experience as an association specializing in the career development and recruitment of PhD-holders all over the world.

Are you hiring?

Is your organization currently hiring? There is probably a place for PhD-holders, in every department and every function. Consider posting a job offer!

Our online support tools

Doctoral candidates and PhD-holders, assess your skills and set progress goals using our the two online tools we make available to you: A doctoral candidate’s guide to the self-assessment of professional skills® and the DocPro catalogue of skills of PhD-holders.

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The Association Bernard Gregory is named after Bernard Paul Gregory, a physicist who specialized in the study of particles. Within the framework of his functions successively at the head of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the General Delegation of Scientific and Technical Research (DGRST), he remained committed to fostering scientific careers in France.

In 1977, just before his death, he set up a task force on career opportunities for scientists with research training. This task force soon evolved to become the non-profit organization now known as the Association Bernard Gregory.


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The Team

Contact details of ABG team members.

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ABG tower, this is PhD, taxi clearance and take-off instructions, over! [PART 1]

O. Benfaida

Author: Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

You’re a doctoral candidate and you’re thinking about going abroad? Roger that. But have you anticipated the different steps of your mobility? No? Then here are some practical advices to guide you like air traffic control with airplanes.

This first part focuses on how to design and prepare your mobility project. In other words, a detailed checklist to get yourself ready ... so fasten your belts!

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ABG membership

By becoming a member of ABG, you take part in the activities of the association and enhance the credibility of our initiatives. To become a member, your application must be approved by the Executive Committee, and you must pay annual membership dues, the amount of which is set each year during the annual general meeting.

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Board of Trustees

In accordance with the articles of incorporation, the association’s Board of Trustees is composed of 18 to 34 members (e.g., companies, institutes of higher education, research institutes, associations).

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About Us

Since our founding in 1980, ABG has worked to promote the career development of PhD-holders, the innovative capacities of businesses, and to capture the value of skills acquired through training in research.

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FIER-DOC French Innovative Experience in Research - the "n+i" network programme

The FIER-DOC French Innovative Experience in Research programme is aimed at candidates who are completing a Master (or who have already got one)  and who want to acquire knowledge and experience in the management of "research projects" and eventually to pursue on a doctoral thesis.


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Meet ABG

ABG takes part in numerous events and exhibits all year round. Come meet us to discuss your career objectives, your CV, your doctorate…. We’ll explain how we can help you!
All events


Are you looking for a position abroad, or preparing to return to your home country? ABG can assist you every step of the way!
Check our mobility guide and learn about all of our international activities.
All international activities


Events, calls for applications, , training programs…. Find everything you need to successfully navigate your career and stay abreast of international developments.  


You are enrolled in a Master’s or Engineering degree program and you have reached a crossroads: should you go for a PhD or not? ABG has designed workshops to help you pursue your career objectives.

The catalogue

CV library

Uploading your CV to ABG’s CV library makes you visible to French and international recruiters seeking candidates with research training, from the Master’s to the PhD level  and beyond.

Upload a CV

Internship offers

Are you looking for an internship for your Master 2 or Engineering degree? We receive internship offers from many organizations seeking candidates like you! Search, select, and apply. It’s simple, quick… and free!

Search internship offers

Thesis projects available

Are you looking for a topic for your thesis? Choose from among hundreds of proposals posted by laboratories at French and international  universities and research organizations ready to host your thesis research. 

Search thesis proposals

Join the conversation on LinkedIn

If you crossed paths with ABG at some point during your career, you have become a friend of ABG, an organization dedicated to promoting doctorates and the skills of those who have earned them. Use this Group to talk about anything that’s on your mind, and also to keep directly in touch with ABG.
The ABG Group on LinkedIn


How do you identify and capitalize on your competencies, prepare for a career move or supervise PhD students? ABG regularly develops new training programs to accompany you at key junctures of your career.

The catalogue

Find job offers

At any given time, you will find hundreds of job offers for PhD-holders at every stage of their careers and in every field (excluding medicine and pharmacology). This is also the right place to come if you are seeking funding for a thesis project or internship. 


Discover our international activities

All international activities

Meet ABG

ABG takes part in numerous events and exhibitions all year long. Come meet us to discuss the skillsets you are looking for, training, targeted  communication…. We’ll explain how we can help you!

All events 

Join ABG

By becoming a member of ABG, you take part in the activities of the association and enhance the credibility of our initiatives on behalf of PhD-holders, companies and innovation. Your support is important for the pursuit of our efforts.

Join ABG

Advertising space

Thousands of PhD-holders, doctoral candidates and students visit the ABG site often. Take advantage of advertising space featured on every page to communicate directly with this target audience. 

Contact our Advertising Department 

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Deux minutes pour convaincre : pitchez lors du PhDTalent Career Fair 2017 !

’Association Bernard Gregory, en partenariat avec PhDTalent, la CASDEN et l'ANDès, vous donne rendez-vous le 20 octobre 2017 sur le PhDTalent Career Fair pour la 4e édition de son concours de pitch professionnel.

Retrouvez-nous au CENTQUATRE à Paris, à l'occasion de cette journée riche, entièrement dédiée aux doctorants & docteurs.

Le principe ? Les candidats disposent de 120 secondes pour convaincre jury et public, en exposant leur expérience de recherche ainsi que leur projet professionnel de façon claire, concise et convaincante.

Envie de participer ? Envoyez-nous dès maintenant vos vidéos de pitch !
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Deux minutes pour convaincre : pitchez lors du PhDTalent Career Fair 2017 !

’Association Bernard Gregory, en partenariat avec PhDTalent, la CASDEN et l'ANDès, vous donne rendez-vous le 20 octobre 2017 sur le PhDTalent Career Fair pour la 4e édition de son concours de pitch professionnel.

Retrouvez-nous au CENTQUATRE à Paris, à l'occasion de cette journée riche, entièrement dédiée aux doctorants & docteurs.

Le principe ? Les candidats disposent de 120 secondes pour convaincre jury et public, en exposant leur expérience de recherche ainsi que leur projet professionnel de façon claire, concise et convaincante.

Envie de participer ? Envoyez-nous dès maintenant vos vidéos de pitch !
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Deux minutes pour convaincre : pitchez lors du PhDTalent Career Fair 2017 !

’Association Bernard Gregory, en partenariat avec PhDTalent, la CASDEN et l'ANDès, vous donne rendez-vous le 20 octobre 2017 sur le PhDTalent Career Fair pour la 4e édition de son concours de pitch professionnel.

Retrouvez-nous au CENTQUATRE à Paris, à l'occasion de cette journée riche, entièrement dédiée aux doctorants & docteurs.

Le principe ? Les candidats disposent de 120 secondes pour convaincre jury et public, en exposant leur expérience de recherche ainsi que leur projet professionnel de façon claire, concise et convaincante.

Envie de participer ? Envoyez-nous dès maintenant vos vidéos de pitch !
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French-German Day for Researchers

Logos partenaires

Together with the Science and Technology Department of the French Embassy in Germany, the Franco-German University and Institut Français, ABG is organising the 4th edition of the French-German Day for Researchers in Berlin on the 6th of July 2017.

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Deux minutes pour convaincre : pitchez lors du PhDTalent Career Fair 2017 !

’Association Bernard Gregory, en partenariat avec PhDTalent, la CASDEN et l'ANDès, vous donne rendez-vous le 20 octobre 2017 sur le PhDTalent Career Fair pour la 4e édition de son concours de pitch professionnel.

Retrouvez-nous au CENTQUATRE à Paris, à l'occasion de cette journée riche, entièrement dédiée aux doctorants & docteurs.

Le principe ? Les candidats disposent de 120 secondes pour convaincre jury et public, en exposant leur expérience de recherche ainsi que leur projet professionnel de façon claire, concise et convaincante.

Envie de participer ? Envoyez-nous dès maintenant vos vidéos de pitch !
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L’ABG présente ses nouveaux formats d’atelier

Atelier ABG
Parce que l’avenir professionnel des docteurs n’est pas forcément dans la recherche académique, parce qu’il est important de prendre le temps de réfléchir à son projet professionnel, de se préparer et de s’outiller avant de partir en recherche d’emploi…

L’ABG met en place pour le public des docteurs et doctorants une série d’ateliers « Après-Thèse », déclinés chacun sur une journée.
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Choisir - ou non - le doctorat ? Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant à l'atelier AvanThèse® du 11 juillet 2017

cerveau abg
Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève ingénieur ou professionnel en évolution de carrière et le doctorat vous intéresse, vous questionne ?
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L’ABG présente ses nouveaux formats d’atelier

Atelier ABG
Parce que l’avenir professionnel des docteurs n’est pas forcément dans la recherche académique, parce qu’il est important de prendre le temps de réfléchir à son projet professionnel, de se préparer et de s’outiller avant de partir en recherche d’emploi…

L’ABG met en place pour le public des docteurs et doctorants une série d’ateliers « Après-Thèse », déclinés chacun sur une journée.
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Are you looking for a job opening abroad or getting ready to return to your home country after a mobility assignment? ABG can assist you with every aspect of your project. Take a look at our Country-by-Country Mobility Guide to learn about all our international activities.

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You will find your next assignment on the ABG website. Employers interested in people with research training take advantage of our services to inform you of their job openings. 

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Turning knowledge into innovation and growth in SMEs: the Innovation associate programme

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

A new funding scheme will support Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to hire a researcher : the brain who will bring their brilliant idea to life.
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French-German scientific award Gay-Lussac-Humboldt 2017: call for applications

O. Benfaida

Created in 1981, the Gay-Lussac-Humboldt Award is granted by the French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, together with the French Science Academy-Institutde France to German scientists from all fields and selected by French universities or research institutes. The Humboldt Foundation is awarding French scientists on the same principles.

Application deadline: June 30.

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The Cross-border Postdoctoriales are back!

O. Benfaida

Never two without three! Here comes the third edition of the cross-border career workshop dedicated to postdocs and unemployed doctorate holders.
Registration is now open!
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An American (scientist) in Paris

Interview by Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

Making international moves in the name of science is not uncommon. Whether for a job opportunity that can’t be passed up or because of a desire to live and work in a specific country, international mobility in science is likelihood in many scientist’s lives. This kind of move may come at any point during a scientist’s career; for me, it came in the middle of my PhD studies.

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Association Bernard Gregory, the French-German University the French-Italian University have been awarded a Horizon 2020 funding

Web Master

Within the Science with and for Science (SWAFS) programme of H2020, a call for projects was dedicated to the organization of an event on researchers’ mobility and career development in Europe (SWAFS 20-2016).

Because their joint expertise relies on both aspects, Association Bernard Gregory (ABG), the French-German University (FGU) and the French-Italian University (FIU) built a consortium and applied together in August 2016.

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Annual report

NEW! 2016 ABG Key facts on a infografics (downloadable)
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Vivien Badaut, PhD, innovation consultant

Ludovic Fery

Vivien Badaut is now working in Leeds as an independent consultant and supports R&D-intensive companies by offering them different kinds of services: searching for European funding, building a business plan, writing technical reports… Through his history, Vivien Badaut, as a PhD in nuclear chemistry, confirms that networking is of a great help when it comes to career development.

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François Quemeneur, from a PhD in biophysics to entrepreneurship

Ludovic Fery

françois quemeneur

After a PhD in physics and a MBA in innovation management, François Quemeneur started a young innovative company with his partner. Freelance consulting missions gave him the project to focus his work on small structures, before deciding to create his own business.

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Maria Givony, project manager at Firendo

Ludovic Fery

With her dynamic and creative personality, Maria Givony decided to give a turn in her professional goals by embracing a career in science communication, after her thesis in immunology in 2013. She is now project manager at Firendo, which aims at raising awareness of endocrine rare diseases in France. Her job entails science popularization and graphic design for the patients suffering from those diseases.

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Sarah Enouz, research grant manager at Imagine Institute

Ludovic Fery

As a researcher in biology, Sarah Enouz decided to change her career path and became science project coordinator. She is still working closely with the laboratory but not on experiments: she is now dealing with communication activities and the design of management tools for researchers. In her current position, she is in charge of making the biomedical research process flow easier and ensuring that deadlines are met by all the stakeholders, especially for clinical trials.
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Young women scientists, L'Oréal fellowship program is open

Ludovic Fery

bourses l'oréal

As in 2016, 30 fellowships will be awarded to women PhD students and women postdoctoral fellows within the framework of Fondation L'Oréal’s ''For women in science'' program, in partnership with UNESCO and French Academy of science. Candidates can be of all nationalities but must study or work in France in one of the following fields: formal sciences, life science, environment or materials science, and engineering.

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Institut Curie international PhD program

Ludovic Fery

curie ic3i

Candidates have until 4 february 2017 included to apply to IC-3i, Institut Curie’s international PhD program, co-funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation plan.

14 projects among 80 research groups are concerned.

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Fully-funded PhD positions for self-developed research idea

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

The Hector Fellow Academy promotes outstanding young scientists from all over the world with fully-funded PhD positions. Master graduates can apply until April 30, 2017 with an innovative, self-developed scientific issue in the research field of one of the Hector Fellows.
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Help build a house for PhDs’ projects

Ludovic Fery

la paillasse

On 19 January 2017, a workshop will be held at La Paillasse on a French PhDs’ house project.

It is suggested by Sébastien Poulain, researcher at the MICA (Mediation, Information, Communication, Arts) laboratory, of école Montaignes-Humanités.

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Cai Yuanpei

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A program which aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and Chinese research laboratories, in all scientific fields - exact sciences, humanities and social sciences - and structured around joint PhDs (or co-directed). Application deadline: February 19, 2017.
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Xu Guangqi

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A program which aims to support cooperation initiated between French and Chinese researchers in all scientific fields - exact sciences, humanities and social sciences. Application deadline: January 15, 2017.
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2017 Coopol Innovation

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A program
aiming at supporting the internationalization of French competitiveness clusters and the cooperation with their Chinese counterparts, Science and Technology Parks.
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Vulcanus in Japan Programme

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objectives of this training programme are to get acquainted with the range of advanced technologies employed by a leading Japanese host company, to learn Japanese and to understand and appreciate Japanese culture with a view to an enriching one-year experience abroad, to provide an opportunity for students to interact with Japanese business and people. Application deadline: January 20, 2017.
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Excerpts from ESOF 2016: get a job in industry

Sarah Blackford, Academic and science career consultant

ESOF 2016

What better way for PhD students and researchers to find out how to get a job in industry than to ask employers and careers adviser professionals directly? In a face-to-face 'Question Time' career session during the ESOF 2016 conference last July, the 'Fish Bowl' format of 'Life after a PhD' enabled participants to do just that. With a line-up of speakers from six European countries, representing large and small international companies, recruitment and career professional agencies, including ABG, the audience was in good hands.

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Samuel-De Champlain

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A Support for International Mobility intended for professors and researchers from all disciplines and aiming in particular, at the emergence of strategic inter-university partnerships between France and Quebec. Application deadline: January 11, 2017.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A transnational fellowship programme, targeted at incoming PhDs in Belgium, of all nationalities, in all research fields (Sciences and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Health Sciences).
Application deadline: January 4, 2017.
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“Découverte Chine” Programme

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to allow French researchers to make an inventory of the research carried out in China in their fields of expertise..

Deadline for application: January 8, 2017.
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FameLab returns to France!

Ludovic Fery

famelab france
British Council's science communication contest stops again in France for a finale scheduled on 8 March 2017 in Paris.

Interested candidates have until next 1 February 2017 to submit their application in the form of a 3-minute video.

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Toshiba Fellowship Programme (TFP)

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

If you are of EU nationality, based in a UK academic or Government institution (studying or working) and have no more than 10 years’ post-Doctoral experience, Toshiba offers outstanding scientists an opportunity to apply to join in the framework of a Research Contract, initially for one year, one of its research and development laboratories in Japan.
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Mobility support from the French Institute for Anatolian Studies (IFEA) for PhD students

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The IFEA is an Institute located in Istanbul under the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Development and the CNRS and aims to stimulate and conduct research focusing on territories of Turkey and the Ottoman Empire, in Humanities and Social Sciences, in Sciences of Antiquity.

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A look back at the PhDTalent Career Fair 2016

Ludovic Fery

PhDTalent2016The PhDTalent Career Fair 2016 took place last 21st of October at Centquatre, Paris. The event reunited more than 2000 young doctors and PhD students, and 80 companies willing to hire them. 

Here is a quick recap in case you missed the job fair.

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A MOOC dedicated to PhDs

Ludovic Fery


Created by French association PhDOOC, the "Doctorate and career pursuit" MOOC opens on November 30th 2016 on the ECO Learning web portal.

It is completely free.

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Start-up Challenge Digital Africa

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The French Development Agency (AFD) and Bpifrance have launched a digital innovation competition open to African and French startups.

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JFR 2016: French Research Day in Japan

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

Sciencescope, with the support of institutional partners including the Embassy of France in Japan, the Maison Franco-Japonaise (MFJ), CNRS (the National Center for Scientific Research), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry France-Japan (CCIFJ), Alumni associations ABSCIF and ABC, as well as ABG, is organizing the French Research Day (JFR) in Japan.
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Franco-Brazilian program to support researcher's mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The French Network for Brazilian Studies (REFEB) launched its 2017 Call aiming at enabling young researchers to pursue their studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (SHS) by a research field in Brazil.
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Students, join forces with a company

Ludovic Fery

talence parrainage
The students-business partnership, initiated in 2016 by Talence Innovation Sud Dévelopment and the Groupement des Entrepreneurs Talençais (GET), opens to new degrees and diploma for its renewal in 2017.

Masters and PhD students (preferably at the beginning of the 2nd year) can now participate.

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European Research Council (ERC) Grants

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A program to help young researchers from all disciplines to create their own team of excellence around an original or innovative topic and to carry out during 5 years an independent research work in Europe.
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Merit scholarship program for foreign students (PBEEE)

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A program intended for foreign students or researchers from all research sectors (health, humanities and social sciences, arts and letters, natural sciences, and engineering) preselected by a Québec university. Application deadline : November 1, 2016.
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Work with your former employees to keep the expertise inside your organisation

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

The French energy company EDF calls its pensioners back to help to restore electricity after a disaster, as an additional support for their former co-workers. The consulting firm PWC uses its alumni network to develop new businesses. Areva is developing a programme for its retired experts to keep the core expertise in the group.

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Come and try an alternative recruitment method!

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

Imagine you are looking for a job and you find an ad that matches your profile. You send your résumé and you catch the attention of the recruiter. “Bingo! I’m getting a job interview!” Because for you, there is no other option than a job interview and you feel prepared for this exercise. Suddenly…
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Short research stays in Sweden, TOR

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A program open to all PhDs working in France and from all disciplines including the Humanities and Social sciences. Financial support amounts to a maximum of € 1,500. Application périod: from October 1 to November 30, 2016.
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A PhD school programme for researchers in the energy field

Ludovic Fery

kic innoenergy

Is your PhD project in the field of energy? Connected with an industrial issue or company? Are you interested in developing a product or service related to your research?

If so, you might be interested by KIC InnoEnergy PhD School programme.

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Åsgard: the invitation programme of French researchers to Norway

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to encourage scientific exchanges between France and Norway, to promote the emergence of cooperations in research and technology transfer, as well as to allow French and Norwegian researchers to develop their international networks. Call for applications : from September 15 to December 15, 2016.
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Metchnikov: the Franco-Russian scientific cooperation program

Ludovic Fery


The French embassy of Russia provides between 1 to 3 months scholarships for Russian staff engaged in a research project connected to a French team. This program covers all kinds of science, including human and social sciences, and the project can be by a higher education institution, a research organization or a company.

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ABG Jobs #5 : the weekly selection

Ludovic Fery

ABG Jobs

In our weekly job selection, you will find offers in engineering sciences, biotechnology as well as a sampling of international jobs.

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Marc de Montalembert Prize

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf


The Marc de Montalembert Foundation and the French Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) have formed a partnership to sponsor the Marc de Montalembert Prize of 8,000 euros. The Foundation will also offer the grant holder the possibility of a residenceship at its headquarters in Rhodes, Greece. Application deadline: from octobre 3 to November 30, 2016.
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Balaton : The Franco-Hungarian programme to support researchers' mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence and to encourage new co-operations between research laboratories of both countries.
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ABG Jobs #4: the weekly selection

Ludovic Fery

abg emplois

Just this once won’t hurt, you will find in our weekly jobs selection offers in informatics, chemistry and biology. Good luck everyone!

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5 tricks to give a great pitch

Ludovic Fery

concours pitch
From Ted worldwide conference program to the Australian “Three minute thesis” contest which became the “Ma thèse en 180 secondes” challenge in France, more and more opportunities exist to pitch science.

But pitching isn’t rocket science and, just like any other kind of public talks, the main key to success is preparation. To help you on the way, here are 5 tricks that would work on any audience.

   © Florian Pircher - Pixabay

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Global Young Academy - Call for New Members

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

Do you want to join the Global Young Academy for five-year-terms to foster a dialogue between science and society and to improve the international research environment? Send your application before September 25.
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Thanks to all our awesome Thunderclapers!

Bérénice Kimpe - Responsable coopération internationale

To all the people who supported our « Researchers without borders » campaign in the context of an European call for proposals: a big « thank you »!

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Participate to FIEEC 2016 award for applied research

Ludovic Fery

FIEEC2016You helped conduct a successful research partnership with an SME or mid-cap company (increase in revenue, job creation)?

You can apply to FIEEC 2016 award by 19 September.

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ABG Jobs #3 : the weekly selection

Ludovic Fery

Chemistry, data science and electronics are featured in our 22 August 2016 job selection.
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You wish to go to Brazil as part of your studies or research?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Fair intended for French students and researchers interested in a scientific or academic stay in Brazil, which will be held at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (UMPC) on September 20, 2016, can help you to prepare your departure
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Launch your startup with the « French Tech Ticket »

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

With a promising first season for which 23 startups were selected among 722 projects submitted from around the world, the French Tech Ticket is back in 2017, with 41 partner incubators (versus 10 in 2016) all over France.
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100,000 euros award for the most promising young biotech

Ludovic Fery

genopole youth biotech
The Young Biotech Award, allocated by Genopole of Evry, is opened to applications.

To participate, the project or the company must have less than three years of existence and a biotech innovation in the environment, agri-food or industry sector (excluding health). The application deadline is 3 October 2016.
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Interested in an international mobility experience?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Launched in April 2016 on the same model as the Courier international, Courrier Expat is intended not only to French expatriates, but also to potential expatriates, providing information in business, education and health fields, drawn from the international press about professional and personal environment of French nationals abroad.
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Franco-Swedish mobility programme, ÖMSE

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to promote scientific cooperation and exchange of experience by allowing doctoral students under joint supervision of a French institution of higher education and a Swedish institution to move for their research's purposes. Application deadline: September 30, 2016.
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ABG needs your support!

Bérénice Kimpe - Responsable coopération internationale

thunderclap ABG
Do you plan to go abroad during or after your PhD? With a postdoctoral fellowship or for a position in the industry? Are you looking for country-specific information on funding schemes, employers, recruitment process, professional codes?

Then our event "Mobility and Career Days for Researchers" is made for you. Help us make it bigger by asking the support of European Union!
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New recruit in ABG Training and support hub

Ludovic Fery

Starting July 18 2016, Catherine Thomas begins as a training manager at Association Bernard Gregory. The Training and support hub now counts 4 people.
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ERC Advanced Grants

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A program intended for established leading principal investigators which aims at funding frontier research projects over a maximum period of 5 years with a budget up to € 2.5 million per grant.
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PRESTIGE Postdoc program

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Coordinated by Campus France, under the Marie Curie Actions-COFUND of the FP7PRESTIGE is a co-financing aiming at fostering the international mobility of post-doc researchers and funding about 1/3 of the post-doc fellow’s living allowance,while the remaining 2/3 are financed by another partner, either publicor private . 
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Did you know that a splash could be useful for your personal development?

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

It is summertime, the weather is hot. You are at your desk. You are angry because your boss did (once again) a not so nice remark about your work. You have one thing in mind: leaving the office and jumping in a pool to cool off.
But going for a splash is much more than just about cooling off!
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Postdoctoral fellowships at Cell(n)Scale LabEx


French Center of Excellence for Physics and Chemistry in Cell Biology LabEx Cell(n)Scale has opened a call for postdoctoral fellowships, sponsored during one year.


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Training in advanced techniques of archeology for foreign students

Ludovic Fery

You are a foreign PhD student committed to a French archaeological mission abroad?
You can receive a funded training to advanced techniques in archeology in a French laboratory. The request for proposals is opened until 16 September 2016.
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5 steps to network efficiently at a conference

Ludovic Fery

Working in the science/research field means that you will have plenty of events to attend, either meetings with a general audience like cocktails and conferences or the more traditional scientific meetings where you have the opportunity to present a poster or give a talk. So, if you want to rock your next networking event, just follow the guide!
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ABC-advice for PhDs looking for a job outside academia (last part)

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

All good things come to an end... Here is the last part of our alphabet series: U-Z. Enjoy!
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Research Fellowship Program of the Matsumae International Foundation - Japan

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The objective is to foster PhDs to make a stay in Japan from 3 to 6 months during the period from April, 2017 to March, 2018.
Application deadline: August 31, 2016.
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Support for international initiatives for research and innovation of the Quebec government

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The Ministry for Economy, Science and Innovation (MESI) of Québec launches a new call for projects to support and promote international action of Quebec actors in the academic, institutional and industrial fields working in different research and innovation areas.
France is among the countries considered strategic by the Directorate of International Partnerships
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Franco-russian day on innovative materials

Ludovic Fery

During « Science of the Future » (SF) second edition, between 20 and 23 September 2016 in Kazan, Russia, a day will be dedicated to young scientists and innovative materials.
PhD students and post-doctoral researchers are invited to submit their application before the 15th of July.

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Research fellowships between Europe and Japan by Canon Foundation

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

Canon Foundation awards research grants for highly qualified European and Japanese researchers, for minimum 3 months to maximum 12 months. Apply before September 15.
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ABG has its new communication manager!

Ludovic Fery

Association Bernard Gregory strengthens its Communication and Job hub. Starting 20 June 2016, Ludovic Fery joins the team to handle web communication and community management across social networks.

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Scientific and academic cooperation with Mexico

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

ECOS Nord: a Call to support joint research projects for a period of 4 years, between French and Mexican teams. Application deadline: August 1, 2016.
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Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions in Horizon2020

Ludovic Fery

Individual fellowship call H2020-MSCA-IF-2016, part of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, is opened until 14 September 2016. 
Its total budget is 218.5 millions euro, including 29 millions for mobility grants outside of Europe. A new panel created this year brings non-academic organisations in.

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Ulysses: The Franco-Irish programme to support researchers' mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The objective is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence and to encourage new co-operations between research laboratories of both countries.

Application deadline: September 16, 2016
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Short stay grants in Japan for cancer research

Ludovic Fery

A dozen research grants are available for a stay of 3 months maximum in Japan on the thematic of cancer. The deadline for applications is on 15 July 2016. Only bilateral research projects with will be accepted.  
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Franco-Norwegian PHC Aurora 2017 is launched

Ludovic Fery

As part of cooperations between the Norwegian research council and the French ministry of External affairs, Aurora program (Hubert Curien Program) is renewed in 2017. Applications must be registered online on 7 September 2016 at the latest.
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New network for oceanographic research

Web Master

The international program Take OFF (« Take Ocean For Future ») will start on 23rd June 2016. Its goal is to promote research on seas and oceans thanks to a scientific patronage and residency at Oceanographic Institute Paul Ricard (South of France).
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Postdoctoral Researchers‘ Networking Tour du DAAD (25.09 – 01.10)

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

You're doing your postdoc in molecular biology and are interested in professional opportunities in Germany? In academia and industry? Let's discover them with the new DAAD programme. Application deadline is July 15.
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Gay-Lussac Humboldt Prize

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

A Prize awarded by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR) in association with the Academy of Sciences - Institute of France to German scientists and by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to French scientists.

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A European porgramme for facilitating the recruitment of PhDs by SMEs

Bérénice Kimpe

30.06 is the deadline to submit the application (10 pages) for the SME Innovation Associate call, the new initiative launched this year under Horizon 2020 by the EASME – the EU Agency for SME – to support the spin-in of specialised knowledge into small European companies.
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ABC-advice for PhDs looking for a job outside academia (part 4)

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

For each letter of the alphabet, you will find one piece of advice. Today, let's discover the part 4 of the series.
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Pessoa : The Franco-Portuguese programme to support researchers' mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The objective is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence and to encourage new co-operations between research laboratories of both countries. Deadline for application: June 15, 2016.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The franco-german programme for researchers' mobility which aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence and to encourage new co-operations between research laboratories of both countries. Application deadline: June 6, 2016.
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Funding of co-supervised theses, "PAUILF"

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The Luso-French Programme of Universitary Integrated Actions implemented by the Conference of University Presidents (CPU) and the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities (CRUP), aims at initiating academic and scientific exchanges between France and Portugal.
Application deadline: May 31, 2016.

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Raman Charpak: The Franco-Indian program to support researcher's mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The Science & Technology Department of the French Embassy in India, in partnership with the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India, fund research stays for French and Indian PhD students over a period from 2 to 6 months in an Indian laboratory. Application deadline: May 31, 2016.
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The Cross-border Postdoctoriales are back!

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

You missed the first session? Don’t miss it a second time and apply for the cross-border career workshop dedicated to postdocs. It takes place in Luxembourg-City from 7 to 10 November.
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Itchy to go abroad? Put your motivations and constraints in the light!

Catherine Gayda & Bérénice Kimpe - International office

Jean-Michel Romann is Head of The Group Mobility Department at EDF. Twenty five people are working in this department to manage the different international mobility steps for 650 expatriates. Mr Romann will adress the challenges of an international mobility for all the stakeholders: the employee, his family  and the company.
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Eole excellence scholarships

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The objective is to support particularly PhD students’ mobility from all disciplines for research stays or traineeships in the Netherlands. Application deadline: April 30, 2016.
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H2020 Rare diseases – Matchmaking & networking (Oslo, 12 and 13 May 2016)

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

The Research Council of Norway, the French Institutes / Embassies in the Nordic countries and the French Norwegian Foundation are pleased to announce the next Horizon 2020 Health Brokerage Event in Oslo on rare diseases.
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ABC-advice for PhDs looking for a job outside academia (part 3)

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

Today, the third part of the alphabet series: K to N. Enjoy!
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Stays for senior researchers in the United Kingdom

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The Science and Technology Department of the French Embassy in the United Kingdom offers each year, the opportunity for French senior researchers to stay at the Churchill College (Cambridge) for a period ranging from 6 months to 1 year. Application deadline: April 18, 2016.
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Information day on professional and international mobility of PhDs (Paris, 3rd of June)

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

Do you plan to go abroad during or after your PhD? With a postdoctoral fellowship or for a position in the industry? Are you looking for country-specific information on funding schemes, employers, recruitment process, professional codes? This event is made for you!
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Claude Leon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships in South Africa

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

A flagship programme of the Claude Leon Foundation intended for South African and foreign early career researchers in Science, Engineering and Medical Sciences and aiming to help build research capacity in South African universities and research institutions. Application deadline: May 31, 2016.
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Call for applications for PhD Scholarships in Luxembourg

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law offers PhD scholarships for foreign scholars to support their research stay at the Institute. Application deadline: April 30, 2016.
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Call for proposals HOMING and FIRST TEAM

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

Two new programs implemented by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP), the largest source of science funding in Poland. Deadline for application: March 24, 2016.
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H2020 SME Innovation Associate : matching SMEs up with talented researchers

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

The new pilot action aims at supporting European SMEs and start-ups to recruit doctorate holders whose knowledge would be crucial to open up opportunities for innovation and significant growth for the enterprise.

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Three post-docs including two abroad and then?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Yoann Le Bars, PhD in physical oceanography, has first experimented the mobility at the national level throughout his studies, from Paris to Nancy via Toulouse where he completed his doctorate (2006 to 2010). At Paul Sabatier University, his research focused on the "Modeling of barotrope ocean dynamics in the Amazonian estuary and plateau". within the LEGOS (Laboratoire d’Études en Géophysique et Océanographie), under joint supervision with the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and the CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales).
"Then going abroad, it was a little bit natural, given the work done in connection with the CNES and the growing international request in the ocean modeling field".
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ABC-advice for PhDs looking for a job outside academia (part 2)

Bérénice Kimpe - International cooperation

We continue with the second part of the ABC-advice! Today, let’s have a look at the letters F to J: enjoy!
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Develop and mobilize your network...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

This is one of the recommendations of Charlotte Mallet, PhD in Organic chemistry applied to conductive materials and Researcher at Esstalion, a business venture of research and development established in June 2014 by Sony Corporation, a leader in the manufacturing among others, of communication systems, as well as of information and technology products and Hydro-Québec, Canada's largest electricity producer.
Learn more about her career path and success keys of her mobility on the other side of the Atlantic
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ABC-advice for PhDs looking for a job outside academia

Author: Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

For each letter of the alphabet, you will find one piece of advice. Today, let's discover what's behind the 5 first letters!

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COLORAMAP project from ERC and FNRS: call for applications

Responsable Coopération Internationale et Formation

The COLORAMAP project in Mons (Belgium) is looking for 4 candidates in mathematics, applied mathematics or computer science, starting July or September 2016. Applications must be submitted before April 1.
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Try one's luck in the United States: Why not?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Since the summer 2012, Sophie Dutheil has been living in New Haven (Connecticut) where she is completing a postdoc in Psychiatry at Yale University before continuing in 2016 with a new job in a pharmaceutical company which works on mental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases, in Manhattan (New York).
During our interview of December 7, 2015, she told us among others, reasons which led her to leave the Hexagone and those of her choice to pursue her American adventure.
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The ABG communication toolbox.
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« 2016 Scientific Mobilisation Program » to Australia - Call for applications

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The Embassy of France in Australia is offering a travel grant with a priority given to early career researchers of any nationality which aim is to facilitate and enhance research collaboration beetween France and Australia.
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Funding of France-Quebec joint projects in Humanities and Social Sciences

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The French National Research Agency (ANR) and the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) launch a bilateral call for proposals aiming at strengthening the collaboration between researchers from France and Quebec, and at developing excellent transnational research projects that could not be carried out outside of an international cooperation framework. Application deadline: December 15, 2015.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

Three Franco-Finnish mobility and cooperation programs for researchers and PhD students.
Application deadline: December 5, 2015.
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Come and try an alternative recruitment method!

Bérénice Kimpe - antenne franco-allemande ABG-UFA

Imagine you are looking for a job and you find an ad that matches your profile. You send your résumé and you catch the attention of the recruiter. “Bingo! I’m getting a job interview!” Because for you, there is no other option than a job interview and you feel prepared for this exercise. Suddenly…
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2016 French Chairs program in São Paulo State

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The São Paulo University (USP), the Campinas state university (UNICAMP) and the São Paulo state university « Júlio de Mesquita Filho » (UNESP), in partnership with the French General Consulate in São Paulo launched, for the sixth consecutive year, a Chair program, in all disciplines, for teachers and/or researchers from French Higher Education and Research institutions, for a period from 45 days to one year. Deadline for application: November 13, 2015.
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Mitacs Globalink Research Award – Campus France

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

An initiative and a mobility support between France and Canada intended for Master (M2) and PhD students from French universities. Successful applicants will be able to participate in a research project, supervised by a host professor at a Canadian university, as early as February 2016. Application deadline: November 20, 2015.
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A PhD... and after?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

A dossier of Découvrir, a magazine of the Acfas - a non-profit organization which aims at promoting research and innovation and scientific culture in Quebec and the Francophone world - published in September, 2015.

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The European University Institute opens the online applications for its doctoral programme in the Humanities

Bérénice Kimpe - International cooperation

The European University Institute offers one of the largest and most prestigious doctoral and postdoctoral programmes in the social sciences in Europe for more than 40 years. It hosts more than 900 scholars from over 60 countries. It is located in Firenze (Italy).
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Bollig & Kemper: a Franco-German family-owned company that ensures its growth through international development and innovation

Bérénice Kimpe - International cooperation

One of the R&D centres of Bollig & Kemper, paint specialist for the automotive industry, is located in an industrial area near Grenoble and has an incredible view over the mountains. Despite its relatively small size (400 employees, a sales volume of 75 Mio €), the company can compete with the big players: its clients are companies such as Mercedes, Volkswagen, BMW, Porsche, Peugeot and Renault; its competitors are Axalta or BASF.
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Application for KIC InnoEnergy PhD School open until November, 2

Wojciech Lewandowski - Community manager

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

Is your PhD project in the field of Energy? connected with an industrial issue or company? Are you interested in developing a product or service related to your research? If so, apply to KIC InnoEnergy PhD School programme.

KIC InnoEnergy offers a training programme that compliments and supplements the regular doctoral studies, independently completed at their home university.
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Scientific and technological intelligence...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

If you are interested in observation and analysis of the scientific environment, technical and technological carried out in different countries around the world, French embassies abroad publish and disseminate information in a regular and targeted manner.
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South Africa - France Innovation Portal (SAFIP)

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

The aim is to connect French and South African scientists, entrepreneurs and innovators in order to co-develop a product, service, technology, in a mutual economic interest logic.
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Networking – the holiday version

Bérénice Kimpe - Franco-German branch office ABG-FGU

Here we are, summer has finally arrived and it’s holiday season. If you have decided to travel, you may have visited Tripadvisor to find your accommodation, your flight, some restaurants or to get an idea about your future destination. There is nothing better than knowing the opinion of people who already stayed where you will (probably) spend your holidays: this can save you from disappointment and frustration.

Concerning professional development, your professional Tripadvisor is your network. By approaching professionals of a certain sector or with a distinct profession, you can specify your professional destination.
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Feedback on the career workshop in the Greater Region (Metz, June 17-19)

Bérénice Kimpe - Franco-German branch office

During three days, 21 PhD students from the Greater Region (Lorraine, Saarbrücken, Kaiserslautern, Trier, Luxembourg, Liège) gathered in Metz for a career workshop that was organized by the University of Lorraine, with the support of the University of the Greater Region and ABG.

The main goal of the workshop was to help the PhD students to steer their career by focusing on the following topics:
  • self-knowledge
  • job markets in France, Germany and Luxembourg
  • job market exploration
  • networking
  • application in the three countries
  • preparation of job interviews
  • intercultural  differences on the workplace
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International mobility: a fully fledged competences field?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

After a Franco-German curriculum in chemistry at the Dresden Technical University and the ENSCR (École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes), a PhD on new materials for organic electronics at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research, Dresden, research stays in France, Canada and the United States, Robert Pötzsch is currently, Patent examiner at the European Patent Office (EPO) in The Hague (Netherlands).
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The first edition of Cross-border Postdoctoriales is on its way

Bérénice Kimpe

(Pour consulter cet article en français : cliquez ici)

Maybe you have heard from Postdoctoriales, a career workshop that has been created by ABG specifically for postdocs. Now, a cross-border version has been implemented for postdocs working in France, Germany and Luxemburg. It will take place in Luxemburg-City from 27 to 30 October.

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Bernardo Houssay Program

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

Based on researchers' mobility, this program aims to promote the exchange of expertise and research practices between Argentina and France, through the creation and the consolidation of sustainable partnerships between academic institutions and research organizations in both countries. Application deadline: June 15, 2015.
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Living and working in Quebec...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

This is the objective of Virginie Barrère who after an Engineering degree in Microbiology and Food Security in 2008 at the ESIAB (Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Agroalimentaire de Bretagne atlantique) in Brest (France), a PhD at McGill University in Montreal in 2013 followed by a postdoc in 2013/2014 at Health Canada.
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Come and try an alternative recruitment method!

Bérénice Kimpe

(Pour consulter cet article en français : cliquez ici)

Imagine you are looking for a job and you find an ad that matches your profile. You send your résumé and you catch the attention of the recruiter. “Bingo! I’m getting a job interview!” Because for you, there is no other option than a job interview and you feel prepared for this exercise. Suddenly…
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And if your future was in Quebec?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français : cliquez ici)

"Journées Québec": an opportunity to find a job in your expertise field, and to discover the Quebec labor market as well as all aspects of life in Quebec. The next edition will be held on May 30 and 31, 2015 in Paris.
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Towards the creation of a virtual network and the strengthening of scientific cooperation between France and Mexico.

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français : cliquez ici)

Dedicated to Franco-Mexican science and technology community, the information and communication Portal, inaugurated on March 10, 2015, allows everyone to participate in this cooperation by sharing events, projects and various opportunities.
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From Franco-British collaboration to European networks

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français : cliquez ici)

As part of its mission to promote scientific and technological collaborations between France and the United Kingdom, the French Embassy’s Science and Technology Department  has implemented a programme which aims to facilitate exchanges and "seed meetings" between scientists of both countries and reinforce their position within the European Research Area (ERA). Deadline for application in the framework of the 1st Call for Proposals 2015: May 31, 2015.
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Best Young Energy Storage Scientist Award

Wojciech Lewandowski - Community manager

(Pour consulter cet article en français : cliquez ici)

With the best young energy storage scientist award, the RS2Eresearch network decided to support young scientists at a critical step of their career : the search for a permanent position in the public or private sector and the installation to such a position often requires important financial resources (travel expenses, moving, equipment). That's the reason why the prize money associated with the award is significant : the best project will be granted €10 000.
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Application for KIC InnoEnergy PhD School open until June the 15th

Wojciech Lewandowski - Community manager

(Pour consulter cet article en français : cliquez ici)

Is your PhD project in the field of Energy? connected with an industrial issue or company? Are you interested in developing a product or service related to your research?

If so, apply to KIC InnoEnergy PhD School programme.
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GDCh : new partner of ABG

Bérénice Kimpe

The Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (German Chemical Society, GDCh) is the largest chemical society in continental Europe with more than 30.000 members from academia, education, industry and other areas.
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Career workshop for PhD students from the Greater Region | Metz, June 17 – 19 2015

Bérénice Kimpe

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

Build your own career rocket !

You were told to keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground. Join us and make this piece of advice possible! You can plan your own career by following your desires and staying in touch with the job market reality at the same time.
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Fr@NIH or Frenchpostdoc@NIH

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A group of French post-docs working at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the area of Washington DC (Bethesda, Baltimore, Frederick - State of Maryland - USA).
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San Francisco or the new American dream

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)


With 2.8 million inhabitants, 60,000 French residents (10,000 to 15,000 working in the high tech field) and an unemployment rate of 5.8%, San Francisco and the Bay Area, host large groups such as Google, Apple or Facebook, High Tech centers such as the Silicon Valley  and many startups with significant needs for qualified staff (Master and PhD levels).


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DocPro: a brand new tool to connect doctorate holders and companies

Wojciech Lewandowski - Community manager

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

What is it about?

DocPro is an online platform that helps PhDs to highlight their professional and personal skills in front of employers. It may be used by PhDs from all scientific fields, from STEM to Humanities, and from all countries. The tool is available in French and English.

DocPro was developed by the Association Bernard Gregory (ABG), the French Conference of University Presidents (CPU) and the French Business Confederation (MEDEF).

The aim was to have companies, doctorate holders and doctoral programmes managers share the same understanding of the skills a doctorate develops.

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"And all of this started with Erasmus..."

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

After a Bachelor's degree in Spain, a Master and a PhD in France, a postdoc in the United States, Neus Sabater, Doctor in Applied Mathematics, decided to settle in the Hexagone and work in a French private company. A logical and almost obvious career path.
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Application for KIC InnoEnergy PhD School open until February the 15th

Wojciech Lewandowski - Community manager

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

Is your PhD project in the field of Energy? connected with an industrial issue or company? Are you interested in developing a product or service related to your research?

If so, apply to KIC InnoEnergy PhD School programme.
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AMI Doctorants

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

In order to develop openness to the international, the Conseil régional d'Ile-de-France has developed a scheme to support the international mobility (AMI – Aide à la Mobilité Internationale) of PhD students, regardless of nationality, enrolled in the first or second year of thesis in Humanities and Social sciences, during the 2015-2016 year, in one of laboratories located in Île-de-France.
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The Job Interview – An Obstacle Race!

Bérénice Kimpe

Let’s take a step back in time, to your high school days. It’s Friday 2 pm, PE. Athletics is on the schedule. Among the activities – the hurdling.

Did you think it was over once you started your professional life? If so, you were wrong because it’s back now in the form of job interviews, which can be akin to an obstacle course.
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China: Future "laboratory of the world"?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Context and prospects of French students' mobility in China and the Franco-Chinese cooperation in academic, research and innovation fields.

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Letter to the Christmas recruiter

Bérénice Kimpe - chargée de coopération "Espace germanophone"

(Pour consulter cet article en français : cliquez ici)

Do you remember the weeks before Christmas when you were a child? The excitement looking through the toys catalogue, writing your wish list for Father Christmas? The list was accompanied by a letter, explaining how good you had been during the year, and that you really were worth all the toys your heart desired.

Now, years later, Father Christmas has changed into a recruiter, and your letter into an application letter.
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2015 G.M.P.C.A. Award - Call for Applications

Wojciech Lewandowski - Community manager

The Groupe des Méthodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l'Archéologie (GMPCA) awards two prizes of €1000 maximum every two years to the best PhD theses written in French or in English relating to original work in archaeometry, in any of the different scientific fields contributing to archaeology.
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Franco-Mexican Call for Projects: CONACYT - Bpifrance

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An opportunity for French and Mexican companies to develop innovative technology partnership projects. The application deadline initially scheduled for November 28, 2014 has been postponed to February 13, 2015.
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From a French-Spanish doctoral experience in Humanities and Social Sciences to adult education and training

After a PhD in French Literature and Civilization (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) and a PhD in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), as well as the co-founding of a language school in Spain, Romuald Berty is currently Spanish language and litterature Teacher in a secondary vocational school near Bordeaux. His long-term career goal : start up his own training organization.

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From a French-Spanish doctoral experience in Humanities and Social Sciences to adult education and training

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

After a PhD in French Literature and Civilization (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) and a PhD in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), as well as the co-founding of a language school in Spain, Romuald Berty is currently Spanish language and litterature Teacher in a secondary vocational school near Bordeaux. His long-term career goal : start up his own training organization.
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ABG’s offers

The ABG website exclusively posts job offers that target candidates holding a PhD (except for practice PhDs), thesis topic proposals for holders of a Masters’ or an engineering degree and research internship for Master's students.
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Doctoral Programme in History and Civilization

Wojciech Lewandowski - Community manager

The Department of History and Civilization (HEC) offers a distinctive programme of transnational and comparative European history in a global perspective. Study and research activities are structured in a four-year Ph.D. programme , which is one of the largest and most successful in Europe. The teaching programme for the Ph.D. in History and Civilization  includes departmental, training and research seminars, as well as other activities such as conferences, workshops, and lectures.
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Come and try an alternative recruitment method!

Bérénice Kimpe

Imagine you are looking for a job and you find an ad that matches your profile. You send your résumé and you catch the attention of the recruiter. “Bingo! I’m getting a job interview!” Because for you, there is no other option than a job interview and you feel prepared for this exercise. Suddenly…
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Mobility Funding Guide to the United Kingdom

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A support intended for French students and scientists, wishing to travel to the other side of the Channel for a training or research activities.
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French-Brazilian collaborative research projects

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

In the framework of its 2015 generic call for proposals and the agreements signed with the FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) and the FACEPE (Fundação de Amparo à Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Pernambuco) in Brazil, the French National Research Agency (ANR) supports the setting up and the implementation of scientific projects of quality jointly proposed by French and Brazilian teams (States of São Paulo and Pernambuco). Application deadline: November 18, 2014.
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Your... professional... wish list


Author: Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

The "Wish list" is a book by Grégoire Delacourt, magnificently adapted to the theatre. It tells the story of a mercy woman from Arras (Northern France) who wins 18 million euros in the lottery and thinks, among other things, about how to spend this sum. What particularly moved me was to see the evolution of her thinking, from a simple list of needs to a list of follies, but also (and perhaps above all) to witness the implementation of her latest list. And I said to myself: why wouldn't we do the same with our career plans?

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French- Chinese collaborative research projects

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

In the framework of the generic call for proposals 2015 on "major societal challenges and "all-knowledge challenge" and the agreement
signed with the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the French National Research Agency (ANR)  supports the setting up and the implementation of scientific projects of quality jointly proposed by French and Chinese teams.
Application deadline: November 18, 2014
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The first International Final of "My thesis in 180 seconds" in Quebec…

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Winners: Two PhD students from France and one from Quebec!
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Destination Canada

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

If you are interested in an occupational mobility in Canada and would like information about the country and offered opportunities, then do not miss next events which will be held in Paris in November, 2014.
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The CV-database of ABG

Recognized internationally for its uniqueness, the ABG CV-database is exclusively dedicated to PhD graduates or students defending their thesis within 4 months.

The information a recruiter can see at first glance doesn’t show your name. The candidate’s identity is only visible on the CV(s).
The profile displays scientific skills and professional experience. The CV is attached to the profile.

> Website’s terms of use
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Brand your application and become THE candidate in the eyes of recruiters!

Author: Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

Becoming the product that everyone is clamoring for is not a coincidence but the result of an effective marketing strategy. Do you think Nespresso coffee machines would have been as successful without George? So why not apply the basic marketing rule to your own applications?

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Cooperation between India and Europe - Recommendations for the creation of an Indo-European platform by studying the Indo-French model

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report published in July 2014, by the Office for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in India, presenting outcomes of the project « INDIA SI House » aiming at fostering collaboration in Science and Innovation. This project is based on the French experience with the Cefipra (Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced), first bilateral structure of research funding in India.
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Work or start your own business in Australia

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Identified as one of 15 cities to target for changing everything, Sydney despite being an expensive destination has some interesting advantages for those who would be interested in an Australian mobility.
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French researchers' network in Spain

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An initiative which aims to increase exchanges between French researchers, improve the flow of information on research and scientific employment in France and in Spain and to foster scientific cooperation between both countries.
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From September 8th, publishing your job ads will become a paid service

Vincent Mignotte, Director

From September 8th, publishing your job ads on our website www.intelliagence.fr for two months will become a paid service.

Still, publishing thesis offers and browsing our CV-database will remain free of charge, as well as our services for PhD students, graduates and Master’s students (reading job ads and uploading CV).

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2014 Global Innovation Index (GII) Ranking: Luxembourg for the first time in the world top 10

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

This is one of the key findings of the 7th edition of the GII study which has just been co-published by Cornell University, INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
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Jeunes Chercheurs dans la Cité

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A series of Franco-Belgian conferences which aims to facilitate the meeting between the general public and PhD students in Humanities and Social Sciences. In 2014, for its fifth edition, the event will be held in Lille in October and in Brussels in November.
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International symposium on innovation – Genopole & Amgen

Wojciech Lewandowski - Community manager

Genopole, France’s leading biopark for life sciences research, and Amgen, a pioneer in medical biotech, have joined forces to co-organize the International Colloquium on Innovation. Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 – 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Génocentre, 1 rue de l’Internationale, Evry, France
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France-Argentina Call for Proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The French Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Development - MAEDI - and the Argentine Ministry for Foreign Relations and Worship - MREC - have launched a Call for decentralized cooperation projects, focused on sustainable local development, in order to promote the association of French and Argentine governments, municipalities and local councils. Application deadline: October 10, 2014.
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Programme HEKATE – turning ideas into business opportunities

Bérénice Kimpe

PhD students and early-stage researchers: do you want to develop your entrepreneurial spirit? If so, be part of the HEKATE workshop that is organized in Hamburg (November 26-28).
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Forum of the French Researchers in Australia Network (FRAN)

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An annual event allowing French researchers and business representatives currently working in Australia to meet together and to develop collaborations between both countries in academic and applied research field. In 2014, this Forum will be held on November 18 and 19 in Sydney.
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PhD 2.0: on the road to personal branding!

Wojciech Lewandowski - Community manager

With the widespread use of the Internet and professional networks, managing your visibility and your identity on the web is more and more important for your career. Your presence on the Internet is crucial: it will help you to be identified and recognized as an expert in your domain, to develop your network and to have access to the hidden job market. Don’t be afraid and adopt a global approach for personal branding: apply to yourself the communication methods used by big companies. Wow. Don’t panic, choosing the content is the most complicated part, not the technology!
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Scientific Mobility between Australia and France

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A travel grant offered by the Embassy of France in Australia and intended for early career researchers of all nationalities. New Call for applications: mid-December 2014 for travel in 2015.
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A PhD in Humanities and Social Sciences: a springboard for a non-academic career?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

After a joint PhD in History from the Universität des Saarlandes and the Université Paris-Sorbonne, Pierre Horn has successfully integrated the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM Lorraine) as Franco-German Project Manager, responsible for European projects, such as those intended for companies.
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The PhDTalent Career Fair

Web Master

PhD Talent is organizing the 3rd edition of its career fair dedicated to PhDs: The PhD Talent Career Fair. It will take place on September 12st, 2014 at “Cité universitaire”, Paris. Entrance is free.

You can participate to focus groups, mock interviews and attend top conferences.

For more information on the fair, have a look at www.phdtalent.org, or contact them at contact@phdtalent.org, you can also follow them on Facebook and linkedIn.

See you on September 12st !
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A PhD in Humanities and Social Sciences: a springboard for a non-academic career?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

After a joint PhD in History from the Universität des Saarlandes and the Université Paris-Sorbonne, Pierre Horn has successfully integrated the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM Lorraine) as Franco-German Project Manager, responsible for European projects, such as those intended for companies.
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Focus Ireland

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

In the framework of “Promoting Irish-French Academic Cooperation” days which took place in Dublin – town which hosted the 2012 Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) –, Limerick, Cork and Galway, on the 19th and 20th of June 2014 (please see our paper dated May 23, 2014), Focus Ireland summarizes some interesting data particularly, in terms of mobility in this country.
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Focus Ireland

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A publication of the « Focus Pays de Campus France » collection which is aimed at all those involved in academic cooperation, providing them with synthetic information about international mobility, government priorities in terms of training and promotional activities carried out by other countries.
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Opening of the call for tender 2014 of the AG.I.R (Aging, Innovation & Research) program

Wojciech Lewandowski - Community manager

Normal and pathological aging : mechanisms and consequences on population health. (In partnership with the University Hospital of Nancy (CHU de Nancy), the University of Lorraine, the Lorraine Region and the Urban Community of Nancy)

In Nancy, a vibrant city with an eye toward Europe, lying in the French Lorraine region on the borders of Germany and Luxembourg, over 200 researchers and physician-scientists await you.

The goal of their research work is to better understand, prevent and treat the increasingly high number of illnesses due to the pathological aging of cells, tissues and organs.

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Samuel-De-Champlain Call for proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Supported by the CPCFQ (Commission permanente de coopération franco-québécoise), the Samuel-De-Champlain Program promotes Franco-Quebec cooperation projects in the field of research, science and technology while ensuring the complementarity of expertise on the priority themes identified by both governments. Application deadline: September 28, 2014.
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Samuel-De-Champlain Call for proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A program to promote international mobility of researchers and students involved in Franco-Quebec research projects. Application deadline: September 28, 2014.
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New partnership between PhDTalent & ABG

Wojciech Lewandowski - Community manager

PhDTalent is an association founded by volunteer PhD students and young PhDs interested in entrepreneurship and innovation, applied research, and transfer of concept and ideas. We collaborate with other PhD associations (from universities, labs or research institutions) to organize an international career fair in Paris for PhD students regardless their research field or academic background.

> PhDTalent website

We have opened a second Twitter account exclusively reserved for job ads

Wojciech Lewandowski - Community manager

Seek all our job ads on the new Twitter account @ABG_Jobs!

(Feel free to subscribe and share the info, thank you!)

International networks of scientists in biodiversity

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Belmont Forum, a group of high-level representatives from major funding agencies across the globe, is the Council of Principals for IGFA (International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research). Jointly lauched with the ANR (The French National Research Agency), the objective of 2014 call for international proposals is to stimulate the formation of international networks of scientists and the advancement of the inter- and trans-disciplinary methodologies of scenario-building needed to enhance usefulness of biodiversity scenarios in decision-making.

Proposals for one to two-year networking projects must include partners from at least three of the participating countries (Australia, Brazil, China, France, India, Norway, Japan, Africa south).

ANR's support maximum amount for the French contribution is approximately €30,000 by French partner. It is recommended to gather French teams around a Project leader.

On the ANR's website, you can download the full text of the call for proposals, as well as the annex for French participants.

Projects have to be submitted on the Belmont Forum’s website until July 2, 2014.

In 2017, the Belmont Forum plans opening a second call, on the same topic, for international collaborative research projects, possibly in partnership with other funding bodies such as the European network BiodivERsA.
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International networks of scientists in biodiversity

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A call for proposals launched by the ANR alongside its partners from the Belmont Forum which aims to build scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Application deadline: Jully 2, 2014.
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Nos services

Etiam velit dolor, dictum suscipit consectetur ut, mattis sit amet lorem. Nulla eu accumsan ipsum, sed cursus erat.
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International Final of "My thesis in 180 seconds" in Quebec, September 25, 2014

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

"My thesis in 180 seconds" Competition allows PhD students to present the complexities of their research in French, in an engaging and accessible way before a live audience. It aims to develop scientific talent, to reveal an ability to disseminate research, raise awareness of the importance of science-society dialogue, and thus to foster the vocational integration of PhD students.

The National Canadian final was held at the University of Concordia in Montreal, Wednesday, May 14, 2014, during the 83rd Congress of the Acfas (association francophone pour le savoir). For more information about this association and its activities, please read our paper of August 14, 2013.

This year this competition was exported overseas with the organization of national finals in Belgium on May 22, Morocco on May 27 and France on June 10.

In France, the competition was held at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and gathered the best candidates of the 15 regions previously selected in regional finals.

Following this event, three winners were rewarded. Chrystelle Armata finalist in the Rhône-Alpes region with a jury chaired by ABG, won the 3rd prize. The second prize went to Noémie Mermet of the Auvergne University and the first one to Marie-Marie-Charlotte Morin of the Strasbourg University. To watch this event's videos, please click here.

As for France, the three finalists from each country will participate in the International Final which will take place for the first time in Montreal, on September 25, 2014 at the Coeur des sciences of the Quebec University in Montreal (UQAM).
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International Final of "My thesis in 180 seconds" in Quebec, September 25, 2014

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Belgian, French and Moroccan national winners join this year their Canadian fellows at the Coeur des Sciences of the Quebec University in Montreal.
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Pessoa : The Franco-Portuguese programme to support researchers'? mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence and to encourage new co-operations between research laboratories of both countries. Deadline for application: June 20, 2014.
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Bernardo Houssay program

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A mobility programme of researchers between France and Argentina which aims to create and strengthen sustainable partnerships between academic institutions and research organizations of both countries. Deadline for application: June 13, 2014.
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Dear passengers, please give us five minutes of your attention. We are going to show you the career safety procedures.

Bérénice Kimpe

If you are a frequent flyer, you certainly know the safety procedures. There is always a moment where the cabin crew explains the safety procedures you have to follow in case of emergency. Theoretical emergency in fact: who may think that the respect for procedures is stronger than panic?

But have you ever thought about transposing those procedures to your own professional life?
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Campus France Ireland Days

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The French Embassy in Ireland and the Irish Universities Association – IUA in partnership with Campus France Paris, are organizing the “Promoting Irish and French academic cooperation” days which will take place on the 19th and 20th of June 2014 in Dublin, Limerick, Cork and Galway.
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Campus France Ireland Days

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The French Embassy in Ireland and the Irish Universities Association – IUA in partnership with Campus France Paris, are organizing the “Promoting Irish and French academic cooperation” days which will take place on the 19th and 20th of June 2014 in Dublin, Limerick, Cork and Galway.
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Gay-Lussac Humboldt Prize

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A Prize awarded by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research in association with the Academy of Sciences - Institute of France to German scientists and by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to French scientists. Application deadline: June 30, 2014.
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Eurodoc : The European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Eurodoc is an international federation of national associations of PhD candidates and junior researchers from over 30 countries of the European Union and the Council of Europe.

Founded in 2002 and having for headquarters, Brussels, Eurodoc, the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers has for objectives:
  • To represent doctoral candidates and junior researchers at the European level in matters of education, research, and professional development of their careers;
  • to advance the quality of doctoral programmes and the standards of research activity in Europe;
  • to promote the circulation of information on issues regarding young researchers; organize events, take part in debates and assist in the elaboration of policies about Higher Education and Research in Europe;
  • to establish and promote co-operation between national associations representing doctoral candidates and junior researchers within Europe.
Currently (2014), 35 young researchers' organizations or associations are members of Eurodoc. France, for example, is represented by the CJC (Confederation of Young Researchers).
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LuxDoc : Luxembourg's Young Researchers Association

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

LuxDoc is a non-profit association created in 2011. It is open to all PhD candidates and young researchers working in Luxembourg as well as to Luxembourgish PhD candidates and young researchers abroad.
The idea of founding LuxDoc was born out of a group of PhD students at the research unit IPSE (Identités. Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces), at the Faculty FLSHASE (Faculté des Lettres, Sciences Humaines, des Arts et des Sciences de l’Éducation) of the University of Luxembourg, who felt that without an appropriate representative body, their needs and opinions were largely ignored within University, in political discussions, as well as at international fora for research and training.
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The European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Eurodoc is an international federation of national associations of PhD candidates and junior researchers from over 30 countries of the European Union and the Council of Europe.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Luxembourg's Young Researchers Association.
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France-Brazil Programmes - COFECUB

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Two grants to foster and support the development of joint research between French and Brazilian academics, researchers, doctoral or post-doctoral students. Application deadline: May 28, 2014.
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Scientific and academic cooperation with Mexico

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

ECOS Nord: a Call to support joint research projects for a period of 4 years, between French and Mexican teams. Application deadline: May 16, 2014.
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Special pre-incubation programme: the Greenhouse

Wojciech Lewandowski - Community manager

Climate-KIC offers a special pre-incubation programme, the Greenhouse, to starting entrepreneurs who have a climate innovation idea and the motivation to make it happen in the future – but are not fully ready yet.  Application deadline: May 15, 2014. This programme is open to anyone.

> For more information / Application

France-Brazil Programmes - COFECUB

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Two grants to foster and support the development of joint research between French and Brazilian academics, researchers, doctoral or post-doctoral students. Application deadline: May 28, 2014.
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Dragon-STAR 2nd Call for proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An opportunity for European organizations (company, university, research centre) to participate in the Brokerage Event organized during the EU-China Business & Technology Co-operation Fair which will be held on 21-23 October, 2014 in Chengdu (China). Application deadline: April 30, 2014.
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Dragon-STAR 2nd Call for proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An opportunity for European organizations (company, university, research centre) to participate in the Brokerage Event organized during the EU-China Business & Technology Co-operation Fair which will be held on 21-23 October, 2014 in Chengdu (China). Application deadline: April 30, 2014.
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AMI : A scheme which aims to support young researcher's mobility in Humanities and Social sciences

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

In order to develop openness to the international, the Conseil régional d'Ile-de-France has developed a scheme to support the international mobility (AMI – Aide à la Mobilité Internationale) of PhD students, regardless of nationality, enrolled in the first or second year of thesis in Humanities and Social sciences, during the 2014-2015 year, in one of laboratories located in Île-de-France.
Application deadline: April 30, 2014.
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The Switzerland at the heart of the Doctorate

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Project manager and contractual PhD student since october 2011, Jonathan Perron makes ??his thesis in Physical Chemistry at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris (France) in collaboration with the Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen (Switzerland).

From the beginning - this was even a sine qua non condition for his thesis supervisor at the Pierre and Marie Curie University - the integration of a 18-month period in Switzerland was part of the PhD project of Jonathan Perron.

Swiss experience: « A big jump at a personal as well as professional level »

In October 2011, Jonathan left thus, France for Switzerland: « in a mobility framework, it is not a country that comes first to mind ». Jonathan did not know this country, but thanks to La Maison des Français de l'Étranger (MFE) - a service of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs which is responsible for informing all French who considering going to live and/or work abroad - he got before his departure, all data he needed (daily life , taxation ...).
« After, the various issues were quickly addressed and solved in the country such as administrative matters ».
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The Switzerland at the heart of the Doctorate

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Project manager and contractual PhD student since october 2011, Jonathan Perron makes ??his thesis in Physical Chemistry at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris (France) in collaboration with the Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen (Switzerland).
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Survival guide for people who are uncomfortable at network evenings

Author: Bérénice Kimpe (Head of International Department)

After hearing that you need to network, you finally got going and signed up for a networking party. Congratulations! Problem: you're not one of those people who feel at home wherever they go and make contacts in the blink of an eye. Here are a few personal tips on how to make the most of these networking evenings!

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COTE summer school - “Transfers and interactions between ecosystems” - 16th to 20th June - Bordeaux, France

Wojciech Lewandowski - community manager

The Cluster of Excellence, COTE, is organising its second Summer School. This year, the topic is “Transfers and interactions between ecosystems”. The course will take place in Bordeaux from the 16th to the 20th June 2014. Registration is free and includes accommodation and meals. Up to 1000 Euros worth of travel expenses will be supported. Candidates can register here. Please provide a CV, a short letter of appointment from your supervisor and a cover letter indicating the course topic(s) that will be useful for your research, as well as your expectations of the summer school.

> For more information 
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Working in a large international group and living in Germany...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

This is the choice made by Charles Lales, Ph.D Engineer in Computer Sciences, after an academic and business experience in France.

Early career in the academic sector

After a PhD from the University of Bordeaux and two years as ATER (Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche) at the IUT of Bordeaux, Charles Lales had to pursue his career outside the academia. At the same time, as he says, a job in the private sector is more interesting in terms of career and salary prospects, especially if you change of company. "In the computer field, this is the right approach, particularly in a region like Bordeaux. After a first experience, this is quite easy. In academia, excepted the "Qualification" to become lecturer or a few research engineer positions, there are little or any prospects. One of the advantages to be a PhD, is that you can look for a job in large companies, especially if you are able to move from a region to another one. But then, Paris is required".
Perspective that Charles will adopt in accordance with the evolution of his personal situation.
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Stays for senior researchers in the United Kingdom

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Science and Technology Department of the French Embassy in the United Kingdom offers each year, the opportunity for French senior researchers to stay at the Churchill College (Cambridge) for a period ranging from 6 months to 1 year. For the year 2014-2015, three positions are open in the framework of the "French Government Fellows". All disciplines are concerned, knowing that Churchill College is particularly dedicated to science, technology and engineering. Successful applicants will have their accommodation costs supported by the Science and Technology Department and will participate in all activities of the College. Application deadline: April 14, 2014.

Meet ABG and FGU at the Career Day for biomedical researchers in Berlin (April 3)

Bérénice Kimpe - project manager for ABG-FGU

Organised by the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, the Career Day is aimed at PhD students and postdocs carrying out biomedical research at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine and the Leibniz Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP) at the Berlin Buch Campus, as well as early-career researchers from Berlin's Excellence Universities (Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), Max Planck Institutes and other life science research institutions.
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UPSC symposium for young plant scientists

Bérénice Kimpe | Wojciech Lewandowski

Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC) invites promising young scientists for a postdoc project symposium. The aim of the symposium is to bring together postdoc candidates and UPSC group leaders to identify common research interests to develop a project together. The prospective postdocs and group leaders are expected to submit a postdoc fellowship application.
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Working in a large international group and living in Germany...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

This is the choice made by Charles Lales, Ph.D Engineer in Computer Sciences, after an academic and business experience in France.
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Off the beaten track...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

This is what could characterize the experience of Ethan Perlstein - reported in the electronic newsletter published by the French Embassy in the United States of February 21, 2014 – who after several years of a classic scientific career, realized that to carry out his project, to have his own team, he had to look outside the academic world.
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Off the beaten track...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

This is what could characterize the experience of Ethan Perlstein - reported in the electronic newsletter published by the French Embassy in the United States of February 21, 2014 – who after several years of a classic scientific career, realized that to carry out his project, to have his own team, he had to look outside the academic world.
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Making the most out of PhDs - An interview with Camille Delebecque, Synthetic Biologist and International Serial Entrepreneur

This week, we catch up with Camille Delebecque to discuss his PhD, his experience with research and academia in general. Camille is a very successful entrepreneur and is the founder of the first Synthetic Biology consulting company, Synbio Consulting. Camille made a number of unusual choices during his curriculum and we were really curious to ask him about these and more generally his experience with the academic world and advise. Here is only a short testimony; if you want to reach out to him you can find him on twitter.

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Scientific and academic cooperation with Argentina

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

ECOS-Sud: a call for proposals to support joint research projects for a period of 3 years, between French and Argentine teams. Application deadline: April 16, 2014.
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Paris-Waseda exchange program

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A scheme enabling French students, teachers or researchers to be welcomed at Waseda University in Tokyo. Application deadline: January 31, 2014.
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ABG will attend the ‘International Careers Day’ at the University of Oxford Saturday 25th January at the Exam Schools, 11.00-15.00.

Catherine Gayda - Responsable emploi et relations internationales

We are looking forward to meeting you at our booth !
For further information, please contact: catherine.gayda@abg.intelliagence.fr
> For more information on this event

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Come and try an alternative recruitment method!

Bérénice Kimpe

Imagine you are looking for a job and you find an ad that matches your profile. You send your résumé and you catch the attention of the recruiter. “Bingo! I’m getting a job interview!”. Because for you, there is no other option than a job interview and you feel prepared for this exercise. Suddenly…
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France-Argentina Research and Development funding

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Public Investment Bank (BPI France) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCYT) launched a Cooperation program between French and Argentine companies. This program provides funding for collaborative and innovative projects for industrial applications with the aim of domestic and/or global market marketing.
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France-Argentina Research and Development funding

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

French and Argentine SMEs from all industry sectors are invited to submit joint projects in R&D and Innovation. Applications are admissible throughout the year.
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France-Argentina Research and Development funding

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

French and Argentine SMEs from all industry sectors are invited to submit joint projects in R&D and Innovation. Applications are admissible throughout the year.
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Paris-Waseda exchange program

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A scheme enabling French students, teachers or researchers to be welcomed at Waseda University in Tokyo. Application deadline: January 31, 2014.
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The ABG team wishes you a Merry Christmas !

2013 is almost over and we thank you for your trust during this year. We wish you a happy festive season!

Vincent Mignotte - Director, ABG

Balaton : The Franco-Hungarian programme to support researchers? mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence and to encourage new co-operations between research laboratories of both countries.
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Cai Yuanpei : The Franco-Chinese programme to support researchers? mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

This program aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between research laboratories of both countries and structured around joint PhDs (or co-directed).
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Xu Guangqi

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A program to develop and support scientific cooperations in their startup phase, between French and Chinese researchers.
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The Embassy in the era of social networks

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The French Embassy in Spain, is now on Facebook and Twitter and invite you to join it as soon as possible!
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Master programme: DKFZ Summer Internship in Cancer Research (D-Heidelberg), 2014

Bérénice Kimpe

The DKFZ Summer Internship in Cancer Research is an 8-week program for outstanding and ambitious undergraduate students who are interested in gaining laboratory research experience. The internship will take place from 1st August until 30th September 2014.

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2014 Coopol Innovation

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A program aiming at supporting the internationalization of French competitiveness clusters and the cooperation with their Chinese counterparts. Application deadline: December 31, 2013
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2014 Coopol Innovation

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A program aiming at supporting the internationalization of French competitiveness clusters and the cooperation with their Chinese counterparts. Application deadline: December 31, 2013
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Collaborative research funding between Europe and China in the social sciences field

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The French National Research Agency (ANR) and its German, Dutch, British and Chinese counterparts, launch a call for projects in the areas of "The Green Economy" and "Understanding Population Change". Application deadline: December 3, 2013.
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Preparation, visibility and knowledge of the targeted sector: three key factors of a good application

Catherine Gayda

"You have to be visible and exceed personal fears," said Raphael Royer. Preparation, visibility and knowledge of the industry are the key words that have guided his path. Today, Development Engineer at Sandvik Coromant in the United Kingdom, Raphael Royer traces the key stages of his career.
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Big Chill on the public science in Canada

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A 2013 major survey shows that 90% of federal government scientists feel they are not allowed to speak freely to the media about the work they do.
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Focus on the internationalization of Higher Education in Mexico and the Franco-Mexican scientific cooperation

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Second largest economy in Latin America after Brazil, Mexico is a young country where public investment in R&D, Higher Education and in the support to host a growing number of students, teachers and researchers from various countries including France, is a priority.
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Catapult Centres development in the UK

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The British government has announced an additional investment of £185 million in two new technology and innovation or Catapult Centres in 2015-2016 in the field of Diagnostics for Stratified Medicine and Energy systems.
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Focus on the internationalization of Higher Education in Mexico and the Franco-Mexican scientific cooperation

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Second largest economy in Latin America after Brazil, Mexico is a young country where public investment in R&D, Higher Education and in the support to host a growing number of students, teachers and researchers from various countries including France, is a priority.
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Mobility and research in business

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

After studying macromolecular chemistry at the University of Lille 1 (France), Ludovic Marquant, specialist in polymer science, decides to do a PhD in Germany and to work on physical aspects of thin polymer films under confinement, before continuing his mobility experience in the United States in the framework of the VIE programme on conductive materials. Back in France, he now brings together his experience and skills on innovative projects for industries aiming to develop public-private partnerships.

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French Chairs program in Rio de Janeiro State

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The General Consulate of France in Rio de Janeiro and the State University of Rio de Janeiro have launched the first call for appli-cations for a chair in Rio de Janeiro for professors and researchers from French Research and Higher Education institutions. Deadline for application: November 15, 2013.
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Who can still neglect Linkedin?

Article by Hervé Bommelaer, consultant in career transition at Enjeux et Dirigeants Associés http://hervebommelaer.blogspirit.com/ 

Professional social media is the visible version of a constantly growing force: the Network. It is the living showcase and the best way to accelerate your career. Today, not knowing how to use such social media sites is inconceivable. Because these tools are now part of our ecosystem.

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Some information on biology research programs in Germany

Bérénice Kimpe

Have you ever thought about doing your doctorate in Germany? Are you looking for some postdoctoral opportunities? Check out this post and find some useful links to international PhD and postdoctoral programs!

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International academic and scientific cooperation...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Paris Region supports through a call for proposals, innovative projects initiated by local Higher Education institutions and which integrate activities abroad.
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French Chairs program in Rio de Janeiro State

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The General Consulate of France in Rio de Janeiro and the State University of Rio de Janeiro have launched the first call for appli-cations for a chair in Rio de Janeiro for professors and researchers from French Research and Higher Education institutions. Deadline for application: November 15, 2013.
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Tomorrow I have an important interview...



Vincent Mignotte – Executive Director of ABG


One morning, several years ago, I heard my neighbor yelling to his wife, "Where the hell did you put my white shirt? This morning I see my biggest client, I'm late, he's going to tear me apart! ». I deduced that he felt more important than his wife... but much less important than his client. And in the moment that followed, I imagined with a smile the course of his appointment ...

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Mobility and research in business

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

After studying macromolecular chemistry at the University of Lille 1 (France), Ludovic Marquant, specialist in polymer science, decides to do a PhD in Germany and to work on physical aspects of thin polymer films under confinement, before continuing his mobility experience in the United States in the framework of the VIE programme on conductive materials. Back in France, he now brings together his experience and skills on innovative projects for industries aiming to develop public-private partnerships.

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Mobility and research in business

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

After studying macromolecular chemistry at the University of Lille 1 (France), Ludovic Marquant, specialist in polymer science, decides to do a PhD in Germany and to work on physical aspects of thin polymer films under confinement, before continuing his mobility experience in the United States in the framework of the VIE programme on conductive materials. Back in France, he now brings together his experience and skills on innovative projects for industries aiming to develop public-private partnerships.
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The Higher education in Luxembourg and the academic and scientific cooperation between France and Luxembourg: context and perspectives

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

With the EU's development and under the leadership of the government action, the Higher Education landscape in Luxembourg, has undergone great changes during these recent years. It is in this changing context, that was born the University of Luxembourg: a mulitilingual, international university, strongly focused on research, developing partnership agreements with institutions abroad, including France, in terms of student and researcher exchanges, and research projects.
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The Higher education in Luxembourg and the academic and scientific cooperation between France and Luxembourg: context and perspectives

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

With the EU's development and under the leadership of the government action, the Higher Education landscape in Luxembourg, has undergone great changes during these recent years. It is in this changing context, that was born the University of Luxembourg: a mulitilingual, international university, strongly focused on research, developing partnership agreements with institutions abroad, including France, in terms of student and researcher exchanges, and research projects.
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Funding, promotion and internationalization of research in Luxembourg

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Fonds National de la Recherche - FNR (National Research Fund) provides since its creation in 1999, various thematic and strategic funding instruments in all scientific fields, including Humanities and Social Sciences, which aims at attracting excellent researchers from abroad, fostering international collaborations, promoting collaborations with the private sector, promoting the industrial exploitation of research results and supporting the training of young researchers (PhD and postdoctoral levels).
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Call for France-Luxembourg bi-lateral projects

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

In the framework of the generic call for proposals 2014 on "major societal challenges" and "all-knowledge challenge" and its partnership agreement with the Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR - National Research Fund), the French National Research Agency (ANR) provides funding for French-Luxembourgish research projects.
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From an Engineering degree to the company’s world and the PhD

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Back on the career path and mobility experience of Guilherme Apolinário Testoni, young Brazilian PhD student moving between Brazil and France, the public research and the private sector.
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From an Engineering degree to the company’s world and the PhD

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Back on the career path and mobility experience of Guilherme Apolinário Testoni, young Brazilian PhD student moving between Brazil and France, the public research and the private sector.
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French-Indian Call for proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

In the framework of the generic call for proposals 2014 on "major societal challenges" and "all-knowledge challenge" and its partnership agreement signed on March 7, 2012 with the Indian Department of Science and Technology (DST), the French National Research Agency (ANR) provides funding for French-Indian research projects.
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French-Indian Call for proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Launching of the second ANR-DST Call aiming at promoting French-Indian collaboration in scientific research. Application deadline: October 23, 2013.
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Universities and Research Centers: Development actors of the Midwest

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report published in July 2013 by the French Embassy in the United States, Office for Science and Technology. Authors: Magali Muller, International Volunteer, Adele Martial-Gros, Attaché for Science and Technology.
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Universities and Research Centers: Development actors of the Midwest

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report published in July 2013 by the French Embassy in the United States, Office for Science and Technology. Authors: Magali Muller, International Volunteer, Adele Martial-Gros, Attaché for Science and Technology.
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International mobility: get ready for your return!

Like all good things, moving abroad also has an end. While researchers generally prepare well for their departure, the same cannot be said for their return, which remains a delicate phase because it involves certain psychological mechanisms, as Jean Pautrot, President of the Conseil Magellan de l'International, explains [1].

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MIT-France Seed Fund

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Deadline for 2013-2014 Call for proposals: September 23, 2013.
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MIT-France Seed Fund

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Deadline for 2013-2014 Call for proposals: September 23, 2013.
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Find a job in humanities and social sciences outside the academic world: luck or strategy?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Studies in political sciences between France and Germany, PhD in Sweden with stays in the U.S. and Poland, then return to the native country, Germany.
Career path of Barbara Kunz, political scientist and currently project leader at the Geshagen Foundation (Berlin), which objective is to contribute to the debate on the political, economic and social future of Europe, its internal cohesion and its role in the world.
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AVSE annual workshop and AvanThèse® training

Wojciech Lewandowski - webmaster

The Vietnamese Scientists and Experts Association (AVSE), the Association of PhDs and PhD students of Paris-Dauphine University (ADDD) and the Association Bernard Gregory (ABG) will organize the second "Young Vietnamese Researchers' Doctorial Days" (JRD 2013) on October 30-31 at Paris-Dauphine University.
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Careers of Doctorate Holders

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A document of June 28, 2013, published by the OECD and presenting an analysis of the labour market and mobility indicators generated by the second large-scale data collection on Careers of Doctorate Holders (CDH). Authors: Auriol, L., M. Misu et R. A. Freeman.
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Analysis of the Spanish participation in the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development - FP7

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report published in July 2013 by the Office for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in Spain. Authors: Bertrand Bouchet - Cyril Beraud.
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The Acfas...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A non-profit organization whose objective is to contribute to the advancement of science in all areas in Quebec and the Canadian Francophony.
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Find a job in humanities and social sciences outside the academic world: luck or strategy?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Studies in political sciences between France and Germany, PhD in Sweden with stays in the U.S. and Poland, then return to the native country, Germany.
Career path of Barbara Kunz, political scientist and currently project leader at the Geshagen Foundation (Berlin), which objective is to contribute to the debate on the political, economic and social future of Europe, its internal cohesion and its role in the world.
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Find a job in humanities and social sciences outside the academic world: luck or strategy?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Studies in political sciences between France and Germany, PhD in Sweden with stays in the U.S. and Poland, then return to the native country, Germany.
Career path of Barbara Kunz, political scientist and currently project leader at the Geshagen Foundation (Berlin), which objective is to contribute to the debate on the political, economic and social future of Europe, its internal cohesion and its role in the world.
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Find a job in humanities and social sciences outside the academic world: luck or strategy?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Studies in political sciences between France and Germany, PhD in Sweden with stays in the U.S. and Poland, then return to the native country, Germany.
Career path of Barbara Kunz, political scientist and currently project leader at the Geshagen Foundation (Berlin), which objective is to contribute to the debate on the political, economic and social future of Europe, its internal cohesion and its role in the world.
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Find a job in humanities and social sciences outside the academic world: luck or strategy?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Studies in political sciences between France and Germany, PhD in Sweden with stays in the U.S. and Poland, then return to the native country, Germany.
Career path of Barbara Kunz, political scientist and currently project leader at the Geshagen Foundation (Berlin), which objective is to contribute to the debate on the political, economic and social future of Europe, its internal cohesion and its role in the world.
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Science Connection

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A scientific news magazine published by the Belgian Science Policy Office.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Belgian Portal for Research and Innovation.
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Research and partnership in Germany

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A document published on June 4, 2013 by the Office for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in Germany. Author: Elodie Parisot.
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Gay-Lussac Humboldt Prize

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A Prize awarded by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research in association with the Academy of Sciences - Institute of France to German scientists and by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to French scientists. Application deadline: September 6, 2013.
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Country Day Mexico

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An event organized by the Campus France Agency and the French Embassy in Mexico on October 1st, 2013 at the Alliance Française in Paris.
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Country Day Mexico

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An event organized by the Campus France Agency and the French Embassy in Mexico on October 1st, 2013 at the Alliance Française in Paris.
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The ULB: an outward looking University

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Located at the heart of Europe, the Université libre in Brussels is also an international university, both in terms of recruiting its professors and scientists (14% of professors, 37% of scientists, 45% of PhD students), and its involvement in international research networks.
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Gay-Lussac Humboldt Prize

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A Prize awarded by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research in association with the Academy of Sciences - Institute of France to German scientists and by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to French scientists. Application deadline: September 6, 2013.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Support for international research programs

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A call for projects launched by the INSHS-CNRS (INstitut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and the GIS RNMSH (Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique Réseau National of Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme). Application deadline: September 15, 2013.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Launch of the first call for applications for a Travel Grant Scheme in China.
Deadline: July 31, 2013.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Launch of the first call for applications for a Travel Grant Scheme in China.
Deadline: July 31, 2013.
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An international research experience within an European network

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

After a joint PhD between France and Italy, a stay in Greece, in the United States and in the UK, Eric Buchlin is currently a researcher at the Institute of Space Astrophysics, a CNRS laboratory and the University Paris-Sud, Orsay.
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An international research experience within an European network

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

After a joint PhD between France and Italy, a stay in Greece, in the United States and in the UK, Eric Buchlin is currently a researcher at the Institute of Space Astrophysics, a CNRS laboratory and the University Paris-Sud, Orsay.
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An international research experience within an European network

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

After a joint PhD between France and Italy, a stay in Greece, in the United States and in the UK, Eric Buchlin is currently a researcher at the Institute of Space Astrophysics, a CNRS laboratory and the University Paris-Sud, Orsay.
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An international research experience within an European network

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

After a joint PhD between France and Italy, a stay in Greece, in the United States and in the UK, Eric Buchlin is currently a researcher at the Institute of Space Astrophysics, a CNRS laboratory and the University Paris-Sud, Orsay.
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An international research experience within an European network

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

After a joint PhD between France and Italy, a stay in Greece, in the United States and in the UK, Eric Buchlin is currently a researcher at the Institute of Space Astrophysics, a CNRS laboratory and the University Paris-Sud, Orsay.
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An international research experience within an European network

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

After a joint PhD between France and Italy, a stay in Greece, in the United States and in the UK, Eric Buchlin is currently a researcher at the Institute of Space Astrophysics, a CNRS laboratory and the University Paris-Sud, Orsay.
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Is mobility the key to success?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Research Associate at the Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France), Spiros Kitsinelis worked in England, Japan, Netherlands and Greece.
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Research and partnership in Germany

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A document published on June 4, 2013 by the Office for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in Germany. Author: Elodie Parisot.
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"Mariano Gago Springboard Award" for bilateral research cooperation - Portugal 2022.

France Portugal

The "Mariano Gago Springboard Award" for bilateral cooperation in research is intended to build on existing cooperation between France and Portugal. In 2022, the prizes awarded by the French Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) will cover all scientific fields.

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Scholarships of the Mexican government

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched a call for applications for a "Special Programs" scholarship. Application deadline: August 30, 2013.
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Is mobility the key to success?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Research Associate at the Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France), Spiros Kitsinelis worked in England, Japan, Netherlands and Greece.
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Is mobility the key to success?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Research Associate at the Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France), Spiros Kitsinelis worked in England, Japan, Netherlands and Greece.
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Is mobility the key to success?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Research Associate at the Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France), Spiros Kitsinelis worked in England, Japan, Netherlands and Greece.
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Is mobility the key to success?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Research Associate at the Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France), Spiros Kitsinelis worked in England, Japan, Netherlands and Greece.
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Is mobility the key to success?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Research Associate at the Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France), Spiros Kitsinelis worked in England, Japan, Netherlands and Greece.
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International mobility: a matter of anticipation and perseverance?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Currently Researcher on skin cancer at Harvard (Boston, USA), Marina Kvaskoff developed very early her mobility project in Australia as part of her PhD in epidemiology and in the United States in the framework of a postdoc.

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International mobility: a matter of anticipation and perseverance?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Currently Researcher on skin cancer at Harvard (Boston, USA), Marina Kvaskoff developed very early her mobility project in Australia as part of her PhD in epidemiology and in the United States in the framework of a postdoc.
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International mobility: a matter of anticipation and perseverance?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Currently Researcher on skin cancer at Harvard (Boston, USA), Marina Kvaskoff developed very early her mobility project in Australia as part of her PhD in epidemiology and in the United States in the framework of a postdoc.
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European Workshop - Paris, 3rd & 4th June - Encouraging creativity and innovation through researcher mobility : strategies and best practice

Wojiech Lewandowski - webmaster

This event is aimed at training managers, career advisors,  international relations officers, managers researchers at any seniority,  directors state and private research centres

Representatives from well-known research institutions and innovative companies, mainly from Germany, France and the UK, will present their initiatives to highlight examples of promotion and accompaniment of mobility at all stages of researcher careers. Registration open until May 24 th. Phone : +33 (0)1 42 74 27 51

This event is organised with support from :


Cooperation program with Mexico, PCP/RU2I

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The PCP/RU2I aims to promote exchanges between Higher Education institutions and research organizations of Mexico and France for the implementation of joint training and research actions for industrial purposes in the framework of agreements involving companies.
Application deadline : May 17, 2013.
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Franco-Mexican Forum for research and innovation

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An event intended for researchers, technicians, engineers, research administrators, entrepreneurs and students, to be held from 10 to 13 June, 2013 in Mexico.
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The Franco-Mexican College in Social Sciences

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to strengthen scientific cooperation between France, Mexico and Central America in particular by promoting the participation of scientists in public debates on topics such as Social Science Anthropology, Archaeology, History or Sociology.
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Marie Curie Actions: a European support for researcher's mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Whether you are young or experienced Researcher, Marie Curie European research grants offer you the opportunity to gain experience abroad in the private sector.
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The Biopark Charleroi Brussels South

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

In 2013, this biotechnology excellence cluster got four new public-private partnerships (PPP).
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European conference of Bologna Experts : Employability and professional integration

Web Master

The French Agency for Europe, Education and Training and the French team of Bologna Process Experts are organising a European conference at Sèvres, France, on 16 and 17 May, on the theme of «the professional integration and employability of students in higher education».
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A major national project in which, the Canadian government through the Canada Foundation for Innovation, is investing $ 7.7 million, ??and that brings together the main British Columbia's universities in the field of advanced materials science and engineering.
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Platon : The Franco-Greek programme to support researchers? mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to develop exchanges of scientific and technological excellence between research laboratories of both countries by fostering new cooperations, in the context of joint participation in European projects.
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2013 PICS

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An International Scientific Cooperation Project jointly prepared and submitted by two research teams, one at the CNRS, the other abroad. Application deadline: April 2, 2013.
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How to take opportunities...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Inorganic materials specialist, Olivier Majoulet got in 2012, a PhD in Materials Chemistry after research experiences in Berlin and Tokyo.

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How to take opportunities...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Inorganic materials specialist, Olivier Majoulet got in 2012, a PhD in Materials Chemistry after research experiences in Berlin and Tokyo.
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Balaton : The Franco-Hungarian program to support researchers? mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence and to encourage new co-operations between research laboratories of both countries. Deadline for application: March 18, 2013.
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Destination Brazil…

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

First economy of Latin America (2,477 billion USD of GDP in 2011), ranked sixth largest economy ahead of Great Britain and Russia, Brazil is also distinguished by its dynamism and potential in the higher education, research and international scientific exchanges field.
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Widening access to higher education: sharing best practice in France and the UK

Wojciech Lewandowski - webmaster

Monday 18 February 2013, 12.30 – 20.00 : A seminar at the British Council followed by a debate at the British Embassy on best practice developed in France and the UK to facilitate access to higher education for underprivileged students.
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Support for young researchers coming back to France

Wojciech Lewandowski - webmaster

In 2013, the French Neuroscience Society will support young researchers willing to come back to work in France. The grant is 1500 Euros maximum each with the purpose of helping researchers to find a permanent position in France. Deadline: January 31, 2013
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Call for applications: European Research Management Training (Brussels, April 29th and 30th)

Wojciech Lewandowski - webmaster éditorial

The Franco-German branch office ABG-FGU gives up to 5 PhD students or postdocs from French and German universities the opportunity to take part in a ReMaT-Workshop, jointly organized by Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft and TuTech Innovation GmbH.
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Focus on Japan

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The number 8 of the Dossiers collection published by Campus France, focuses on the higher education in Japan and its internationalization. Which challenges, evolutions, mobility?
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Focus on Australia

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The number 9 of the Dossiers and the number 12 of the Repères collection especially published by CampusFrance for the "Australia Day" of January 19, 2012, focuse on the Australian higher education and its internationalization.
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Focus on Canada

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Please see a report especially published for the Canada Day jointly organized by the Cultural Service of the French Embassy in Ottawa and the Campus France Agency, on 09/10/2012 in Paris and whose objective was to promote a better knowledge of the Canadian Higher Education and Research system, and to encourage university and scientific cooperation with Canada (excluding Quebec). 
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University and Entrepreneurship in the USA

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Between 2007 and 2011, companies founded or led by alumni of the six top U.S. universities have generated funds for more than $ 12 billion.
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Campus France Canada

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report especially published for the Canada Day jointly organized by the Cultural Service of the French Embassy in Ottawa and the Campus France Agency, on 09/10/2012 in Paris and whose objective was to promote a better knowledge of the Canadian Higher Education and Research system, and to encourage university and scientific cooperation with Canada (excluding Quebec).
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ANR's call for non thematic proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The "Programme Blanc" and its international section, as well as the Programme for young researchers are now launched by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche). Deadline for submission: January 17, 2013.
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ANR's call for non thematic proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The "Programme Blanc" and its international section, as well as the Programme for young researchers are now launched by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche).
Deadline for submission: January 17, 2013.
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A Good Council ?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An evaluation report of the Research Council of Norway by Technopolis group, published in September 2012.
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Scholarships in Germany

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A guide published by the Paris office of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) on the possible various fundings for the academic year 2013/2014.
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Call for French-US Projects

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) in France, NSF (NationalScience Foundation) and NIH (National Institutes of Health) in the United States launch a call for French-US research projects in computational neuroscience.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 2 November, 2012.
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Call for French-US Projects

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) in France, NSF (National Science Foundation) and NIH (National Institutes of Health) in the United States launch a call for French-US research projects in computational neuroscience.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 2 November 2012.
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Indo-French Science and Technology News

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A quarterly newsletter published by the Service for Science and Technology (SST) of the French Embassy in India.
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R&D activity development of PepsiCo and Cisco in Ireland

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Both companies decided to invest several million of euros in research with for the first one, the opening of a new center in Cork for next generation beverages and for the second one, the expansion of its Galway center with 115 new R&D jobs.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

TheEuropean Job Mobility Portal.

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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Portal on Learning Opportunities Throughout the European Space.
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The Concordat to Support Research Integrity in the UK

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Universities UK and the UK's major research and Higher Education funders have signed on Wednesday, July 11, 2012, the Concordat to Support Research Integrity which could become a prerequisite for awarding scholarships to researchers.

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Destination diplôme

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A thematic report published by the Franco-Dutch Network for Higher Education and Research showing the dilemmas faced by both countries with respect to the failure of studies in the Higher Education (occupational integration...) and presenting some of the proposed solutions to address them.
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Inaugural Global Summit on Merit Review...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Heads of research councils from about 50 countries including France, released a statement of merit review principles and established a Global Research Council.
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Aurore Sciences on LinkedIn

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective of the Aurora Sciences platform is to bring together all information on actors, institutions, programs and cooperation projects related to research in France and China in science, technology, as well as in humanities and social sciences.
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São Paulo University

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The university which grants the most PhDs worldwide.
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Campus France Japon

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Challenges and evolutions of higher education and international mobility in Japan.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A grant search engine, proposed free online, by CampusFrance.
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The Young Researcher Trophy 2012


The contest "The Young Researcher Trophy 2012" of the city of Lyon is open. You have until June 1st to apply.
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Legal mention

Legal mention

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Career Center et Réseau Professionnel

Développez votre réseau et gérez votre carrière

Article 6

Article 6

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Réseau Pro

Parfaitement intégrée dans le système d’information général des Universités Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne, Paris Descartes et Paris Diderot, la plate-forme d'insertion professionnelle Réseau Pro de Paris Universités est un exemple de collaboration interuniversitaire pour la mise en place d’outils d’aide à l’insertion professionnelle et de gestion de communauté d’anciens

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European workshop - Accompanying young researchers’ careers: best practice in Europe


The seminar is full


ABG-Intelli’agence and the British Council are organising a European workshop on best practice in accompanying young researchers’ careers. Speakers from renowned higher education and research institutes and major companies from France, Germany and the UK will present their activities in this area, highlighting the best examples of career development and skills training both during and after doctoral studies. Public and private sector employers will contribute to the debate and discuss the most pertinent forms of accompaniment for the effective recruitment of researchers.


The workshop will take place in Paris on 20 and 21 February 2012.

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Horizon 2020: European programme for research and innovation


The 30th of November 2011, the European Commission has revealed its European programme for research and innovation. Running from 2014 to 2020 with an €80 billion budget, this programme replaces the seventh framework programme (FP7). Its aim: reach the objective to allocate 3% of the European GDP into research and innovation in 2020.
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French-German "Apéro Doc" in Hamburg


On the 1st December 2011 a French-German "Apéro Doc" will take place at the French Institute of Hamburg. Co-organized by the ABG-Intelli’agence, the French-German university, and the French Institute of Hamburg, the event will offer a presentation of French-German Branch Office ABG-FGU’s services for PhD students and PhD holders, followed by a round-table conference about human and social sciences.

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Doctoral scholarships for international students

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A new program within the framework of the 2010-2013 Québec Research and Innovation Strategy.
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FLASH - JAPAN call for proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Deadline for submission of applications: 18/07/2011 at 13h.
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FLASH-JAPAN call for proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Following the earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011 of the Pacific coast of Tokohu in Japan, the Frenchand Japanese research agencies (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR, and Japan Science and Technology agency, JST, respectively) agreed to open a coordinated call for proposals to promote urgent research activity related to this major disaster.

Deadline for submission of applications: 18/07/2011 at 13h.
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University Spin-Outs…

Carisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A document of Science and Technology Department of the French Embassy in the United Kingdom. Authors: Maggy Heintz, Le Quiniou Clotilde.
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Fabrice Martin

Euraxess Links China

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A networking for European researchers active in China.
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KnowINNO : First experts’ meeting on careers of doctorate holders


KnowINNO (making the most of knowledge) is a joint project between the European Commission and the OECD. Its objective is to develop analysis on the creation, circulation and returns from investing in knowledge.

One of the three components of this project is specifically dedicated to the careers of doctorate holders (CTD project) and the first experts’ meeting on this issue will be held on the 14th of June 2011 in Paris.
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Fabrice Martin

French Chairs Program in Brazil

Clarisse Faria-Portecoëf

The University of São Paulo (USP), the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and the University of São Paulo State (UNESP), in partnership with the French Embassy in Brazil have launched a program of host Chairs for French professors or researchers.

The French Chairs programme in the State of São Paulo allows the reception of - in all disciplines for the UNICAMP and the UNESP, in humanities and social field for the USP - French professors or researchers for a period exceeding one month but less than one year.
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France-Brazil Programmes - COFECUB

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The French Evaluation Committee of the academic cooperation with Brazil, COFECUB, evaluates and pilots cooperation programmes of research and training with Brazil.

Under this collaboration, agreements were signed with two Brazilian institutions: the CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior), body of the Ministry of Education, and the USP (Universidade de São Paulo).
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“Research in Germany” portal

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A platform of information whose key objective is to provide an overview of the research landscape and funding opportunities in Germany.
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Franco-German happy hour on Innovation in Forbach

Bérénice Kimpe, Head of the Franco-German ABG-FGU branch

Together with the Franco-German business incubator Eurodev Center, the Franco-German ABG-FGU branch is organising a happy hour in Forbach, on May 19, 2011 from 6pm.

(Picture : Eurodev Center in Forbach)
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Eurodoc’s propositions for European research and innovation funding.


Eurodoc, the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers has responded to the European commission’s green book (see our article) by formulating seven recommendations concerning EU research and innovation funding after 2013.

Eurodoc specifically requests that as regards call for projects, selection criteria should systematically favour institutions that have integrated the European charter for researchers.
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Consultation on the Common Strategic Framework for European Union Research and Innovation funding


In order to better prepare its budget after 2013, the European Commission has launched wide spread consultation under the ‘Common Strategic Framework for the European Union’s Research and Innovation funding’ or the CSFRI.’

A green paper to incite debate

The key objectives are explicited in a ‘Green Paper’ published on the 9th of February 2011. The evaluation of the different research and innovation funding systems in Europe has highlighted numerous errors such as excessive bureaucracy, lack of transparency, complexity and the absence of methods that take into consideration research and innovation in its totality. For its future budget, the commission wishes to bring together within a Common Strategic Framework all the systems that touch on Research and Innovation. It seeks to bring out the following improvements to all its programmes :
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Dalen : The Franco-Swedish programme to support researchers’ mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence and to encourage new co-operations between research laboratories of both countries.
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Euraxess Links India

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A network for European researchers in India.
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Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships


The European Union has recently published a call dedicated to Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships for career development. These fellowships restricted to “experienced researchers”, that is, PHDs, provide financial support to projects of individual mobility. These projects must be based on a complete research project during the term of the contract (up to a maximum of 36 months) and must comprise an initial “outgoing” phase of international mobility followed by a reintegration phase within a European Union body or that of an associated country.
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Fabrice Martin

The NFR’s Industrial Ph.D. scheme

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An opportunity offered throughout the year to Norwegian companies and to PhD students - Norwegians as well as foreigners.
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Training Tax


Each year companies must make a decision about how to allocate their vocational training tax. This year, why not encourage research by paying it to the ABG-Intelli'agence?

> Download our booklet (pdf, fr)

The Post-Doctoral Return programme of the ANR


The objective of the Post-Doctoral Return programme of the French National Research Agency (ANR) is to offer attractive conditions to early career researchers who seek to develop their research projects within a research laboratory in France.

The programme is intended for two categories of researchers: The French early career researcher who has obtained his thesis in France or in a foreign country and who has completed a postdoctoral stay of at least 1 year in a foreign country, and, foreign early career researchers who have obtained their thesis in France and who have completed a postdoctoral stay of at least 1 year in a country other than France. Candidates must have defended their thesis within the last 5 years.
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Doctoral and post-doctoral grants from the CNES


In 2011, the French National Centre for Spatial Studies (CNES) will award about a hundred doctoral and  posdoctoral contracts in the fields of engineering sciences (orbital and space transport systems), sciences using space assets (universe, earth and microgravity sciences) and space transport systems.

The doctoral grants are designed for young French and foreign researchers interested in space activities and hold a Master 2 and allow to prepare a doctoral thesis in a research laboratory in France.

The post-doctoral grants are designed for young researchers holding a doctorate for research work at CNES or in a laboratory in France.
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Procter & Gamble’s version of open innovation


Aware that internal R&D capabilities are no longer sufficient to invent and develop its future products and services, the multinational American firm has fully embraced the open innovation era. On its site pgconnectdevelop.com, it calls on all those with projects to submit their ideas and learn more about P&G’s technological needs. Any ideas? You just might be discovered by one of the in-house “technology entrepreneurs” travelling around the world looking for people like you.

Career profiles of doctoral entrepreneurs


Within the framework of its series "what do researchers do", the British organisation Vitae publishes a collection of very interesting narratives from doctoral researchers who have developed careers as entrepreneurs. Most of these researchers think of the PHD programme as an authentic school on independence, creativity, critical reflection and as providing a concrete experience on free thinking, learning and entrepreneurship. No doubt an uplifting read regardless of one’s age or specialisation. The brochure can be downloaded for free from the Vitae site.

14th 'Le Monde' Awards for Research


Established in 1997 by 'Le Monde de l'éducation' magazine, this PhD thesis competition, upholded by the Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation, Credit coopératif Foundation and the French Ministry of national education, higher education and research aims at popularizing and disseminating the work of young French-speaking researchers that might influence our scientific, economic, social and/or artistic environment.

In social sciences and humanities

After a two steps selection, 5 award winners will see published a revised version of their thesis- in the 'Partage du savoir' collection of the 'Presses Universitaires de France'.

In life, matter and techno sciences
Five doctors will be rewarded. They will publish an article (written on the basis of the one they provided for the selection with the support of editorial assistance) presenting their work to a wider audience. These articles will be published for free in a dedicated supplement of the daily Le Monde.
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International PhD programme of the CEA Life Science Division


The International PhD Program of the Life Science division of the CEA will attribute 20 to 25 PhD grants in 2011 through a competition: preselected candidates will be invited for two days at the CEA Saclay campus where they will be heard by the selection committee. They will also have the opportunity to meet projects supervisors.
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L'Oréal France-Unesco Fellowships


L’Oréal France, in conjunction with UNESCO and the Academy of Sciences, offers ten fellowships for French female doctoral students in the life science.

These fellowships, which aim at promoting women in scientific careers, are part of the L’Oréal-UNESCO international corporate foundation “For Women in Science” program that consecrates excellence and talent of recognized women scientists.
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Axa Research Fund: Doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships


The Axa research fund is offering around thirty doctoral and thirty postdoctoral fellowships.

The Axa research fund was created in January 2008 and has a budget of 100 million euros to spend over five years. The goal: to encourage scientific research that will contribute to understanding and preventing the major risks to the environment (climate and natural catastrophes), human life (longevity, dependence, addictions, emerging biomedical risks) and socio-economic activities (geopolitical, financial, economic risks). All disciplines are implicated including, of course, human and social sciences.
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EADS corporate foundation prize


The EADS corporate foundation has issued a call for proposals to support a research project conducted in a public laboratory Application deadline: February 21, 2011.

The EADS corporate foundation supports upstream research on exploratory and original subjects in the form of a research project conducted in a public laboratory, either collaborative efforts or by a single team. A research project can include a doctoral or post-doctoral grant.
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Franco-German happy hour in Hamburg

Bérénice Kimpe, head of the Franco-German branch ABG-FGU

Together with the French Institute, ABG’s Franco-German branch ABG-FGU is organising a Franco-German happy hour in Hamburg, on January 19, 2011 from 5pm.

Building a relational network between the academic and business sectors is an essential part of professional mobility. Thanks to the happy hour PhD students, young PhDs and Masters students planning to do a thesis have the opportunity to learn from the knowledge of experienced PhDs and make contacts. We therefore invite PhDs who are working in the private sector and able to give advice on professional mobility to participate in these exchanges, which take place in the relaxed atmosphere of the happy hour.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An online resource where you'll find information on the various postgraduate programs offered in Ireland and advices for getting a job or develop your career.
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New scientific and technological Cluster in Argentina

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A complex that will include in Buenos Aires, the main Argentine structures involved in the development of research, international research institutes and researchers from different nationalities working in various fields: biomedicine, nanotechnology, social science ...
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Higher Education in Argentina

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Organization, strengths of the higher education system in Argentina, international collaborations, scholarships ... An information dated of October 15, 2010 and published by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
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Higher Education in Argentina

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Organization, strengths of the higher education system in Argentina, international collaborations, scholarships ... An information dated of October 15, 2010 and published by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
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Sorry, this post is still in French only.

Interested by the R&D in the agri-food sector in Ireland?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Teagasc is the national leading organisation which supports science-based innovation in Food ; Animal production and Grassland ; crops, environment and Land use ; Rural Economy.
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IRCHSS’s Financial supports

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The IRCHSS funds postdoctoral research in Humanities and Social Sciences.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A Hungarian organization aiming at encouraging international cooperation and mobility in the education, training, RTD (Research, Technology and Development) and Human Resources fields.
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Intelligence(s) magazine first issue


The magazine Intelligence(s) was created in November 2010. Its goal: to become the leading magazine of the PhD community and those who work in scientific recruitment.

A summary of current PhD news, thoughts on the stakes involved in employing PhDs, the business and university worlds’ differing perspectives on the PhD, deciphering transformations in the field of research and innovation both in France and around the world… these topics all feature in the new 40 page four-monthly magazine.

Featuring in first issue

Interview with Valérie Pécresse
“It is crucial we change the way businesses view the PhD”

-Interview with Laurence Parisot
“We are discussing ways in which PhD students could benefit from a business training”

PhDs, businesses and society: 7 common misconceptions that need to be dispelled

…plus the rich and varied Panorama, Trends, Careers, Training and Around the world sections.

The first issue is available for download for free

ABG-FGU welcomes you to the 12th Franco-German Forum


The 12th Franco-German Forum will take place at Strasbourg’s Palais des Congres, on 26 and 27 November 2010. This Franco-German student and recruitment fair is a platform for HR managers, directors of international companies, higher education programme coordinators, graduates, PhD students and students to meet each other.

As usual, the Franco-German branch ABG-FGU will be at the Franco-German University stand this year to answer questions from PhD students and PhDs who plan to work and study in a Franco-German setting and to help them optimize their job-search skills.
Pay us a visit!

Within the framework of the forum, the Franco-German branch of ABG-FGU is also organising:

-25.11, 5.30 p.m.: Franco-German PhD happy hour
Friendly get-togethers between Franco-German PhDs and PhD students.
Download the programme (pdf, fr)

-26.11, 2.30-4.30 p.m.: Orientation workshop
“Should I do a PhD or not? Everything you need to know!”
Download the programme (pdf, fr)

-27.11, from 2-4 p.m.: Presentation of the Franco-German New Chapter in the Thesis

Info and registration:
Tel.: +49 681 938 12 114

ABG celebrates its 30th anniversary, 10 years of the New Chapter in the Thesis and… the next 30 years!

The ABG will celebrate its 30-year anniversary on 16 November 2010, in the presence of Madame Valérie Pécresse, Minister of Higher Education and Research. Thirty years dedicated to helping PhD students, PhDs and their employers, thirty years working for the mobility of young researchers. The event will take place at the University of Paris Descartes Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine.

[Read also Skills enhancement, the New Chapter in the Thesis celebrates 10 years.]

This anniversary marks a turning point in the history of the association. Whilst its goals and values remain the same as those of its founders, methods and means are evolving and adapting to an environment of intensive change. Universities are becoming autonomous and pooling their PhD training courses in the framework of the PRES (research and higher education clusters); businesses are involved in innovation and even “open innovation”; PhDs and PhD students are gathering together to form associations, an imperative for their survival… It is no longer possible for any economic or academic player to act in an isolated manner without cooperating and pooling knowledge and skills. It’s the age of collective intelligence.

For an open governance
Bearing in mind these developments, ABG has altered its statutes. The Association of French Regions, the Conférence des Présidents d'Université and the Conférence des Grandes Écoles are now ex officio members. A board of “PhDs associations” has also been formed within the board of directors.
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Skills enhancement, the New Chapter in the Thesis celebrates 10 years


10 years ago three doctoral schools in the field of sciences of the universe decided to try an experiment: they asked 15 PhD students to write an extra chapter.

Pierre Léna, currently a member of the Academy of Sciences and formerly president of ABG was at the time director of the “Astronomy and Astrophysics of the Ile de France” doctoral school: "Our starting point was easy: PhDs didn’t know how to present themselves to recruiters as adaptable, multitasking professionals (unlike engineers). It was therefore necessary to highlight their expertise by showing that they had managed their thesis like a project. The other key idea was that this transformation called for the intervention of a professional working outside of the academic arena…"

The following year the ABG, supported by the Ministry of Research, the CNRS and the Regional Council of the Ile de France, launched a call for projects to all doctoral schools around the country. In total, over 2,500 PhD students have participated in the “NCT” since its creation.

Find out about the 2011 campaign

ABG celebrates its 30th anniversary, 10 years of the New Chapter in the Thesis and… the next 30 years!

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“Assisting PhDs” Seminar

ABG organised a residential seminar on PhD advising on September 13 and 14, 2010 at the CIEP- (Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques) in Sevres. The seminar targeted its network of advisors.

23 participants accepted the invitation from ABG’s Training and Employment services.

The programme included CV analysis workshops led by two recruitment specialists (AREVA and Hudson International) and the presentation of ABG’s new Web 2.0 platform. It also included presentations on facts and thoughts on the evolution of the employment market for executive level scientists, strategy for creating personalised career plans and decoding job offers (ML Drakakides, ENAKIN Conseil).

Day 2 concluded with a presentation of the “Techniques for PhD Job hunting” pack, drawn up by ABG’s Employment service.
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Attractiveness of France for R&D


Every year Ernst & Young records how many foreign investment projects are established in each country and, using this data, it has devised a “Barometer of French Attractiveness”. Entitled “France, a place for global investment?”, the 2010 edition of the barometer highlights an increase in new R&D jobs of nearly +142% between 2008 and 2009. New jobs linked to 41 foreign investment projects probably attracted by the R&D tax credits system that the authors consider “one of the world’s most attractive tax regimes”.

Barometer of French Attractiveness 2010 – France, a place for global investment? edited by Marc Lhermitte, Ernst & Young, 40 pages.

"RERS" 2010


As it does each year, the DEPP (Evaluation, Forecasting and Performance Directorate) at the Ministry of Education publishes its Statistical Benchmarks in education, training and research.

This report is a truly comprehensive survey of the statistical data on the entire sector covered by the ministry. Chapter 11, on Research and Development, is particularly instructive but suffers from an inevitable statistical lag: the most recent figures in this 2010 edition pertain to the year 2008.
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The Scientific Doctorate in the French-speaking world


The CIRUISEF, Conférence Internationale des Responsables des Universités et Institutions à dominante Scientifique et technique d’Expression Française, held a conference in Dakar last November 24 to 27, 2009 entitled “The Scientific Doctorate in the French-Speaking World: issues and skills.” This conference, in which ABG participated, was attended by more than 200 participants from 26 countries.

Last July, Harmattan published a digest of the proceedings of this conference in its "Géopolitique mondiale" series edited by Evelyne Garnier-Zarli, CIRUISEF president.

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2010 call for proposals for European Research Council starting grants


If you have between 2 and 12 years of post-doctoral experience, then you can apply for European Research Council (ERC) starting grants.

For a total amount of € 661 million (25% more than in 2009), this call for proposals is open to researchers of any nationality and in any discipline.

Each project may receive up to €2 million over a maximum period of 5 years. Funding is paid directly to the host institutions and the selection criteria carry no obligation for an international partnership.

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Professional integration of PhDs: A Center for Strategic Studies analysis


It has been said time and again: university degrees shield you from unemployment. What’s more, the higher your degree, the less chance you have of experiencing unemployment on graduation. However, for the past ten years, the PhD seems to be an exception, with an unemployment rate of 10%, compared to 7% for those who hold a Master’s level degree. Mohamed Harfi and Laudeline Auriol at the Center for Strategic Analysis (CAS) have looked into what indeed appears to be a French exception.

Don’t let this rather discouraging introduction stop you from reading on: this newswatch remains an opportunity to take stock of some interesting observations that are more subtle than it first appears:
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When academia meets enterprise…

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Kerry Technology Park of the Shannon Development Company in south-west of Ireland, shares and represents with the Institute of Technology, Tralee, a 113 hectare campus involving students, lecturers, researchers and entrepreneurs.
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Program to Accompany Innovative Startups in the Mediterranean Basin (PACEIM)


PACEIM is intended for PhD students and researchers from countries south of the Mediterranean residing in Europe. It aims to support the creation of 100 innovative startups.

France is the leading host country for students from countries south of the Mediterranean, including 7000 from North Africa working on their doctorate (OST 2005 data). These highly qualified students rarely manage to find a job that corresponds to their field of study and educational level.

Given this potential, the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD) has launched the Program to Accompany Innovative Startups in the Mediterranean Basin (PACEIM). The goal of this program is to support the creation of 100 startups using innovative technologies in all sectors of activity, south of the Mediterranean: Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Lebanon, Egypt.
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ABG's new website

Martine Pretceille, University Professor, Director of Association Bernard Gregory (ABG)

Yes, this is the ABG website! It has changed to keep pace with developments in the academic and business worlds. Our objectives remain the same, but our work methods and means of collaborating with our partners and all those involved in PhD training now utilise web 2.0 and web services technology, which help us to better meet the following goals:
  • Facilitate the exchange of information by sharing databases, information and communication tools.
  • Promote collaborative work.
  • Share accomplishments in the framework of developing partnerships.
  • Have a synoptic vision of actions carried out.
  • Increase visibility and efficiency.
In order to achieve these goals the following aspects have been developed:
  • Automation of procedures,
  • A general tracking system,
  • Registration and identification of all users.

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Chinese universities...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

By fostering cultural exchange, China is attracting more and more foreign students including French, in its universities.
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Guide for foreign researchers in Spain

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A document published by the Spanish Science and Technology Foundation (FECYT).
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French-Swedish prize for scientific excellence

Laurent Cousin

A prize designed to reward the best young researchers in the fields of health and environment.
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Doctoriales of Alsace

Laurent Cousin

From November 14 to 19, 2010. Deadline for application on September 7.
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Doctoriales of Paris-Est University

Laurent Cousin

From September 26 to October 2, 2010. Deadline: July 16, 2010.
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Thesis topics at the Doctoral School of Physics in Grenoble

Laurent Cousin

The Doctoral School of Physics in Grenoble is offering 34 priority thesis topics. The original application deadline set for June has been postponed indefinitely.
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The Franco-Irish Ulysses Programme

Clarisse Fortecoëf

The objective is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence and to encourage new co-operations between research laboratories of both countries.
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Doctoriales 2010 Sorbonne Paris Cité

Laurent Cousin

From September 27 to 1st October 2010
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A guide for business cooperation opportunities available to researchers in the public sector

Laurent Cousin

The Research Ministry website has posted a handbook for researchers and teaching researchers who wish to go between the public and the private sector.
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Increase of CSIR?s postgraduate fellowships

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An initiative or decision to double the number of postdocs in India.
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The cross-border Pyrenees-Mediterranean PRES

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A Centre for Research and Higher Education to strengthen institutional cooperation and bilateral Catalan existing space on both sides of the border.
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Paris City Great Prize of Innovation 2010

Fabrice Martin

Paris City Hall has launched the call for tenders for its new Great Prize of Innovation. Deadline for application : July 2, 2010
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The drug company foundation issues a call for projects

Laurent Cousin

The drug company foundation has issued a call for projects to improve patients’ quality of life and society’s care for them. Application deadline: June 25, 2010.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Association of Indian Universities.
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Ifremer PhD grants

Laurent Cousin

The French Institute for Exploitation of the Sea, Ifremer, is offering 28 thesis topics available online until 1 July 2010.
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Franco Danish Projects 2011

Fabrice Martin

The scientific office of the French Embassy in Denmark upholds projects of scientific or university cooperation between France and Denmark. Deadline for application: 30 September 2010.
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CEFIPRA: A scientific cooperation program between India and France

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to promote the cooperation in advanced areas of fundamental and applied research by bringing together scientists and research laboratories or institutes of the two countries and by fostering students’ and scientists’ mobility.
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The Curie database

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A database of the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs gathering information on higher education and research systems in Europe, USA, Africa and Asia
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Picasso: The Franco-Spanish programme to support researchers' mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence and to encourage new co-operations between research laboratories of both countries.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

If you are looking for a job opportunity in Life Science, Engineering or Medecine fields in Germany, in Austria or in Switzerland, academics.com may be the resource you need.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The community portal dedicated to the Franco-Chinese scientific cooperation and officialy launched on the 21st of May, 2010 in the France Pavilion at the World Expo in Shanghai.
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A video website to integrate the bioindustry sector

Laurent Cousin

Are you interested in the bioindustry sector the bioindustry sector? Biotech-competences.fr can help you understand the specific expectations professionals have in the sector in order to put together a sensible career plan.
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The French Norwegian Foundation

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Founded in 1983, this association includes representatives from industry and the French and Norwegian authorities and has for objective to foster cooperation between both countries regarding research (scientific and technical) and industrial development.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A comprehensive resource for information about higher education and financial supports in Norway.
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The Research Council of Norway

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A governmental institution responsible for the orientations implementation of the national scientific policy and allocating approximately one third of the Norwegian public effort in research and development as part of its coordinated programs and specific calls for proposals.
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La Recherche Prize 2010

Fabrice Martin

You lead multidisciplinary researches in a French speaking environment? Embark on La Recherche Prize 2010!
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Doctoriales of Cergy Pontoise

Laurent Cousin

From 14 to 19 june 2010
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Doctoriales of Midi-Pyrénées 2010 - 2nd session

Laurent Cousin

From June 6 to 12 2010
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Doctoriales 2010 Pays de la Loire universities

Laurent Cousin

From 27th june to 7th july 2010
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Doctoriales of Lorraine

Laurent Cousin

From May 16 to 21 2010
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Dijon?s Environment Health ICT doctoral school is recruiting PhD students

Laurent Cousin

Research topics can be viewed on line. Application deadline: May 30, 2010.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A program of invitation of French researchers in Finland.
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How does REACH impact research on Green Chemistry and Engineering?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A French-Finnish Seminar to be held in Helsinki on 7 and 8 June 2010, with a special attention given to the attendance of young researchers and post-docs.
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Cemagref PhD Contracts

René-Luc Benichou

Focused on agricultural and environmental engineering research, the Cemagref offers about 30 PhD studentships. Deadline for application: 14 May 2010.
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International PhD program of the Technological Research Division (DRT) of the CEA

Laurent Cousin

The Technical Research Division of the CEA is offering 150 thesis topics for 2010. Registration deadline: May 31.
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International PhD Program at the DSV CEA

Laurent Cousin

An International PhD Program was recently created by the Life Science division of the CEA to attract students who wish to undertake a thesis financed by the CEA within one of its leading French research centers. In 2010, from 20 to 25 PhD grants will be attributed.
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ITJobs Ltd

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Specialized in the recruitment since 2001 on the Hungarian market, ITJobs Ltd offers various services dedicated to employment in IT, sales, marketing, finance, customer services, human resources and administrative sectors.
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The CNRS is recruiting 370 PhD students

Laurent Cousin

The CNRS has posted about 370 thesis topics on its website. Application deadline: April 30, 2010. Ten spaces are reserved for disabled students.
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1,200 foreign R&D centers in China?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

According to an article published on March 16, 2010 by the People’s Daily Online, multinational companies have set up more than 1,200 research and development centers in China.
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Welcoming foreign researchers in Rennes (Brittany)

Fabrice Martin, Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The International Mobility Centre of Rennes offers personalized services to foreign researchers and their families in order to prepare and facilitate their stay in the region.
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LCPC PhD openings

Fabrice Martin

The French Public Works Research Laboratory (LCPC) offers 59 PhD openings in 2010.
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Institut Appert research prizes 2010

Laurent Cousin

These prizes aim to promote scientific research in nutrition and food hygiene.
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PhD students: how do you do research over the Internet?

Laurent Cousin

ABES has put a questionnaire on line to better understand PhD student practices as regards doing research over the Internet. Survey results will be used in designing a reference website for PhD students: the thesis portal.
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Paris 2030

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A call for research projects open to all research teams and public laboratories from all disciplines.
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Doctoriales in Provence 2010

Laurent Cousin

Doctoriales in Provence will take place from 13 to 18 june 2010. Deadline for registration : March 30, 2010. Hurry up! A few places are still available.
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Hungarian Government scholarhips

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Funding programs for foreign students, professors and researchers in the field of arts and sciences who intend to gain further professional experience in a Hungarian institution of higher education or research.
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2010 GlaxoSmithKline public health grants

Laurent Cousin

Two grants for an amount of 15,000 € each will be awarded for research in epidemiology and health care economics.
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The French Association for Soil Studies grants

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

The French Association for Soil Studies (AFES) has a youth branch, AFES-Jeunes. It offers grants enabling young students and researchers the opportunity to take part in international conferences. Application deadline is March 21, 2010.
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Recruiters in computing, engineering and consulting have a bad image of PhDs

Laurent Cousin

According to an Opiiec Study, PhDs suffer from and image problem among recruiters in the computing, engineering, study and consulting sectors.
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INRETS PhD openings

Fabrice Martin

The French National Institute for Research on Transport and its Security (INRETS) proposes forty PhD openings. First session deadline for application: April 1, 2010.
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IRCSET?s funding supports

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology operates multi-million euro research funding initiatives which support young researchers in their early stage career formation across Master, Doctoral and Postdoctoral level.
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Müegyetemi Állásbörze

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The biggest Job Fair in Hungary organized every year in Spring and Autumn, at the University of Technology and Economics of Budapest (BME).
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BNF call to researchers

Laurent Cousin

The BNF 2010-2011 call to researchers is open. Application deadline: March 30, 2010.
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Doctoriales Franco-Belgian 2010

Laurent Cousin

From 13 to 18 june 2010
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ANR/NKTH Call for proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective aims to fund Franco-Hungarian research projects in the field of biotechnology in health, agronomy and environment areas.
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The ABES PhD Student Handbook

Laurent Cousin

The ABES website provides links to legal texts of interest to PhD students.
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Vltava Program

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to stimulate exchange in terms of expertise and scientific skills between France and the Czech Republic, foster cooperation emergence in research and R & D and enable scientists of both countries to develop their international networks.
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Inventory of Post-Doctoral Schemes in Europe

René-Luc Benichou

Even incomplete and in a draft version, the inventory represents a valuable guide for young researchers.
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Science and Engineering Indicators?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The 2010 edition of this "American bible" is now available.
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Engineer + PhD = more benefit ?

Laurent Cousin

Ask your questions on the Docteurs&Co blog.
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Call for proposals from the Fondation de France

Laurent Cousin

Each year, the Fondation de France offers research grants in the medical field.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

European Cooperation in Science and Technology.
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How to draft a CV for the private sector

Laurent Cousin

Ask your questions about CV writing on the Docteurs&Co blog. The ABG employment service will answer them.
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Research in Paris, City of Paris Fellowships for Foreign Researchers

René-Luc Benichou

The city of Paris offers 70 fellowships to foreign researchers –mainly postdoctoral scientists– invited for a limited period by Parisian public laboratories. Deadline for application: March 8, 2010.
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Lyon City Awards of the Young Researcher

Fabrice Martin

Lyon City gives 4 prizes of €5,400 each. Deadline for application: April 1, 2010.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A website which invites you to visit the personal pages of young researchers in Quebec including videos and information about their future job.
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Franco-Dutch Network of Higher Education and Research

Fabrice Martin

All you ever wanted to know about Netherlands.
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Clemens Heller Fellowships

Fabrice Martin

A postdoctoral program allowing PhDs in social sciences and humanities to fund a research stay in Germany.
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Scholarships of the Greek government

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The scholarships programme to Foreign Citizens 2010-2011...
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PhD Program of the IGC in Lisbon

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An initiative intended for foreign and Portuguese young and experienced researchers in the field of integrative biomedical sciences.
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The Role of PhDs in the Smart Economy

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report which encourages Ireland to continue its efforts and investments in the education of its PhDs as well as to develop their skills and qualifications more closely aligned with enterprise needs in R&D.
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E. Jardin

The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET) has undertaken a new program aimed for PhD candidates.
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CEA PhD openings

The Atomic Energy Commision (CEA) proposes 3-years PhD contracts in all its fields of expertise. All subjects open to applications are online.
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ANR/DFG Call for proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The 2010 edition of the Franco-German call for proposals in the humanities and social sciences includes a specific initiative for postdocs.
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UPMC call for applications

Laurent Cousin

The UPMC is offering about ten doctoral grants to fund research in modeling complex systems. Application deadline: Sunday, January 31, 2010.
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Doctoriales of Normandy 2010

Laurent Cousin

From March 23rd to 26th 2010
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Doctoriales 2010 of Universities of Grenoble and Savoie

Laurent Cousin

From March 28th to April 2nd 2010. Beware, registrations end in December 2009.
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Doctoriales Paris-Sud 11 University - 2nd session

Laurent Cousin

From June 7th to 11th 2010
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Doctoriales of UVSQ 2010

Laurent Cousin

From February 8 to 12 2010
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Doctors & Co, Franco-German Special Issue No. 3, October 2009

Laurent Cousin

The magazine for young doctors who choose the company. The special issue of October, first Bilangue Doctors & Co (German / French) refers to the employment of doctors in France (in German) and the employment of doctors in Germany (in French).
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An international francophone network of doctoral education in Sociology and Social Sciences.
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Write to be published!

Laurent Cousin

This handbook for scientists outlines the golden rules for writing a scientific article.
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1 billion to attract the best researchers to France

Laurent Cousin

It's definite, 11 billion euros of the national loan are earmarked for higher education, including 1 billion to strengthen France's attractiveness for top-level researchers and foster the return to France of French or foreign researchers who did their doctorate in France.
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2010 doctoral and post-doctoral grants in the Île-de-France region

Laurent Cousin

Like every year, the Île-de-France regional council has issued calls for projects and applications to award its doctoral (ARDoC and DIM) and post-doctoral grants (Dim).
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Docteurs&Co, the December 2009 issue no. 24 is out

Laurent Cousin

The December issue's special feature looks into mistakes to avoid when applying for a company job
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The ANR fosters public-private sector synergies

Laurent Cousin

The French National Research Agency has just set up a space to foster cooperation between industry and public research laboratories.
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European Career Fair - ECF

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An annual event for the recruitment of candidates from the best American universities by the most renowned European employers
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?Admiral Daveluy? Maritime Strategy award

Laurent Cousin

First prize is 5000 euros and rewards a thesis in the field of maritime strategy. Application deadline: end September 2010.
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"Young engineers and young researchers" day at the IMdR

Laurent Cousin

The IMdR has issued a call for communications to young researchers who wish to present their research on risk control during the daylong "young engineers and young researchers" event that will be held on March 18. Deadline for submitting abstracts: January 15
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New Chapter of the thesis : campaign 2010

Fabrice Martin

The association Bernard Gregory launches its 2010 skills valorization program : "New Chapter of the thesis". Are concerned PhDs in all disciplines that will support their thesis between May 2010 and April 2011. Application Deadline: January 5, 2009.

Partner University Fund ? PUF

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A funding programme of franco-american university partnerships, innovative and sustainable, in the research and higher education fields
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Science and Technology Fellowship Programme China

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A funding programme to promote mobility of EU researchers towards China
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European Young Entrepreneurs Awards 2010

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

Innovact-l'Etudiant European Young Entrepreneurs Awards gives awards for company start-up projects. Application deadline is January 22, 2010.
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PhD thesis award in Horticulture 2010

Fabrice Martin

PhD thesis award of the French Society of Horticulture. 2010 topic : The tree : vulnerable but sustainable. Deadline for application: February 15, 2010.
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Irene Joliot-Curie Prize 2010

Fabrice Martin

The Irene Joliot-Curie Prize aims at promoting women in research and technology in France. Registration deadline until December 31, 2009.
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The FutuRIS "Research and innovation in France" Prize 2010

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

The FutuRIS prospective platform is launching a call for papers, in the form of a prize, for the preparation of its next annual publication. Deadline for receipt of abstracts: December 15, 2009.
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Doctoriales Paris-Sud 11 University - 1st session

Laurent Cousin

From February 8th to 12th 2010
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Franco-American partnerships

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) provide cofunding of research projects conducted jointly in France and in the United States.
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Survey on UK researchers

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf et Fabrice Martin

6 000 researchers employed in 51 UK Higher Education Institutions, from all statutes and all disciplines, have responded to Vitae online survey. You wanted to know what a research career looks like on the other side of the Channel ? Ask the researchers.
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The ABG-UFA branch welcomes you at the Franco-German Forum

Laurent Cousin

The Franco-German ABG-UFA branch will greet PhD students and PhDs next November 13 and 14 in Strasbourg for workshops, CV-writing advice and an overview of the Franco-German.
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Research and higher education budgetary policy for 2010

Laurent Cousin

The Budget, Public Accounts and Civil Service Ministry has made the proposed law and annexes, with their wealth of financial information, available to the public.
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A survey of job insecurity in Higher Education and Research

Laurent Cousin

An online interunion survey aims to inventory the insecure workers in higher education and research in order to curb the phenomenon.
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Is R&D an antidote to the economic crisis?

Laurent Cousin

An October 2009 strategic newswatch from the French Centre d'Analyses Stratégiques presents an analysis entitled “Corporate Investment in R & D and Economic Cycles in OECD countries.”
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Employment: R&D bears the brunt of the crisis

Laurent Cousin

According to APEC figures, job offers in research and development have declined by 37% compared to last year.
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French National Assembly, thesis award 2009

Laurent Cousin

Each year, the French National Assembly gives a prize in order to help publishing PhD thesis dealing with French parliamentary history or law.
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France Biotech proposals for the national loan

Laurent Cousin

What strategic development axes should be funded with the national loan of 2010? France Biotech, the French association of biotechnology companies, has made some proposals.
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Find out about pharma and biotechnology careers

Laurent Cousin

LEEM, the French pharmaceutical companies association, offers two tools to help you become more familiar with pharma and biotechnology careers.
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Franco-Japanese cooperation in the area of ICT...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Publication by the French National Research Agency (ANR) and the Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST) of a bilateral call for proposals to develop ambitious interdisciplinary research collaborations
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Government of Canada Awards

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Financial supports for Professors, Assistant Professors and Researchers, as well as for PhD students and postdocs
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A student in the city

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A practical guide published by the City of Paris
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New "Blaise Pascal" International Research Chairs

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Ile-de-France (greater than Paris) Region will host highly qualified, internationally acclaimed, foreign research scientists in all scientific fields: exact sciences, humanities and social sciences, applied sciences and new technologies.
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A report recognizes the value of CIES

Laurent Cousin

In a recent report, the IGAENR views CIES (Centers for Training in Higher Education) “a model of effectiveness” but that “the state cannot maintain.”
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Links for more effective technology monitoring

Laurent Cousin

The Ministry of Finance has made available to researchers a list of links for more effective technology monitoring.
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On the blog Doctors & Co: Chairs and specialized international monitoring

Laurent Cousin

More and more universities collect money from businesses via the special chairs. Universities in the social sciences are no exception, quite the contrary! Evelyne Jardin also peeled the newsletters from the scientific services of the Embassies of France and edited by ADIT.

Creation of the Institute for Sustainable Mobility

Laurent Cousin

Renault and the Paris-Tech higher education and research consortium have jointly founded an Institute for Sustainable Mobility that will carry out research and education programs on the future of transports and electric mobility.
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Haidian Science Park

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A model for innovation in the north of Beijing
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AUF PhD and postdoctoral fellowships

Laurent Cousin

The University Agency for French-speaking world (AUF) proposes fellowships to encourage mobility between universities of foreign countries. Applications should be sent before December 18, 2009.
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Coopol Innovation

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Franco-Chinese Cooperation program of the French poles of competitiveness with the Chinese technological parks.
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Two new research centers in Switzerland ...

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Institute for Applied Ecology DELINAT and the Centre for Applied Human Toxicology SCAHT
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Wage returns to university disciplines in Greece?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Are Greek Higher Education Degrees Trojan Horses ?
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Erawatch Country Reports

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An assessment of research systems and policies of the EU Member States
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The blog: Ask questions about the NCT

Laurent Cousin

Specialists answer your questions about this course that enables PhD candidates to enhance their skills.
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Competitive clusters: results of the eighth call for projects

Laurent Cousin

93 R&D projects have been selected for the inter-ministerial fund assigned to competitive clusters.
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Research tax credit: banks and insurance companies are the main beneficiaries

Laurent Cousin

The Carrez report on implementation of the research tax credit was published in early July
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University degree holders in Québec in 2006

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A study released by the Institut de la statistique du Québec on September 17, 2009
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The ICST in Ireland - R & D

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report issued by the French Embassy in Ireland on September 1st, 2009. Authors: Lerouge Christophe, Genson Annaïk
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The business and university cooperation in Italy

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report of the French Embassy in Italy published on July 1st 2009. Authors: Forato Grégrory, Ziller Tiffany
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Docteurs&Co: the September 2009 issue (no. 23) is out

Laurent Cousin

The magazine for young PhDs who choose a career in industry. The September issue of "Docteurs&Co" takes a look at how to promote the skills that recruiters are seeking.
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CampusFrance launches a catalogue of grants

Laurent Cousin

CampusFrance has published a catalogue of study programs and grants for foreign researchers.
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EU funding for the cooperation with the United States and Canada

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The European Union invests €6.8m for academic cooperation with industrialised countries in North America
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"Young investigator? grants from the European Research Council 2009

Laurent Cousin

Why not turn to Europe to finance your research? The European Research Council has just published its call for projects for “young investigator” grants.
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Promoting the UK doctorate : Opportunities and challenges

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A research report published in September 2009 by UK Universities
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Report on PhD Students in the Irish Universities

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A paper published in August 2009 by the Irish Universities Association - IUA
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The Walloon competitiveness clusters

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A new cluster dedicated to green technologies in the future?
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Uppsala Universitet

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Internationally renowned, Uppsala university has around 40,000 students – nearly 3,000 at the doctoral level – and offers many job opportunities...
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Politecnico Di Torino

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Some opportunities of training by research and employment for PhD students and young researchers in the Engineering and Architecture fields
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The National Centre for Franco-Irish Studies
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Franco-Swiss Foundation for Research and Technology
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Nicolas Million, a PhD at the IMF

Laurent Cousin

Nicolas Million, a PhD in economics, is looking into the mechanisms of the current economic crisis at the IMF, which has just hired him
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France and Spain Doctoriales 2009

Laurent Cousin

From october 18th to 24th, 2009
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Docs&Co, guides for young PhDs and recruiters

Fabrice Martin

Help recruiters to better understand the added value of hiring a young PhD in the private sector, doing justice to their multiple talents and help them find a job: that is the aim of the new Docs&Co series of guides inaugurated by Association Bernard Grégory in conjunction with Editions Eyrolles.
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Career stories?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

PhDs tell their experiences and their career choices on Vitae, the portal for UK researchers.
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Netherlands: Facts and figures?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Public research institutes in the Netherlands.
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The resume at Uncle Sam's

Laurent Cousin

Be careful ! The american résumé is not only a translation of the french one. Here are some specifics.

IFREMER Postdoctoral Fellowships

René-Luc Bénichou

The French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea offers postdoctoral contracts. Deadline for application: 31 August 2009.
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Franco-Taiwanese cooperation

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A set of programs listed in a guide published by the French Institute of Taipei and the Adit.
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Birth of a metaressource: the Revue des Revues (Journal of Journals)

Laurent Cousin

This website brings together in a single place international bibliographic resources on the same field.
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Scientific cooperation between Greece and Sweden

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) and the Örebro University (ÖU) signed a Letter of Intent declaring their intention to collaborate in the areas of Medical and Life Science research.
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Technological Revolution and China's Future-Innovation?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report published on June 10, 2009 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Employment: tools for information search

Laurent Cousin

In a job search, how to collect relevant information in connection with your research? In this special report by the magazine Docteurs&Co, read about the tips and tricks of several experts.

Industrie et Technologies

Monthly magazine on industrial technology.

Emballages Magazine

Professional weekly magazine on packaging.


Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An administrative and independent research institution under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
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The market for international research students in the UK

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report from the British Higher Education International Unit
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The Franco-German University - UFA

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Founded in 1997, the UFA aims to reinforce Franco-German cooperation in the field of Higher Education and Research particularly by supporting the mobility and the joint education of young researchers.
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Researchers, the new unstable intellectuals

Laurent Cousin

Young researchers make up the ranks of what Anne and Marine Rambach call “The new unstable intellectuals" in their recently published book that is not very optimistic about these highly qualified but poorly paid employees.
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Docteurs&Co, June 2009 issue number 22 now available

Fabrice Martin

The magazine for young PhDs who choose the business world. The June 2009 issue contains a special feature on information gathering.
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Cifre application procedure now online

Laurent Cousin

It is now possible to apply for a Cifre agreement directly on line.
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New: the Cifre-Defense agreement

Laurent Cousin

The Defense Ministry has entrusted the ANRT with setting up specific Cifre-Defense agreements to develop public-private research partnerships on topics of interest for defense and to make PhD students employable.
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On Docteurs&Co's blog

Fabrice Martin

Olivier Guerrini, PhD in chemistry and biochemistry, talks about his career path and gives PhD students some pointers. Jeanne, history PhD, recounts her experience in a hilarious and scathing comic strip that will ring a bell for many: "Working Jeanne." And of course Evelyne Jardin's press digest.

The details of the doctoral contract have been published in the French Official Journal

Laurent Cousin

A law and a decree published in the French Official Journal on April 23, 2009 sets the amount a PhD student under contract should be paid and outlines the details of the contract.
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Emergence(s) Program: 2009 call for projects

Laurent Cousin

The Paris city government has launched a new research support program, Emergence(s), endowed with a total of 100,000 euros per year over three years.
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Study in Sweden

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A comprehensive resource for information about higher education in Sweden.
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Your next summer vacation in Taiwan?

Dr E. Jardin & C. Shoch

The government of the Democratic Republic of China (Taiwan) organizes summer stays designed for young European elites (under age 40).
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Franco-Swedish Association for Research
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Postdoc opportunities offered by the Swedish Research Council

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Swedish Research Council will award SEK 96 million to postdoctoral researchers
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Interested in working in Sweden ?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

So, visit the Researcher’s Mobility Portal…
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Greek Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
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E. Jardin & C. Schoch

"The European Union dreams about it, Sweden and Denmark have done it!” That was a title of an article in L’Usine nouvelle magazine in late 2006. What's it all about?
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems
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Franco-Swedish cooperation

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A Seminar on Clusters on 4 and 5 June, 2009
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Browse the Guide to International Mobility for more international news

Fabrice Martin

Find all ABG's international articles in its new Guide to International Mobility. It features useful resources, classified by country, to make your way from PhD to employment.

Decree of April 23 on the status of teacher-researchers

Laurent Cousin

A decree published in the French Official Journal gives institutions greater recruitment freedom and recognizes the PhD as a professional experience.
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Research and Development in China

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Chinese government announced on 13th of May, an investment of several billion yuan in the development of key technology and bio-industry by the end of 2010
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Postdoctoral experience and training in the USA

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The National Postodoctoral Association (NPA) and the new National Science Foundation (NSF) Research integrity requirement
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Survey on the professional integration of young HSS researchers

Laurent Cousin

GIRAF-IFFD, a Franco-German association of young human and social science researchers is conducting a survey on the professional integration of young HSS researchers.
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Theses at the Ocean Sciences Doctoral School

Fabrice Martin, translation Cynthia Schoch

The Ocean Sciences Doctoral School (ED 156) publishes all its thesis topics that are open to mobility. Application deadline: 30 June2009.
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2009 Actuarial Prize

Laurent Cousin

The Actuarial Prize rewards innovative work in risk management. Application deadline: June 30, 2009.
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Survey: CIFRE agreements, 25 years later

Laurent Cousin

The French National Agency for Technical Research has published a survey on the career development of former PhD students who did their thesis in the context of a CIFRE agreement since they were created in 1981.
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The German Academic Exchange Service

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

DAAD provides every year financial support to nearly 70000 students, trainees, graduates, PhDs, researchers and teachers, germans as foreigners, as part of more than 200 programs.
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Are you looking for financial aid to study or do research in France?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A bilingual directory of scholarships programmes for international students and researchers in France, is now available.
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Overview of the Franco-British universitary cooperation

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A document published in March 2009 by the Department of Science and Technology of the French Embassy in the United Kingdom
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INRIA Postdoc Campaign

René-Luc Bénichou

The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control will open 200 postdoctoral positions in 2009. 100 are already available online. Deadline for application: June 30, 2009.
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Student entrepreneurship contest

Laurent Cousin

Students from a variety of fields will work together on a project to start a company. Applications are due by April 30.
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Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The FCT is the Portuguese government unit responsible for financing and evaluating national scientific research and technological development.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The association of French-speaking students and researchers in Japan
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Doctoriales survey

Laurent Cousin

An ABG survey among Doctoriales organizers shows the strong points of a constantly changing training scheme.
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INRIA PhD Openings

René-Luc Bénichou

The National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control announces 300 PhD openings in 2009. 72 are already online. The campaign is to end on May 4, 2009.
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Is PhD employment affected by the crisis?

Christelle Poulain and Cécile Prévost

Due to the financial crisis, manager employment perspectives in Europe for 2009 are not the most optimistic.  At the Association Bernard Gregory (ABG) we decided to take stock of the job market for young PhDs.
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Doctoral schools: address change for the official directory

Laurent Cousin

The online official directory of doctoral programs and research units has changed address.
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Young Entrepreneurs Initiative looking for a buyer

Laurent Cousin

This mentoring program for entrepreneurs based in the United States who have a project to undertake a technology venture in France was funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Independent administrative institution, the JSPS aims at contributing to the advancement of Science in all fields of the Natural and Social Sciences and the Humanities.
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Taiwan, France, Japan, Taiwan

Dr E. Jardin & C. Schoch

From 2002 to 2004, Lin Chih-Lang was in France, actually in Grenoble at the Laboratory of Physical Spectrometry.
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PFCC: The French Programme of Cooperation with China

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to support scientific exchanges intended to initiate research projects on innovative and high-level scientific topics involving a French team working in partnership with a Chinese team.
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Guide to Research & Innovation funding opportunities in Europe

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A practical Guide to EU funding opportunities published by the European Commission on March 24,  2009.
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The Humanities & Social Sciences to honor in Spain

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The CSIC has just inaugurated the largest research center in Humanities & Social Sciences in Spain which should be one of the most important in Europe.
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Companies bear the costs of R&D in France in 2006 and 2007

Fabrice Martin

According to figures recently published by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, research expenditure as well as researcher recruitment has risen in 2006 and 2007. France’s “effort has remained constant," mainly though corporate investment.
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Scholarships for aerospace research in China

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Establishment by the CASIC of a fund worth 5 million yuan (about €561,434) intended for the PhD students and young researchers in five of the most prestigious universities in China.
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IFP PhD openings

René-Luc Bénichou

The Institut Français du Pétrole offers 60 PhD openings in 2009. Applications run to March 31st 2009.
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The European Charter for Researchers

The European Charter for Researchers and the code of conduct to recruit them together set the rules of the game for researcher mobility and recruitment in Europe. An explanatory leaflet is now available for download on the Euraxess website.
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Grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Soon, launching by the NSFC of a pilot program of "Fund for foreign young researchers."
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R&D funding in Ireland

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A budget of €45 million for 3 research centres CSET and a recruitment of 200 researchers, PhD students and others for the period of 2009-2013
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Docteurs&Co #21, March 2009

Laurent Cousin

The quarterly magazine for new PhDs who choose the world of companies. In this December issue, special feature about research in Taïwan. 
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Research investment in Ireland

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Under the PRTLI (Programme for Research in Third-Level Institutions), it’s a research investment of €300 million which was announced for the period of 2009-2013
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PhD contracts: CJC?s analysis

Laurent Cousin

The Young Researchers Confederation (CJC) views PhD contracts as “progress” but would like clarification on the points of dismissal, trial period and involvement of doctoral students in their annual service activity.
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CNES grants to take part in Alpbach?s summer school on exoplanets

Laurent Cousin

The CNES will take care of travel expenses, registration fees and housing. Application deadline: March 31, 2009
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

If you are interested in Canadian study or career opportunities, this web site holds a wealth of information and insights
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Zoom on the blog

Dr Evelyne Jardin Editor-in-chief, Docteurs&Co Blog author and moderator

Docteurs&Co started a blog last November.  What does it offer?
1/ Testimonials published in Docteurs&Co, grouped together by theme or scientific discipline under the heading "what can you do with that chemistry PhD?" "... geography PhD?", etc.
2/ Tips on companies that might be recruiting, identified through our job market monitoring;
3/ And every month, you can take part in chats.
Here is what you may have already missed.
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Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) "en bref"

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An issue of the Institute of Statistics of Quebec - January 2009.
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The Körber Foundation "Deutscher Studienpreis"

Laurent Cousin

Three 30,000 euro prizes to crown theses on major societal issues. Application deadline: March 1, 2009.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.
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Jean Panhard Prize

Laurent Cousin

The Jean Panhard Prize is awarded for research pertaining to the automobile industry or road transport. Application deadline: April 30, 2009.
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Serving innovation

Laurent Cousin

In her job, Marianne Faucheux uses her talent to help innovative businesses.  On behalf of the state, she supports and guides industrial R&D projects in the health sector, her field of specialization. And in her profession, having a PhD certainly helps.
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French Cancer Research Association stipends for young researchers

Fabrice Martin

The French Cancer Research Association offers individual financial aid for young researchers in pre-, post- and doctoral studies. Application deadlines: March 2, 2009.
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ANR Postdoctoral Fellows Return Scheme

René-Luc Bénichou

This new programme of the French National Research Agency (ANR) helps young researchers who have done a postdoc abroad to come back to France. Deadline for application: March 17th, 2009.
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Fracture Mechanics

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Christophe Husson never saw himself as a PhD or as a business manager when he started his university career, and yet....
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You can chat with the HRM of Saint Gobain Recherche (SGR)!

C. Schoch & E. Jardin

You have until the end of January to ask Marie-Claire Parent, SGR’s human resource manager.
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Institut Pasteur Postdoctoral Fellowships for US Citizens

René-Luc Bénichou

The Pasteur Foundation offers postdoctoral fellowships to US young researchers willing to work in Institut Pasteur's laboratories in Paris. Deadlines for application: May 9 and September 5, 2008.
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European Research and Innovation Exhibition

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Portugal, the Guest of Honour at the SERI from June 3 to 5 2009, Porte de Versailles - Paris
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One-third fewer PhD students in 2017?

Laurent Cousin

Population forecasts regarding changes in the number of PhD students are very pessimistic: in 2017, there may be one-third fewer than there are today. 
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The Adolphe Pacault Prize

Laurent Cousin

For this year only, the ADERA is awarding 4 prizes, one of which is the Adolphe Pacault Prize for Dissemination, which allocates the sum of 7,000 euros. The final date for entries is February 28, 2009.
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Joseph Fourier grants from the French Institute in Taipei

Laurent Cousin

Taiwanese PhD students who wish to study in France are eligible for Joseph Fourier grants. Application deadline: January 31, 2009.
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New "PhD consultant" scheme in Lyon

Laurent Cousin

The University of Lyon subsidizes companies that recruit young PhDs. Only the top 10 projects will qualify for funding.
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Quebec: Fellowships for PhD researchers in companies

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Seven scholarships of excellence totalling $248,000 to foster research partnerships between universities in Quebec and high-tech companies located in the Campus Saint-Laurent of Technoparc Montréal.
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Science and Technology Indicators 2008

René-Luc Bénichou

The French "Observatoire des Sciences et Techniques" (OST) has just released the 2008 edition of its valuable science and technology indicators.
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The Carnot institutes adopt a code of best practices for intellectual property

Laurent Cousin

The Carnot institutes have recently drawn up and adopted a code of best practices for Intellectual Property, Knowledge Transfer and Technology Transfer.
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A new website for innovation in the Franche-Comté region

Laurent Cousin

The Franche-Comté region and Oséo are launching the website innover-en-franche-comte.fr, a unique information provider for engines of innovation in the area.
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Ciera is organizing an introductory seminar on doctoral research

Laurent Cousin

The aim of this seminar will be to combine practical guidance and training in doctoral research using a Franco-German approach.
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Moving to Spain

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf & C. Schoch

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf has drawn up a mobility guide to consulted on the Association Bernard Gregory website. If you're tempted by The Spanish Apartment adventure, she suggests that you take a look at some of these websites to prepare for departure.
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Frankfurt Graduate School - FGS

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

If you are interested in obtaining a PhD degree in Humanities and Social Sciences, the FGS is there to support you in organising an attractive and successful research stay in Germany.
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National competition of high tech companies creation

Laurent Cousin

2009 edition has been launched! Application forms will be available from december 1st 2008 on the web sites of the ministry of Higher Education and Research, OSEO as well as at Research and Technology Regional Representatives' and at OSEO regional offices. Deadline for application: January 29, 2009.
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The Brazilian universities

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

First official ranking of higher education issued by the Ministry of Education on September 8, 2008.
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Innovation in UK

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report published in 2008 by the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS)
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Doktor-Boom in Norway

Gael Dubus & C. Schoch

PhD studies in Norway have become increasingly popular and the number of degrees awarded between 1990 and 2006 (about 11,000) represents over two-thirds of the overall number of PhD students that have graduated since the beginning of this census.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A database dedicated to the academic job in Switzerland (mainly) and other European countries like Germany or Italy.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Portal of the Swiss universities to all international students wishing to pursue their studies in Switzerland.
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The Europe in China

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A Network project for the European researchers in China.
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Career advice from Science magazine

Laurent Cousin

The famous American journal is offering a practical guide for scientists wishing to develop their career. It can be downloaded for free from their website.
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Feature. ABG released its figures

Laurent Cousin

The ABG employment service has analyzed data collected over a number of years and publish never-before-seen statistics the length of time it takes to find a steady job, career paths by discipline, positions held, etc.

R&D, principal occupation of young graduates in the private sector in 2008

Laurent Cousin

This is the finding of the APEC survey conducted in Spring 2008 of a sample of 4,014 holders of a university graduate degree.
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Studying in China: An opportunity?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

In 2007, China hosted more than 190,000 international students from 188 countries and regions. 5.2% were granted scholarships from the Chinese government.
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Docteurs&Co #20, December 2008

Laurent Cousin

The quarterly magazine for new PhDs who choose the world of companies. In this December issue, ABG released its figures.
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Universitary research dissemination in Hong Kong

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A study providing a global vision of Technology Transfer (TT) in five universities of Hong Kong.
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Survey of Earned Doctorates in USA

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

2007 records fifth consecutive annual increase in US Doctoral Awards.
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The A'Doc prize for the promotion of research in the Franche-Comté region

Laurent Cousin

PhD students wishing to participate must write an article explaining the aims and interests of their research to a wide audience.
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An entrepreneur to define a quality standard for the French doctorate

Laurent Cousin

According to Christian Philip, the author of a report on partnerships to build between universities and Grandes Écoles, the definition of such a standard should in particular help combat “heterogeneity in the quality of PhDs trained."
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Blog sessions for PhD employment

Evelyne Jardin & C. Schoch

Get out your calendars! Docteurs&Co has scheduled monthly blog sessions on the topic of PhD employment.
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New Chapter in the Thesis: the 2009 campaign takes off

Fabrice Martin

Your thesis is coming to an end? It is about time to think about your career plan. Review your skills and projects with the ABG's programme: A New Chapter in the Thesis (NCT).

Inomics, the economists? website

Laurent Cousin

Job offers, conference announcements, a directory, publications, research papers... The website contains a host of information for economists.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Association of Science and Techonology Parks of Spain
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EUREKA, a Network for Market oriented R&D

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Founding member of EUREKA, Portugal holds the chairmanship of the European initiative from July 2008 to June 2009
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Docteurs&Co opens its blog

Laurent Cousin

You can now react to the articles published in Docteurs&Co, ask questions and exchange tips.
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PhDs have the place of honor at the Franco-German Forum

Fabian Heuel, translation by Cynthia Schoch

Resume-writing workshops and advising, introduction to the job market, roundtable on recruitment and career perspectives... the Franco German ABG-UFA branch is going to bat for doctoral students and young PhDs at the "Franco-German Forum," European Recruitment and Student Fair. On November 14 and 15, 2008 at the Parc des Expositions in Strasbourg.
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The ANR make it easier for French researchers abroad to return to France

Laurent Cousin

The ANR announces the new "Postdoc Return" program to make it easier for French researchers doing a postdoc abroad to return to France.
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Portugal's commitment to Science

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A significant development, but a lot remains to be done in order to achieve the goals set in 2006 by the Portuguese Government
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DeGRAU Científico

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The reference website for scientific job in Portugal.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The network of Science & Technology Parks of the Northern region of Portugal.
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Hypotheses.org research notebooks

Laurent Cousin

This website offers an original spotlight on research by making available to Human and Social Science researchers blogs where they can explain the progress made in their studies.
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Equidéfi: a prize for innovation in the horse sector

Laurent Cousin

The winner of the "company R&D project” will receive a check for 20,000 euros and will enjoy the support offered to R&D projects bearing the “Competitive cluster” label.
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2009 "Surficial geology" CNFG thesis prize

Laurent Cousin

The prize will reward research pertaining to surficial geology.
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Becoming a researcher in Spain: the obstacle course!

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Faced with the difficulty for Spanish researchers to find a job and their disillusionment, the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) provides them with two programs: Juan de la Cierva and Ramon y Cajal

Research and higher education budgetary policy for 2009

Laurent Cousin

The Budget, Public Accounts and Civil Service Ministry has made the proposed law and annexes, with their wealth of financial information, available to the public. 
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Best Franco-German thesis prize 2008

Laurent Cousin

The author of the best Franco-German thesis will be awarded the amount of 4,500 euros.
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CIFRE Forum 2008

Laurent Cousin

The 5th “CIFRE Forum for Student-Company Contacts” will be held on November 3, 2008 at the Palais Brongniart (“Bourse”), in Paris.
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Valérie Pécresse launches a new doctoral contract

Fabrice Martin

All PhD students will work in the framework of a genuine simplified and unique work contract, including all social benefits. Salary will be negotiable above a legal lower limit.
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Docteurs&Co magazine, October 2008 issue now available

Fabrice Martin

The quarterly magazine for new PhDs who choose the world of companies. In this October issue: special report about what recruiters think of PhDs.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Association of Grant-holders Researchers in Portugal.
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Plan for Careers in Higher Education and Research

Fabrice Martin

Valérie Pécresse, Minister of Higher Education and Research, presented on October 20th last a plan for the attractiveness of jobs and careers in higher education and research. The plan comes with 252 million euros over three years.

In the Recruiters' Mirror

Fabrice Martin

A few years ago, the careers service of Oxford and Sheffield universities in Great Britain began a series of surveys to better understand how recruiters view PhDs. "Do you see a real difference between the Masters and the PhD level?” “What skills do you attribute to PhDs?” “What might you consider to be the key barriers to recruiting PhDs?” Such are the types of questions on the questionnaire sent out to British employers. A few months ago French recruiters were also surveyed. Here is a summary of the results.

On Planet Mars

Evelyne Jardin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

Sophie Kergoat, PhD in cognitive psychology from the University of Paris 5, took part in the "new chapter in the Thesis". She is now head of the cognitive sciences department for Mars Inc. in Belgium.
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55 million euros for career counseling offices

Laurent Cousin

Valérie Pécresse announced that 55 million euros will be released over a 5-year period to enable these offices to be established inside French universities.
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Doctorate Education in Canada

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Findings from the Survey of Earned Doctorates, 2005/2006
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Operation Campus, German version, French version

Evelyne Jardin

By Pierre Monnet,
Vice President of the Franco-German University
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An NCT and then what?

Maïté Brunel, Evelyne Jardin & C. Schoch

Does the "new chapter in the thesis" (NCT), a skill-enhancement tool offered by the Association Bernard Gregory for PhD candidates in the last year their thesis, have an impact on their professional integration?  In an attempt to see clearly, young PhDs answered a questionnaire.
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?PhDs for Enterprise? call for projects

Laurent Cousin

The Agriculture and Fisheries Ministry has issued a call for projects entitled "PhDs for Enterprise." Deadline for submitting projects in electronic format: October 15 of November 20, 2008.
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Young Entrepreneurs Initiative

Fabrice Martin

Are you currently starting a technology venture? Think global. Start a technology venture between the US and France, leverage transatlantic resources and partnerships. Apply before 23 November 2008.
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Industrial research: the DGRI issues a report on government measures

Laurent Cousin

The Research and Innovation Office of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research has published its report entitled ‘Research and Development, Innovation and Partnerships 2007,” the second since it was founded in 2006.
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Competitive clusters: the 7th call for projects issued

Laurent Cousin

The government has issued its seventh call for R&D projects, covering the 2009-2011 period. Applications should be filed on line by November 28, 2008.
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The Ile-de-France government supports international joint thesis supervision

Laurent Cousin

The subsidy is 7,500 euros per project. Application deadline: Friday, November 14, 2008.
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Herr oder Frau Doktor

Falk Bretschneider, History PhD, EHESS

In Germany, where there is no "grande école" system like in France, the elites are primarily formed through doctoral training. As result, anywhere from 24,000 to 26,000 doctoral dissertations are defended each year. What are doctoral studies like in Germany and how do PhDs find their way onto the job market?
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24 hour of innovation, season 2

Laurent Cousin

Second edition of “24 Hours of Innovation” that will take place this coming October 17 and 18 near Biarritz. Deadline for submitting ideas and registration: October 9, 2008.
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French speaking world awards for young researchers

Laurent Cousin

The University Agency for French-speaking world (AUF) has launched the "French-speaking world awards" call for tenders. It is open until october the 31th.
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Activated Charcoal

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Edith Fardet holds a PhD in chemical physics from the University of Burgundy. For the past two years she has been working in a SME in Bordeaux specialized in recycling biomass and waste to produce new carbonaceous materials.
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Developing synergies between private enterprise and public research

Laurent Cousin

The FutuRIS work group has published a report containing 31 recommendations aiming to develop synergies between private enterprise and public research. Over one-third of them pertain to PhDs and doctoral students.
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Professional integration of PhDs remains difficult

René-Luc Bénichou (translation by Cynthia Schoch)

The initial findings of the CEREQ's Génération 2004 survey that takes a snapshot of the career situation in 2007 of university graduates in 2004, shows that it is still difficult for PhDs to integrate the job market.
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Research fellowships at the Imperial College London

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A programme to help outstanding young scientists make the leap from post-doctoral researcher to lecturer.
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+6,5% for Higher Education and Research budget in 2009

Fabrice Martin

The French Higher Education and Research budget should raise by €1.8 billion per year in 2009, 2010 and 2011.
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Science and Technology in Italy

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report where you will find the list of research institutes and regulatory authorities in Italy.
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F. Heuel & C. Schoch

Much more than a European career fair, the Franco-German Forum trilingual website (German/English/French) offers an online job and placement service and a CV bank.
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Fabian Heuel & C. Schoch

Tower over others? Easy for giraffes and also for the members of GIRAF, an association of PhD candidates and young PhDs in the human and social sciences that formed their network in 2002 known as Groupe Interdisciplinaire de Recherche Allemagne France (Interdisciplinary Group of Research in Germany and France).
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Fabian Heuel & C. Schoch

Meeting the challenges of the future – that is the mission of Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZ Jülich), one of the largest centers for basic and applied research in Germany, located near Aachen.
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A doctorate at Ghent University(Belgium)?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Attracting over 30,000 students per year, with a foreign student population of over 2,200 EU and non-EU citizens, Ghent University is now one of the most important institutions of Higher Education and Research in Western Europe.
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Louis Bonduelle research prize

Laurent Cousin

For the fourth consecutive year, the Fondation Louis Bonduelle will offer its Recherche Prize. Registration deadline is set for November 7, 2008.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The British portal for researchers, supervisors, research managers and employers.
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Era-More network becomes Euraxess

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

In order to improve the legibility of its policy to support the mobility of researchers, the European Commission has decided to regroup all initiatives and services in this area under the logo Euraxess.
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555 research grants targeting priority areas

Laurent Cousin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

The Ministry of Higher Education and Research is seeking to attract top Master’s degree holders in France and abroad to undertake a PhD.
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Greentech awards

Fabrice Martin

Greentech awards will reward best research works in skin physiology. Deadline for application has been postponed until 30 September 2008.
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ABG and the Conference des Grandes Ecoles join hands to promote PhD employment

Translation by Cynthia Schoch

ABG recently signed a cooperation agreement with the Conference des Grandes Ecoles for the professional integration of PhDs and post-doctoral students.
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The National Science Foundation (NSF)

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Opportunities for research and education funding in the United States in all areas of science and engineering.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A US database on over 1,000 grant programs and which provides access to approximately $400 billions in annual awards.
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The Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An organisation which aims to foster and develop international exchanges of students and researchers, Chinese as foreigners.
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The Hoffman Report recommends to raise researcher's remuneration

Laurent Cousin

The president of the French Académie des Sciences has issued recommendations to make research careers more attractive.
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Franco-Chinese Doctoral College

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Want to go to China? You can make a PhD which will be acknowledged in both countries.
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IRMM PhD and postdoctoral grants under the Basmati project

Laurent Cousin

The IRMM is launching a call for interest for grant holders on a project of evaluation of rice authentication methods. Deadline for application: September 15, 2008.
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The Innovativeness of Foreign Firms in China

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A working paper published by Maastricht Economic and social Research and Training centre on Innovation and Technology, UNU-MERIT.
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EU French presidency: Valérie Pécresse?s three priorities

Translated by Cynthia Schoch

With the opening of the French presidency of the European Union, Valérie Pécresse presented her three priorities: mobility, coordination of European research and space research.
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E. Jardin & C. Schoch

In July, Microsoft will open the doors to a new R&D center in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by the Charles River.
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E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Are you looking for a job in the United States in the field of life sciences?
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The Council of Graduate Schools (CGS)

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The only national organization in the United States that is dedicated solely to the advancement of graduate education and research.
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Rectors? Conference of the Swiss Universities

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

If you are interested in studying in Switzerland, CRUS is there to provide you with general and useful information on Swiss universities and Higher Education system.
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Swiss researchers association

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Founded in December 2000, Actionuni represents researchers from universities and Federal Institutes of Technology, on national and international levels.
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French National Agency for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (AERES)

Laurent Cousin

Are you planning to do a doctorate and you’re looking for information about a doctoral school, the quality of thesis advising, student life, etc.? Then take a look at the AERES website.
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A quality charter for hosting foreign students

Translation by Cynthia Schoch

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has defined goals to improve the hosting of its foreign grant recipients in 74 points.
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ABG-Carnot Institutes PhD openings partnership

Fabrice Martin

The ABG and the Carnot Institutes Association have signed an agreement to promote the PhD openings proposed by these institutes, which offer a good scientific environment and an excellent experience of the corporate world to PhD researchers.
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National competition of high tech companies creation: 2008 results

Fabrice Martin

Year 2008 is over. The results of this 10th edition have been released and it is now time for reports. This year, 54% of the 170 award winners are doctorate holders.
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A European partnership for researcher careers and mobility

Laurent Cousin

The European Commission plans to establish a partnership with member states in order to achieve “measurable progress” by 2010 in recruitment, social security, pensions and working and training conditions for researchers.
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?Quai d'Orsay-Enterprise? Program

Fabrice Martin

Three new companies have just joined the Foreign Affairs Ministry "Quai d'Orsay-Enterprise" program that aims to attract highly qualified foreign students to France.
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University of Lausanne - Unil

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Many agreements between the UNIL and partner institutions - about 40 for France - enable doctoral students and researchers to take part in mobility and exchange programmes.
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European Fellowships

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Spain won 12% of grants to support researchers mobility.
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Why go without PhDs in Humanities and social sciences?

Fabrice Martin

Have you missed the "human and social sciences: catalysts for corporate innovation" meeting, organized by the ABG and France Télécom R&D in December 2007? Watch all the videos of this event on our website. Companies also need PhDs in such fields. Pass it on!


René-Luc Benichou

The French researcher's mobility portal.
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Mobility Centres

René-Luc Benichou

The Association Bernard Gregory is one of the three 'bridgeheads' of the French network of mobility centres for researchers.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The official website of the Spanish Young Researchers Federation (FJI - Federación de Jóvenes Investigadores/Precarios).
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Docteurs&Co magazine, June 2008 issue now available

Fabrice Martin

The quarterly magazine for new PhDs who choose the world of companies. In this June issue: special report about Finland.
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Pharma: The Machine for Creating Value Is Jammed

C. Schoch & Sylvie Ouziel, Consulting Executive Accenture France Benelux

According to Sylvie Ouziel from the Accenture consulting group, the stock market has punished the low yield of R&D expenses in pharmaceutical companies.
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Jean Jerphagnon Prize

Laurent Cousin

This prize, for the amount of 10,000 euros, rewards a project of technological innovation and dissemination in optics and photonics in any field of application.
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Shifting into Action

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

From automatics to bioinformatics, from research at the VTT technical research center to managing a spinoff, Catherine Bounsaythip is not one to get stuck in a rut.
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Goal: Blue Sky

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Benjamin Guinot likes a challenge. After spending 7 months pedaling, biking from Paris to Beijing, he set his saddlebags down in the Chinese capital to measure air pollution.
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E. Jardin & C. Schoch

With its wealth of public and private research centers, the greater Paris region needed to create a tool to help people find their way in this profusion. This is what Econovista has achieved.
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E. Jardin & C. Schoch

In Lyon is located the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health Organization (WHO).
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Research Centres in Catalonia

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A special edition of “Temes de Recerca i Innovació” collection - April 2007.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Spanish Science and Technology Foundation.
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Barcelona Science Park

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A pioneering reference with a promising future in the promotion of knowledge and technology transfer in emerging research areas as of Biotechnology or Pharmacy.
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Funding and Research in Spain

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (Plan Nacional I + D + I) 2008-2011.
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Outlines of the public research in Germany

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Public governance, actors, funding and current reforms of the German research system.
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PhD Studentships Open to Mobility

René-Luc Benichou

The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research lists graduate schools offering PhD openings open to thematic or geographic mobility. With direct links to thesis topics.

Doctoral education in Germany

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A presentation of Falk Bretschneider at the General Assembly of the Association Bernard Gregory on April 3, 2008 at the Cité Internationale Universitaire of Paris
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The job board of the most prestigious scientific magazine.
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Franklin - Lavoisier Prize

Laurent Cousin

Every two years, the Chemical Heritage Foundation in Philadelphia and the Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie in Paris awards the Franklin-Lavoisier Prize. The deadline for filing applications is August 31, 2008.
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Everything on doing a PhD in Lyon

Laurent Cousin

Simple and clear, the University of Lyon website informs those who want to do their thesis there.
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Information meeting about CIFRE agreements and graduate student consultants

Laurent Cousin

Masters and PhD students to meet with companies on Tuesday, June 24, 2008, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Ferme de Courtaboeuf (91).
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Guides to EU funding

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

You have an idea, a project and need some support from the European Union? Two practical guides are now at your disposal.
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Clarise Faria-Fortecoëf

A European association open to research professionals, PhD students, post-docs, teachers, science administrators, policy-makers, engineers, industrialists…
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Corporate patronage for PhD students

Laurent Cousin

The Law on University Freedoms and Responsibilities (LRU) grants tax reductions for French companies that fund doctoral projects. The details of this form of corporate patronage for PhD students are outlined in a new decree.
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British Research System

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The United Kingdom second worldwide ranked behind the USA in terms of scientific excellence facing the evolution of its financing and evaluation system of public research.
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Docteurs&Co Special Edition on Finland

Fabrice Martin

As Finland was guest of honour of the European Research and Innovation Exhibition this year, Docteurs&Co cast off towards Europe's most northern country and met French scientists.
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Guide to financial support for mobility France-UK

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A guide for Master and PhD students, Post-doctoral research and Confirmed researchers wishing to go to UK in order to take an academic course or to do research.
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Little Guide to Research Jobs

Laurent Cousin

The Ministry of Higher Education and Research has just updated its valuable 'Little Guide to Research Jobs'.
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Docteurs&Co Special Issue on Finland

Fabrice Martin

As Finland is "Special Guest" of the European Research and Innovation Exhibition 2008, the ABG has prepared a special issue of its magazine Docteurs&Co about this country.
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EUA Council for Doctoral Education

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The EUA-CDE Launch Conference will be held from 1 to 3 June 2008 at the University of Lausanne - Switzerland
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French Fellows Abroad

Fabrice Martin

French Fellows Abroad (BFE) programme gathers all main kind of fellowships intended for French young scientists to pursue doctoral, postdoctoral or linguistic research abroad.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Your Curriculum Vitae on line in European Format.
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ScienceCareers explains France to foreign researchers

Fabrice Martin

According to ScienceCareers, the careers component of Science magazine, France is still a prized destination for researchers from all over the world. Required that you are aware of its academic system's mysteries and of its administration's traps.
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Study grants in Cambodia

Fabrice Martin

The National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations (Inalco) and the Center for Khmer Studies allow young researchers to go to Cambodia. Deadline for application: 15 December 2006.
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International Volunteer Opportunities for research scientists

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

Are you a doctoral student or recent PhD under 28 years of age? International Volunteer Opportunities can help you conduct a research project abroad.
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Nokia Siemens Networks in Portugal

Evelyne Jardin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

In early May 2007, Nokia Siemens Networks opened its fifth R&D center in Portugal. This new innovation cluster will be devoted to network management and technical communication. Read the BE Portugal article.

Doctoral programmes in Europe?s universities : Achievements and Challenges

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report prepared for European Universitities and Ministers of Higher Education - 2007.
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10th Franco-German Forum

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A European recruitment and student fair on 14 and 15 November 2008 at the Strasbourg Exhibition Centre
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Science and Engineering Indicators 2008 : The American bible

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A volume of record comprising the major quantitative data on the U.S. and international science and engineering enterprise.
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Novalyst Prize for innovation in organic synthesis

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

The Novalyst Prize distinguishes a young researcher for a project in organic synthesis, providing a two-year research stipend. Application deadline: June 30, 2008.
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PhD openings at Onera

Fabrice Martin

Onera, the French aerospace lab, proposes 120 PhD openings in 2008.
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Job day at GSK Bio

Fabrice Martin

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals invites graduates to come and discover the career opportunities it provides, on April 12, 2008 in Rixensart, not far away from Brussels.
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International Career Fair 2007

Fabrice Martin

APEC, a major French agency specialized in executives' employment, will hold an international career fair on February 29 and March 1, 2008, in San Francisco.
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Doctoriales transfrontalières

Fabrice Martin

May 19 to 23, 2008 in Canet (Roussillon).
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The Unchained PhD Researcher

Fabrice Martin

« Le Thésard Déchaîné » (The Unchained PhD Researcher) is a student journal about doctoral studies in all disciplines. This only; all this…
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Life Sciences Mobility Portal

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A platform for European Life sientists and those who want to come to Europe.
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Become a Clinical Research Associate (CRA)

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

A chemistry PhD, Cedric Trolliet did not plan on a CRA career and yet...
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These French scientists and academics settled in Ireland

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A statistical survey conducted by the French Embassy in Dublin.
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Docteurs&Co #17

Fabrice Martin

The quarterly magazine for new PhDs who choose the world of companies. Featured in March issue: special report on young French biologists after they come back from the US.
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Belgian Science Policy

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A pioneer administration representing nearly 30% of the overall Belgian public budget in the research field.
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Career placement of Inria PhDs

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

The French National Institute for Computer Science and Control (INRIA) has just completed a study on the career placement of its PhDs (class of 2005). An overall very positive report.
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Focus Research - Objectif Recherche

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Belgian association for the advancement of science.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A portal for education valorization through research in the French-speaking community of Belgium.
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Postdoctoral Research Positions at CNRS

René-Luc Bénichou

The French National Centre for Scientific Research offers more than 200 postdoctoral positions in all fields. Mobility is compulsory. Deadline for application: March 30, 2008.
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London Biotechnology Network - LBN

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Established in June 2000, LBN is now one of the largest biotechnology networks in Europe with over 2000 members from 800 organisations.
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Good to know

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Selected websites on France US mobility.

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Return grants for Belgian researchers

Fabrice Martin

In the framework of its federal scientific policy, Belgian government encourages young Belgian researchers to go back to their home land. Deadline for application: March 31, 2006.
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Doc-Career : now what's after the PhD

Fabrice Martin

PhDs' career paths, roundtable, visits in companies… This will all take place on 22 and 23 May 2007 in Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium).
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Rising to the challenge

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Housna Elfarj est docteur en géographie. Après un crochet vers la sociologie, elle a pénétré le milieu socio-éducatif.
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Memory Lane!

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Since August 2006, Virgile Javerliac has been working in Sunnyvale California in a French company that develops MRAM.
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So What Are You Going to Do with That?

René-Luc & C. Schoch

Not only French PhDs lack of knowledge on the company world. This book clearly shows that their American counterparts are in the same situation.
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Evelyne Jardin

Dominique Blanchard went on a postdoc in a biotech company. In the course of seven years, he worked in three companies in the San Francisco Bay area.
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In a competitive cluster

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Rosalie Maurisse lived in San Francisco for three years. Frenetically.
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Back to the company world

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Cyril Berthet worked in an NIH lab near Washington for five years. In January 2007, he settled down in Dijon.
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How to choose the right postdoc?

Christine Toutain, Stéphanie Kervestin, Cyril Berthet and Latif Rachdi.

Advice from Christine Toutain, Stéphanie Kervestin, Cyril Berthet and Latif Rachdi.
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E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Article 13 of the 2007 finance act ratified the status of "growth SMEs."
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E. Jardin & C. Schoch

In June 2006, Nivea Corporation created an observatory to "advance knowledge about the skin, disseminate it widely and support human and social science research on this theme," its website declares.
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E. Jardin & C. Schoch

This portal, maintained by the French Public Health Board (Direction Générale de la Santé), gathers together health agencies placed under the tutelage of the Public Health Ministry.
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Public research-corporate relations in France

Marc ISABELLE, Ph.D. Economist Agence de l?Innovation Industrielle & C. Schoch

Here are some of the findings of a study on intellectual property, circulation and exchange of knowledge between state-funded research laboratories and corporations.
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A few years later?

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Why go abroad? What will a stay in the United States do for you? Should you return to France or not? For what kind of job? Eight biology PhDs, all members of Biodocs International, who left in the 2000 for the United States, tell their story.
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The challenge of innovation in Brazil

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Only 23% of Brazilian researchers work in a company.
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Franco-Brazilian Portal of Communication and Information Sciences

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A resource to facilitate information and mobility of Brazilian and French students, PhD students and researchers in information and communication sciences.
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Carnot Institutes Association

Fabrice Martin

The official web site of the Carnot Institutes: public research laboratories which have been recognized for their activities in partnership with companies.
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Comunidade França-Brasil

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A portal launched by the French Embassy in Brazil aimed at developing relationships between both countries.
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The guide to financial aid for research

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

The directory of PhD and postdoc funding as well as research subsidies published by Andès, the French association of science PhDs.
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Fabrice Martin

A specialized website in Health/Pharma sector.
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Drop of Science

Fabrice Martin

The blog of Florian Longueteau, aeroacoustics PhD student who has recently joined the Alten team of technology consultants.
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PhDs from the Université de Bourgogne (Burgandy)

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

458 young researchers earned their PhD at the Université de Bourgogne between January 2002 and September 2005. Who were they and what have they done since?
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Present your thesis in the ?Le Mensuel de l'Université? (University Monthly)

Fabrice Martin, translation by Synthia Schoch

“Le Mensuel de l’Université” (University Monthly), an interuniversity and multidisciplinary medium, offers young PhDs the opportunity to present their theses to the public at large.
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Biotechnology research in companies operating in France 2000-2004

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

Information sheet from the Evaluation, Forecasting and Performance Department of the Higher Education and Research Ministry.
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PhDs.org : A job portal for doctors

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

This web site provides Science, Math and Engineering Career Resources for scientistis and would-be scientists at all levels, from high school students through Nobel laureates.
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Science Careers

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The purpose of this web site? Being the world leader in scientific job in industry, academia and government. Quite simply.
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What has become of them ?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

You are interested in higher studies in the United States? Students who have used the services and advice of the Education Center USA testify…
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Postdoctoral Stays in Chile

René-Luc Bénichou

The ECOS programme for scientific and academic cooperation with Hispano-American countries supports postdoctoral stays in Chile. Deadline for application: 31st March 2006.
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The American Association for the Advancement of Science

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

AAAS aims to develop science, engineering and innovation in particular by fostering international cooperation.
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Festival of scientific popularization very short movies

Fabrice Martin

Are you a PhD candidate in Paris Region? Your mission, if you accept it, will be to explain your research in 5 minutes. Deadline for application: February 6, 2008.
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La Caixa PhD fellowships

Fabrice Martin

La Caixa foundation offers 40 fellowships to carry out a doctorate in biomedicine in four Spanish research centers in Barcelona and in Madrid.
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Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

Parcoursic association aims at fostering exchanges between young researchers in the Information and Communication Sciences (SIC).
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The state of higher education and research

Fabrice Martin

The French Ministry of higher education and research has released 29 indicators. 24th is dedicated to researchers' job market and 25th to PhD candidates.
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Max Planck Society - MPG

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The MPG is a key support of the Franco-German cooperation in the basic research field in natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences and humanities.
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Fermentation bioreactor

Fabrice Martin

This web site "aggregates" information about life sciences and biotechs. It has been conceived by a PhD candidate in Lyon.
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Researchers in business: recruitment slowdown in 2005

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

In 2005, expenditure on R&D grew at a steady pace. However, the number of researchers rose at a slower rate than in prior years.
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Europe trains twice as many PhDs as USA

Fabrice Martin

Eurostat (the Statistical Office of the European Communities) has just released a brief of statistics on the early career stage of doctorate holders.
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Leem Recherche Postdoctoral fellowships

Fabrice Martin

Leem Recherche proposes 6 postdoctoral fellowships in 2007 on identification and/or validation of biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis.
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Alexander von Humboldt Foundation - AvH

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Each year, AvH grants up to 500 scholarships to foreign researchers holding a PhD and wanting to spend extended periods of research in Germany.
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APEC chats

Fabrice Martin

How to turn your personal network on, how to prepare an interview, how to start your own business… On all these topics and many more, you can ask any question that occurs to you, to specialists, live on APEC web site.
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PhD holders applaud the creation of an ABG alumni network

Laurent COUSIN

According to an ABG survey, PhD holders firmly support the plan to create an alumni network that should emphasize intergenerational solidarity and access to senior-level job offers.
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PhD Employment in South Korea

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

The “Land of the Morning Calm” now trains almost as many PhDs as France does.  Are the disciplines structured in the same way? And what happens to PhDs once they finish their degree?
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Göttingen Graduate School of Neuroscience and Molecular Bioscience

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

The Göttingen Graduate School of Neuroscience and Molecular Bioscience offers doctoral research training programs in about a dozen different disciplines.
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The German Research Foundation - DFG

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The DFG is the central, public funding organisation that promotes research at universities as well as non-university research institutions or scientific associations in Germany.
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Bur.it ? University & Research Newsletter

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Bur.it is an Italian electronic newsletter for the academic and Research world.
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CellNetworks PhD grants in Heidelberg

Fabrice Martin

The CellNetworks cluster of excellence in Heidelberg offers 38 PhD grants. Application deadline: 12 August 2007.
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National competition of high tech companies creation

Fabrice Martin

2008 edition has been launched! Deadline for application: January 31, 2008.
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Technical Research Centre of Finland - VTT

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Created in 1942, VTT is a contract research organisation under the domain of the Ministry of Trade and Industry. It employs approximately 2,700 persons, of whom more than a half are researchers.
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Grants of the Finnish Centre for International Mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Through the Finnish Centre for International Mobility CIMO, Finland proposes scholarships for doctoral students, post-docs and researchers from all countries.
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Finnish academic career service network

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Aaresaari gathers career services from 19 Finnish universities.
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Franco-Finnish Association for Scientific and Technical Research

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Since 1973, AFFRST has cultivated research exchanges in several fields (medicine, biotech, nuclear energy, agriculture, forestry, oceanography, and information science).
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500 "Consulting PhD Candidates" positions

Fabrice Martin

In Bordeaux today, the minister of Higher Education and Research Valerie Pecresse, announced the creation of a new scheme allowing PhD candidates to carry out assignments in companies.
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Survey: "PhDs, Generation 2003"

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

A survey conducted by the Institut de recherche en éducation, sociologie et économie de l'éducation (IREDU) on 2003 PhD recipients and their career status in 2006.
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Fabrice Martin

On the occasion of the 1st national meeting gathering companies and graduate schools, the MEDEF and the ABG have published a special issue of Docteurs&Co magazine. It is titled:"PhDs in companies: asset innovation".
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+16% for Cifre PhD candidates

Fabrice Martin

The salary of PhD candidates supported by companies in the framework of Cifre agreements rises from €1,684 to €1,957 gross per month for all new contracts from September 1st 2007.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A specialist job site for careers in academic, science, research and related employment.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An european academic database providing many PhD opportunities.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A website for science jobs.
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The national association of Italian PhD students and PhDs

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Created in 1998, ADI aims to promote and develop the PhD title, little known or unknown by the business world in Italy.
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Networks, science... in Korea

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

For knowing better Korea
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BE Pays-Bas

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The “Bulletin électronique” (BE) written by the French Embassy in the Netherlands.
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Steel in His Bones

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Henri Gaye already had a brilliant career as researcher with Arcelor behind in when he yielded to the sirens of an offer to manage a laboratory at POSTECH University.
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The National Postgraduate Committee (NPC)

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Founded in 1992, NPC is the only organisation in the UK run by postgraduates in the interests of postgraduates.
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Research Springboard

Fabrice Martin

French Senate’s Third Research Springboard will be held on February 12, 2008. This events goes with a call for projects of technology transfer. Deadline for application : December 7, 2007.
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The "People" Programme

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

This programme brings together and consolidates the Marie Curie Actions which represent real opportunities of funding for young researchers and career development in Research.
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CSRT report on young researchers

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

On September 30, 2007, the French High Council on Research and Technology (CSRT) submitted its report on the status and working conditions of young researchers to the Minister of Higher Education and Research.
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Astrophys PhD: Get Your Parachute Out

Fabrice Martin

You can't even land a job interview. You're starting to doubt your abilities. You hide your PhD... Astrophysics PhDs talk about the rough road they’ve taken.

+7.8% For Higher Ed and Research Budget

René-Luc Bénichou

The 2008 budget for higher education and research should reach nearly €28 billion, increasing by 7.8 percent compared to 2007.
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E. Jardin & C. Schoch

The photovoltaic industry has its professional association with INES, that is, the Institut national de l’énergie solaire – National Institute for Solar Energy.
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The European University Institute - EUI

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Founded in 1972, the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence is a unique doctoral and postdoctoral Institution in Europe.
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The NCT, a reflexive exercise

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Emmanuel Duplàa has a PhD in Education Sciences from the University of Maine in Le Mans, specialized in distance teaching. He did his thesis in the framework of a CIFRE agreement (Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche en Entreprise) in Education Sciences, and currently works with Téluq on medical distance learning (Telemedecine). Shortly before defending his thesis, he embarked on the “new chapter in the thesis” (NCT) experience. What did it do for him?
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AUF PhD and postdoctoral fellowships

Fabrice Martin

The University Agency for French-speaking world (AUF) proposes fellowships to encourage mobility between universities of foreign countries.
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Statistical References

René-Luc Bénichou

The Ministry of National Education published last August the latest edition of its 'Statistical references on education, training and research'.
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C. Bouget & C. Schoch

You’re probably familiar with Wyeth, the American pharmaceutical group that, with nearly 50,000 employees, is established in 150 countries on all continents.
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E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Founded in July 1998 on an initiative from the state, local governments and the French association to combat muscular dystrophy (AFM), Genopole® in Evry, south of Paris, brings together 23 academic research labs and biotechnology companies. This public interest group is part of the Medicen Paris competitive cluster.
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C. Bouget & C. Schoch

Each year, according to World Health Organization estimates, malaria kills between 1 and 3 million people. The situation is all the more worrying since over the past two years parasites are more and more resistant to treatment.  In this difficult context was spawned Palumed SA, a spin-off of the Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination (LCC) in Toulouse.
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Volvo Aero, a variety in R&D

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Aurélien Tricoire has a PhD in engineering sciences from the University of Limoges. Two years ago, he went with Volvo Aero in Sweden.  What does he do with his time?
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Border Crosser

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

"Customs Anthropologist," says Lance Thompson business card.  So what's the relationship between anthropology and customs affairs?
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What do PhDs do? - Trends

Fabrice Martin

What have become of PhDs who graduated between 2003 et 2005 in the United Kingdom? A new report by the UK GRAD Programme focuses on the evolution of their employment data.
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Key data on higher education in Europe ? 2007 Edition

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The first edition of Key Data on Higher Education in Europe is the outcome of cooperation between the Eurydice European Unit and Eurydice Network (The Information Network on Education in Europe), and Eurostat (The Stastical Office of the European Communities.
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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Launched officially by the European Community in January 2007, ERAWATCH is a new online information platform on research systems and policies within the European Union.
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Support for young researchers from the French Foundation for Medical Research (FRM)

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

The French Foundation for Medical Research (FRM) Biomedical Excellence program includes a whole array of financial aid mechanisms for young researchers.
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Internationalization of R&D

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

A report by the Conseil d’Analyse Stratégique (French forecasting agency) looked into the attractiveness of France in a world where R&D centers are becoming as mobile as manufacturing plants.
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EUA Report on doctoral programs in Europe

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

The European University Association (EUA) has published a report entitled “Doctoral Programmes in Europe's Universities: Achievements and Challenges."
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CINECA : An Interuniversity Consortium

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Supercomputing centre, Consortium of 31 universities, CINECA acts like a trait-d'union beetween the academic world, the sphere of pure research and the world of industry and Public Administration.
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8% rise of doctoral studentships

Fabrice Martin

The Ministry of Higher Education and Research has decided an 8% rise of doctoral studentships: from October 1st 2007, 12,000 PhD students will be paid €1,650 gross per month instead of €1,530 today.
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A multitask historian

Fabrice Martin

Yann Harlaut holds a PhD in history from the University of Reims with a concentration in local history. Publishing, teaching, tourism... Yann accumulates activities that offer no permanent status. He's thinking about starting his own company.
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How much does an European researcher earn?

Fabrice Martin

A study of the European commission about remuneration of researchers in the public and private commercial sectors. April 2007.
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Do PhD students have fun?

Evelyne Jardin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

PhD students talk about their lives working on their thesis. They speak about it like a demanding mistress or a rare disease. Journalist Nicolas Ruffault interviews them for Arte radio.
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E. Jardin & C. Schoch

December 2006. The ANRT (French National Association for Technical Research) celebrated the 25th anniversary of CIFRE research training contracts for doctoral students at the Collège de France. Among the attendees, Philippe Raveneau, one of the first PhDs to have benefited from this arrangement, tells his story.
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University Act

René-Luc Bénichou

The French Parliament adopted the bill about 'freedom and responsibilities of universities' on 1st August 2007. The law gives universities more autonomy, especially for recruitment and human resources management.
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PhD positions at Inra

Fabrice Martin

The National Institute for Agronomic Research (Inra) is running a recruitment campaign to fill Scientific Attaché (ASC) positions.
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University Reform: The Status of Young Researchers

René-Luc Bénichou

On July 9, 2007 Valérie Pécresse, the Minister of Higher Education and Research, began work on the status of young researchers and teaching research fellows.
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The Minalogic competitive cluster

Evelyne Jardin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

The Minalogic competitive cluster (MIcro- NAnotechnologies et LOgiciel Grenoble-Isère Compétitivité) relies on a fabric of 25,000 jobs in the field of micro- and nano-technology (including 3,000 researchers) and 18,000 jobs in the software business (including 1,800 researchers).
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Evaluation of doctoral schools

Fabrice Martin

The Higher Education and Research Ministry has put its grade report of doctoral schools on line. A particularly interesting document for those who are about to undertake a research master’s or a PhD.
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"Universities ? Companies ? Employment" Codev Report

Fabrice Martin

Proposals from the Paris Council for Economic Sustainable Development to Paris Mayor. March 2007.
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PhD in chemistry of Leiden University

Evelyne Jardin

Aude Duquesne's good and less good memories of her PhD in the Netherlands. Testimony on PhD supervision, lab mood and defense ceremony.
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PhD in mechanics

Georges Omer & C. Schoch

Already in junior high school, Asmahana Zeghadi dreamed of becoming a scientist. She became one by defending a thesis in materials science and engineering at the Ecole des Mines in Paris. Since then she has been a research engineer with EDF’s “Les Renardières” R&D center. Here’s the history of a brilliant career path.
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In a Finnish biotech company

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Géraldine Carrard did her PhD in biochemistry between the Institut Pasteur and the VTT (Technical Research Center of Finland). After a stint with Sanofi-Aventis, she got a job with Ani Labsystems.
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At Karolinska Institutet

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Marion Korach-André has a PhD in biology from the University of Grenoble 1. After two postdocs and unsuccessful applications in France, she was recruited by the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden.
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Dutch Academic Career Network

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

AcademicTransfer : The international academic vacancy site in the Netherlands.
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The Research system in Italy

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Funding and main actors in the research and technological development in Italy.
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Italy enters the worldwide network of the long-term ecological research.

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

LTER-Italia network counts 10 different sites and it will contribute to the worlwide network with a station in Antartica and another one on Mount Everest.

M-ASTER : A training programme for young researchers

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Goal : develop the skills and professional identity of the young researchers involved in the industrial research and technologie transfer within the Regional Network, the Universities and the Research Centers in the Emilia-Romagna region.
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ERAMIT Project

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

ERAMIT (European Research Area Mobility in Italy), a project co-financed by the European Commission "Human Resources and Mobility" General Direction and coordinated by CRUI Foundation, which aims to favour an active role of Italy in the European research context by giving broad and updated information and practical assistance to researchers in all the fields related to their experience of mobility.
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Tintin among the Incas

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

What can you do with a PhD in contemporary history on the relations between the role society and Peruvian state? A new chapter in the thesis (NCT), the grapevine… and Maud Lachenal becomes an editorial assistant.
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R&D services scouting for recruits

Evelyne Jardin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

In the June 2007 issue of Courrier cadres magazine, check out 28 R&D and engineering consulting companies scouting for recruits.
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ASTER ? Science Technology Business

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

ASTER runs and coordinates the activities of the Regional Network for Industrial Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer in the Emilia-Romagna region (north-east of Italy).
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Scholarships for foreign students in The Netherlands

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Netherlands Student Grantfinder: an online search engine for non-Dutch students who want to study in the Netherlands and are looking for financial support.
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The Research in the Netherlands

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Dutch Research Database (NOD).
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When engineers go for a PhD

Evelyne Jardin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

According to L’Usine nouvelle magazine, there’s no doubt about it: “the race for PhDs is on!”
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Little Nicolas on a PhD

Fabrice Martin

What's so great with little Nicolas, it is that everyone recognizes oneself while reading his adventures; What about you?

APEC ?Studies, R&D? Guide

Catherine Bouget, translation by Cynthia Schoch

The APEC has just published the " Studies and R&D Management Careers Data Base.” 20 extremely complete fact sheets to find out all you need to know about a sector that is of particular interest to PhDs.
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Fertig, los !

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

With a PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Sheffield, one postdoc in Seville with a chemical fertilizer company and another with Roche Diagnostics in Penzberg... what next?
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E. Jardin & C. Schoch

In the “recruiter” space of this job website entirely given over to environmental careers and managed by a private concern, you find out that 4.3% of the some 10,565 résumés in the résumé bank have been filed by PhDs.
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National origin of PhDs and international mobility

Laudeline Auriol, OECD Administrator

At a time when the press is talking about brain drain, an OECD survey provides statistics on the international mobility of doctorate holders in seven countries.
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"PhD craze? in the private sector?

Catherine Bouget, translated by Cynthia Schoch

According to the first report issued by the Observatoire de l’emploi Scientifique, nearly 105,000 researchers were employed the private sector in France in 2004. That’s 20% more than in 2000.
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The UBIFRANCE network of clubs and associations

Fabrice Martin, translation by Cynthia Schoch

Are you a foreigner who is studying or who has studied in France? If so, you might want to join the UBIFRANCE network of clubs and associations sponsored by the French Agency for International Business Development.
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On a postdoc at the University of Oslo

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Chrystelle Auterives holds a PhD in earth sciences from the University of Rennes 1 with a specialism in hydrogeology. She’s been living in Norway since October 2006.
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Enterprise Ireland

Fabrice Martin

Enterprise Ireland is a state development agency focused on transforming Irish industry. Research and innovation are among its main areas of activity.
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At Volvo Aero

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

After a PhD in engineering sciences from the University of Limoges, Aurélien Tricoire had a few job offers in the center France region, but he opted for the North... of Europe.
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Docteurs&Co #14

Fabrice Martin

The quarterly magazine for new PhDs who choose the world of companies. March issue's top story is about "Job matching".
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French National Assembly, thesis award

Fabrice Martin

Each year, the French National Assembly gives a prize in order to help publishing PhD thesis dealing with French parliamentary history or law.
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PhD Studentships in Biology and Health in Lille

René-Luc Benichou

The Lille Graduate School of Biology and Health invites applications for 69 PhD studentships. Closing date: 24 August 2007.

A PhD in Brazil

Fabrice Martin

Since July 2005, after years of study and research in Italy, Brazil and Germany, Roberto Santoprete has been working as a researcher with L’Oréal.
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Postdoctoral Fellowships in Ireland

Fabrice Martin

Ireland offers 50 postdoctoral fellowships to young researchers from all nations. Deadline for application: 26 January, 2007.
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PhD and postdoc grants from the Ile-de-France regional government

Fabrice Martin, traduction Cynthia Schoch

Like very year, the Ile-de-France Regional Council has made its call for proposals and applications for PhD and postdoc grants. Respective deadlines: 15 and 30 May 2007.
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Quality control manager

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

After a PhD in geography, a postdoc in Prague, three short-term contracts with PSA Ceska, Carole Pommois is now a quality control manager.
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E. Jardin & C. Schoch

The French Ministry for Economy, Finance and Industry publishes a monthly journal entitled Industries. You can download the "Cahiers industries " section of it from the ministry's website. “So what?” you might ask.
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IFREMER PhD Fellowships

René-Luc Benichou

The French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea invites applications for 27 PhD research positions. Closing date: 23 May 2007.

Association of graduate students and young researcher of the Institut Curie

Fabrice Martin

The ADIC will hold its annual Young Researchers and Life Science Congress on 25, 26 and 27 April 2007 in Paris.
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From insurance to consulting

Evelyne Jardin

After doing her PhD in finance in the context of a CIFRE agreement signed between UAP/Axa and the University of Paris-Dauphine, Isabelle Pras was hired by Generali. What's she done since then?
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Fabrice Martin, translation Cynthia Schoch

The prime actor in university/corporate relations in the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Region.
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Mastering your PhD

Fabrice Martin

ScienceCareers.org PhD specialists' advice to make the most of a conference, deal with setbacks, set goals to yourself, give great presentations… A PhD is about all this and much more.

The world champions of R&D

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

In the global scoreboard of the top 10 companies that have spent the most on R&D in 2005, five are American, two are Asian, three European and none of them French.
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Sales careers

Fabrice Martin

PhDs are usually reluctant to enter a career in sales. The values that business holds dear, such as profitability, benefits... are seen as antithetical to the education received through research... Docteurs&Co has investigated.

Postdoc Initiative

René-Luc Bénichou

The Postdoc Initiative programme helps French postdoctoral researchers abroad to come back home. Closing date: 16 April 2007.
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Ministry of Agriculture's AERC Contracts

René-Luc Bénichou

Contract positions for teaching and research assistants are open at higher education institutions belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture. They give postgraduate students an opportunity to prepare a PhD thesis while teaching.
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A European postdoc and what?

E. Jardin &C. Schoch

Frédérique Donsanti holds a PhD in process chemistry. After working in Italy for two and a half years on a European research project, she returned to France to the research lab at the Ecole Supérieure de Chimie in Paris where she had done her doctorate. Back to square one?
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Houses of Humanities

Fabrice Martin

Houses of Humanities' portal gives access to all information available on each House's web site and to several databases and resources related to them.
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PhDs and companies: employers' syndicate's proposals

Fabrice Martin

French employers' syndicate (Medef) makes proposals to develop PhDs' employment and integration in companies.
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Brazil, Portugal, France

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Denise Queiroz-Ricard got her doctorate in polymer chemistry from the University of Campinas in Brazil. After a postdoc in Lisbon, she looked for a job in France.
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50,000 km per year

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Amélie Arboré, PhD in organic chemistry
Technical sales manager, Memolex
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E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Telecommunications group Vodafone has found an original way to support higher education and research to say the least, and in Germany.
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Fabrice Martin

A portal to 66 French competitiveness clusters. Their mission: to develop local synergies between industry, research and education in order to conquer international recognition.

Report on Research Transfer

Fabrice Martin

This controversial report questions the efficiency of the French system of research transfer and stresses that the employment of PhDs goes decreasing in the industry.
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Getting Better

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

Gilles Pariente, PhD in economics, Economist with EMI Music in London.
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Jobs in 2015

René-Luc Bénichou

According to a recent report, research is a promising job. Still, forecasters also predict uncertainties…
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Cap Digital

Fabrice Martin

As a competitiveness cluster accredited in 2005, Cap Digital's ambition is to make Greater Paris Region one of world’s foremost economic cluster in talents, products and services serving the digital content and knowledge creation industry.
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Promising sectors in the Greater Paris Region

Evelyne Jardin

The CROCIS (the Paris Region Observation Center for Trade, Industry and Services) has inventoried high potential business activities in the Greater Paris region.
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She's leaving home

Evelyne Jardin

Sarah Belair, Chemistry PhD, Researcher with Johnson Matthey.
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Prizes of the Mattei Dogan Foundation

Fabrice Martin

In 2007, the French association of political science will give three PhD awards and one prize of excellence with the financial support of the Mattei Dogan Foundation.
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French Association of Political Science

Fabrice Martin

Created in 1949, the French Association of Political Science aims at promoting French research in political science by encouraging exchanges between specialists of political issues.
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Political Science PhDs' Blog

Fabrice Martin

This blog's objective is to let PhD students and graduates in political science tell and share their experience as postgraduate research students.

Science and Technology Indicators

Fabrice Martin

The Observatory of Science and Technology has released the 2006 edition of its science and technology indicators.
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Back from a postdoc in London

E. Jardin & C. Schoch

After a postdoc at the Imperial College in London, Marion Pommet is now a graduate teaching fellow at the University of Evry Val d' Essonne.
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A question of supply and demand

Fabrice Martin

A paper in Nature magazine tries to reconcile those saying too many PhDs are trained and those complaining about the lack of opportunities for jobseekers.
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Industrial Research Centers: From the Fort Knox Model to the High-Tech Campus

F. Martin

One has torn down the fences and is called «high-tech campus,» the other organizes an innovation fair on its premises, all advocate collaboration and mobility... What is going on in the major industrial research centers?
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Scientific Award of the BMW Group 2007

Fabrice Martin

The BMW Group invites university graduates from any discipline and from all over the world to enter the competition for its Scientific award 2007. Its motto: "Passion for Innovation".
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PHELINET network

Fabrice Martin

This European Research and Training Network is proposing 11 PhD studentships, 8 postdoc grants and is looking for its own assistant coordinator.
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Good to know

Evelyne Jardin

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PhDs, welcome to the UK!

Fabrice Martin

British employers are generally eager to hire PhDs and French PhDs are very appreciated and considered to be well educated across the channel.

Interview with Emmanuelle Marchal

Evelyne Jardin

Emmanuelle Marchal is a junior research fellow at the CNRS-Cee and co-author of a book entitled Des marchés du travail équitables? Approche comparative France/Royaume-Uni (2001).
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R&D, Siemens in Beijing

Evelyne Jardin

After Bangalore and Shanghai, Siemens opens a new R&D centre in Beijing.
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New Novartis R&D centre in China

Fabrice Martin

Swiss pharmaceutical lab company Novartis announced its 8th R&D centre in Shanghaï, China.
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New ABG correspondents in Brazil

Fabrice Martin

New ABG correspondents in Brazil now welcome and advise Brazilian PhD students and French PhDs willing to go to Brazil.
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Scholarships in Germany

Fabrice Martin

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has put online a database of scholarships for students and young researchers willing to stay in Germany.
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Because He Was Worth It

E. Jardin

Since July 2005, Roberto Santoprete has been employed as researcher by L’Oréal after years of study and research in Italy, Brazil and Germany.
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A post-doc in Brazil

Fabrice Martin

After obtaining a doctorate in materials science in 2002, Maryll Giordana spent 15 months in Rio de Janeiro on a postdoctoral appointment.
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From Hungary to the Netherlands

Evelyne Jardin

After a whole university education in Hungary Peter Horvatovitch obtained a doctorate in the framework of a co-supervision at Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg. He is now a postdoc in the Netherlands.
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2004-2014 : Employment Forecast in the US

E. Jardin

Every two years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics at the U.S. Department of Labor prepares 10-year employment projections.
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E. Jardin

A swiss chemical and biotechnology corporation.
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High in Color

E. Jardin

After a CIFRE convention thesis in applied mathematics with Kodak, Valery Risson found a job with Hewlett Packard at their R&D department in Barcelona.
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Poland is very attractive for R&D

E. Jardin

Poland, first country for job creations in R&D.
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Research and Innovation in Germany 2006

Fabrice Martin

All the most recent indicators about R&D in Germany.
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Franco-German Forum

Fabrice Martin

The Franco-German University organises the 8th Franco-German Forum on October 18-19, 2006 in Strasbourg.
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European BioAlpine Convention

Fabrice Martin

The European BioAlpine Convention first edition, dedicated to “Neuroscience innovation: an academic industrial partnership”, will be held on October 6th, 2006 in Grenoble, France.
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Evelyne Jardin

The Akzo Nobel website.
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Paris Nord Mobility Centre

Fabrice Martin

Foreign researchers, welcome to Northern Paris!
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Working in Greece

Fabrice Martin

A practical guide for foreign researchers intending to work in Greece, by the Greek Era-More Mobility Centres Network.
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Guide To Postdoc Abroad

René-Luc Bénichou

The French Biologist Network publishes the first 'Guide To Postdoc Abroad In The Life Sciences' with the support of ABG.
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From PhD to employment in Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic

Fabrice Martin

Do you know the Hungarian National Association of PhD students, the address of the Czech employment agency or the main Polish job fairs?
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Postdoc on Globalization, Citizenship and Democracy

Fabrice Martin

The Chair of Globalization, Citizenship and Democracy (MCD) of the Quebec University inn Montreal proposes postdoctoral fellowships. Deadline for application: June 1, 2006.
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Fabrice Martin

On November 11, 2005, Siemens' VDO Automobile AG team received the German Prize of Future for a project of cleaner and more economical engine. Not so surprising when you know that 50,000 people work in its R&D centres in 30 countries around the world...
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CIUP's Reception Office of Foreign Researchers

Fabrice Martin

The 'Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris' helps foreign researchers prepare their stay in Paris region.
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The German CV

Fabrice Martin

The German CV is quite a file. It takes 3 pages to detail each heading and, in addition, it must go with your list of articles and with the copies of all your diplomas.
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Paris Pole Sud Mobility Centre

Fabrice Martin

Paris Pole Sud Mobility Centre supports the hosting of foreign researchers and their families in the South of Ile-de-France region.
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Mobility Centre Alsace

René-Luc Bénichou

The Mobility Centre Alsace improves services for foreign visiting scientists in the region.
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A PhD student in the Netherlands

Evelyne Jardin

How does a PhD go in the land of polders ? Thierry Marcel, a French student who is finishing his PhD at Wageningen University answered our questions.
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From a PhD in the Netherlands to a post doc in Portugal

Evelyne Jardin

July 14, 2005. Boris Bret graduates in physics at Twente university of Enschede in the Netherlands. Since octobre 2005, he’s now a postdoc at Minho university of Braga in Portugal.
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Fabrice Martin

The new job search website of Science Magazine and American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS). Don't miss it.
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Franco-Japanese Doctoral College

René-Luc Bénichou

Doing a PhD both in France and in Japan? Enrolment in the Franco-Japanese Doctoral College is open until 31st March 2006.
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Biotechs in Germany

Fabrice Martin

The office for science and technology of the French Embassy in Germany has released a report on biotechnologies German policy.
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